JAMS Agent for OpenVMS

The JAMS Agent for OpenVMS is an optional component that provides background processes for executing JAMS Jobs under the direction of a JAMS Scheduler located on a different machine running Windows or OpenVMS.

Prerequisite Software

This version of the JAMS Agent for OpenVMS requires:

  • OpenVMS/VAX version 6.2 or higher
  • OpenVMS/AXP V6.2 or higher or . . .
  • OpenVMS/Itanium V8.2 or higher

Decompressing Zip Files

The JAMS Agent comes as a self-extracting zip archive when downloaded over the Internet. Once decompressed the file is named: JAMSAGENT???042x.EXE where "???" is "AXP," "IA," or "VAX" and "x" is replaced by the patch level of the kit.

These self-extracting zip archives are OpenVMS executable images and are unpacked by running them. The archives contain the following files:

  • JAMSAGENT???042.A
  • JAMSAGENT???042.B

License Registration

The JAMS Agent can be installed and run on any machine. All license restrictions occur on the machine running the JAMS Scheduler. The JAMS Agent does not require a LMF License PAK.

Installation Procedure Requirements

The installation takes 5–10 minutes depending on the type of media and your system configuration. Before installing JAMS, you must have the following privileges and resources:

  • SETPRV privileges or CMKRNL, WORLD, and SYSPRV privileges.
  • At least 1000 free blocks of disk space on the device to hold the JAMS executable files.
  • A minimum of 50 free global pages.
  • A minimum of 100 free global sections.

The installation procedure initially checks for the required resources before the installation. However, if any resources are deficient, the procedure will issue an error message and identify the resource(s) before terminating the installation.

To determine the number of free global pages on your system, type the following DCL command:


The number displayed equals the total number of free global pages. If this number is too small, you can increase the GBLPAGES system parameter by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and invoking the SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM command procedure.

For more information on adjusting SYSGEN parameters and using AUTOGEN, refer to the appropriate VMS documentation.

To determine the number of free global sections on your system, type the following DCL command:


The number displayed equals the total number of free global sections. If this number is too small, you can increase the GBLSECTIONS system parameter by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and invoking the SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM command procedure.

For more information on adjusting SYSGEN parameters and using AUTOGEN, please refer to the appropriate VMS documentation.


VMSINSTAL is a command procedure used to install software onto an OpenVMS operating system. In step 2 of the installation process, described below, you must invoke VMSINSTAL. The format of the VMSINSTAL command is as follows:

$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL upivvv ddnn:[dir] [OPTIONS N][Return]

upi: is the unique product identifier; in this case, JAMSAGENTAXP, JAMSAGENTIA, or JAMSAGENTVAX.

vvv: is the placeholder for the version number of the product. Refer to the label on the JAMS distribution media to determine the version you will be installing. For example, the complete product name for Alpha JAMS Agent Version 4.2 is: JAMSAGENTAXP042.

ddnn:[dir]: represents the device and directory location for the distribution kits. If installing from a CD-ROM, the distribution kits are located in the [JAMS042.KIT] directory. If JAMS was downloaded over the Internet, insert the device and directory where you unpacked the Zip archives. DKA400:[JAMSAGENT042.KIT] is the device and directory used in the example on the following page.

Options N

If this optional parameter is supplied, the installation procedure will ask to display or print the release notes before performing the actual installation.

When invoking VMSINSTAL, the installer will check to see if:

  • You are logged into the system manager's account. You should install layered software from the system manager's account on the default device with the directory set to SYS$UPDATE.
  • You have adequate quotas for installing layered products.
  • There are any user processes running on the system.

If VMSINSTAL detects any user processes running on the system, you will be asked if you want to proceed with the installation.

To continue, type YES and press Return. If you choose to stop the installation, press Return.

The JAMS Agent Installation Process on OpenVMS

To install the JAMS Agent on OpenVMS, follow the steps below.

To abort the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. The installation procedure cleans up any files it has created and returns you to the DCL prompt.

  1. Log in to a privileged account and set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE.
  2. Invoke VMSINSTAL
  4. Answer the standard VMSINSTAL questions. VMSINSTAL will ask if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk. Also, it may ask additional questions if you are not logged on as SYSTEM or it detects other unusual conditions.
  5. Provide a device name for the JAMS executables. You will be asked what disk device should be used for the JAMS executables.
    NOTE: You can install Alpha, Itanium, and VAX executables on the same device. JAMS will create different directories for each installation.
  6. Provide a device name for JAMS data. You will then be requested to select a disk device to use for the JAMS data files.
  7. NOTE: You can store the data files on the same disk as the executables. However, the JAMS data disk must be the same on all nodes in the VMScluster.
  8. Start JAMS when the installation is complete? To execute the JAMS startup procedure when the installation is complete, press Return; otherwise enter No and press Return.
  9. NOTE: To abort the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. The installation procedure cleans up any files it has created and returns to the DCL prompt.
  10. Purge Files? Do you want to purge the files replaced by this installation. To purge, press Return; otherwise, enter No and press Return.
  11. Run the IVP? Do you want to run the installation verification procedure (IVP) after the installation. To proceed, press the Return key; otherwise, enter No> and press Return.
  12. Read the informational messages. As the installation proceeds, scan the on-screen informational messages for potential problems. JAMS puts all files in its own directory tree with the exception of the following files:

Configuring and Managing the JAMS Agent for OpenVMS

After successfully installing the JAMS Agent, it is important that you perform the following tasks.

Insert JAMS_AGENT_STARTUP.COM into System Start-Up

You must execute the JAMS Agent startup procedure on every node that will be using the JAMS Agent. If you install the JAMS Agent on a node that also has the JAMS Agent already installed, execute the JAMS_AGENT_STARTUP.COM procedure before starting any batch queues.

To ensure that the JAMS Agent startup procedure is executed every time the system reboots, insert the following line into the system startup procedure: SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM

NOTE: Make sure to insert the above line after the disk containing the JAMS data files has been mounted and before initiating any batch queues.

The JAMS startup procedure can also be defined as a startup file using the VMS SYSMAN utility.

Initialize the JAMS Agent on all Nodes

The JAMS Agent is fully initialized on the node where the installation is performed. In order to initialize the JAMS Agent on other nodes in a VMScluster, issue the following command for every node where the JAMS Agent will execute:


Check TCP/IP port 77

The JAMS Agent listens on TCP/IP port 77. Make sure this port isn't blocked by a firewall. You can modify the port setting by defining a logical name, for example:


In this example, the command would tell the JAMS Agent to listen on port 7777. Make sure to restart the JAMS Agent after defining the logical name.

Managing the JAMS Agent

You can run JAMS_EXE:JAMS_AGENT_MANAGER.EXE to manage the JAMS Agent. The utility has commands for starting, stopping, and displaying the status of the JAMS Agent. You can get more information by running the utility and using the Help command at the JAMS_AGENT> prompt.

Error Conditions

If the installation procedure fails for any reason, a message is displayed and the installation will terminate. Try to determine what caused the installation to fail. If you can correct the problem, do so and then restart the installation.

If you cannot determine the cause of the problem or have any questions about JAMS, contact Technical Support.

NOTE: When configuring the OpenVMS Agent on the JAMS Scheduler, users must type OpenVMS into the Agent Platform field.