Automate and Automate Desktop

Release notes are also available for Automate Ops Console for Insite.

  • A Fortra Support Analyst will notify you within two weeks of a release if your bug was fixed.

  • Automate was formerly called Automate Plus/Ultimate, Automate Enterprise, and also AutoMate BPA Server.

  • Automate Desktop was formerly called Automate.
  • Automate Ops Console was formerly called AutoMate BPA Ops Console.

June 2024

Version 24.2.0

June 25, 2024

  • Before installing Automate 24.2.0 or Automate Desktop 24.2.0, confirm your version of Windows is compatible with .NET Framework 4.8. See .NET Framework System Requirements for more information.
  • As of version 11.7.1, Automate is only available as a 64-bit installer. However, Agents can still be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.

New Features
  • Agent Notifications

    • Automate only.

    • Adds the ability to send email notifications when an agent connects to or disconnects from the Automate server.

  • Dynamics 365 Action

    • Automate and Automate Desktop.

    • Adds the ability to automate a variety of common Dynamics 365 operations, such as managing contacts, retrieving records, tracking specific information, and uploading and downloading attachments.

  • EvaluateExpression(Expression) Extended Function

    • Automate and Automate Desktop.

    • Adds the ability to evaluate an Automate variable that contains an expression originating from a secondary source (for example, a database, Excel, JSON, etc.).

  • Web Browser Action Enhancement

    • Automate and Automate Desktop.

    • Added the “Use deep search” parameter to the Web Browser (Click), (Extract table), and (Get value) activities, which provides the ability to search for and allow the selection of HTML elements under shadow roots on websites with a shadow DOM structure.

  • To support backwards compatibility with legacy versions of AML, functions calls can now be used without parentheses in expressions.

    NOTE: To ensure the performance and accuracy of Automate or Automate Desktop, it is recommended to use parentheses in your expressions.
  • The Help > Release Notes menu item in Automate and Automate Desktop now points to the Fortra Release Notes site.

  • The Automate RESTful API now supports the use of special characters in variable values. To use special characters, append '/v2' to the existing API endpoint and send variable values from the request body as a JSON payload.

  • Updated the Automate User Guide to include a new RESTful API section that provides the requirements for using Basic and Bearer authentication with the Automate RESTful API.

  • The description for the Automate RESTful API online documentation has been simplified and now also links to the RESTful API section of the Automate User Guide.

  • The Active Directory (Create user) activity now correctly displays special characters.

  • The Compression (Decompress) activity now correctly decompresses large zip files.

  • Custom Actions now run correctly in subtasks.

  • The File System (Copy) activity's help page has been updated to clarify that the Destination parameter can copy/rename files, but it does not support renaming folders.

  • The FTP (Logon) activity no longer fails when the Proxy Type parameter is set to Default.

  • The HTTP (Post) activity no longer stops responding when the Expression Builder button is selected for the Request header - Value parameter.

  • The OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Open/Create workbook) activity no longer displays the “Index out of range” error message when attempting to open an Excel file.

  • The SharePoint (Copy file) and (Move file) activities no longer display the "Provide value on 'System.Windows.StaticResourceExtension' threw an exception. Line number '330' and line position '39'." error message if the folder button is used to change the folder location.

  • The Terminal (Send keystrokes) activity now correctly sends special characters to a terminal window.

  • The Text (URL encode/decode) activity now supports the percent (%) character.

  • The Web Browser action no longer keeps temporary files when using the Chrome browser or the Edge browser.

  • The Web Browser action no longer randomly closes a previously opened browser window while a task is running.

  • The Web Browser (Get value) activity no longer displays the "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object." error message when attempting to get the value of an attribute not found on a specified element and now returns the correct value.

  • The Automate RESTful API no longer returns an "Info: Bad Parameters" error message when using the comma (,) character in variable values for Workflow run and Task run requests.

  • Setting exclusions for a Schedule Event in the Workflow Designer no longer displays the “System InvalidOperationException: The service provider has not been configured yet.” error message.

  • Workflow Priority now correctly prioritizes and allows workflows to run if other versions are running and the threshold is set correctly. Previously, these values were out of bounds and not in sync with what the UI displayed.

  • The Automate Desktop Task Service (AMTS.exe) no longer experiences a memory access violation on busy or slower systems when completed tasks that have yet to be processed are removed from memory after 10 minutes.

March 2024

Version 24.1.0

March 13, 2024

New Features
  • Custom Action Enhancements


    For Custom Actions developed for Automate 23.1.0, you must do the following after upgrading to Automate 24.1.0:

    1. Copy Custom Actions located in \Automate 2023\CustomActions and \Automate 2023 Agent\CustomActions to \Automate 2024\CustomActions and \Automate 2024 Agent\CustomActions.
    2. Rebuild each of your Custom Actions in Visual Studio.
    • Automate only.

    • Added support for masking the textbox and multiline textbox controls in the GUI and encrypting the corresponding Automation Markup Language (AML) in the Task Builder.

    • Added support for session-based custom activities.

    • In addition to its inclusion in the SDK, the Automate.Plugins.Custom.Contract.dll file is now installed in the \Automate 2024\CustomActions and \Automate 2024 Agent\CustomActions folders. This update removes the requirement to include the Automate.Plugins.Custom.Contract.dll file in each Custom Action folder while providing backward compatibility with older Custom Actions.

      NOTE: For more information on how to use these enhancements, download Custom Action SDK 1.1 and see its Release Notes.
  • ROI Tasks

    • Automate only.

    • Added new ROI tasks to the Repository section (Tasks > ROI). Once configured in the Task Builder, these tasks will pull information from the Automate datastore and populate Excel templates, allowing you to chart the information to see trends in ROI, execution time and outcomes, and object creation.

  • Removed support for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

  • The FTP action now supports SBB v20 KEX and Public Key algorithms.

  • The Session debug panel now supports the Function column, which displays all sessions for an entire task with their declared Function name.

  • Session-based activities can now access all relevant sessions across all task functions.

  • The Update Available message now references the Fortra Support Portal when a new version of Automate or Automate Desktop is available.

  • Rebranded the Automate RESTful API online documentation and company logos from HelpSystems to Fortra.

  • The Active Directory action now correctly stores logon credentials.

  • The Active Directory action now correctly authenticates when the Authentication type is set to Default.

  • The Compression action has been updated to address the Zip Slip vulnerability.

  • The Compression (Decompress) activity now correctly extracts files when using the "Exclude mask" parameter.

  • The Display action no longer fails and displays the “Error Code 59999” error message.

  • The Email action now correctly saves digitally signed email attachments.

  • The Excel (Open/Create workbook) activity no longer creates a Book1.xlsx file when creating another workbook.

  • The Exchange (Get object) activity now correctly filters emails by domain name.

  • The File System (CSV to dataset) activity will now load and ignore any hidden NUL (0'\0') characters found in CSV files.

  • The File System (CSV to dataset) activity now correctly loads data that ends with quotation marks into a dataset.

  • The Text (Replace) activity now correctly uses regex positive lookbehind and positive lookahead assertions.

  • The Task (Stop) activity now correctly passes Reason values to the OnTaskEnd event.

  • The Text (Trim) activity no longer hangs while attempting to trim empty characters and will now leave the text unchanged.

  • The Web Browser action now correctly identifies all elements specified in the "Locate by name" parameter.

  • The Web Browser (Get value) activity now correctly returns an absolute path for HTML href attributes.

  • The Web Browser (Select list item(s)) activity now allows a previously selected list box item to be chosen again.

  • Column names in the Task Administrator and Server Management Console no longer stop displaying if the column order was changed while in the Details view before restarting either application.

  • Upgrading to the latest Automate or Automate Desktop version no longer removes stored SQL connection information on the Data Link Properties dialog.

  • Turning Global Triggering on or off is now correctly logged in detail in the Output Panel and the Audit Event Logs.

  • Permanent Automate Desktop license keys no longer display an expiration date.

  • Returning the value of row 0 of a dataset no longer causes an error.

  • Using a structured variable path as the index to a dataset or array now executes correctly.

  • Text variable comparisons no longer fail and display the "Type mismatch" error message.

  • Non-managed tasks containing a constant will now run correctly.

  • The Automate RESTful API online documentation has been updated to correctly describe filtering and how to use multiple filters with logical AND/OR operators.

  • Scheduled-based triggers now correctly populate AMTrigger variables.

  • Miscellaneous settings "Show its properties" and "Launch its editor" now correctly interact with objects found in the Server Management Console's Search and Filter box.

October 2023

Version 23.1.0

October 09, 2023

New Features
  • User Interface Enhancements

    • Automate Plus/Ultimate has been renamed to Automate.

    • Rebranded the Automate and Automate Desktop user interfaces and company logos from HelpSystems to Fortra.

    • The user interface for Automate has been updated to provide an improved user experience.

    • Automate Desktop now displays the Automate Desktop product name in the user interface.

    • The Dashboard feature has been removed from Automate.

  • Custom Actions

    • Automate only.

    • Allows you to create your own actions that look and function just like those created by Fortra. You can add your own action icon and controls such as text boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists to each action to provide the flexibility you need to execute your automated tasks.

  • Password Complexity Management

    • Automate only.

    • Allows you to set the password policy for Automate users by specifying the password length, required character types, password expiration, and password reuse.

  • Automate users can now opt in to using an SSL/TLS secured connection to their Active Directory/LDAP to validate credentials.

  • Automate users can now validate Active Directory/LDAP credentials across multiple domains.

  • Automate administrators can now manage RESTful API keys for each user.

  • The Automate RESTful API now supports Bearer authentication by way of API key tokens.

  • The Azure Storage action now supports the Credentials feature in Automate.

  • The Email action now supports the Credentials feature in Automate.

  • The Exchange action now supports the Credentials feature in Automate.

  • The Network action now supports the Credentials feature in Automate.

  • The Services action now supports the Credentials feature in Automate.

  • Automate users are now logged out of all active sessions when their password is changed by an administrator or another user. Changing your own password now logs you off all active sessions except your current session.

  • The Google Chrome driver update mechanism in Automate and Automate Desktop has been updated to support Chrome 115 or later.

  • Running workflows or tasks on the server no longer causes excessive garbage collection to occur.

  • The Web Browser action now properly supports IE Mode in the Microsoft Edge web browser.

  • The performance of the Web Browser (Extract table) activity has been improved and no longer runs slow during a task.

  • The Web Browser (Extract table) activity now correctly formats datasets that contain nested tables.

  • The Web Browser (Extract table) activity now correctly identifies frame IDs.

  • The Web Browser (Set value) activity no longer appends new text to old text.

  • The Web Browser (Get value) activity now correctly gets the text of a value instead of the value attribute.

  • The Web Browser (Click) activity now correctly interacts with upload resource buttons.

  • The Web Browser (Click) activity now correctly interacts with button elements by simulating a mouse action instead of a programmatic mouse click.

  • The SQL Connections window no longer improperly encrypts SQL connection strings or other sensitive information in the server or agent's properties when buttons in the window are double-clicked, or other interactions are performed.

  • SQL columns with identical names are now uniquely renamed when joined and stored in a dataset.

  • Constants no longer display a numeric value larger than 15 characters as a math equation.

  • The Variable (Create) activity no longer displays a numeric value larger than 15 characters as an engineering notation.

  • Task Builder now correctly executes the Run Selected Steps option if only multiple region headers are selected.

  • The JSON Objects action is now properly scoped to the entire task versus function in Task Builder.

  • The If action no longer fails when comparing a null database value against a dataset.

  • The If action now evaluates negative numbers correctly.

  • The If action now displays the correct error message when evaluating an incorrect expression.

  • The Visual Basic vbCrLf command no longer displays the "Variable or function "vbCrLf" does not exist.” error in Automate.

  • The Visual Basic vbLf command no longer displays the "Variable or function "vbLf" does not exist.” error in Automate.

  • The IsDefined function now returns the correct results when checking the properties of a dataset.

  • The help pages for the GetVar and GetVarCount Extended Functions have been removed from the Automate and Automate Desktop User Guides. These Extended Functions are no longer available in either product.

  • Automate Runtime no longer reports "Not licensed" for valid Automate Desktop license keys.

  • Reports against logs with dates recorded in Gregorian format will now display properly.

  • The Database (Stored procedure) activity now correctly executes by way of ODBC using DSN or similar drivers.

  • The File System (CSV to dataset) activity now correctly compares custom column names with system default column names.

  • The File System (CSV to dataset) activity now correctly parses columns containing two or more values with double quotes.

  • The File System trigger now properly populates AMTrigger variables.

  • The XML (Save) activity now correctly writes out to local custom task function variables.

  • The SharePoint (Download file(s)) activity now correctly displays the correct code for the "No files were downloaded." Error Cause.

  • The Compression (Compress) activity now correctly zips files that contain special characters in the file name.

April 2023

Version 22.1.1

April 14, 2023

  • Numeric-type variables are now handled and stored in decimals to provide higher precision.

  • The default Email Server Setting SMTP port number for Explicit TLS/SSL in Automate Plus/Ultimate has been changed from 25 to 587.

