JAMS Developer Guide
Job Class Methods

MVPSI.JAMS Namespace : Job Class

For a list of all members of this type, see Job members.

Public Methods
Public MethodStarts an edit of this object. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodCancels an edit of this object. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodUpdates the Job after its submit method has been changed. Properties and parameters of the old submit method are replaced by properties of the new submit method with any common values being retained.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Checks a Job against a JAMS Server.  
Public MethodClears the error message for a property. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodOverridden. Clear the modified flag of this Job and all of the attached lists.  
Public MethodClone this Job. Clone always assumes that the new object might be saved on a different JAMS Server so it doesn't copy internal things like IDs.  
Public MethodImplementation of IComparable CompareTo. Compares this instance to the one specified.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Delete the Job definition.  
Public MethodEnds an edit of this object. Any changes are saved. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodChecks for equality.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Test to determine if a given Job exists on the default server.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Returns a collection of jobs matching the given search string.  
Public MethodForces the job and all of the jobs's sub-objects to be marked as modified.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Gets a JobSecurity object that encapsulates the access control list (ACL) entries for the Job described by the current Job object.  
Public MethodGets All Documentation based on inherited folders and job definition.  
Public MethodReturns a hashcode.  
Public MethodInitializes all properties to their default values.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Load a Job definition from the specified JAMS Server.  
Public MethodMove the job to a different folder, removing it from the old location.  
Public MethodReads Job values from XML  
Public MethodResets the Job's Statistics  
Public MethodResets triggers on the job that match the passed name. If the name is null or empty, all of the job's triggers are reset.  
Public MethodSave the Job with a new name and/or server.  
Public MethodApplies access control list (ACL) entries described by a JobSecurity object to the Job described by the current Job object.  
Public MethodSets the error message for a property. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodMarks the object as modified. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodReturns the string equivalent of this Job.  
Public MethodUndo changes. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodOverloaded. Save updates to the JAMS Server  
Public MethodOverloaded. Overridden. Validate all properties.  
Public MethodReads Job values from XML  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAttempts to raise the PropertyChanged event (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Protected MethodAttempts to raise the PropertyChanging event (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Protected MethodSaveOriginal is called when an edit is about to begin. You override this method to save the original values. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
See Also


Job Class
MVPSI.JAMS Namespace