JAMS Developer Guide
Server Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

MVPSI.JAMS Namespace : Server Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Server.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets and sets encrypted authorization information.  
Public PropertyGets the connection status of this server. Returns true when a connection has been established.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets or sets the current JAMS Server.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Returns an array of the current JAMS servers.  
Public PropertyGets and sets the name of the node that this JAMS Server connects to.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the node name of this server. The default is the server name.  
Public PropertyAllows you to set the password used to access the server.  
Public PropertyGets and sets the TCP/IP port that is used to connect to this server.  
Public PropertyGets and sets the PromptAuthorization property. When set to true, the user is prompted for authorization information when connecting to the JAMS Server.  
Public PropertyGets the version of the remote JAMS Server assembly.  
Public PropertyWhen set to true, we will resolve the server name into an IP V4 address and use that to connect. When set to false, we use the server name and let WCF resolve it. The default is true.  
Public PropertyGets a GUID that uniquely identfies this server. This GUID changes every time a server instance is created.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the name of the appearance skin of the server.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the username used to access the server.  
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Checks the Server Status  
Public MethodClears a saved object  
Public MethodEstablishes a connection to the JAMS Server  
Public MethodDisconnects from a JAMS Server.  
Public MethodDisconnects from this server.  
Public MethodDetermines whether the specified Server refers to the same node as the current Server  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Finds a JAMS Server with the specified name.  
Public MethodReturns a collection of MonitorEntry objects.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Get the current JAMS Server.  
Public MethodGets the failover status of this server. The return value is a collection of comma seperated key/values.  
Public MethodReturns the SeverName hashcode  
Public MethodRetrieved an object that was saved with the SaveObject method.  
Public MethodCreates an interface to the desired object on this server.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Returns a JAMS Server object for the specified server.  
Public MethodTakes an object base name and returns a complete URL that can be used to connect to the specified object on this server.  
Public MethodChecks if the user has permission to see an entry  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Removes a JAMS Server from the list of known servers.  
Public MethodSaves an object that is associated with this server.  
Public MethodAsks this server to become active or not active.  
Public MethodStops listening for job events. The JAMS Server starts listening for job events the first time that the GetCurrentJobs method is called.  
Public MethodReturns a string representation of the Server.  
Public Events
Public EventEvent handler for when the current server changes  
Public EventThe JobEvent is raised when a job in the current schedule changes.  
Public EventEvent handler for when the list of known servers changes  
See Also


Server Class
MVPSI.JAMS Namespace