JAMS Developer Guide
JAMSException Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

MVPSI.JAMS Namespace : JAMSException Class

The following tables list the members exposed by JAMSException.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public PropertyGets or sets the Exception type  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public PropertyException Inner Message  
Public PropertyInner Stack  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public PropertyGets the ValidationLog associated with this exception.  
Public Methods
Public Method (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public MethodOverridden. Adds objects to the SerializationInfo store  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Exception)
Public MethodOverrides the ToString() method  
Protected Events
Protected Event (Inherited from System.Exception)
See Also


JAMSException Class
MVPSI.JAMS Namespace