Appendix L: Option 12 parameters

From any Database Monitor menu screen, enter option 12 System Parameters and Settings, and press Enter to display the INN100-01 screen including the following System Parameters.

Below is a list of each of the system-wide parameters used by Database Monitor, along with an explanation of each. The parameters shipped with Database Monitor should not be removed, and very careful consideration should be given before changing the default values. Some of these settings may have a dramatic effect on the performance of the system.

Param Description


Time between refreshes (clears) of IDTAUD


Allow Journal Manager to run


Allow web-based email signing to run? This parameter, if set to Y, will Allow Signatures via email. If set to N, the jobs IDTSOCK and IDT490 will not be submitted and no email signing will be possible.


Allow Message Queue Reader to run


Allow System Journal Reader to run


Archive prefix (3 characters)


Attach Sig


Audit Journal Reader Wait Time


BioMetric Program to Call


Enter Company and Environment Name (Example – HELPSYSTEMS). This will show on all reports and Datathread screens. If installing on production, change the environment name.Enter Company and Environment Name


Continuous session timeout (minutes) This parameter specifies how long a continuous session may proceed before the user is asked to, again, identify both user id and password for contemporaneous signatures. In a tightly controlled continuous session, the password may sometimes be used on 2nd and subsequent signings, but only until this many minutes have elapsed between changes. Once this amount of time elapses, both user identifiers will be required (user id and password). Continuous session timeout (minutes)


Length between *CONTEMP updates (in minutes). Length of time between refreshes of *CONTEMP signatures.

CURUSER Allows for logging of the current user of the job. If the entry does not exist, the process will use the Job user. If the entry exists and is set to ‘Y’, tracking will be done by the current user of the job.
CSVDELMT Customize the delimiter for .csv export. It can be set to any character, tab or blank. Comma is the default setting.


Force Data Queues to auxiliary storage? Specify a Y here if you want the Database Monitor data queues to be forced to auxiliary storage (stored immediately to disk). This is a safer option if there is a major system crash, but will definitely harm performance. We recommend an N for this option unless company policy dictates otherwise.


Allow System Auditing of DT objects. Allow System Audit Journal entries to be created for Database Monitor objects. Turning this on may cause unexpected results and system slow-down.


Include Descriptions on DTRPT reports (Y or N)


Include Key Fields on DTRPT Reports (Y or N)


Include Track Always Fields on DTRPT Rpt (Y or N)


Maximum system emails per day. Set an upper limit on the number of emails Database Monitor will generate in a day. This number can be as high as 99,999, but should probably be set to a much lower value to prevent an inordinate number of emails from being generated via a batch file update that happens to trigger a workflow notification.


Maximum system emails per hour. Set an upper limit on the number of emails Database Monitor will generate in an hour. This number can be as high as 99,999.


Maximum emails to single user per day. Set an upper limit on the number of emails Database Monitor will send to a single user in a day. This number can be as high as 99,999.


Maximum emails to single user in an hour - Set an upper limit on the number of emails Database Monitor will send to a single user in a day. This number can be as high as 99,999.


Show Field Description by default in inq (Y or N). If Y, the Field Descriptions will be shown by default in the detail of a transaction instead of Field names.


IP address of host AS/400 - This setting should be set to the numeric IP address of the AS/400. This will be the address that the Web Interface Manager jobs (IDTSOCK and IDT490) will listen on for email signatures. The format should be, but with no leading zeros (e.g., not


Primary data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Data queue – configurable for Maximum entry size and Maximum number of entries.


Home path for email creation in IFS Email text is created in a unique file in the IFS. This path, which must begin and end with /, will be where these files are placed. The authority to this path should be set so that Database Monitor can create files in it and also so that the SMTP server programs can delete the files when sent.


Initially track all fields for record? (Default = N) Set this to Y if you want every field of a record to be tracked the first time the record is encountered by Database Monitor. If N or parm not found, only C or A will be tracked.


Memory to allocate for IDT470 jobs. This parameter is used to specify the size of the block of working memory allocated by the journal manager jobs. These jobs retrieve blocks of journal entries into this allocated work area. The default for this field is 128,000 bytes.


Quantity of journal entries to process in block. This number, which defaults to 64, tells the journal manager jobs how many journal entries to retrieve in each block of processing. This figure, along with that of JRMALLOC may be increased to improve performance, but keep in mind that making these values too large can negatively impact overall system performance. Obviously, the number specified here should ideally be roughly the value of JRMALLOC divided by the average audit entry size, so that an optimum number of entries is processed in each block. A file with a record length of x will have an audit entry size of roughly 2x+250.


