JAMS Developer Guide
Preferences Class Methods

Genghis Namespace : Preferences Class

For a list of all members of this type, see Preferences members.

Public Methods
Public MethodDisposes of any resources.  
Public MethodCopies current xml preferences to a new file name and returns a new Preferences object for the file.  
Public MethodCreate or opens a SubKey in the current key and returns it as a new Preferences.  
Public MethodDeletes a property from the store.  
Public MethodDelete the specified subkey and all values and subkeys below it.  
Public Method  
Public MethodFlushes changes out to the permanent store.  
Public MethodGets a value as a boolean  
Public MethodGets a value a a Double  
Public MethodReturns an IEnumerator to allow a subkey to be enumerated.  
Public MethodGets a value as a Guid  
Public MethodGets a value as an int  
Public MethodGets a value as an int64  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Constructs a memory backed Preferences root.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Gets a property  
Public MethodGets a value a a Single  
Public MethodGets a value as a string  
Public MethodOpens a new subnode to store settings under.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Constructs a per-user preferences object from a class.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Constructs a preferences object at the root of the per-user settings.  
Public MethodGets a SubKey in the current key and returns it as a new Preferences.  
Public MethodSets a property  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOverloaded. Deserializes to the userStore hashtable from an isolated storage stream.  
Protected Method  
Protected MethodCreate a new Preferences and sets the root dictionary to the one passed.  
Protected MethodSerializes the userStore hashtable to an stream.  
See Also


Preferences Class
Genghis Namespace