Work with IFS Encryption Keys (WRKIFSKEY)
The Work with IFS Encryption Keys (WRKIFSKEY) command allows authorized users to display the keys used for an entry in the IFS encryption registry.
This command will show the history of the keys used, as well as the current keys being used to encrypt and decrypt the files associated with the registry entry.
This command requires the user to have *USE authority to the CRVL003 Validation List (*VLDL) object which contains the IFS Encryption Registry.
How to Get There
From the IFS Keys Menu, choose option 1. Or, submit the command WRKIFSKEY.
IFS identifier (IFSID)
Indicate the unique name of the entry to display the keys used.
Function Keys
F3 (Exit):
Exits the WRKIFSKEY screen.
F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the list of keys for the IFS entry.
F11 (View2): Additionally shows the decryption key label and Key Store, as well as the user/timestamp recorded when the key was changed.