Change Alert (CHGCCALR)

The CHGCCALR command allows an authorized user to change the settings for a Security Alert entry. 

NOTE: Any maintenance to the Security Alerts is logged into an audit file.

The following users can use this command:

  • QSECOFR user profile (unless excluded in the Key Officer settings)
  • A user profile with *SECADM authority (unless excluded in the Key Officer settings)
  • A Key Officer that has a *YES specified for the “Maintain key policy and alerts” authority setting

Do the following steps to change an alert:

  1. Prompt (F4) the command CRYPTO/CHGCCALR.
  2. Type in the audit category and sequence number, and then press enter.
  3. The current Alert settings (parameter values) will be displayed.
  4. Press F1 on any parameter for complete online help text.
  5. Press Enter after the parameter values are entered.

See the field descriptions on the Add Alert (ADDCCALR) for more information on the parameters.