Name | Description | |
Browsable | Should this property be shown in a property editor? | |
CategoryName | Gets the Category name for this property. This is used for the CategoryName attribute. | |
CategorySortOrder | Gets the sort order for this property's category | |
CurrentValue | Gets or sets the current value for this property. There are three value properties: DefaultValue - This is a read-only property that returns the default value of the property. This value is defined by the folders above the current object. Value - This is a read-only property that returns the value for the property. This is a combination of the DefaultValue and the CurrentValue properties. How values are combined is defined in the PropertyDefinition. CurrentValue - This read-write property modifies the value of the property for this object. | |
DefaultValue | Gets the default value for this property. See the documentation on the CurrentValue property for an explination of the Value, DefaultValue and CurrentValue properties. | |
Description | Gets a description of this property. | |
DisplayName | Gets the display name for the property. This is often used in place of the PropertyName when displaying the value of the property. | |
Editor | Gets the name of the editor for this property. | |
InheritedFromId | Returns the ID of the object that we inherited from. | |
InheritedFromName | Returns the name of the object that we inherited from. | |
InheritedFromType | Returns type of object that we inherited from. | |
LoadedFrom | Gets the JAMS server where the property definition was loaded from. | |
MergeOption | Gets the MergeOption for this property. The MergeOption defines how values of the different levels of folders, jobs etc are merged together. | |
PropertyId | Gets the internal ID of the property | |
PropertyName | Gets the name of the property | |
PropertyType | Gets the Type for this property | |
PropertyValueDescriptor | Gets the property value descriptor. | |
ReadOnly | Can the property be modified in a property editor? | |
SortOrder | Gets the sort order for this property | |
ToolTip | Gets the text that can be used for a tooltip for this property. | |
TypeName | Get the name of the type for this property | |
TypeNameSSO | Gets the name of the type of the server-side obect that implements IPropertyValueSSO for this property. | |
Value | Gets the value for this property. See the documentation on the CurrentValue property for an explination of the Value, DefaultValue and CurrentValue properties. | |
WriteToEntry | When a job is submitted, should this property be included in the Entry? | |
WriteToHistory | When a job completes, should this property be included in the history? |