JAMS Developer Guide
MVPSI.JAMSExtension Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
InterfaceThe IEditJobProperties interace must be implemented when the job controls are stored in properties, instead of source. This allows the source edit tab to be updated from changes in the properties tab.
InterfaceThe IEditJobSource interface must be implemented by Controls that can edit a job's source code. These "editor" controls can be specified in an Execution Method and jobs that use that execution method will use the custom editor in the "Source" tab.
InterfaceIExecutingJob is the public interface to an executing job.
InterfaceThe IPrepareToSave interface can be implemented by controls that need to be notified when the save, save and close or close button have been clicked.
InterfaceThe IViewExecutingJob interface can be implemented for execution methods that want to customize the detailed display of an executing job.
InterfaceThe IViewJobHistory interface can be implemented for execution methods that want to customize the detailed display of a Job's History
See Also


JAMSShr Assembly