Working with Projected Schedules

The Projected Schedule displays a graphical view of pending JAMS Jobs. You can view all scheduled Jobs or filter a subset of Jobs over a specified time range. You can also use Projected Schedules to determine if Schedule Items, such as Schedule Triggers, are set up properly and will run on the correct dates.

Projected Schedule Screen

The Projected Schedule screen lets you view the Jobs that are scheduled or projected to run in the future. By default, the screen uses a calendar format to display each hour of the day. This is called the Timeline View. Use the left and right arrows to move around within the projected date range.

You can also change the format of the Projected Schedule screen using one of the available time options. See Modifying the Timeframe Display for more information.

Creating a Projected Schedule

The first time you open the Projected Scheduled menu option, a dialog is displayed that prompts you to create a filter.

After the results from this filter have been displayed, use the Query button to make any additional changes.

  1. Click Projected Schedule from the Shortcuts menu.
  2. On the JAMS Projected Schedule dialog, select one or more of the following to filter the results.
    1. In the Folder Name field, click ... to go to a Folder containing the Jobs.
    2. In the Job Name field, enter the name of the Job. You can also use * to select all Jobs.
    3. In the Time Range section, select a start and an end date. You can also set a start time and end time.
    4. Select the Use Current Schedule option to pull in the current schedule from the Monitor View.
    5. Select the Include Planned option to filter all scheduled Jobs, including those with the “Automatically Submit?” option unchecked.
    6. Select the Include Repeated option to include all Job repetitions (Recurrences) in the schedule.
  3. Click Ok.

Creating a New Filter for the Projected Schedule Results

  1. In the Projected Schedule screen, click the Query button from the Control Bar.
  2. On the JAMS Projected Schedule Query dialog, select the desired filter options.
    NOTE: Entering multiple values is not allowed, but you may use wildcards.
  3. When the query criteria are defined as desired, click Ok to rebuild the projected schedule based on the query.

Modifying the Timeframe Display

After generating a Projected Schedule, you can modify the results by selecting different views.

  1. Right-click a date on the Projected Schedule and select Change View To.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • Day View
    • Work Week View
    • Week View
    • Month View
    • Timeline View (default view)
      NOTE: If you select the Timeline view, the right-click menu has options to adjust the time scales you will see. If your Jobs have a short average run time, you may need to adjust the time scale to ensure they are visible on the Projected Schedule.
    • Agenda View
    • Year View
NOTE: To zoom in and out of the Timeline View, Day View, Work Week View, and Month View, hold down the Ctrl key while scrolling the mouse wheel.

Moving to a Specific Date on a Projected Schedule

The Projected Schedule screen lets you move to a specific date in the view. This can be useful if you selected a time display that shows many dates, or you want to get back to a date.

  1. To go to today’s date, right-click a date on the Projected Schedule and select Go to Today.
  2. To go to a specific date, right-click a date on the Projected Schedule and select Go to Date.
  3. In the Date field, click the drop-down arrow to open a calendar view and select a date.
  4. (Optional) In the Show In field, select the View format.
  5. Click OK.