  • Installations of Automate Plus/Ultimate that were upgraded from version 11 to version 2022 will no longer write task execution results to the Automate Agent 11 Logs folder.

  • Large memory leaks no longer occur on an agent computer.

  • The SQL Connections window will no longer improperly encrypt SQL connection strings or other sensitive information in the server or agent's properties when buttons in the window are double-clicked, or other interactions are performed.

  • Writing a value to a dataset no longer always updates row 1 instead of the row specified.

  • All permutations of the strings True and False are now properly recognized.

  • A variable in a called function will no longer overwrite the value of an identically named variable in the calling function.

  • Tasks no longer only return dates in US format.

  • The Email Server Setting SMTP Port parameter in Automate Plus/Ultimate no longer reverts back to its default value after being changed.

December 2022

Version 22.1.0

December 22, 2022

NOTE: The version number for Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate has been reset and changed from 11 to 2022.
New Features
  • Agent Distribution Groups Enhancement

    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.

    • Added the option for round-robin agent distribution to skip over offline agents, moving through the list until an available agent is found.

  • SharePoint Action Enhancements

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • SharePoint activities can now pull over information from multi-choice Lookup, User, and Group columns to populate datasets.

    • Added Azure AD Delegated and Interactive authentication types to support multifactor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) with SharePoint Online-based connections.

    • Added SharePoint App Only and Azure AD App Only authentication types to support modern authentication with SharePoint Online.

    • Removed support for SharePoint 2007 and 2010 from the SharePoint action and SharePoint Browser.

    • Added the "Preserve internal column names" parameter to the SharePoint (Get files, Get Folders, and Get list item(s)) activities which provides the option to prevent SharePoint columns from being renamed in datasets.

    • SharePoint activities now correctly fail if user credentials are not valid.

    • The SharePoint (Get folders) activity no longer displays the "Error VirusStatus column already exists" error message during runtime for SharePoint 2019 and Online-based connections.

    • The SharePoint Condition no longer displays a "not supported" error when set to "Evaluate condition immediately."

    • The SharePoint Trigger now properly fires tasks and workflows.

      NOTE: The SharePoint trigger has been updated to use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The default TCP port is 9705. If you need to change this port number, please contact Fortra Support.
  • Variable Engine Enhancement

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • The Variable Engine has been optimized to improve overall system performance.

      IMPORTANT: The optimizations to the Variable Engine now require all expression functions to contain () (for example, %Now()%).
  • Welcome tab

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Added new Welcome tab to the Task Administrator in Automate Desktop and the Server Management Console in Automate Plus/Ultimate to provide quick access to important Automate community aspects — all in one place.

    • In the event the Task Administrator in Automate Desktop or the Server Management Console in Automate Plus/Ultimate become disconnected, the Welcome page will display a Connect button that allows the connection to be re-established.

  • Workflow Priorities

    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.

    • The Workflow Priorities feature allows you to manage whether workflows should run, based on the currently executing workflows on the server. Choose to:

      • Always run a workflow, regardless of the other workflows currently running (how workflows operate by default).

      • Set limits on the number of instances of a particular workflow running at once, including options to set a wait time, as well as how to respond if the wait time is exceeded.

      • Set limits on how many workflow instances are running at once, including options to set wait time, as well as how to respond if the wait time is exceeded.

    • Uses the same interface design as Task Priorities for a more familiar experience.

  • Added support for Windows Server 2022.

  • Added support for Exchange Online with Modern Authorization to the Email Server Settings.

  • Added support for Exchange Online with Modern Authorization to the Email Default Task Agent Properties.

  • Added support for Exchange Online with Modern Authorization to the Email Default Properties.

  • The Web Service (Execute) activity now supports the Credentials feature in Automate Plus/Ultimate.

  • The Terminal (Connect) activity now supports the Credentials feature in Automate Plus/Ultimate.

  • Getting, setting, or accessing a dataset row value that does not exist will now properly display an error message during runtime.

  • The Automate Recorder can now properly interact with web page items on new, non-US versions of the Chrome browser.

  • Pre-defined database connections no longer fail when run from the Task Builder.

  • Email Triggers now work correctly with EWS Online-based connections.

  • The Database (SQL query) activity no longer displays an error when querying multiple tables that have the same column name.

  • The Dataset (Clone) activity no longer edits the original dataset when the cloned dataset is edited.

  • The Database (SQL query) activity's help page has been updated to clarify that multiple statements are sent individually, not all at once.

  • The Web Browser (Open) activity now correctly loads a Chrome profile in a session if another browser session exists using a different or same profile.

  • Temporary files are now properly removed after a task closes the Microsoft Edge browser.

  • Microsoft Edge browser-related processes will now properly end for systems running Automate Desktop 32-bit on 64-bit versions of Windows.

  • The FTP (Advanced) activity no longer displays the "No such file" error message for an invalid folder while using the Get long list FTP command.

  • Task Priorities no longer reset when any other Task Property is saved.

  • Nested recursive calls work now properly work with the Loop action.

  • The Compression (Compress) activity no longer corrupts large files during the compression process.

  • The AutoMateTaskEvents11.txt file now properly logs data on Spanish and French versions of Windows.

    NOTE: This file has been renamed to AutoMateTaskEvents2022.txt in Automate Desktop 2022.

August 2022

Version 11.7.1

August 25, 2022

  • The Database (SQL query) activity now creates an empty dataset if no rows are returned as a result of the statement execution.

Version 11.7.0

August 5, 2022

New Features
  • FTP Action Enhancements
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Added the ability to adjust SFTP pipeline length, block transfers, and upload/download block size.

    • Added the ability to suppress additional operations for SFTP transfers.

  • JSON Object Action Enhancements

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Added new activities to expand support for JSON-related automation (Add field, Add to, Create, Delete field, Delete from, Get size, Get values, Set values, and To text).

    • Resolved numerous issues related to the JSON (Decode) activity.

  • OCR Action Enhancement

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Added support for the Turkish language for all OCR activities.

  • Web Browser Action Enhancements

    • Added support for Internet Explorer (IE) mode for the Microsoft Edge browser.

    • Added the ability to load extensions for Chromium-based browsers.

    • Added the ability to inject JavaScript into a web page by way of the Inject JavaScript activity.

    • The Web Browser action now keeps the current web driver if it cannot download an updated version.

  • Added support for Windows 11.

  • Task performance has been improved in Automate Enterprise.

  • Access to the Automate Enterprise communication definitions has been removed.

  • The Automate Enterprise Process Agent now supports Java 11.0 or later.

  • When the previous task in a workflow is run on an Agent Group, the next task's "Previous" agent now works as expected.

  • The Database (SQL query) and (Stored procedure) activities now provide the option to include milliseconds in query results for DateTime dataset values.

  • The File System (Move) activity's Source and Destination parameters now support over 260 characters.

  • The File System Trigger now restarts if file triggering is manually turned off, and then back on, or if a task is manually ended using the Running Task dialog box.

  • The OCR action no longer displays an error while using the Tesseract engine.

  • The Text (Replace) activity now honors regex expressions in the "Replace with" parameter.

  • The Web Browser (Open) activity now returns the web page's code while using view-source.

  • The Web Browser (Select list item(s)) and (Select menu item) activities no longer display an error if a variable is used in the session name.

  • The Web Browser action has been updated to improve performance with clicking on and extracting page elements.

  • The IF (Contains text) activity no longer fails and displays an error when the "\Q" escape sequence is used.

  • The HTTP action no longer fails to connect to LinkedIn while using OAuth 2.0 authentication.

  • The FTP (Logon) activity no longer displays an error while trying to connect to an FTP server using a private key file.

  • The FTP log file now includes a list of all uploaded files if the file path includes a wildcard.

  • The FTP action no longer fails to connect while using SFTP Auto or Custom ciphers.

  • The OnTaskFailure event now executes when the Task (Stop) activity contains numeric values.

  • The Task (Start subtask) activity now continues past an On Error step if the subtask fails.

  • The HTTP action's "Authentication type" parameter now displays all available types, based on the HTTP activity being used.

  • The PowerShell action no longer displays an error message if PowerShell 2.0 or later is installed.

  • The Input (Send keystrokes) activity’s help page has been updated to explain case sensitivity in more detail.

  • The Expression Builder is now accessible from the PDF (Set fields) activity's AcroForm parameter.

  • The RowsAffected dataset field is now populated when using SQL queries.

  • Workflows containing a web browser session will no longer close a web browser window unless the Web Browser (Close) activity is included in the task.

  • The PDF (Get attachment(s)) activity now retains the value entered in the “Destination” parameter when updating from Automate 10 to Automate Desktop 11.

December 2021

Version 11.6.10

December 2, 2021

Backwards Compatibility Change
IMPORTANT: In version 11.6.10, Variables containing numeric values with their Variable type set to “Auto” are now treated the same as the Variable type “Number” and no longer as Variable type “Text” (in versions 11.0 – 11.6.0, Variables containing numeric values with their Variable type set to “Auto” were treated the same as Variable type “Text”). This change realigns how the “Auto” Variable type functioned in Automate versions 10 and earlier. If this change causes compatibility issues with your existing Tasks, change the Variable type setting for any affected Variable from “Auto” to “Text.”

New Features
  • Credentials Connections
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.
    • The Credentials Connections feature allows you to create and share connections to third-party credential sources that tasks can access without exposing the associated values among all or specific users and/or groups.

  • Added the ability to change the default behavior of declaring a task "failed" if the Agent disconnects during processing to the Default Task Agent Properties Miscellaneous settings.
  • The Automate Recorder now correctly displays the green selection border for certain controls.
  • Backups and tasks imported from Automate version 9 to Automate version 11 using the Import Utility no longer fail during the import process.

  • Task Builder no longer crashes if any OCR activity is set to use Tesseract as its engine and Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) are not supported by the computer's processor.

  • Task items with a Timeout set greater than 10 hours or 1 day no longer display an error when the task runs.

  • The %ExtractFilePath()% expression no longer inserts a drive letter in the path.

  • Text entered on web pages using the Web Browser (Set value) activity is now properly recognized in Selenium-based web browsers.

  • The PDF (Get attachment) activity now correctly recognizes attached files.

  • The IncrementFileName() Function no longer inserts a blank space after text.

  • The Server Management Console's Calendar now displays future workflows and tasks, regardless of regional and language settings.

  • The File System (Get information) activity now correctly validates parameters when the OK button is clicked.

  • The XML (Read node) activity no longer displays "Use existing XML file" in Task Builder Visual mode when Resource is set to Session.

  • The PDF (Set field) activity no longer sets the wrong PDF values in the date and time fields.

  • The Web Browser (Click) activity now properly detects and clicks web page buttons.

  • The Web Browser action now properly highlights and selects multiple items on web pages.

