Automatic Remedies panel

The Automatic Remedies panel lists all the Strategies and corresponding Remedies, if applied. You can modify or delete Automatic Remedies. A Strategy can have a default Automatic Remedy that will be used for any Item Result without a more specific Automatic Remedy. A greater-than symbol (">") appears to the left of the Strategy column when Item Result-specific Automatic Remedies exist for that Strategy.

An Automatic Remedy is a Remedy that will be applied immediately upon receipt of an Item Result with a status of Failed. Automatic Remedies will be applied to the Item Result across all runs of every Audit Definition.

Remedy represents a corrective action to be taken when applied to an Item Result with a status of Failed. Remedies fall into three basic classes of actions:

How to Get There

From the Auditing Menu panel, enter 4 for automatic remedies.

2=Default Remedy: Choose option 2 in the Opt column to select a default remedy for the selected strategy.

The Select Remedy panel allows you to select a Remedy. The Remedies displayed are all valid for the Strategy named at the top of the panel; however, some Remedies may not be applicable to a particular failed Audit Item Result. Should you select a Remedy that is not valid for one or more of the Audit Item Results you selected, those Audit Item Results will not be Remedied.

  • Opt: Make Selections with a 1.
  • Remedy: Shows a short description of the action the Remedy will take.

4=Remove Default Remedy: Choose option 4 in the Opt column to remove the default remedy for the selected strategy. A confirmation panel displays. Press ENTER to confirm the removal or F12 to cancel.

Choose option 4 in the Opt column to remove the default remedy for the selected strategy. A confirmation panel displays. Press ENTER to confirm the removal or F12 to cancel.

5=Set Item Specific Remedies: Choose option 5 in the Opt column to manage the Automatic Remedies for the Strategy.

Select Remedy

Strategy: A greater-than symbol (">”) appears to the left of the Strategy column when Item Result-specific Automatic Remedies exist for that Strategy.

Audit Strategy determines how a set of items will be audited, and against what criteria they will be audited. An Audit Definition may contain more than one Audit Strategy. Each Audit Strategy may or may not have settings to control its operation.

Automatic Remedies: The name of the default Automatic Remedy for the Strategy. A Strategy can have a default Automatic Remedy that will be used for any Item Result without a more specific Automatic Remedy. Remedy represents a corrective action to be taken when applied to an Item Result with a status of Failed. Remedies fall into three basic classes of actions:

  • Acknowledge: Effectively ignores the failure.
  • Perform an action on the Management System: The corrective action will affect the Management System. For example, importing settings for a new user profile from an endpoint system.
  • Perform an action on the endpoint: The corrective action will affect the endpoint. For example, creating a missing user profile.

Command Keys

F3=Exit: Exit the program.

F5=Refresh: Refreshes the panel with the most current data.