Monthly Release Notes - August 2016
Automate | Bytware | CCSS | Document Management (RJS) |
GoAnywhere | Halcyon | Insite | Intermapper |
PowerTech | Robot | Safestone | Sequel & Showcase |
Skybot |
AutoMate/AutoMate BPA Server
Version 10.5
New Features:
- API - AutoMate BPA Server now exposes a standards-based, fully documented RESTful API for object manipulation and execution with over 190 calls available.
- Reporting - BPA Server has an enhanced logging system, providing event-based reporting of object execution. Included is the much anticipated storage of step-level information about task execution.
- Interactivity (Press) - Fixed an issue that would automatically fail a ‘Press’ step during runtime if the Type property was unchecked.
- Excel (Set Cell) - Values with decimals are now writing to Excel correctly. Also, corrected an issue that inappropriately changes a cell’s format when a date/time value is written to it.
- Email (Get Messages) - Any value entered in the Port parameter is now properly saved.
- Terminal (Get Terminal Text) - Range column/row text format from v9 now matches v10 format. Also, range column/row text no longer adds a carriage return to captured text.
- Text (Format Date/Time) - The ‘Format Date Time’ activity is now capable of retrieving a single digit hour. Also, resolved an issue that would display MM (months) in place of mm (minutes) when a ‘Format Date/Time’ step was copied and pasted to a new line.
- Text (Get Text) - The ‘Get Text’ activity is now capable of retrieving only the last character of the text specified.
- Open Document Spreadsheet (Get Cells) - Fixed a bug that would generate a “Column "" already exists” error whenever a ‘Get Cells’ step retrieves blank cells.
- Task (Start Subtask) - An access violation error is no longer thrown when running 3 or more nested subtasks. START SUBTASK: Sub Task Execution - task stops and reports success
- File System (CSV to Dataset) - ANSI encoding is now reliable when writing CSV values to a dataset.
- FTP (Synchronize Folders) - Resolved a bug that applied UTC time zone conversion only to the FTP server and not on the local machine.
- Run – Resolved an issue with regards to the ‘Run’ activity performing 15 times slower when the Wait until application is ready for input option is enabled.
- Variable (Set Variable) - Corrected an issue that caused the task interpreter to crash if the variable was set to an expression ending with a minus (-) sign.
Server Management Console:
- Agent Deployment - Agents can now be deployed from SMC using IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6).
- Users - Fixed a problem that would generate a “License Limit Reached” error when attempting to log in with a non-administrator user.
- Reports - Fixed an issue that generated conflicting time and date results from repository vs condition details. Also, corrected an issue with regards to specific reports erroneously displaying tasks in other folders.
- Task Exclusions - Corrected an issue with Task Exclusions not functioning in BPA for specific tasks.
- Sorting - Corrected a folder sorting issue that would arise when connecting to different agent environments from the same SMC.
- On Workflow Error - Corrected an issue that would indicate "workflow will be disabled" even if the Disable Workflow parameter is unchecked in the ‘On Workflow Error’ properties.
- Event Log - Fixed a problem which caused the Event Log trigger to fire on everything when it contained no description filter.
- Schedule - The last workday of the month trigger exclusion is now acknowledged. Also, fixed an issue that caused the modified date to change every time a workflow kicks off.
Shared Variables:
- Fixed a problem with shared variables being erased within sub-workflows. The sub-workflow now recognizes any shared variable being passed to it.
- Fixed a problem with copied shared variables that included a quoted substring in the description truncates description on paste.
- Fixed an issue that would remove the steps of an imported task and cause AMTB to reveal an empty/unbuilt task when it is being edited.
- Fixed an issue that failed to copy steps containing a large number of hyphens when importing steps into AMTB.
- Fixed an issue that caused an AM10 task to omit steps when being imported back into AM10.
Automate BPA Ops Console
Version 1.0
This new web-based interface allows you to:
Conveniently monitor, control, and manage your Automate BPA Server resources anywhere, at any time, via a web browser.
Track historical data regarding previous executions of workflows, tasks or processes.
Examine the hardware performance of your BPA Server environment.
View important statistics, such as total number of active instances, queued workflows and connected agents.
Sort and filter agent list, view agent metrics and monitor agent activity.
Create and view dashboards that give you deeper insight into operations in your automation environment.
Manually run workflows, tasks or processes at your convenience.
Document Management (RJS)
iForms Server
- Added compatibility for iForms Designer scripting to allow conversion of values to camel-case format
- Fixed an issue with assembling PDFs containing certain newer or invalid character sets
GoAnywhere MFT
Version 5.3.5
- Added a configurable option in the Two-Factor RADIUS (RSA SecurID) settings that allows GoAnywhere to submit an initial ‘dummy’ request to the RADIUS server to retrieve the challenge response prior to prompting the user.