Max number of files to request data for. Maximum number of files to request data for from a journal. There is a system limit of 300, but this value may be lowered.


Log IDTPRO activity. Log IDTPRO activity to IDTPLOG. Do not turn on unless directed to by HelpSystems Support.


Log Socket Detailed Activity? Setting this parameter to 'Y' will turn on the function of logging detailed sockets activity. An 'N' here will turn it off. 'Y' is recommended. In this way if any investigation of sockets activity must be done, a log can be produced for analysis.


Database Monitor e-mails are sent from the Internet address created in this setting. This may have any value, but will show up as the "from address" of the notification emails. A user may reply to a Database Monitor notification and, if so, the reply will go to the address in this parameter. This could be useful for indirect commentary review of Database Monitor notifications.


Maximum occurrences of IDT450 to run. This number represents the maximum number of IDT450 jobs to allow running at the same time. To balance the workload, Database Monitor supports the running of multiple background jobs. These jobs take the before and after images of database activity and logs records to the audit trail files. If very heavy activity is experienced with Database Monitor-tracked files, a single background job may get behind (though it should eventually catch up unless the activity is very large). To keep the background job(s) from getting behind, multiple version may be run.


Time between refreshes (clears) of IDTMSQ (default = 60). In minutes.


Message Queue Max Processing Time. In minutes.


Time between updates of Message Q Reader Time (in minutes) between refreshes of the message queue reader's internal list of message queues to read.


Memory to allocate to Message Q Reader Amount of Memory to allocate to Message Queue Reader, in bytes.


Program/File Exclusion Refresh Wait Time Amount of time (in minutes) between refreshes of the program/file exclusions in the triggers/journal readers.


Rebuild queues when they reach this age. This is the age, in days, of a data queues before it is deleted and recreated automatically by the system manager to reclaim its storage.


Sign multiple *CONTEMP Signatures Sign all *CONTEMP signatures created by one transaction (for instance, one SQL statement may create multiple *CONTEMPs, do we only ask for the sig once?)


Allow change user in contemp. signature? Allow user id to be changed in a pop-up, contemporaneous signature? If N, user signed on will be user id of sig window.


Allow F12 to be pressed on pop-up sig? Setting this to Y will allow the user to press F12 and cancel the signing on contemporaneous signature window.


Single Audit File? ( Y or N ). N - All SysAud entries will go through IDTAUD. Y - SysAud Entries will go through individual files for each audit type


Socket Port for IDTSOCK to listen on Default = 03074


Time period before checking for Job Excl (default = 001) This variable controls number of minutes between trigger program checks of jobs to exclude from monitoring.


Automatic fix of triggers by IDT460? (Default = Y) Set to Y to have IDT460 automatically fix triggers it finds a problem with.


Use Bio Metric Device to Validate Sigs (default = N) Use an external Biometric device


Length of time between system checks - Length of time between each of the system checks that IDT460 will wait, in minutes. This should not be set too low or system performance may be affected. IDT460 (Database Monitor Manager) runs in the background and manages system resources (data queue creations, checking on triggers that have been inadvertently removed from files, etc.). The job launches its check of the system every WAIT-460 minutes. If this value is set to, for instance, 1 minute, then IDT460 will run pretty much continuously, as the overall check time itself may take at least a minute to complete. A value more like 10 minutes is more reasonable.


Waiting period for data queues full timeout. The purpose of this parameter is to allow the user to specify how long the system will wait once all of the data queues have filled up before it tries sending back to the queues again, versus sending the audit entries to the overflow file. Normally, the data queues will not fill up, as they will be processed faster or nearly as fast as they are produced, but in instances where the background jobs have placed on hold, the queues may indeed fill up. If this happens, the system will notice that all of the queues are full and then go into a "file only" mode for the number of minutes specified here. If the queues were continually sent to, even though full, this could cause an overflow of the job log of the offending job. Typically, this parameter should be set to between 1 and 3 minutes.


Message queue reader timeout value (default = 10) Wait time for message queue reader. When all queues have been read, we will wait this number of seconds before beginning to process again.


Warn about file group omissions? Each time the inquiry program IDT300 is run, the system will remind the user that certain records not in users' file group will not be shown if this = Y.


XML Encoding Type (default = UTF-8) Specifies the XML encoding type. This may change depending on the local language.


Job description to use for submit (default = DATATHREAD/DATATHREAD) Job description to use when submitting jobs IDT450 and IDT460.


Job queue to which IDT450 is submitted (default = QUSRSYS/DTJOBQ) Job queue to which IDT450 background processor is submitted.


Minutes between resubmissions of IDT450 (default = 015) This value is used by IDT400.


User Profile For Background Job (default = DATATHREAD).