August 2021

Version 11.6.0

August 23, 2021

New Features
  • Recorder Enhancements
    • Automate Desktop (updated license required) and Automate Plus/Ultimate
    • Step Recorder has been renamed to Recorder.
    • Added new welcome window with a summary of the Recorder and how to use its controls now appears after starting it.
    • Added new Web interaction to provide native support for web browser navigation, opening/closing web browsers, browser tab management, and web page interactions.
    • Added new Open Web Browser action to provide support for opening a web browser session.
    • Added new Run Application action to provide support for executing applications from within the Recorder.
    • Added support for dragging and dropping non-native Recorder steps (Comments, Loop action, etc.) into a Recording region in the Task Builder.
    • Added support for displaying non-native steps in the Recorder’s user interface.
    • Set value-based steps now display “Content is secured” if the “Disguise the value” parameter is enabled in the Task Builder.
    • Expression Builder now displays defined variables and datasets within the recording session in the Recorder.
    • Recorder now opens at the screen portion of where it was last closed.
    • Improvements to the user interface.
  • Terminal Action Enhancements
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added support for SSL/TLS to the Terminal (Connect) activity.
    • Added the ability to select the terminal window resolution for TN3270 and TN5250 emulations to the Terminal (Connect) activity.
    • Added the ability to attempt to automatically signoff from a terminal before disconnecting for TN3270 and TN5250 emulations to the Terminal (Connect) activity.
    • Added the ability to change font sizes for TN3270 and TN5250 emulations to the Terminal (Connect) activity.
  • Web Browser Action Enhancements
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added new Web Browser navigation activities (Back and Forward) to provide the ability to navigate one step forward or backward in a currently active web browser tab.
    • Added new Web Browser tab activities (Close tab, Duplicate tab, New tab, Tab details, and Switch tab) to provide the ability to manage tab-related actions.
    • Added new Web Browser (Refresh) activity to provide the ability to refresh the current web page.
    • Added new Web Browser item activities (Select list item and Select menu item) to provide the ability to select one or more items from web-based lists and menus.
    • Added new Web Browser (Check) activity to provide the ability to select or clear a web page check box.
    • Added the ability to easily select web page menu items from elements using the CTRL key for several Web Browser activities (Click, Extract table, Get value, and Set Value).
    • The Web Browser action’s activities have been reordered in Task Builder, based on category.
    • The default web browser for Web Browser activities has been changed from Internet Explorer to Chrome.
  • Automate Plus/Ultimate have been updated install and use SQL Server 2014 Express SP3.
    IMPORTANT: The Instance name for Automate Plus/Ultimate has been changed from AMEnterprise 11 to AME11 for 11.6.0.
  • Task Builder now allows the option to automatically save tasks with an associated file every two minutes.
  • Expression Builder now displays all standard dataset fields by default.
  • A hyperlink to the Automate Plus/Ultimate (Enterprise) REST API documentation (also available on the HelpSystems Community Portal) is now available on the API Security page in the Server Management Console.
  • The Image action now supports .tif and .jpeg file formats.
  • Added the ability to encode/decode a file using Base64 encoding by way of the new File System (Base64 encode/decode) activity.
  • Added the ability to extract the XML node’s children and corresponding values and store results into a dataset by way of the new XML (Extract node) activity.
  • The File System (Dataset to CSV) activity now properly adds whitespace delimiters for empty columns.
  • Importing a workflow no longer gives a user with correct permissions an "Access Denied" error.
  • All steps within a region now run if Run Selected is selected for the starting step.
  • When copying and pasting a collapsed region in the Task Builder, all steps within the region are now copied and pasted correctly.
  • Escaped Characters for Regular Expressions are now functioning as intended.
  • The PDF (Create) activity now properly creates HTML files in landscape mode.
  • Task names containing the "<" and/or ">" characters now run correctly in the Task Builder for Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
  • Task names containing a period (.) are no longer cut off after the period.
  • Tasks configured with "On Task Error" no longer hang and properly end during runtime.
  • Corrected the Process Security tooltip text in the Server Management Console to state those permissions are for "processes" instead of "conditions."
  • The Exchange (Create object, Get object(s), Modify object, Delete object(s), and Move object(s)) activities now correctly loads and saves the "Current folder" parameter setting.
  • The Text (Replace) activity now properly replaces text with the "Positive lookahead" Regular Expression.
  • The Terminal (Send text) activity no longer recognizes the F21 key command as F20.
  • The Terminal (Get text) activity no longer truncates output data.
  • The Terminal action now automatically attempts to disconnect once task execution (Success, Failure, Aborted, or Stopped) is complete.
  • The Web Browser (Click) activity now reports an error when an HTML element is not visible.
  • The Web Browser (Create session) activity's help page description has been updated to better clarify its intended use.

March 2021

Version 11.5.0

March 25, 2021

New Features
  • Step Recorder
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.
    • The Step Recorder is a powerful feature that simplifies the process of automating and recording user interface interactions and actions in Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Quickly and easily automate desktop interactions by way of an intuitive user interface.
    • Robust support for user interface control interactions within a window.
    • Send mouse commands to specific locations in a window or the desktop.
    • Enter keystrokes in a text box, or perform keystroke commands on a window (for example, CTRL+ALT+DEL).
    • Pause a recording for a specified amount of time or until a specified window is in focus.
  • OCR Action Enhancements

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added support for the Tesseract engine to improve accuracy and provide more reliable results.
    • Added JPEG image format support to all OCR activities.
    • Added support for the Hebrew language to all OCR activities.
    • Added support for the Japanese language to all OCR activities.
  • Web Browser Action Enhancement

    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added support for the Microsoft Edge browser to all Web Browser activities.
  • Compression Action Enhancement
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added the ability to verify if compressed files are valid and not corrupted by way of the new Compression (Verify) activity.

  • HTTP Action Enhancement
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added the ability to modify existing data or a file on the specified server by way of the new HTTP (Patch) activity.

  • Task Builder Enhancement
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added the option to automatically save tasks with an associated file every two minutes.
  • Added support for Exchange Online with Modern Authorization to the Email Trigger and Email Condition.
  • Added support for Exchange Online with Modern Authorization to the Exchange Action.
  • Added support for Exchange Online with Modern Authorization to the Email Action.
  • The hotkey for each Exchange activity is now unique.
  • The Exchange (Get object(s)) activity now returns an empty dataset and no longer fails if no objects exist.
  • The File System (Get information) activity now provides the ability to include checksums for all files.
  • Added the support for using semicolons to separate multiple email addresses when sending Task Error notifications from the Task Administrator.
  • Task Builder now provides the ability to double-click non-informational lines in the Output Pane and snap to the referenced line in the Workspace Pane.
  • Added the ability to add a variable to the Watchlist by right-clicking on it from the Variables pane in the Task Builder.
  • The HTTP (Post) activity now provides the ability to submit HTTP Post requests that do not contain a body.
  • The HTTP (Get) activity now accepts the "Create and Populate Dataset" field as a valid action output without an associated variable or output file.
  • The Variable (Create) and Variable (Set) activities now dynamically resize the "Initial value" and "New value" fields, based on input data.
  • The FTP action now supports TLS 1.3 and the following TLS 1.3 ciphers: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, and TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256.
  • The FTP action now supports the following SFTP ciphers: EA_3DES_CBC, EA_AES128_CBC, EA_AES192_CBC, and EA_AES256_CBC.

    NOTE: EA_3DES was renamed to EA_3DES-CBC, EA_AES128 was renamed to EA_AES128_CBC, EA_AES192 was renamed to EA_AES192_CBC, and EA_AES256 was renamed to EA_AES256_CBC.
  • Added the ability for the PDF (Insert) activity to perform an insert at the last page of a PDF document.
  • The Web Browser (Click, Get value, Set value, and Extract table) activities now automatically detect browser information from the currently selected session.
  • The Web Browser (Set value) activity now provides the option to disguise the value entered in the "Change to" parameter.
  • Added the ability to return the process ID of a running task/subtask (PID) by way of the new GetTaskInstancePID() Extended Function.
  • Audit Events in the Server Management Console now report if a user was added to or removed from a user group.
  • Added the ability to clear Audit event logs or set them to be deleted once they are older than the days or months specified.
  • The Input (Send keystrokes) activity no longer sends parentheses unless they are contained within open and close parentheses (for example, "((test))").
  • The Database (SQL query) activity now records and shows milliseconds in a dataset correctly.
  • Tasks containing the number sign character (#) in the name will now run correctly.
  • The StrDup(Amount, Text) Extended Function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • The Compression (Compress) activity now correctly identifies multiple files or wildcard masks within in a subfolder when using the pipe character (|).
  • The Web Browser (Click) activity now properly detects invisible interactive web elements.
  • The PDF (Set field(s)) activity now detects a variable when it is set as a session name.
  • The PDF (Set field(s)) activity no longer saves the variable name instead of the actual variable value when using the "Save as" option.
  • The Image (Resize) activity no longer rotates images when resizing them.
  • The Compression (Decompress) activity will now report an error if the destination path exceeds the path character limit.
  • The Task Administrator will now correctly load a task if the path contains double-byte characters.
  • On Error emails will no longer report an error if spaces appear between multiple email addresses separated with semicolons.
  • The Web Browser (Get) activity will now correctly find HTML elements with multiple frames that are not in fixed order at design time and runtime.
  • The HTTP (Get) activity no longer reports an error when the GET method is successful.
  • The Loop (Dataset) activity no longer reports an "out of range" error after deleting a row in a dataset.
  • The Web Browser (Set value) activity now sets the apostrophe character (') correctly.
  • The Web Browser (Legacy) action no longer alters passwords or hidden value characters after importing a task from Automate version 9.
  • The Email action now correctly auto-discovers an email server after selecting a credential variable by way of the Credential key icon.
  • The Email (Get message) activity no longer returns "?" for accented characters.
  • Constants created in the Task Administrator now appear in the Expression Builder of the Task Builder.
  • The Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate installer files no longer request .NET Framework 4.8 to be installed on a system where .NET Framework 4.8 is already installed.
  • Attempting to import a task while an Event Monitor User is specified no longer reports an error.
  • The File System (Split file) activity now allows an Automate variable to be added if the "Individual file piece size" parameter is set to "Other."
  • The FTP action now establishes an SFTP connection when the "All" option is selected.
  • Migrating a database from an earlier version of Automate BPA/Enterprise to version 11.5.0 is now more stable and faster than before.
  • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate no longer changes the original format of an HTTP response.
  • The Task Agent and Java Agent server ports are now independently loaded so that if a problem occurs with one port, the other port is not affected.

October 2020

Version 11.4.10

October 22, 2020

  • The Web Browser action can now correctly locate HTML elements in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

August 2020

Version 11.4.0

August 25, 2020

New Features
  • HTTP Action Enhancements
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added the ability to create predefined HTTP connections using the new HTTP (Define) activity. Users can define HTTP connection and authentication information in a single place and then reuse it through a task in various HTTP steps.
    • Added support for additional authentication means (OATH 2.0, Bearer Token, API Key).
    • Corrected numerous issues involving JSON decoding.
  • PDF Action Enhancements
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • Added new annotation management activities (Add annotation, Delete annotation(s), and List annotation(s)).
    • Added the ability to insert an image as a new page in a PDF in the PDF (Insert) activity
    • Corrected numerous issues with the PDF action.
  • Secure Variables
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.
    • The Variable (Create) activity now provides the option to secure a variable which will encrypt the value of a variable while editing a task.
    • Secured variables value will still be viewable in plaintext during runtime execution.
  • Credentials
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.
    • Added Credentials as a system object.
    • Main Credentials page has access permissions for users.
    • Credentials can be viewed/edited by a group of users, while also being used in tasks by another group of users.
    • The value of a credential is never viewable in a task, either at design-time or run-time.
    • Only select fields can make use of credentials (for now, only password and passphrase fields are supported in certain activities).
    • Unauthorized use of a credential is monitored, and such references are removed from tasks automatically.
  • Machine Learning Action
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.
    • Adds the ability to pass Automate variables, arrays, datasets, and expressions into a trained ML.NET model for processing.
    • Adds the ability to use the results of an executed trained model inside of Automate Plus/Ultimate.
  • Enhancement to Running Tasks and Workflows Using API
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.
    • Added a list of variable name/value pairs that can be optionally passed to the run commands for Tasks and Workflows.
  • RESTful API Online Documentation
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.
    • New modern layout makes documentation easier to read and navigate.
    • Self-documenting by way of code markup.
  • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate have been updated to install and use .NET Framework 4.8.
    NOTE: For a list of Windows versions that are compatible with .NET Framework 4.8, see .NET Framework System Requirements.
  • The PDF (Get attachment(s)) activity now provides the option to overwrite existing file attachments with the same name or individually save them with unique file names.
  • The PDF (Extract) activity now provides the option to extract contents into a single, multi-page TIFF file.
  • The PDF (Create) activity now provides the option to change page orientation.
  • Task Builder now provides the option to save to disk if the connection to the data store is unavailable.
  • Existing users can now be renamed in the Server Management Console.
  • The SharePoint (Upload file(s)) activity now provides the option to set metatags while uploading files and retrieve uploaded file IDs.
  • Applying changes after editing a constant no longer returns the cursor to the top of the list.
  • The FTP (Logon) activity now supports an SSL/TLS (implicit) connection with TLS 1.0 disabled and TLS 1.1 and 1.2 enabled.
  • The FTP (Upload file(s)) activity now provides the option to use multi-threaded uploads.
  • Constant Values can now be assigned while creating a Task Variable.
  • The File System (Dataset to CSV) activity now supports enclosing dataset cell values in double quotes (") in CSV files.
  • A task's instance ID or transaction ID can now be obtained using the new GetWorkflowInstanceID and GetTransactionID Extended Functions.
  • The AMCurrentWorkflow and AMCurrentTask datasets now contain StartTime and StartDate parameters.
  • The Email (Send Message) activity can now create a dataset to capture information regarding each email sent.
  • The Dialog (Open File) activity now provides improved file and folder browsing navigation.
  • Changing the Data Store credentials in the Server Management Console no longer clears the database instance and now informs the user to restart Automate Enterprise 11 services for the changes to take effect.
  • The Event Viewer logs now include entries for successful and unsuccessful Email Trigger connections.
  • The BASIC Script (Execute) activity's Embedded text box has been increased in size.
  • The Exchange (Get object(s)) activity now filters file attachments correctly.
  • The PDF (Extract) activity now extracts TIFF files correctly.
  • The PDF (Set field(s)) activity now populates a field if a variable contains a comma.
  • The PDF (Split) activity will no longer throw an error while splitting PDF files containing images that are not centered.
  • Adding a Note to an Agent no longer causes the Server Management Console to crash.
  • Inspecting a dataset created by the HTTP (Get) activity now occurs instantly.
  • Variable values are now populated correctly in the Text (Get substring) activity .
  • The JSON (Decode) activity now creates the correct number of structures.
  • The JSON (Decode) activity now decodes strings containing percentage characters (%) correctly.
  • Task runtime priorities are now passed to the agent correctly.
  • The GetAgentName() Extended Function now displays the correct agent name when run simultaneously by the way of an agent group.
  • The Excel (Close workbook) activity now closes the excel.exe process correctly.
  • The Mail To Recipient (As Attachment) and Mail All To Recipients (As Attachment) options under the Task Builder's File > Send menu are now working correctly.
  • The Dataset (Create) activity no longer throws an error when a dataset name contains an expression.
  • Focus now correctly returns to the Task Builder while using the Locate HTML elements selector with the Web Browser action.
  • Automate Desktop installations no longer fail on non-English based systems.
  • The XML (Save) activity no longer adds an extra space and carriage return to blank XML fields.
  • Populating a dataset with a column name that contains quotation marks no longer throws an error.
  • The Web Browser (Legacy) (Get value) activity can now retrieve a Checked value for Internet Explorer check boxes.
  • The Web Browser action can now run and update Chrome on machines where only a remote agent is installed.
  • The Web Browser action no longer resizes open browser windows while the Locate HTML elements selector is being used.
  • The Web Browser action now supports creating sessions on the latest Chrome and Firefox dialog boxes.
  • The Web Browser action no longer disables Chrome extensions.
  • The Web Browser (Open) activity now provides the option to load existing user profiles for Chrome and Firefox browsers.
  • An encoding problem with sending double-byte characters to and from an agent on non-English based systems has been corrected.
  • Corrected a date formatting issue that was preventing Email Trigger from working on non-English cultural settings.
  • Right-clicking on an Agent in the Server Management Console and selecting Go to > SMTP now properly opens the Email properties screen
  • Corrected a typo in the Audit Events table of the Server Management Console.
  • Corrected a typo in a Task Builder dialog box.
  • Corrected a typo in the Image (Image recognition) activity.
  • Task Priority settings are now correctly saved in the Task Administrator.
  • A sorting issue related to JSON decoding has been corrected.
  • The JSON (Decode) activity now decodes strings containing a space in the object key correctly.
  • The following corrections were applied to the Speech (Speak text) activity:
    • All languages that provide text-to-speech capabilities are now supported.
    • The "Display voices in all languages" parameter now stays selected when saved.
    • The "Do not speak the text out loud" parameter no longer lowers the volume to 0 when selected.
    • Task Builder no longer crashes if the play button is clicked twice, but the voice has not changed and is still set to Default.

