Connections to File Transfer Servers
The JAMS Connection Store lets you configure connection information for transferring files. This connection information is saved in one place and can be referenced in one or more Jobs. You can create Connections to FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP servers or an Amazon S3 Bucket.
These Connections can be referenced and applied in File Transfer Jobs or Sequence File Transfer tasks. See the Applying the File Transfer Connection section below.
Adding a Connection to an Amazon S3 Bucket
Before adding an S3 Connection, create a Credential in JAMS. The Credential should store the Access key ID as the Logon As username and the Secret Access key is the password.
- Click Connection Store from the Shortcuts menu.
- Click +.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the connection.
- In the Type of Connection field, select AmazonS3.
- Click Ok.
- Click the Properties tab.
- In the Credentials field, select the Credential that stores the Access key ID and Secret Access key.
- In the AWS S3 Bucket name field, enter the name of the S3 Bucket.
- In the AWS S3 Region field, enter the region for the S3 Bucket.
- In The Address field, enter the AWS address.
- Optional – In the Folder Name field, specify the Folder within the S3 Bucket that will be used.
- Set SSL and File Transfer sections as needed.
- Click Save and Close.
Applying an S3 Connection
You can use this Connection within the File Transfer Tasks in a Sequence Job. See Sequence Tasks for more information.
Adding a Connection to an FTP or FTPS Server
Before adding a Connection, ensure a Credential has been configured within JAMS that contains the information for connecting to the FTP Server. You will need the FTP username and password or the client certificate for FTPS.
By default, the SSL Mode for an FTP Connection is set to None. To use FTPS, set the SSL Mode property to a value other than None and configure the Port and File Transfer properties that are described below.
- Click Connection Store from the Shortcuts menu.
- Click +.
- In the Name field, enter the name, such as FTP Connection.
- In the Description field, enter a description.
- In the Type of Connection field, select FTP.
- Click Ok.
NOTE: You can also change the Type of Connection on the Properties tab. If you change it, the Property values are maintained if they exist in the new Connection Type.
- Click the Properties tab.
- In the Credentials field, select the FTP user from the drop-down.
- In the Address field, enter the IP address/host name of the FTP(S) Server.
- In the Port field, enter the port number for the FTP Server. Port 21 is the default. For FTPS, enter 21.
- For FTPS, complete the following:
- In the SSL Mode field, enter either Implicit or Explicit.
- In the SSL Versions field, enter the appropriate value(s).
- In the Secure Transfer field, ensure the box is checked.
- Click the Security tab.
- Review the permissions for this Connection.
NOTE: Ensure the Submit permission is selected for user accounts that will use this Connection.
- Click Save and Close.
Adding a Connection to an SCP Server
Before adding an SCP Connection, ensure a credential has been configured within JAMS that contains the information for connecting to the SCP Server. You will need the SCP username and password or an SCP username and private key.
- Click Connection Store from the Shortcuts menu.
- Click +.
- In the Name field, enter the name, such as SCP Connection.
- In the Description field, enter a description.
- In the Type of Connection field, select SCP.
- Click Ok.
NOTE: You can also change the Type of Connection on the Properties tab. If you change it, the Property values are maintained if they exist in the new Connection Type.
- Click the Properties tab.
- In the Credentials field, select the SCP user from the drop-down.
- In the Address field, enter the IP address/host name of the SCP Server.
- In the Port field, enter the port number for the SCP Server. Port 22 is the default.
- Click the Security tab.
- Review the permissions for this Connection.
NOTE: Ensure the Submit permission is selected for user accounts that will use this Connection.
- Click Save and Close
Adding a Connection to an SFTP Server
Before adding an STFP Connection, ensure a credential has been configured within JAMS that contains the information for connecting to the SFTP Server. You will need the SFTP username and password or an SFTP username and private key.
- Click Connection Store from the Shortcuts menu.
- Click +.
- In the Name field, enter the name, such as SFTP Connection.
- In the Description field, enter a description.
- In the Type of Connection field, select SFTP.
- Click Ok.
NOTE: You can also change the Type of Connection on the Properties tab. If you change it, the Property values are maintained if they exist in the new Connection Type.
- Click the Properties tab.
- In the Credentials field, select the SFTP user from the drop-down.
- In the Address field, enter the IP address/host name of the SFTP Server.
- In the Port field, enter the port number for the SFTP Server. Port 22 is the default.
- Click the Security tab.
- Review the permissions for this Connection.
NOTE: Ensure the Submit permission is selected for user accounts that will use this Connection.
- Click Save and Close.
Applying a File Transfer Connection
You can define the File Transfer Connection in the File Transfer Connection field. See File Transfer Features for more information.