- Clarified the error message displayed to Web Users when a file upload has exceeded the disk quota limit for a folder.
- Updated the Global Log search results to have proper log messages for Secure Form events.
- Fixed an issue with WebDAV directory listing when the server provides the file and folder names in the URL instead of the Content Disposition header.
- Fixed an issue where file resolution wasn’t working properly within a called sub-project when the parent project was executed from a Secure Form.
- Fixed an issue with deleting a Web User account when the user is configured with a disk quota limit on their home directory.
- Fixed an issue with pagination on the GoDrive search page.
- Fixed an issue with Web Client uploads where upload progress could hang in the event that the disk quota limit was exceeded.
Version 5.3.4
- Enhanced the edit pages for Schedules, Monitors, Triggers, and Secure Forms to no longer redisplay user defined passwords.
- Enhanced the Secure Form file uploads to allow multiple files at once.
- Enhanced the registration email validation to allow newer email address standards.
- Increased the number of background threads allocated to background jobs such as the Scheduler runtime and Audit Log purge processes.
- Added the ability to configure various SAML service provider options, including the Requested Authentication Context, the Requested Authentication Context Comparison, and whether or not to Force Authentication.
- Fixed an issue where the passwords were missing from Monitors when promoted from one system to another.
- Fixed an issue where the Update Shapshot prompt could not be closed after updating a Monitor.
- Fixed an issue with the Job File Audit log where the Resource Name was not properly logged in situations where the Resource connection was shared between multiple tasks.
- Fixed an issue with Web User Templates where the AS2 Upload Directory setting was not properly saved when running on an Oracle database.
- Fixed an issue with the LDAP sync process that could occur when Enforce Group Membership is not set and a Web User becomes disabled.
- Fixed an issue where the Job Name specified could become lost if the Job is in a repeating state and GoAnywhere is restarted.
GoDrive for iOS
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed an issue where selecting 'Upload Files' from the menu options on iPad could cause the app to crash.
All IBM Level 1 to 4 Product Suites
Version 6.0
- Halcyon Auto-Upgrade Configuration (HALINST/CONFIG) now includes the ability to define whether the Halcyon Monitors for the required Environment are restarted when the upgrade is complete.
- Halcyon now checks if IBM PTF SI60339 has been applied on V7R3. Access to the Auto-Upgrade Panel is refused if not.
- A fix has been applied to prevent Message Communicator failing when attempting to receive a large inbound email.
- A fix has been applied to prevent the TCPIP *RMT rules from triggering in situations where the monitor has been running for an extended period of time.
HelpSystems Insite
Version 1.7
The preferences specific to Robot Network and Robot Schedule have been moved so they’re now accessed under those product menus.
A general preference was added that allows you to specify which products you want visible in the left-hand navigation menu. To set this, go to the Products section under Server Settings > User Settings > Preferences.
Authentication (Server Settings > Admin Settings > Authentication) has been enhanced so that you can set LDAP authentication to use an SSL connection.
The loading of dashboards widgets that display lists has been improved.
Powertech Network Security for Insite
Version 1.1
- No changes.
- Release concurrent with Network Security version 7.05.
Robot Network for Insite
Version 1.07
The preferences specific to Robot Network have been moved so they’re now under the Robot Network menu (Robot Network > Preferences) instead of being under Server Settings (Server Settings > User Settings > Preferences).
Robot Schedule for Insite
Version 1.6
The preferences specific to Robot Network and Robot Schedule have been moved so they’re now accessed under those product menus.
A general preference was added that allows you to specify which products you want visible in the left-hand navigation menu. To set this, go to the Products section under Server Settings > User Settings > Preferences.
Authentication (Server Settings > Admin Settings > Authentication) has been enhanced so that you can set LDAP authentication to use an SSL connection.
The loading of dashboards widgets that display lists has been improved.
Automate BPA Server Ops Console
Version 1.0
This new web-based interface allows you to:
Conveniently monitor, control, and manage your Automate BPA Server resources anywhere, at any time, via a web browser.
Track historical data regarding previous executions of workflows, tasks or processes.
Examine the hardware performance of your BPA Server environment.
View important statistics, such as total number of active instances, queued workflows and connected agents.
Sort and filter agent list, view agent metrics and monitor agent activity.
Create and view dashboards that give you deeper insight into operations in your automation environment.
Manually run workflows, tasks or processes at your convenience.
Version 6.0.4
- [BUG FIX] Map status icons now show correct status of devices and links on sub-maps.
- [BUG FIX] Issue with special characters in map names has been fixed.
- [BUG FIX] Problem with tearing off multiple interface status windows been fixed.
