Using message queue monitoring

To activate system Message Queue processing in Database Monitor, the Administrator will set system value ALMQREAD (Allow Message Queue Reader) to 'Y'. This entry will cause program IDT476 to be activated each time the Database Monitor manager is run. When a message is sent to a monitored message queue, IDT476 will pick up that entry and write it to the IDTMSQ file.

Database Monitor, by virtue of monitoring IDTMSQ, will pick up the addition of the record. Database Monitor will then write the audit record to the Database Monitor Audit files and execute any workflows configured for that record type.

Configurable audit logic

The configuration for IDTMSQ will look like the following:

System administrators may choose to track certain events and not track others based on the entries within the severity, message type, User, Program, and/or Message description.

Workflow setup

An example of a workflow setup would be when a user profile is changed, we wish to send an email to the system administrator. Our workflow would be set up as follows:

First, we define our workflow:

Now that we have added our workflow, we must define the criteria to be used.

Now, we will define the action to take when the workflow fires:

At this point, we have set up a workflow that will monitor for any addition of a user to the system using program TEST1

  • Several people can be notified, all at once or in sequence
  • Appropriate personnel can respond to the iSeries directly from the email, using Database Monitor's innovative socket connectivity
  • Based on reason codes and responses to the notification, Database Monitor can execute appropriate programs to instantly create the profile, inactivate the profile, or any action deemed necessary