March 2020

Version 11.3.10

March 16, 2020

IMPORTANT: If you are using SSL with Automate Plus/Ultimate, additional configurations may be required when updating to 11.3.10. See Configuring SSL for Automate Plus/Ultimate 11 for more information.
New Features
  • New Dataset Action
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Adds the ability to create and manipulate datasets, as well as manage the rows and columns within them.

  • [22224] Support for web browser automation using Google Chrome was added with the new Web Browser action, released in version 11.2.1.
  • [25147 and 25163] Added the ability to select an open web browser window in the new Web Browser action using Windows Dissection Technology (magnifier icon).
  • [20808] Added the ability to add values and rows to an existing dataset with the new Dataset action.
  • [22436] Added the ability to delete rows from an existing dataset with the new Dataset action.
  • [22457] Added the ability to insert, update, and delete rows/columns within datasets with the new Dataset action.
  • [23190] Added the ability to edit or update the value of a dataset with the new Dataset action.
  • [24501] The Running Task Window now includes a timer that displays how long a task has been running.
  • [25029] Improved the performance of the File System (Dataset to CSV) activity.
  • [25057] Added the ability to manually adjust the "Upload buffer size (bytes)" setting for SFTP in the FTP (Logon, Download file(s), and Upload file(s)) activities.
  • [24979] HelpSystems digital signatures have been added to all .exe files for both x86 and x64-bit binaries.
  • [24407] Agent disconnection due to the reported "HandleChannelDisconnect" error is now resolved.
  • [24363] The Web Browser (Open) activity no longer fails when a Web Browser session experiences a timeout.
  • [25067] The Excel (Open/Create workbook) activity no longer fails when an Excel session experiences a timeout.
  • [25148] Margins are now respected when importing HTML into a PDF file using the PDF (Create) activity.
  • [25074] Tasks now complete correctly after executing an OnStepError that causes an error.
  • [25111] MySQL Text fields were upgraded to LongText for all fields that required more space (for example, the Task AML field for Automate Plus/Ultimate).
  • [AM-16363] The Loop (Window(s)) activity's "Include windows" and "Exclude windows" parameters now support pipe ("|") as a wildcard character to provide multiple inclusions/exclusions.
  • [AM-16742] The Text (Find) activity now provides the correct index when a large number of characters are entered in the "Text" box.
  • [AM-16931] Updating a password now correctly overwrites the previous password.
  • [AM-16913] The IF (Folder exists) activity now supports wildcards.
  • [24659] Agent constants no longer cause agents to disconnect.
  • [23991] Terminal session is no longer ending on failed Terminal (Wait) for step.
  • [23748 and 25011] Email trigger jobs will now check email inboxes for new mail after midnight.
  • [24182] Task functions now properly pass structure arrays as an input parameter.
  • [24365] The PDF (Extract) activity now processes multipage PDFs without error.
  • [24615] Tasks no longer get stuck indefinitely when multiple tasks run concurrently.
  • [24742] Uninstalling an agent will no longer cause an error if login credentials are incorrect.
  • [24924] The Database (Stored Procedure) activity now sends empty parameters as NULL.
  • [24768] The Database (SQL Query) activity no longer fails due to timeout value.
  • [24830] The retry step setting on starting block steps (Loop/If/Switch/Case) now works as expected.
  • [24836] The "Learn more about search query" link on the Sharepoint (Search Site(s)) Action Properties window now connects to the correct web page.
  • [24887] The Email (Get message(s)) activity will now populate the ds.Attachments variable even when attachments are not downloaded.
  • [24891] Tasks no longer throw the "Expecting If step" error when an "If" statement occurs in a loop, or when another "If" statement within a function returns a result in an If action.
  • [25048] The Database (SQL query) activity now correctly executes queries with "Guid" data type as a parameter.
  • [24931] Tasks no longer throw the "No associated loop step" error when calling a function that returns a result from within a "Loop" statement in the Loop action.
  • [24933] The File System action is now listed under the "File" category in the Task Builder.
  • [25003] Tasks using the Loop (Files) activity will no longer fail if the "Include subfolders" parameter is enabled and the user has insufficient permissions within the selected subfolders.
  • [25008] The Email (Create Session) "Port" parameter longer resets if the step is reopened.
  • [25012 and 25097] Internal "GOTO" steps in nested Loop/IF blocks now work properly.
  • [25025] The Automate Task Service no longer crashes when the "File modified" parameter is selected for File Triggers.
  • [25047] The FTP (Download file(s)) activity now excludes files based on regular expressions.
  • {25037] The OCR (Get Text) activity can now read file names containing Russian characters.
  • [25038] The If (Folder exists) activity now works with regular expressions.
  • [25039] Schedule Triggers now allow a workday exclusions greater than "1."
  • [25043] Actions using retry step settings will now reset those settings for each task step.
  • [25050] The Excel (Open/Create workbook) activity now correctly displays .xls, .xlsx, .xslb ,and .xlsm files in the "File name" text box.
  • [25051] The OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Open/Create workbook) activity now correctly displays .xls, .xlsx, .xslb ,and .xlsm files in the "File name" text box.
  • [25053] The Task Builder Region buttons now properly expand/collapse Regions.
  • [25064] The OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Open/Create workbook) activity now opens password protected .xlsx files correctly.
  • [25065] Tasks with a "Retry" step within a function will now stop as expected.
  • [25069] Workflows are no longer missing when exporting a folder that contains a subfolder.
  • [25070] RndEx() now returns correct values.
  • [25071] RndFloat() now returns correct values.
  • [25072] Activities can now be added to Favorites from the Action pane.
  • [25078] Task Builder now prevents the ability to add breakpoints from a ribbon while a task is running.
  • [25080] The Exclude filter no longer ignores folders.
  • [25082] The Task Builder "Find and Replace" function no longer inserts "<comment></comment>" to a Comment.
  • [25084] Task cache files are now removed upon task completion.
  • [25095] The Database (SQL query) activity no longer returns zero results if the "Maximum number of rows returned" parameter is populated.
  • [25096] The OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Set cell(s)) activity formula values are now correctly applied.
  • [25104] Task Builder now loads subtask Breakpoints correctly.
  • [25107] The Cryptography (Decrypt) activity now correctly decrypts German characters.
  • [25108] Tasks calling a function within the Select (End case) activity no longer fail and throw a "Expecting select step" error.
  • [25110] The Automate (Write to log) activity now writes logs in the SystemEvents.txt file.
  • [25117] Comments containing "<" and/or ">" can now be copied and pasted into the Task Builder.
  • [25118] The Automate Schedule action no longer fails to connect if Automate Schedule is configured to run in SSL mode.
  • [25129] Task Builder no longer crashes if "Close" or "Close All" is selected from the File menu.
  • [25143] Schedule trigger exclusions are now retained when importing an Automate Desktop task into Automate Plus/Ultimate.
  • [25149] The Task Builder Variable panel now updates when changing the variable type.
  • [25153] Interactivity activities created using Windows Accessibility Engine will now successfully import and covert to the latest AML in the Task Builder.
  • [25155] Agent installation no longer fails on non-English based systems.
  • [23983] The Managed Task - Priority - "If the condition is not met" setting now correctly imports from version 10 or later.
  • [25040] The Managed Task -" Timeout" property is now honored correctly.
  • [25090] The Managed Task - On Error "Email" setting from version 6 or later now imports correctly into version 11.
  • [25159] The "Continue to next step" setting from version 6 or later now upgrades correctly when importing into version 11.
  • [25123] The "Repository Properties" window no longer appears blank after opening a task from within the Workflow Designer.
  • [24981] Automate Plus/Ultimate no longer omits carriage return characters during import.
  • [25005] Error handling has been added to detect and notify when GhostScript is not installed, or if an unsupported version of GhostScript is detected.
  • [25122] Workflows in the Server Management Console (SMC) Calendar no longer appear multiple times if workflows use the same condition.
  • [25132] The "License" page can no longer be directly accessed from the login screen.
  • [25145] When calling a workflow now, the AMExecute.exe in version 11 now has the same behavior as version 10.
  • [16492] The "Function name" parameter for the Web Service (Execute function) activity now visually populates correctly.
  • [24940] Lack of development tools no longer causes server errors.
  • [AM-16745] The Schedule condition "Work day" setting can no longer be set to any day within the range of 24-31.
  • [AM-16914] The "ID" property selection is no longer displayed when selecting Window Content items for the Window Trigger.

October 2019

Version 11.2.1
New Features
NOTE: Web Browser (Legacy) was formerly called Web Browser.
  • New Web Browser Action
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Adds GUI automation support for the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

  • Web Browser (Legacy) Action
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Provides backwards compatibility for existing Tasks using the Web Browser (Legacy) action.

  • Enhanced Interactivity Action
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Added new UI Automation accessibility engine to support greater discoverability and ease of use when interacting with controls in desktop applications, such as Microsoft Excel.

    • Added new Focus item activity that allows focusing on an object or a control on a window or desktop.

  • Agent Load Balancing
    • Automate Plus/Ultimate only.

    • Added a new Agent Group Distribution option to run the workflow item on the agent in a group with the lowest CPU usage at runtime.

  • Encrypt/Decrypt Extended Functions
    • Automate Desktop and Automate Plus/Ultimate.

    • Added new extended functions that provide salted AES256 cryptography on static text or variable data.

  • [25000] Fixed an issue where file triggers could cause a spike in CPU activity.
  • [25021] Added support for the Japanese language pack on English-based installations of Microsoft Windows.

May 2019

Version 11.1.30

This release includes all patches from the 11.1.21 - 11.1.29 releases.

  • [23817] The Expression Builder is now available in the Value field of the PDF (Set Fields) AcroForm section.
  • [22268] FTPS connections now work with TLS 1.2.
  • [24635] For ease of use, Expression Builder now automatically encloses Dataset column names that contain spaces in [square brackets].
  • [24362] EXCHANGE(Get Objects) activity now downloads an inline image without the need for an additional attachment.
  • [24500] Task names are now displayed completely even when there is a dot (.) in the name.
  • [24657] The FILE SYSTEM(Get Information) activity now populates a dataset of folders correctly when the request contains a trailing slash.
  • [24866] When you import an old IF(Process Running) activity, it now runs correctly.
  • [24904] The EMAIL Action now sends email properly when "System" is specified for the Connection property.
  • [21631] The OCR(Get Text) activity now goes to the correct URL when downloading the GPL GhostScript for PDF files.
  • [24616] The JSON(Decode) activity no longer fails with an internal error when attempting to parse nested structures.
  • [24841] Using a variables in the To and From fields to send an email in the ON ERROR tab now works as expected.
  • [21871] When using the Schedule Event with Interval set to "custom" and the condition has triggered at least once, subsequent edits no longer stop the execution of future events.
  • [23923] The Exclude mask now functions properly in the FTP(Upload) activity.
  • [24083] When using the FILE SYSTEM(Move) activity, existing file permissions are maintained if you have moved the file manually, and then use the FILE SYSTEM action.
  • [24180] The FILE SYSTEM(Move Folder) activity now uses the Exclude mask properly.
  • [24280] When you choose Show Running Tasks from the Automate system tray menu, file triggering is no longer interrupted.
  • [24361] Powershell scripts running outside the internal PowerShell editor no longer fail with an object reference error.
  • [24571] Key triggers are disabled properly when global triggering is disabled.
  • [24778] The WINDOW(Close) activity now closes a window properly when the CLOSETYPE="force" option is specified.
  • [24805] Using the PDF(Create) activity to convert a text file that doesn't have a .TXT extension no longer results in an empty PDF file.
  • [24867] File System Condition monitoring a folder when the path in the Folder property contains braces "{ }" now monitors the folder correctly.

