Server Function Report Menu (Modern)

How to Get There

From the Powertech Exit Point Manager for IBM i Main Menu, select option 4, Reports Menu. Then, choose option 3. Enter a report selection.

What it Does

The Server Function Report Menu provides options to extract audited transactions based primarily on server and function. If the transactions are printed, they will be sorted by server, function, and date/time.

NOTE: If you need more selection criteria than are presented here, use the Modern Reports Menu to run the Extract Audited Transactions (PNSLOGEXT) command directly.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.

F13 (DSPMSG): Displays messages for the current user.

F14 (WRKSBMJOB): Displays jobs submitted from the current job.

F15 (WRKSPLF): Displays the current user's printed output.