Work with Saved View Detail

How to Get There

On the Work with Saved Views screen, choose option 2 on a Saved View to maintain it.

What it Does

The Work with Saved View Detail panel allows you to maintain a Saved View.



Choose 2 to change (maintain) the Saved View.


Choose 3 to copy the Saved View.


Choose 4 to delete the Saved View.


Choose 5 to display the details of the Saved View.

Field Descriptions


System indicates the target of any operations you perform. When you add rules, for example, those rules will be sent to, and will affect processing on, the System named.


Enter a valid option from the list of options provided on the list panel.


The Saved View Name is the unique name given by the user when the view was created.


The Sequence is the number that the sequence will use in order.


The Ascending (A) or Descending (D) direction of the Sort Sequence.


Represents if the line item is a filter or sequence.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the panel and resets all available text fields.

F6 (Add Filter): Add a filter to the view.

F7 (Add Sequence): Create a sort sequence. This command key appears only if there is no sequence already associated with the saved view.