  • [24198] When using the IF action or expression to evaluate numbers in a dataset that have been imported from a database table the evaluation is now performed correctly.
  • [24907] The Data Migration utility now installs correctly based on component selection.
  • [24922] An issue with running high numbers of simultaneous workflows has been resolved.
  • [24939] Debug messages that created an unwanted log file have been removed.
  • [23921] Using the FILESYSYSTEM(Rename) activity with wildcards now works correctly.
  • [24216] When using the COMPRESSION(Decompress) activity the password field is no longer disabled for 7zip files.
  • [24734] The OPENDOCUMENT action now opens a file with an XLS extension correctly.
  • [24191] The IF action now evaluates properly when the evaluated function returns data.
  • [24739] Automate backup files (.ama) that contain Email Triggers are now correctly imported into Automate Enterprise.
  • [24762] Encrypted tasks containing SELECT(End Case) activities are now upgraded properly.
  • [24831] SELECT(End Case) activities that contain descriptions are now upgraded properly.
  • [24842] Run-time Loop IDs now include unique function identification tags to remove ambiguity.
  • [23698] The EMAIL(Get Messages) activity now works reliably when fetching messages from Exchange.

March 2019

Version 11.1.20

This release includes all patches from the 11.1.11 - 11.1.19 releases.

New Features
  • Functional Action Grouping

    • Automate and Automate Enterprise.

    • Adds the ability to group actions in the Task Builder by 7 functional areas (API, Cloud, Control, File, GUI Automation, Integration, System).

    • Grouping can be turned off if the previous alpha-sorted full list is preferred.

  • Workflow retry on failure

    • Automate Enterprise only.

    • Adds the ability to configure a workflow on failure to retry a defined number of times or until successful and to wait a defined period of time between retries.

  • Workflow item retry on failure prior to execution

    • Automate Enterprise only.

    • Adds the ability to configure a workflow item so that on a failure, prior to execution (due to a disabled agent, a disconnected agent, a disabled construct, etc), the item will retry a defined number of times or until successful and will wait a defined period of time between retries.

  • Workflow failure only on unhandled workflow item error

    • Automate Enterprise only.

    • Adds the ability to configure a workflow item to fail a workflow only if the workflow item has an error that isn’t handled by a failure link.

  • [18372] Records of "Log off" event now included in audit log.
  • [18512] A Polling mode has been added to the File Trigger to enhance reliability.
  • [18822] Kenya holidays have been added to the holiday listing.
  • [20938] The audit log now notes how an item was started (either Manually or Triggered).
  • [20981] Selection lists of Users/User Groups can now be sorted.
  • [21124] Workflow name now included in workflow error emails.
  • [21131] A Windows server running in application mode can now be logged on.
  • [21186] Extended Functions using runtime properties now work properly.
  • [23752] XML action Read NODE activity properly supports accented character.
  • [23806] Azure Storage action Create Session activity properly times out.
  • [23842] File Trigger is more resilient to many changes at once and a warning entry will inserted into Event Logs.
  • [23914] Excel action Get Cells activity properly creates the dataset if the step has only one cell.
  • [23918] Process Agent properly displays Automate Enterprise version number.
  • [23987] Added a new configuration to the PDF action to create a PDF file without blank page.
  • [24061] Automate importing errors do not default to "the operation could not be performed because of bad password".
  • [24155] HealthCheck is available for all Automate versions up to 11.1.20.
  • [24167] Database Action - Opening SQL Connection via ODBC associated with local file DSN now correctly passes in the credentials.
  • [24194] Double quotes properly escape commas with Excel actions.
  • [24196] ODS Action Get Cells activity properly works with commas inside the double quotes.
  • [24244] Enhancements to logon functionality.
  • [24309] Email Trigger correctly populates AMTrigger.MessageID variable.
  • [24319] Applying new license does not disconnect agent in Automate Enterprise.
  • [24326] Print document now handles HTTPS urls.
  • [24341] Agents will no longer connect unless they are the exact same version as the server.
  • [24364] Automate Enterprise Management Console persists the filter on the Dropdown TreeView selection when data is refreshed.
  • [24373] Basic Script Execute activity errors properly manifest themselves.
  • [24376] Tasks Return Variable returns correctly when inside a code block.
  • [24421] SNMP action Send Trap activity properly releases the resource.
  • [24453] Excel action Get Cell activity returns correct number of rows with "Auto detect" and " User first rows as column names" selected.
  • [24466] Text Format Date/Time activity now properly prompts the user for input when set for user input.
  • [24480] FTP action Advanced activity long list action works properly with MLSD commands.
  • [24481] Task Builder 'Find and Replace' does not change the content by changing the content to XML compliant escaped characters.
  • [24482] Task Builder Auto Indent works properly when Block steps (Loop/IF) are part of selected steps.
  • [24483] The Data Migration Utility now works with Oracle on x64 machines.
  • [24484] Task not running due to a full Queue message is now properly recorded in the Logs.
  • [24493, 24494] File System action Get Information activity properly throws error for reserved keyword.
  • [24495] Permission settings for the "Stop" action are now working correctly.
  • [24500] Task names are fully displayed if there is a . in the name.
  • [24502] Task/Shared Array resize works properly now.
  • [24519] Database Action SQL Query activity properly populates dataset.rows variable.
  • [24520] Task Builder now properly shows the expander triangle for variables that have child entries.
  • [24541] File System Delete Folder activity now works properly when the path ends with 'ï¼¼'.
  • [24544] Task Functions with optional parameters do not error due to internally created parameter as placeholder.
  • [24548] Automate Enterprise Evaluation object now works with one character values.
  • [24550] Task Builder Variable pane displays multi-dimensional arrays properly.
  • [24556] Imported Tasks with '<' and '>' in their name now run correctly.
  • [24561] Runtime engine internal attributes for step AML, starting with 'AM_', are not evaluated until needed.
  • [24570] Task Variables can be sorted by name in Task Builder.
  • [24592] Development tools no longer needed to run workflows on the server.
  • [24609] Excel action Get Cell activity properly populate the dataset if there is only data for cells by reference.
  • [24617] Send Email OnError for activities now properly allows for usage of variables as placeholders.
  • [24618] Shared Variable dependencies have been corrected.
  • [24623] Server Management Console properly handles non-valid settings for log trim options.
  • [24630] User can explicitly choose the Task Variables Type now.
  • [24631] Help file enhancements.
  • [24653] Retry functionality added to workflows and workflow items.
  • [24658] Saving agent properties now works as expected.
  • [24661] Goto Label will now reference the correct step.
  • [24668] Workflows now follow the proper result out of an evaluation.
  • [24672] Subtask priority setting messages correctly report the exact cause.
  • [24677] Basic Script Execute activity allows for scripts without 'SubMain'.
  • [24684] Basic Script Execute activity properly identifies the Automate variable type and allows assignment.
  • [24708] Terminal Disconnect activity properly closes when writing to a log file.
  • [24713] WinWrap issue with missing icon file corrected.
  • [24726] Task regions are properly restored in the state they were when task was saved.
  • [24801] Logon debug file is no longer on by default.

October 2018

Version 11.1.10

This release includes all patches from the 11.1.2 - 11.1.9 releases.

  • [24591] Corrected long term Management Server resource issue.
  • [24542] "Resume from point of failure" now works for sub-workflows.
  • [24552] Install corrected so that the server components can be installed separate from the development tools.
  • [24311] Tasks no longer terminates when closing a terminal connection.
  • [24553] In Task Administrator, triggered and manually run tasks that encountered a runtime error in a function now terminate properly.
  • [24215] In Task Administrator, Task Timeout runs as expected when set in Managed Task properties on Automate and in Workflow Item properties on Automate Enterprise.
  • [24578] Single character evaluation works as expected with 'Evaluation' object in workflows.
  • [24583] Impersonation works as expected in the Exchange action.
  • [24584] Impersonation for Exchange Mail Server works as expected.
  • [24634] Label - Goto works as expected in a nested IF statement.

September 2018

Version 11.1.1
  • Updated installer due to a download issue.

Version 11.1
New Features
  • Revision Management
    • Automate Enterprise only.

    • Once licensed, the feature can be turned on and off.
    • Track and manage different version of workflows, tasks, conditions, and processes.
    • When a repository object (Workflow, Task, Condition, Process) is changed (renamed, edited, property modified, etc), a revision is created from the previous version of the object and is stored in the database.
    • The object contains a list of all its stored revisions.
    • Revisions are tagged with an ID, the date the revision was made, and the user that made the revision.

    • The properties of a revision can be inspected, to help determine which revision is the one the user needs.
    • Two revisions can be compared, and a human-readable difference report is presented.

    • A revision can be restored, making the current state the most recent revision.

    • A revision can be deleted, helping to declutter the list of available revisions.
    • Notes can be added to a revision, aiding in discerning between revisions.

    • Revision trimming options based on days or number of revisions to organize how existing repository objects are handled when new changes are saved.
    • Permissions can be set on an object, restricting the ability to delete and restore revisions.
  • Recycle Bin
    • Automate Enterprise only.

    • Once licensed, the feature can be turned on and off.

    • When a repository object (Workflow, Task, Condition, Process) is deleted, it is moved into the Recycle bin for that object type.

    • An object in the recycle bin can be restored to the repository, and placed back in the location it was deleted from.

    • Objects in the recycle bin can be deleted, which permanently removes them from the system.

    • Permissions can be set on an object, restricting the ability to delete and restore the object from the recycle bin.

    • Permissions can be set on a system level, restricting the ability to view the contents of the recycle bin.

  • Added support for MySQL 8 as a data store in Automate Enterprise.

  • [18358] Repository item renaming works as expected in Server Management Console.
  • [21312] Calendar shows daily scheduled tasks at correct times across the daylight savings period.
  • [21797] The Text activity now converts to proper uppercase correctly.
  • [23120] SSL connections now work as expected.
  • [23262] Task Builder now warns when save cannot be used on the system. This allows the user to save the task locally so modifications are not lost.
  • [23401] An issue resulting in "FTP failed (Error : Connection lost (error code is 10058))" has been fixed so SFTP auto cipher selection now works correctly.
  • [23456] Database Stored Procedure now has a selection of fetched SP in a dropdown.
  • [23629] Importing packages that contain folders will now place the folders in the correct location.
  • [23697] PowerShell Action properly interacts with variables.
  • [23753] In the Email action, Email body and Password, only as a variable, correctly imports from v10 to v11.
  • [23922] Usage of 'line' is now correctly identified as a reserved keyword when running tasks.
  • [23971] A file trigger watching for a file modification will now fire as expected.
  • [23977] Importing Email (Send Message) in v10 will now correctly import the Body component.
  • [23979] Command line parameters passed to AMTask work correctly.
  • [23984] File System (Concentrate Files) performs action on files in the order entered by user.
  • [23986] When SSL is enabled, connections between all components are secured.
  • [23990] Disabling a trigger now prevents the trigger from firing.
  • [23999] Passwords entered during install are now applied.
  • [24002] Step selection is disabled during run time in Task Builder.
  • [24003] Task name was added to output pane to allow for distinction of subtask functions in Task Builder.
  • [24027] Expression Builder will not add an extra '%' around an expression if it was passed to it wrapped in '%'.
  • [24077] Agent List in API call correctly shows Process Agents as online.
  • [24078] Text (HTML Encode/Decode) v10 now properly imports the Body component.
  • [24179] An issue resulting in "Workflow failed because: (10551) Expecting a constant, var name or function name." has been fixed so constants can now be used in Workflow Evaluations.
  • [24185] Automate restore correctly upgrades passwords to latest encryption protocol.
  • [24186] Automate backup correctly upgrades the password to latest encryption protocol.
  • [24190] Schedule triggers based on holidays will now fire as expected.
  • [24218] Text (Format Date/Time) now shows the variable name in the description.
  • [24225] Wait (Process) v9 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24235] MSMQ actions correctly import from v8 to v11.
  • [24236] Amazon SQS (Get Queue Attribute) v8 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24237] Amazon SQS (Set Queue Attribute) v8 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24238] Text (URL Encode) v9 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24239] Text (URL Decode) v9 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24240] Text (HTML Encode) v9 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24241] Text (HTML Decode) v9 correctly imports to v11.
  • [24246] The dates for "Israel" and "Jewish Religious Holidays" have been added to the holiday file.
  • [24247] An issue resulting in "Error Loading Task TreeView, Please refresh the TreeView" has been fixed so Task Administrator Reports and Calendar repository dropdown properly handle repeating names.
  • [24249] An issue resulting in "workflow failed because: missing or ambiguous starting point" has been fixed so workflow triggers can now act as the starting point of a manually run workflow.
  • [24269] JSON action now allows user to adjust the size of the JSON string.
  • [24270] In Task Builder, no step number is reported for Task State entries in the output panel.
  • [24271] Tasks with Encrypted SQL Connections properly import to v11.
  • [24272] In Task Builder, under My Actions, Snippets and Favorites sort order is now remembered.
  • [24273] Select blocks work properly when the return variable is present in tasks.
  • [24274] Holiday exclusions can now be added to Schedule triggers successfully.
  • [24298] Email options now default to port 25 for SMTP.
  • [24312] Triggers (Schedule) now has the ability to add specific day exclusion in Japanese.
  • [24314] The predefined SQL Connections dropdown gets populated correctly in Task Builder.
  • [24316] Expression Builder populates Constants as expected.
  • [24325] In Automate, opening Task Builder independently now populates system Constants and SQL Connections where needed.
  • [24342] Variable panel updates only when needed which speeds up the Task Steps panel manipulations.
  • [24345] Agents can only be assigned to tasks, processes, and non-schedule conditions inside of a workflow.
  • [24347] Triggers (File) now populates the AMCondition.Filename field with the correct data.
  • [24368] An issue resulting in "System.NullReferenceException...." has been fixed so repository Properties of a task can now be viewed as expected.
  • [24370] If (Folder Exists) correctly reports base folders of network shares.
  • [24379] An issue resulting in "workflow failed because: (&H80004002) Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid." has been fixed so evaluation object in Workflow evaluation does not throw an exception when evaluating a number and an empty variable that is set to Auto.
  • [24404] Dynamically created datasets show properly in the variables panel in Task Builder.
  • [24425] BasicScript (Editor) now has access to Extended Functions for run time.
  • [24452] The Action Editor window does not hide when a step goes into edit mode when Task Builder is not in focus.