- [BUG FIX] Problem with missing custom icon files has been fixed.
- [BUG FIX] Information is now displayed correctly when you hover the mouse over the pie chart in the Top VLANs tab of the flows window.
- [BUG FIX] Certain URLs that were not working when set as targets for double-click are now working properly.
- [BUG FIX] Data file export of selected devices now works properly.
- [BUG FIX] Right-clicking an interface in a sorted view of the Interface Notifier window now selects the correct interface.
- [BUG FIX] alerting emails now show overall bandwidth usage correctly.
- [BUG FIX] Ubuntu 16.04 is now supported.
- [BUG FIX] Checking the Display Unnumbered Interfaces check box in the Interfaces window now works as expected.
Data Thread
Version 3.10
- Data Thread is now delivered with new deployment functionality, including the ability to stage the product installation.
- Issues with IDTINDXQ overflowing have been resolved.
- Date range handling and general performance issues in Transaction Inquiry have been fixed.
- A license code issue has been resolved.
- A problem causing the User Journal Monitor job to stop processing and loop has been resolved.
- Failed updates from version 3.2 have been resolved.
Version 3.07
- Interact is now delivered with new deployment functionality, including the ability to stage the product installation.
Network Security
Version 7.05
- Network Security is now delivered with new deployment functionality, including the ability to stage the product installation.
- The job queue library on the PTNSGMSTR job description now appropriately lists PTNSLIB07 when PTNSLIB07 is the product library.
- Long Distributed Program Calls no longer cause the error RNX0100, causing exit program PTNSLIB/LNSR108P to end abnormally.
- Network Security 7 now always installs into library PTNSLIB07.
- Inability to change the 'Rules Enforced' flag (as of Network Security 7.04) has been resolved.
Policy Minder
Version 3.0
New Features
- Windows User Account Support. Policy Minder now supports local Windows user account policies. Define policy definitions (such as Days Inactive, Group Member, etc.), check remote systems for compliance, and fix compliance failures using Policy Minder's FixIt feature.
- OS Identifier Icons. Easily identify the operating systems of managed servers using a convenient icon for each server.
- Filter by OS Type or Family. The list of servers on the Manage Servers page can now be filtered to show all servers of a sepcific operating system, or all Linux operating systems.
Power Admin
Version 2.05
- Power Admin is now delivered with new deployment functionality, including the ability to stage the product installation.
Robot Network for Insite
Version 1.07
The preferences specific to Robot Network have been moved so they’re now under the Robot Network menu (Robot Network > Preferences) instead of being under Server Settings (Server Settings > User Settings > Preferences).
Robot Schedule for Insite
Version 1.6
The preferences specific to Robot Network and Robot Schedule have been moved so they’re now accessed under those product menus.
A general preference was added that allows you to specify which products you want visible in the left-hand navigation menu. To set this, go to the Products section under Server Settings > User Settings > Preferences.
Authentication (Server Settings > Admin Settings > Authentication) has been enhanced so that you can set LDAP authentication to use an SSL connection.
The loading of dashboards widgets that display lists has been improved.
Robot Alert
Version 5.68
We reintroduced Alert ID information to the subject line of 1-way emails
The message history purge program now deletes orphan records in RBAAT, RBAMA, and RBAMS
Robot Console
Version 6.07
We fixed RBCDLTHST so that it no longer hangs when deleting inquiry messages for inactive jobs
Message queue monitor jobs now use a secondary language library if one is specified on subsystem RBTSLEEPER
We added new journal entry types and message IDs to the security audit logs for IBM 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3
We modified resource monitoring message IDs to eliminate duplicate message variable &8
Replies to response required messages in the network status center are now answered in Robot Console and Robot Network
The value of the RBCMSGTOQD data area is retained when converting from Console 5 to 6
We’re now shipping a few sample programs for User Defined Resources with Console 6.07
The validity checking process in the Console OPAL GUI has been improved
Robot Network
Version 11.27
During new installs or conversions, the RBTNETPT profile sets the Public authority to *EXCLUDE.
The performance metrics for Robot Network have been improved.
Robot Save
Version 12.22
Robot Save now calculates a user’s available storage
The process of restoring a job to another library has been improved
Robot Schedule
Version 12.09
French-Canadian support in the Robot Schedule GUI has been improved
Robot Schedule Enterprise
Version 1.38
We enhanced environmental variables. They are now retrieved in the order they’re entered
Robot Space
Version 3.38
Minor cosmetic changes were made to the Robot Space GUI.
Version 1.97
When creating RBTUSER and RBTADMIN, PWDEXPITV is set to *SYSVAL instead of *NOMAX
Updated RSLPM file to include GUIAPP for Robot Network host and node