Appendix E: Workflow acknowledgment by email

As part of its WorkFlow process Database Monitor creates signature entries which, when signed, capture a reason code and comment. WorkFlow can also be configured to call other programs, and based on the reason code, perform appropriate tasks. A combination of these two features allow for limitless automation of business processes.

For example, a client is currently changing the status of a LOT record to "Q" as soon as it is added to the system. This is done as part of a WorkFlow which calls a custom program. This can then create additional events in the workflow which include two separate QA reviews. If both QA reviews are signed with an approval code, the status of the LOT is automatically changed to "A" for active. If, however, either review results in a rejection, the lot status is changed to "H"

The function of signing for a WorkFlow step can either be performed from the AS/400 screen and requires access to the system; or it can be completed directly by clicking on a button in the email. The image below is a sample of approval by email.

HelpSystems has developed a proprietary socket server which runs on the AS/400 and handles responses delivered by email. There are simple configuration requirements which, once completed, will allow for WorkFlow acknowledgement by email.


Navigate to option 12 on the Database Monitor menu.

The following system parameters need to be added or updated to activate email signing.




Allow Web (email) signing

Similar to the ALLOWJRM setting, if signing from the notification email is not allowed, then this parameter should be set to N. If set to N, the two jobs, IDTSOCK, and IDT490 will not run in the background.


IP address of host AS/400

This setting should be set to the numeric IP address of the AS/400. This will be the address which the Web Interface Manager jobs (IDTSOCK and IDT490) will listen on for email signatures. The format should be, but with no leading zeros (e.g., not


Job queue to which IDTSOCK is submitted

Job queue to which the Database Monitor Sockets Manager (IDTSOCK) background processor is submitted. If this parameter is omitted, the 450JOBQ parameter value will be used when the DT Sockets Manager is submitted.


User Profile For IDTSOCK Job

User Profile For Background Job, IDTSOCK. If this parameter is omitted, the 450USER parameter value will be used when the DT Sockets Manager is submitted.


Job description for IDTSOCK to run under

This is the job description which will be used in the submission of the Database Monitor sockets manager job. The default is *USRPRF. If this parameter is omitted, the 450JOBD parameter value will be used.


Socket Port for IDTSOCK to listen on

Socket Port for Database Monitor WIM server job to listen on. A 5-character field is set aside for this purpose. This will be the port which IDTSOCK listens on for signatures via email.

The above configuration will activate the email signature process. This will result in two additional jobs being submitted to run in the background.

Once the system has been prepared for email signature processing, a decision is made at the individual WorkFlow level whether signature through email will be permitted.

As each user is defined for the WorkFlow step, the system configurator can turn, on or off, the ability to approve via email.

Security considerations


When the signature screen is accessed from the AS/400, a password is required. The current version of the email approval does not require the active entry of a password. The assumption is that access to the email was achieved after passing a security challenge. It is acknowledged that this is a lower level of security. Due consideration should be given to this prior to automating processes which may require a higher level of security. Encrypted password processing is being developed for future releases.

Opening ports

Opening a port on the AS/400 does not on its own give access to any functionality. The functionality is achieved by the program which "listens" on that port. The proprietary email processing program developed by HelpSystems simply associates the responses from an email to the unique open signature requirement; updating it as needed. There is no danger of other data being observed or updated. Development is in progress to allow for appropriate and secured inquiry via the web.