May 2018

Version 11.0.6
  • [23274] Web Service action has been updated to support TLS 1.2.
  • [23412] Terminal - Connect activity supports public key authentication method.
  • [23801] Applicable Actions have been updated to support TLS 1.2.
  • [23883] The Azure Action has been updated to support TLS 1.2.
  • [23884] The Exchange Action as well as all other Actions and Automate/Enterprise components that employ exchange functionality have been updated to support TLS 1.2.
  • [23978] FTP - Logon activity now supports ECDH and ECDSA algorithms/ciphers.
  • [24053] FTP - Logon activity now supports AES (CTR,CBC) algorithms/ciphers.
  • [24054] Create Variable activity, used with 'Treat as a parameter' set, will not update a variable's value with the Initial Value if a shared variable with the same name already exists.
  • [24130] Variable - Create activity correctly creates a variable with no value.
  • [24166] Workflow Shared Variables set as numeric but without a default value work as expected.
  • [24167]Opening SQL Connection via ODBC associated with local file DSN correctly passes in the credentials.
  • [24173] Label - Goto Label activity correctly shows a run-time error if the Label is not found or disabled.
  • [24209] Email - Create session activity updates port correctly after security selection changes.
  • [24210] Task - Run Task activity has been omitted from the Action Editor Window for Automate Enterprise as it is not available in this version.
  • [24211] Task - Enable/Disable activity has been omitted from the Action Editor Window for Automate Enterprise as it is not available in this version.
  • [24212] Task - Stop Task activity correctly reports run-time error when Custom Error 0 is used.

April 2018

Version 11.0.5
  • [21945] Fixed permission error when creating a workflow with an empty task through the wizard by an Administrators Group member.
  • [21953] OnError 'Start Task' action has been removed from Automate Enterprise.
  • [22965] Importing a task into v11 will run as expected when there are hyphens at the end of message.
  • [23102] Fixed v11 ability to log on/unlock a logged off/locked system when Security Interactive Screen or Splash Screen is present upon log on.
  • [23318] Fixed issue of first tasks failing to run after a successful log in by a triggered workflow in Automate Enterprise.
  • [23355] Web Browser 'Set Value' activity, 'Set Text' value of 'Change to' field will now import from previous versions as expected.
  • [23358] The calendar in Management Console will show task names as expected.
  • [23457] The calendar in Management Console will show workflows as expected.
  • [23586] Importing a task from v9 to v11 with the 'Send Email' action will transfer correctly.
  • [23587] Workflow status will be cleared in Execution Events after a 'Log Out' action.
  • [23590] User can call custom function from variable.
  • [23591] BASIC Scripting action window will now prompt to save changes when closing the window.
  • [23598] 'Close SQL Connection' action will ignore the "Session could not be found" exception when selected in Error Causes exceptions.
  • [23600] Task selection dropdown in "Logs" now allows a "/" in the Task Names.
  • [23633] Managed Task Logon Properties imports to v11 correctly.
  • [23649] SQL Query Host steps will import from v9 to v11 correctly.
  • [23683] The disabled users are no longer allowed to log in to Management Console.
  • [23694] Import Tasks with 'Network: Disconnect' action will be imported correctly from v9 to v11.
  • [23696] Stored Procedure actions retrieve the list of the stored procedures in the database correctly if System radio button is selected in the action.
  • [23699] A subtask failure within Managed Task will stop and error on the step in the sub task, and the parent task will not continue.
  • [23700] Terminal 'Send Text' action will import correctly.
  • [23713] Management Console Ports set to 9700 will migrate correctly from v10 to v11.
  • [23714] 'Focus window' action set focus to windows correctly when brought to foreground.
  • [23717] The SQL query statement boxes import/migrate correctly using the version of the datastore migration utility.
  • [23740] When the 'BASIC Script: Execute' action has an Embeded/External 'For Each' statement, it will not fail while executing.
  • [23741] 'Set Variable' step does not fail when the task has a BASIC Script action.
  • [23743] New, unsaved workflows will run successfully from Work Flow Designer.
  • [23745] User and user group permissions maintained after migrating to v11 with Data Store Migration.
  • [23746] V8 tasks can now be imported into v10 and v11.
  • [23747] Tasks will not randomly fail due task step logging on the agent.
  • [23749 and 24046] When scrolling on the 'Constants', 'SQL Connections' for Server and Agent properties pages, the column headers and 'New, Modify, Remove' buttons will be remain visible.
  • [23750] User folders will be correctly created and unduplicated when migrating database from v10.7.0 to v11.
  • [23751] Constants will migrate successfully from v10.7.0 to v11 using Data Migration Utility.
  • [23802] Import: Database (SQL Query): Dataset.field will show value correctly in Task Builder pane.
  • [23809] Shared Variable values are now updated in run time without the need to save the workflow.
  • [23832] Unassociated 'End Case' in a 'Loop' action will show 'Expecting Select step' message as expected.
  • [23835] 'Loop' actions from v8 and v9 will import correctly into v11.
  • [23837] CreateGuid() function will work correctly in BASIC Script action.
  • [23840] SMC in v11.0.5 will successfully connect to earlier versions of v11 servers with a warning but will not cause a database corruption.
  • [23841] Window title bar in Task Builder will now accept all characters for the name field, including illegal characters such as < and >.
  • [23854] 'FTP:Connect' action will load the Proxy setting correctly from System Default properties if default is selected.
  • [23861] SQL Injection attack prevented with proper use of parameters.
  • [23862] Data will pass to LDAP securely using AntiXSS methods LdapFilterEncode and LdapDistinguishedNameEncode.
  • [23865] All paths are checked and validated before being sent to file API.
  • [23867] All areas in code expected to have low-memory situations are now handled in code correctly.
  • [23868] System Libraries will always be loaded using the correct full path returned by the system.
  • [23908, 23910, and 23911] Trigger objects are working as expected when referenced in the task.
  • [23909] 'Computer:Log Off' action runs as expected.
  • [23933] Amazon S3: Create Bucket drop down list is populated correctly.
  • [23934] Encrypting files with an AES algorithm works as expected.
  • [23935] Browser Registry Connection Profile Log File Option works as expected.
  • [23936] 'Split File' activity preserves the destination and works as expected when importing from v8 and v10 to v11.
  • [23937] Azure Storage Timeout values work as expected in v11.
  • [23958] Fixed SQL Server cpu usage when querying the Instances table.
  • [23959] Fixed CPU/memory/thread count issue when querying workflows/lists from an API.
  • [23966] Importing types from web services will not cause a circular dependency error.
  • [23974] Moving the scroll viewer in Management Console Constants page with a large number of constants will not lead to a slow down.
  • [24006] In Task Builder, stopping a Start Task subtask will stop the entire parent task as well.
  • [24025] SQL Server will not run into deadlocks in the instances and execution event tables.
  • [24087] In the 'Web Browser > Set Value' activity, the user is now able to successfully set Interaction to "text" when the "Locate by attributes" option is selected.
  • [24092] The FTP Logon step description correctly identifies the set proxy type.
  • [24095] The FTP Logon step from v8 will now import certificate sources correctly.

