Report definitions maintenance
Let us first review some of the concepts around the Database Monitor and the challenges that it presents in generating formatted output or coma separated files.
The software has been designed to function irrespective of the database over which it has been implemented. Consequently, all of the reporting and file output has to be dynamically formatted based on the file which is being reported. To achieve this, Database Monitor has a completely soft coded report generation module.
The next few panels provide the ability to configure reports or file output by selecting a series of choices, and sequencing the fields which should be included in the report.
Below, you will find the Database Monitor report definition maintenance panel.
One record is displayed for each report that has been defined. There are two filter capabilities on the panel. The report filter can be used with a partial entry. For example, if the letters "AR" are entered, then reports with names starting with AR will appear in the list. The list can also be limited to those reports generated by a particular user, who is the owner of the report.
Field level entries - IDT107-01
Report Definition Maintenance
Field |
Description |
Valid Entries |
Needed? |
Report | The report filter can be used with a partial entry. For example, if the letters "AR" are entered, then reports with names starting with AR will appear in the list. | Anything | No |
Owner | The list can also be limited to those reports generated by a particular user, who is the owner of the report. | Anything | No |
Action entries - IDT107-01
Report Definition Maintenance
Field |
Short Description |
Description |
2 | Edit | Modify header level entries for the report. These are the variables that control the behavior of the report. |
3 | Copy | On occasions when a new report needs to be defined and is very similar to an existing report, option 3 can be used to copy the existing report. Then option 2 and option 11 can be used to modify the new report. |
4 | Delete | This option is used to delete an existing report |
5 | Display | Shows the definition of the report's controlling features. |
11 | Define fields | Once the controlling information about a report has been identified, it is necessary to associate fields from the file to be printed on the report or to be outputted to a downloadable file. |
Function keys- IDT107-01
Report Definition Maintenance
Function Key |
Short Description |
Description |
F3 | Exit | Returns the previous screen |
F5 | Refresh | Refreshes the screen by, again, retrieving the data from the database. |
F6 | Create | This function key is used to access the report definition creation screen. |
F12 | Back | Returns to the previous screen. |
The window below is displayed whenever a report definition record is added, changed or displayed.
Field level entries - IDT107- window
Report Definition
Field |
Description |
Valid Entries |
Needed? |
Report name | Specify a 10-character alphanumeric name for the new report definition. | Any set of characters up to a maximum of 10. | Yes |
Description | A description that identifies the report to the user | Any set of characters up to a maximum of 40. | Yes |
Owner | The system will determine the owner based on the user profile of the person creating the report. | System assigned | Yes |
Secure | It is the choice of the owner whether a report definition is secured or not. A report can be defined and secured by the owner, but it can be used by others to generate output. A secure report can also be copied to a new report which will then be owned by the new owner and can be modified. This feature can be utilized to generate standardized reports which are then run by operational personnel. | "Y', "N" | Yes |
File/Group | Throughout Database Monitor, the concept of file groups is supported. Please refer to that section for additional detail. Briefly, however, it means that more than one file can be included in the creation of a report.It is in this field that the user identifies whether this report is for a single file, or for a collection of files. | Either a valid file name or the name of a group of files. | Yes |
Library | The library in which the file being reported resides. Leave this value blank if a group is being used | Valid library name | Yes if a single file is being defined |
Output type | P=Print, F=File | P,F | Yes |
Output queue | A valid output queue | Must exist on the system | Yes if output is to be printed |
Library | The library in which the output queue has been defined | Must be valid for the output queue | Yes if being printed |
Output to file | If the output is to be sent to a file, enter the name of the file in this field. Database Monitor will not delete a file. If the file already exists you will need to delete it prior to running the report | Up to a ten character file name which should not already exist. | Yes if the output is to go to a file. |
File library | The name of the library in which the output files should be created. | A currently existing AS/400 library | Yes if the output is going to a file. |
Include signature information? | There is associated signature information for each change that is captured. If you would like to see this information on your report or in the output file make this value equal to Y | "Y", " ", "N" | No |
Save output? | This variable controls if the printout is saved on the AS/ 400 after it has been printed. | "Y", " ", "N" | No |
Number of copies | Number of copies of the report to be printed. | Will default to 1, but may be increased. | No |
Only AFTER image? | Each change captured by Database Monitor has a before image and an after image. If you wish to see only the after image of a change enter a Y. in this field. | "Y", " ", "N" | No |
Hold on output queue? | The system will determine the owner based on the user profile of the person creating the report. | System assigned | Yes |
Owner | If you wish to hold your output on the out queue then manually release it when you are ready, change this value to Y. | "Y", " ", "N" | No |
Report definition detail
Option 11 from the report definition panel brings the user to this maintenance program where they can define the fields that should be included in the report. All the available fields are displayed on the panel. The user can choose to include or exclude data elements from being printed. Additionally, each of the fields can be further modified to identify them to Database Monitor as date fields, or to define only a portion of the fields to be included in the report. The fields in white are those that have been included in the report. The excluded fields are displayed in red.
It is important to note, that the reporting module of Database Monitor allows more than one file to be merged into one report. This is achieved by generating a report for a group, as opposed to a single file. In this case, fields for the multiple files will be displayed in the screen below.
Field level entries - IDT108 - 01
Report Definition Detail Maintenance
Field |
Description |
Valid Entries |
Needed? |
Option | Enter the desired option to perform for the selected field. | "1", "3", "4" | Yes if further action is required |
Sequence | Change the sequence numbers as desired to position the fields horizontally in the report.Those fields that are not being included on the report will get a sequence of all nines and will be displayed in red. | Any valid number | Yes |
Field | The name of the field as defined on the database file being used for the report. Those fields that start with the * are Database Monitor specific fields which are captured at time of change. | Display only | No |
File | The file which is being used for the purpose of this report. | Display only | No |
Library | Library of the file being reported. | Display only | No |
Heading | Information about the field available for reporting on this document. | Display only, can be modified by using option 2 | No |
Action entries - IDT108-01
Report Definition Detail Maintenance
Action Number |
Short Description |
Description |
1 |
Included |
Initially, all fields that are available for reporting are included in the report. If fields have previously been excluded from a report, use option 1 to now include them. |
2 |
Edit |
This option allows for additional editing features for each field. See the next screen, below for greater detail. |
4 |
Exclude |
Use this option to identify the fields that should not be included in the report. |
Function keys- IDT108-01
Report Definition Detail Maintenance
Function Key |
Short Description |
Description |
F3 | Exit | Returns the previous screen. |
F5 | Refresh | Reload the screen with the latest information from the configuration database. |
F12 | Back | Returns to the previous screen. |
Field level entries - IDT108 - 01
Report Definition Detail - Fields Window
Field |
Description |
Valid Entries |
Needed? |
Heading | Text that will appear on the report header or in the output file. | Any heading that is appropriate for the field. It is recommended that a heading be of equivalent size to the width of the information in the field. | Yes |
Sequence | Sequence entered on the previous screen, which can also be changed within this window. | Any number | Yes |
Include | Should this field be included on the report? | "Y", "N" | Yes |
Date | Fields that are defined as date on this window, will be displayed in the appropriate date format. | "Y", "N" | Yes |
Subset | This feature allows the user to select only a portion of the field to be printed, or included in the output file. This is most useful with large fields where only a certain portion of the data is relevant. | Valid from and to sections of the field. | Yes |