Export Client Certificate (EXPCLNTCRT)

The Export Client Certificate (EXPCLNTCRT) command allows authorized users to export a public client certificate from the Digital Certificate Manager into the IFS.

This command requires that the user have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.

How to Get There

From the External Key Manager Menu, choose option 7. Or, submit the command EXPCLNTCRT.


Certificate Store (CRTSTR)

Specify the Certificate store name that holds the certificate to export

The possible values are:

certificate-store Enter the full path of the certificate store that holds the certificate to export.
*SYSTEM The system certificate store will be used when exporting the certificate
Store password (PASSWORD)

Enter the password for the Certificate store where the certificate resides that will be exported.

Certificate label (CRTLBL)

Enter the label for the certificate you wish to export. CA Certificates, server and client certificates can be exported.


Enter the full path of the IFS file to hold the exported certificate.


The exported certificate file and its contents by default are in EBCDIC. When this option is set to *YES then the file and its contents will be converted to ASCII.

The possible values are:

*YES The certificate will be exported to a temporary file in the /tmp directory called CRRM098.crt. If the /tmp directory does not exist then it will be created. The file will be copied to the path name in the IFSFILE parameter and converted to ASCII.

*NO The certificate will be exported directly to the path name in the IFSFILE parameter. The file and its contents will be in EBCDIC format.