December 2017

Version 11.0.2
  • [23206] Users can now connect to a specific device with a Terminal action in v11 using VT100 emulation.
  • [23276] Database SQL query will now time out as specified.
  • [23310] Access has been fixed to the path 'Global\BPA11SuspendAllTasks' so tasks will run properly.
  • [23087] Fixed high CPU usage due to high amount of shared variables when starting the service and when enabling/disabling repository objects.
  • [22799] Fixed ability to connect to Oracle database when is set to true.
  • [22842] Stored Procedure parameters fields now require a value to run.
  • [22935] Continue to next step setting now runs when you set a time out setting on the same step.
  • [22997] Dataset column headers are now populated in SQL queries.
  • [23085] The terminal action now accepts keystrokes in Automate v11 when run in Task Builder.
  • [23092] Custom dialog action works as expected in v11 when trying to populate dataset for metadata.
  • [23168] GOTO LABEL now works in second step of a Task.
  • [23186] Stored procedure runs as expected with all data types.
  • [23199] The Retry action now runs after the action prior to it timesout.
  • [23001, 23144, 23265, 23266] In Excel, commas in all fields are no longer used as a column delimiter in the dataset.
  • [23271] When using the 'go to label' the step now fails when the label is disabled within task.
  • [23272] In the On Error action, users can now use automate variables in the 'go to step'.
  • [18959] Correct values are being set when Excel Template is used.
  • [18960] In Excel, date only fields are now only populating the dataset with dates.
  • [20996] Excel sheets now adds using the template specified in the action.
  • [21872] Fixed looping file content to consume less RAM.
  • [22233] Get Object action will return an error if the “save attachments” folder does not exist (attachments are not saved).
  • [23093] Custom delimiter on Loop List will now be recognized when set by a variable.
  • [23140] Send Keystrokes action will now send parentheses () symbols.
  • [23188] Fixed Script Editor so it will no longer add whitespace to end of a script.
  • [23248] Fixed extract error in PDF Extract.
  • [23312] Port within FTP browser will now connect to the port authorized by the user.
  • [23147] Automate Enterprise installation wizard help file instructions have been updated.
  • [22819] In Server Management Console, modified dates now update for workflows and repository items.
  • [22906] The build number under Readme in the Advance setup has been fixed.
  • [22926] SharePoint Event Listener in Automate Enterprise 11 now references the correct version in Event Viewer.
  • [22992] API configuration successfully imports from Automate Enterprise version 10.7 to 11.
  • [23050] Terminal Emulator now configures correctly through Task Builder when Configuration Management server is not installed with the SMC.
  • [23234] AMTask.exe correctly runs a task from the command prompt when referencing a variable.
  • [23235] BPAtask.exe correctly runs a task from the command prompt when referencing a variable.
  • [23293] Added functionality in Log Management to enable/disable instance table entry trimming.
  • [23344] Fixed Instance Tables to update the "EndDateTime" column.
  • [23384] Import Process correctly imports the working directory, environment variables, and running context information.
  • [23521] Fixed system permissions so users added to the administrators group have proper access.
  • [23528] Workflow will send an error message when shared variable contains %Chr()% function as it is not a valid string character.
  • [21967] Task functions marked as private have been made inaccessible in subtasks.
  • [21979] Conversion of task files runs as expected when opening all sample tasks.
  • [22272] Sample workflows now function as expected.
  • [22974] IncrementFileName() increments file names within a path.
  • [22975] IncrementFileName() increments the file name past (1).
  • [22976] IncrementFileName() runs as expected in version 11.
  • [23233] The 'Text: Find' action returns correct positions for all strings.
  • [23340] Sped up the EULA display.
  • [23354] Timeout error handling runs as expected when set to continue.
  • [18819] AMTA (HELP): Help window hides AMTA
  • [21154] In Server Management Console, the repository correctly shows tasks.
  • [21361] The details view on Server Management Console has the correct date format when the machine is set to Australian Region.
  • [21432] Fixed link in XML Read Node action.
  • [21536] Task Name now changes on the calendar when copied from another scheduled job.
  • [21624] The full Workflow name appears while running a search in Server Management Console.
  • [22030] RAM memory issues fixed for running loop tasks.
  • [22524] Automate Enterprise 11 successfully deploys an agent using domain credentials.
  • [22546] Inspect dataset function in Task Builder populates at faster rate.
  • [22761] CurrentDataRow Column Name and Value update as expected in Variables panel.
  • [22826, 23166] Fixed memory usage in Task Builder when viewing a task larger than the visible panel.
  • [22910] Tasks that run once a month will display in calendar.
  • [22957] The Stop Task action in a called function will end the task when set to Abort or Success.
  • [22971] Import v9 tasks to v11 with exclusions will import with correct dates.
  • [22977] The 'Variable: Return' action now returns the function under all circumstances.
  • [22982] Entering a Function Name in the 'Go to label' field in the ‘On Error’ section of a step now runs as expected.
  • [23009] In Task Administrator, 'Disable Windows Foreground Timeout' remains checked after a reboot.
  • [23026] In Import (Region), fixed import error into v11 for "&", "", "<", and ">" characters in the region.
  • [23051] In Task Builder, the Find function will find all matches.
  • [23060, 22929] Send Email using “System” from task builder works as expected.
  • [23062] The function %GetTaskName()% displays correctly in Automate Enterprise Task Builder.
  • [23108] Task Administrator tasks will run correctly under all Task Isolation circumstances.
  • [23109] When printing steps that are on multiple pages from the Task Builder, all pages will print.
  • [23145] AML files set to read only will now indicate errors when saving the Managed Task.
  • [23148] Default Mail help file directs to the correct help.
  • [23176] Import Utility will import v9 tasks with no password correctly.
  • [23180] Task Builder runs correctly when copying steps using VNC connection to VM.
  • [23187] Fixed extended logging function “Log extended step information enabled” to run correctly under all circumstances.
  • [23210] Import task runs correctly even when the attribute name starts with a number.
  • [23211] Tasks import correctly into v11 with all properties.
  • [23238] In Variable (Set), the description appears correctly.
  • [23263] Task that have "Go to label" step in a loop and IF statement will run as expected.
  • [23278] Disabled trigger time is not displayed after the time has passed, but the active trigger time is displayed.
  • [23364] User can send email using “System” when task is ran from command line.
  • [23377, 23378] Granting users Read only access works as expected in the Server Management Console security.
  • [23402] The correct characters will import correctly from v6 to v11.
  • [23441] The Goto Label step will correctly redirect the task.
  • [23488] Opening a restored task from .ama created in v9 to v11 will work correctly.
  • [23506, 23530] Automate v11 will return file count of only specified directory.
  • [22847] Workflow Error email will send if “Stop Current Branch” is selected in “On Error”.
  • [23052] "Number of files exceeds” in the file trigger options works as expected.
  • [23084] Exclude mask works as expected for folders in File System actions.
  • [23098] Exclude mask ".com" for a file name .com is now excluded.
  • [23269] When a variable is set using the PDF - Extract activity, you can now assign its value to a second variable reliably.
  • [23381] When requesting a path through %AMProcess.GetPath, the correct path is now returned.
  • [22625] Performance for SQL Queries that populate a dataset has been improved significantly.
  • [21495] When you create a task with a daily trigger, the task name now shows properly in the calendar.
  • [20696] The Database - Open SQL Connection - Advanced section now describes TIMEOUT parameter correctly.
  • [21185] Added a note to the VMware Guest - Connect Activity help topic stating that Windows installations require a Windows-accessible VMX file accessible.
  • [21314] The Automate > Task Administrator > Tasks > Database Trigger topic and Automate Enterprise > SMC > Events & Conditions > Available Events & Conditions > Database Condition topic no longer suggest that you can use Windows Authentication.
  • [21357] In the Task - Start Subtask, Managed Subtask is no longer listed as an option in the AME help documentation.
  • [21494] Outdated images have been removed from the Installation Wizard documentations.
  • [21614] The help topic for the Dynamics CRM - List Entity activity now contains Description and Practical Usage information relevant to the activity.
  • [21839] A number of help topics now indicate that AMError returns a one-row dataset.
  • [22339] The GetEnvironmentVariable() help topic now specifies that an environment variable must be enclosed in quotes.
  • [23205] The Process Agent help topic now specifies that Java v1.8 is required.
  • [17624] The Powershell - Run Script activity now accesses MS Exchange modules properly.
  • [21574] The Input - Move Mouse activity now accepts and processes negative X,Y coordinates correctly.
  • [22901] When setting a variable to Null in a Basic Script subroutine, "variable is not a compatible type" error message no longer appears.
  • [22909] The Text - URL Encode/Decode activities now handle URLs that span multiple lines.
  • [22927] The Text - Find activity no longer fails when searching a blank variable.
  • [23141] The Treat as Parameter functionality creates a new variable when Task is run in Task Builder and a Shared Variable is called.
  • [23182] User can now set shared variables when the value includes a percent sign (%).
  • [23249, 23254, 23002] The Text - Replace activity now processes text properly when using Regular Expressions.
  • [23339] The Loop - Dataset activity now terminates properly when it reaches the end of large string.
  • [23405] BPATask and Task Builder successfully access specific websites via the Interactivity action that used to cause errors.
  • [23407] The GetTaskDirectory function now populates correctly in Task Builder.
  • [23207] The Terminal action's Wait For activity now responds properly when the cursor is already at the specified row/column position when the action is run.
  • [23142] Long trigger descriptions (3 lines or more in length) no longer cycle repeatedly.
  • [23213] Validation and correct error messaging is now applied when adding a Holiday that includes a comma into AMTA or SMC.
  • [23622] Timeout option has been fixed to fun as expected in Database SQL Query.
  • [23599] Task Builder will run porperly when the user has a task with two regions collapsed.
  • [23584] If a task is not encrypted, creating a shortcut for a managaed task from Task Administrator will not require a password.
  • [23533] The replace function runs as expected when the string has a percent symbol.
  • [21260] Active Directory actions are correctly listed under Automate Pro in help file.
  • [21870] Fixed issue with Task Builder Find function in run command when containing quotes.
  • [22167] When using an If statement, Russian characters will be recognized and work as expected.
  • [22498] When using Text (Format Date/Time) the Date/Time formatting will run as expected.
  • [22897] When using Variable (Set), setting a variable value to another variable will work as expected.
  • [23003] Date formating works as expected on Spanish region/language configured systems.
  • [23005] User can send emails using host.
  • [23241] Single quotes in an If statement work as expected.
  • [23184] The text within a file ending with a comma is included in the populated variable.
  • [23268] The leading zeros in a variable value will remain when configured to auto.
  • [23385] Structure/fields will keep leading zeros in the value.

