Workflow - Users

In this section we will discuss and demonstrate how users can be administered within Database Monitor. The following screen also is used to specify workflow programs that get called or user-defined data queues that Database Monitor can write to when a workflow is kicked off. That topic is explained in more detail in the section on CustomWorkflowProcessing.

Users in this context can be- a person, a department, or a communication device such as a cell phone. We will discuss each here briefly. Regardless of the form the user is taking for a workflow, it must be set up in user security- INN201. If the 'user' is a department it must also exist as a valid entry in Code Types through INN101.

The one exception to this rule is that if P is specified (call program or send to data queue), the user field is not required.

User as a Person - This 'user' represents an individual person. She must be properly set up through INN201. Refer to the section for User and Security Maintenance for detailed set up instructions. She must also be a properly authorized AS/400 userid.

User as a Department - When a department is specified in the Workflow, assuming the department has been properly created in Code Types and has been properly associated with userid's through User and Security Maintenance, Database Monitor can send notifications to the userid's assigned to the department.

User as a Device - As example of this type of user would be a pager or cell phone. For instance, if let us say someone in the sales organization has temporary responsibility, on weekends for instance, to be notified immediately when an order over a certain dollar amount is received. A Database Monitor user could be set up and the phone number and/or email address could be used by the system to call or send email to that device.

Adding a User

Navigation To

From any menu enter option 11 and press enter. From IDT500-01, put the number 20 in the Op field beside the file to which the workflow will belong, press enter. From IDT510-01, put the number 11 in the Op field beside the Workflow description for which you need to maintain users. This will bring you to IDT512-01. From here you can create a new user by pressing F6.

Field level entries – IDT512-01

Workflow - Users



Valid Entries


User/Department There are actually two fields for this entry, a single character- 'U' for user or 'D' for department. And a 10-character field for the proper user id or department name. Specify *CHANGER to send a notification to the person making the actual change. This can be useful as a level 2 entry, where a reviewer will look over the change, sign for it, and then a notification will be sent to the original user. U or D plus a valid userid or department name as set up in INN201 and in INN101 if it is a department. Alternatively, enter a P here is calling a program or sending to a data queue instead.


Level Specify the level of notification this user is at in the Workflow chain beginning with a '0' for the first user to be notified up to and including the number '9' Any number 0 - 9.Note: the first user in a chain must be either 0 or 1. If there are multiple levels, the first must be level 1, subsequent users may be any number 2 - 9. There may be multiple users to a level.


Notify? If notification is to be sent immediately to this user, enter Y, if notifications will be grouped and available through Database Monitor Reports, enter N. Y or N


Sign? If the user's signature is required for the workflow, enter 'Y' otherwise enter 'N'.Note: If Y is chosen the workflow process will be held in abeyance until the user has signed off on the change. Y or N


Allow signing from email message? Set this field to a Y if you want the person who is notified of this change to be allowed to sign for the change from the email received. If set to Y, the reason code and comment will be fields available in the HTML email and the uer may simply click on the Approve button to sign for the change. A browser window will be launched verifying the signing was done. Y or N No
Program Execution S = Submit program C = Call program D = Send to data queue S, C, D No
Program If the completion of the workflow step should be used to start a program, indicate the program name here. Valid program name up to 10 characters No
Library: The name of the Library that contains the program that will be called. Valid Library name up to 10 characters No (Yes if a program name is specified above)
JobD Job description to use if job being submitted Valid job description


Library Library of Job description Valid Job/Library must exist


Dataq Data Queue to send to if Program Execution = D Valid data queue name


Library Library for this data queue



Email Member An Email Member can be entered to customize the e-mail sent to this user when a change is processed that activates this workflow. An external e-mail address can be specified by placing an E in the User/Dept/Prog/Ext Usr field. This allows an external user to be notified when this workflow is activated. Please see the section on custom E-Mail Members for further help. Valid Email member from the ID HTM file.