July 2017

Version 11.0.1
  • [16352] When loading a WebSMC page on machines running Windows Server 2003 or 2008, a moving-arrow loading animation has been added.
  • [16774] When editing a Sharepoint trigger, the pencil overlay now shows appears on the Sharepoint icon.
  • [18770] The Print activity no longer gives an incorrect error message when attempting to print more than one page.
  • [18900] TLS 1.2 implementation is now compatible with Office 365.
  • [19692] Web Server Management Console folders are no longer accessible to users without proper permissions by double-click.
  • [20351] When using the Database - SQL Query activity, an Oracle Query that contains a space after the final semicolon no longer returns an error.
  • [20535] When configuring the Database - Open SQL Connection activity, a timeout value of zero (0) now results in no timeout, as indicated by in the description.
  • [20831] The IF - Folder exists activities now return correct values when a mapped drive (such as “Z:”) is used as the folder name.
  • [20873] In the File System - CSV to dataset, when referencing a multi-row dataset, an "Index out of range" error is returned when you reference an invalid row of a dataset.
  • [20892] When using the Excel - Get Cells activity and a cell contains a quotation mark ("), values are now returned correctly.
  • [20899] The File System - CSV to dataset activity now loads the dataset properly when a quotation mark (") is next to a LF (line feed) character.
  • [20952] Powershell - Run Script now runs even if a decimal is set to a comma.
  • [21040] You can now use a regular expression to exclude a file from processing when using the Compression - Decompress activity.
  • [21113] In Task Administrator, when using Database Logging, the accuracy of timestamps in database logs has been improved.
  • [21133] Workflow folders in Server Management Console now sort correctly when moving between environments in the Tasks, Conditions, Processes, Agents, Process Agents, Agent Groups, Users, User Groups folders.
  • [21158] The IF - Folder exist action's path no longer requires a '\' at the end of its path in order to work properly.
  • [21317] Fixed issues with setting values in multi-dimensional arrays.
  • [21360] The If - Condition activity now evaluates 2 or more variables correctly.
  • [21434] When Holiday Exclusion is set for a Workflow, Task, or Condition in Global Settings, and you create a Workflow with exclusions, the job now runs properly after you remove the exclusion.
  • [21484] The File System - CSV to dataset activity now converts files correctly when the final column of the final row is empty and is not followed by a line break.
  • [21553] The visual description of the 7-zip type in the Compression - Compress activity now says "7zip" instead of "SevenZip".
  • [21554] When using the 7-zip type in Compression - compress activity, you can now append to an existing archive.
  • [21627] The Email - Send message activity no longer fails when an attachment's name contains a semi-colon (";").
  • [21645] When configuring an On Task Error email in Task Builder, the PC Name length can now be 15 characters or more.
  • [21685] The Release function has been removed from the Expression Builder's Extended Functions section.
  • [21686] The Email - Send message activity now allows users to specify a proxy.
  • [21750] When you use a File System trigger to detect a change to a file or folder, changes in subfolders are now detected properly.
  • [21762] Workflow Designer no longer requires shared variables to be in a specific order.
  • [21768] When using POP3 protocol with the Email - Create Session activity, TLS encryption using SSH4 is now supported.
  • [21805] The Email - Get messages activity can now access emails from the specified "Current Folder" field.
  • [21964] The GetChar function has been removed from the Expression Guilder's Function section. Use the Mid function for similar functionality.
  • [22210] The Task name is now displayed at the top of the Task Builder window.
  • [22246] When using the Twitter action, correct error messages are now issued when a tweet has already been sent or when the message exceeds 140 characters.
  • [22260] Daylight Savings Time is now handled properly when using the Schedule trigger with Specfic Days of the week.
  • [22274] Expressions entered into the On Error or Error Causes pages of the Action Properties dialog are now parsed correctly for all activities.
  • [22276] The Automate action group is no longer enabled in Automate Enterprise.
  • [22283] When you click the Stop Task button in a task window, the task now stops correctly with no errors.
  • [22285] The title of the Management Console application has been changed to "Automate Enterprise 11 Management Console" in the Windows Start menu.
  • [22286] The "Launch BPAEM.exe" option was removed from the Windows Start menu..
  • [22287] When executing a task that references an invalid variable, the error message now says "Invalid variable reference."
  • [22288] When importing a task from Version 10 to Version 11, regions are now defined properly and include the end region.
  • [22294] In the Database - Open SQL Connection activity, you can now connect to an IBM DB2 without specifying a provider.
  • [22310] When executing a task containing a step that should cause the task to fail now stops correctly even when followed immediately by a comment now.
  • [22312] The Basic Script IDE now scales the IDE window correctly when maximized.
  • [22313] In Expression Builder, the extended function FirstDateOfDayInMonth() now returns the correct date.
  • [22314] In Expression Builder, the extended function FirstDateOfDayInQuarter() now returns the correct date.
  • [22315] In Expression Builder, the extended function FirstDateOfDayInYear() now returns the correct date.
  • [22323] Variables in tasks can now contain ']]>'.
  • [22325] When using Task Builder, you can now paste steps that contain a variable value.
  • [22326] You can now open a Version 10 .AML file that contains <![CDATA[]]> in a variable value.
  • [22328] The Automate version number now appears in the Task Builder window title bar.
  • [22329] In Expression Builder, extended function CreateODBCDateTime() now displays time in 24-hour format (matches Version 10).
  • [22330] In Expression Builder, extended function CreateODBCTime() now displays time in 24-hour format (matches Version 10).
  • [22331] In Expression Builder, extended function DriveAvailableSpace() now returns actual available hard drive space.
  • [22333] In Expression Builder, extended function DriveExists() now returns correct results for valid and invalid drive letters.
  • [22334] When using the Basic_Scripting activity's Execute action, extended function DriveExists() now returns correct results for valid and invalid drive letters.
  • [22335] The ExtractFilePath() extended function now returns only path. The file name has been removed.
  • [22336] When you run Version 10 task that uses the FileCount() extended function, it no longer returns an error.
  • [22337] The GetAutoMateVersion() extended function now returns the correct version number.
  • [22338] The GetCurrentTagText() extended function now handles ']]>' properly withn an AML tag.
  • [22341] The GetIPAddress() extended function now returns the IP address in IPv4 format.
  • [22342] The GetManagedTaskInstanceID() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22343] The GetProductName() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22344] The GetProgramsDirectory() extended function now returns the relevant program file location.
  • [22346] The Is64BitOS() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22347] The Is64BitTask() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22348] The IsActionSupported() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22349] The IsAM() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22350] The IsBPA() extended function no longer gives the "Variable or function does not exist" error message.
  • [22351] The LastDateOfWeek() extended function now returns to the last date of the current week.
  • [22352] The LastDayOfMonth() extended function now returns last day number (1-7) of the month instead of last date.
  • [22353] The LastDayOfQuarter() extended function now returns last day (1-7) of the quarter instead of last date.
  • [22354] The LastDayOfYear() extended function now returns last day (1-7) of the year instead of last date (31) of the year.
  • [22378] The GetWorkflowName() extended function is now returning with the workflow name.
  • [22379] The Exchange - Get Objects activity now lets you to retrieve a Contact list that contains groups.
  • [22384] When running a task within Task Builder, reference to a constant no longer returns an error.
  • [22385] The Compression - Compress activity now works properly in Automate Enterprise.
  • [22386] The Json - Decode activity no longer fails when called in more than one task step.
  • [22409] When you use the Variable - Create activity to create a read-only variable (READONLY="yes") an error message is no longer returned.
  • [22410] Create Variable when type is set to number now has values.
  • [22411] The Terminal - Disconnect activity now works correctly.
  • [22412] Fixed connection when using a predefined SQL.
  • [22413] Email activities using Exchange System connection now run correctly.
  • [22414] When you enter valid credentials for an Exchange server in the Server Management Console's Options -> Default Properties -> Default Task Agent Properties -> Email, (Automate Enterprise) it now connects properly.
  • [22416] When using Task Builder, you can now select and delete multiple steps even some of the selected steps do not appear in the Task Builder window.
  • [22427] If an IF condition evaluates to true, has an ELSE condition, and is looped multiple times, the loop now executes correctly.
  • [22428] You can now run a Terminal activity to connect to an IBM Power I System in Automate Enterprise.
  • [22429] The hundred-thousand-row limitation has been removed from the results of an execution_event GET call in the REST API.
  • [22456] Date and time parsing now uses a culture invariant format, reducing the number of entries in the app event log.
  • [22466] If you install only the Server Management Console's Development Tools on Windows 10 x64, the Task Builder now runs properly.
  • [22467] Functions no longer require you to pass all parameters (including optional ones).
  • [22468] AMCredProvider.dll now installs in the correct directory on Windows 10.
  • [22469] When using the Database - Open SQL Connection activity to connect to an Access database, you no longer get an error message.
  • [22470] The AM_TIMEOUT parameter now works properly when an error is encountered.
  • [22485] Task Triggering now behaves as intended when enabling it from the System Tray.
  • [22486] When you install Version 11 without removing previous versions, Automate no longer presents an error message about the connection to localhost.
  • [22489] You can now copy a variable in the Variables pane by right-clicking and choosing Copy Variable.
  • [22491] You can now restart an Automate Enterprise server without restarting Process agents that are connected to it, and the Process agents connect and execute processes correctly.
  • [22493] When using the Text - Find activity to search text containing two or more percent (%), the find now works correctly.
  • [22494] The Text - Find activity now returns an index of 0 if the search text is not in the target string, instead of an "Index out of range" error.
  • [22500] Task Administrator task logging now works properly.
  • [22504] The Text - Find activity now returns an index of 0 if the search text is a period (.), instead of an "Index out of range" error.
  • [22523] When you run a task with AM_ONERROR="Continue" set, tasks now continue when an error is encountered.
  • [22525] The Database - Open SQL connection activity now connects using an ODBC driver.
  • [22526] A task copied from a sub-workflow (Automate Enterprise) is now copied correctly.
  • [22529] When the Process Agent activity disconnects but is not shut down properly on a Linux machine, Automate Enterprise now recognizes the disconnection.
  • [22530] In Task Builder, when you open an existing step in the Action Editor within a task that creates a dataset or structure, expanders are no longer removed from the Variable pane.
  • [22533] When using the Loop - Break activity in a loop, subsequent loops in the same task are now handled correctly.
  • [22545] Task Builder now runs properly when adding a Database - SQL query action that contains a curly bracket ( { ) in the query.
  • [22575] When using Task Builder, you can now enter a multi-line value in the Task Variable value field.
  • [22579] When using an If statement to compare strings in AML, you can now use single-quoted expressions.
  • [22596] When using the Variable - Set activity, a trailing percent (%) character now results in an Invalid expression error.
  • [22597] The Go To Step error configuration option now takes the user to the correct step.
  • [22600] When using a File System trigger with the file modified prerequisite, network shares trigger only once when a file is modified.
  • [22603] The Timeout option now ends a task correctly.
  • [22606] You can now run a subtask in Task Builder when only dev tools are installed.
  • [22607] Text activities no longer fail when the target text contains two or more percent (%) symbols.
  • [22608] When System and Default Email settings are set to require Explicit or Implicit TLS/SSL, the Email - Send Message activity now requires that a certificate be specified.
  • [22609] When using File System Size, a file will now activate the trigger when it is less than 2kb different from the set size.
  • [22611] In Task Builder, when using the Json - Decode activity, structure and array properties are now available in Expression Builder unless expanded in the Variables pane.
  • [22614] You can now loop over a structure or array of structures created from the Json - Decode activity.
  • [22620] In Server Management Console, workflow exclusion of a sub-workflow is now respected by the parent workflow.
  • [22627] AML expressions now handle escaped percent (%) characters.
  • [22628] When using Visual view while setting the OnStepError event, the view now shows the correct choice after you change it from Continue to another option.
  • [22638] The %CDate()%expression no longer fails with “Type mismatch” error.
  • [22639] When the Stop Task action is set to success, it now stops the task and produces the correct message.
  • [22643] In the Database - SQL Query activity, Oracle queries now return search results when using INSERT.
  • [22655] In the Database - SQL Query activity, you can now use tasks containing datasets that were created in previous versions of Automate.
  • [22656] In the Database - SQL Query activity, you no longer have to create a dataset when running a stored procedure.
  • [22664] A workflow can now see shared variables after a sub-workflow has run
  • [22666] When using an SQL statement in a script step, you no longer have to create a dataset.
  • [22669] When running a task in Task Builder, you can now copy steps when regions are present.
  • [22671] The GetAgentName() extended function now works as expected.
  • [22708] When using the Variable - Increment activity, an empty value now increments to 1.
  • [22719] When you import a workflow in Automate Enterprise, the folder focus now remains on the current Workflows folder.
  • [22722] When using the Dialog - Message activity, escaped percentage (%%) characters are handled properly. This was fixed by #22627 above
  • [22723] The Sharepoint - Upload activity now works properly with 64-bit Automate.
  • [22738] When using the Loop - Files activity, you can now exclude a subfolder.
  • [22741] The Sharepoint - Upload activity no longer returns an "invalid characters" error when uploading from Automate Enterprise.
  • [22742] Variables now accept HTML special characters.
  • [22752] The Text - Find activity no longer gives an incorrect error message when the Start index is set to 1.
  • [22756] In Expression Builder, Filter search now works in the Local Variables (default) folder.
  • [22760] In Expression Builder, the folder content now sorts alpha-numerically.
  • [22770] The Excel - Select Cells activity now selects the correct cells.
  • [22779] When using the Action Editor to create a variable containing HTML using the Variable - Create action, load time has been sped up considerably.
  • [22781] When setting a variable using the Variable - Set activity based on the result of an expression containing specific HTML content, the expression is now evaluated properly.
  • [22782] The Database - SQL Query activity now times the connection string contains an invalid server name.
  • [22796] The Text - Find activity now returns the correct value and index.
  • [22797] When using Text - Find, numbers ending in zero are now found correctly.
  • [22802] When using the Select - Begin Case activity, the case actions continue to work in subsequent nested loop actions.
  • [22818] Expressions entered into the On Error or Error Causes pages of any activity are now evaluated correctly at runtime.
  • [22823] The Database - Stored procedure activity no longer adds spaces to SQL commands in the procedure that use the varchar variable type.

March 2017

Version 11.0

Note: With this release, Automate BPA Server has been renamed to Automate Enterprise. This change applies to both the Standard and Enterprise versions.

Task Builder

Here are some of the features of the new Task Builder:

  • The Task Builder has been completely rewritten. It has the same overall look and feel, but is optimized for better user workflow.
  • Data value highlighting
  • Dockable panels
  • Variable inspector
  • Simplified event and function editing

New Actions and Triggers

Email Trigger

Monitor an Exchange mailbox for sent and received email messages meeting complex filter criteria.

JSON Action

  • JSON Decode - convert a JSON-encoded string into Automate variable engine objects.
  • JSON Encode - convert an Automate variable engine object into a JSON-encoded string.

Task Engine

Task Engine Rewritten

  • Internal Automate Markup Language (AML) format has been upgraded to Version 3.
  • Fixed many legacy issues. Provides a solid platform for future enhancements.

Automate Enterprise Only

Flexible Feature Licensing

Create licenses that provide solutions to your specific needs.

December 2016




  • 19789 SMC (AGENT GROUP DISTRIBUTION): Round Robin functionality not present when Oracle is backend DB
  • 19802 SMC (AGENT GROUP DISTRIBUTION):If you set the Agent Group Distribution on a workflow to 'Run on agents that meet the performance metrics,' only the very first task inside the workflow will run.
  • 20866 VARIABLES: Variable's current value is not retained if another functions runs like "OnTaskFailure".
  • 20940 SMC (PASSWORD): SMC Password is visible through Windows Task Manager under the command line column for WFD
  • 20965 WFD (DELETE OBJECTS): Cannot delete all objects when an evaluation or wait object is in the workflow
  • 20967 SMC (SHARED VARIABLES): Workflow will hang if a shared variable is referencing a constant
  • 20977 HTTP (GET): SSL version TLS1,TLS11,TLS12 should be TLS1,TLS1.1,TLS1.2
  • 20993 SMC (USERS): Unable to modify administrator user with standard license
  • 21002 SMC (USERS): SMC license limit reached error if a user attempts to login as any other than administrator
  • 21203 BPA_EXEC (ORACLE): Unable to connect to Oracle 11g backend
  • 21232 EMAIL (SEND MESSAGE): Error when using email received from get messages dataset to send messages
  • 21234 BPAS_EXEC (UPGRADE, ORACLE BACKEND): Unable to upgrade from 10.4 to 10.5 with an Oracle backend
  • 21288 TASK (ENABLE/DISABLE): When running a "disable task" action after a "enable task" action, the tasks will not disable.
  • 21290 TRIGGERS (WINDOW): Window trigger does not save contents (BPA ONLY)
  • 21315 WFD (USERS): Usernames containing a space will give errors
  • 21326 EXPRESSION (CUSTOM): Custom expression fails in v10 not v9
  • 21358 API (CREATE): API CREATE - missing parameters causes tables to erase all data
  • 21394 TASK FUNCTION: Unable to pass null or empty string value using a function
  • 21410 Agent crashes due to error in event log
  • 21414 Agent has numerous event log entries about "Value cannot be null"
  • 21415 Agent has numerous event log entries about "The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime."
  • 21416 Numerous BPAS_EXEC event log entries about "Problem with a custom query" relating only to the Instances table.
  • 21435 SMC: 'Create' permission missing from the Task Agents and Process Agents folders
  • 21517 SMC: Coping workflows or creating a subfolder will kick you back to the root folder
  • 21518 SMC (ENABLE/DISABLE): non-admin users are not able to enable/disable workflows


  • 20836 XML (READ NODE): Read node XML action fails if xml namespace is undefined in xml.
  • 21359 API (REST): Compound filter set does not respect secondary filter

October 2016

Version 10.6



  • 16437 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): DST time change causes scheduled tasks to move execute one hour later
  • 20950 BPAS_EXEC: unable to connect to an oracle 12c database data store
  • 21179 BPAS_EXEC: the row count for tables "executionevents, instances and taskstepevents" increase exponentially which can lead to instability
  • 21338 AMEXECUTE / SKYBOT INTEGRATION: running a process by path is not working


  • 20963 SMC (REPORTS): duration column missing in v10.5 execution events

October 2016

Version 10.5

New Features:

  • API - AutoMate BPA Server now exposes a standards-based, fully documented RESTful API for object manipulation and execution with over 190 calls available.
  • Reporting - BPA Server has an enhanced logging system, providing event-based reporting of object execution. Included is the much anticipated storage of step-level information about task execution.


  • Interactivity (Press) - Fixed an issue that would automatically fail a ‘Press’ step during runtime if the Type property was unchecked.
  • Excel (Set Cell) - Values with decimals are now writing to Excel correctly. Also, corrected an issue that inappropriately changes a cell’s format when a date/time value is written to it.
  • Email (Get Messages) - Any value entered in the Port parameter is now properly saved.
  • Terminal (Get Terminal Text) - Range column/row text format from v9 now matches v10 format. Also, range column/row text no longer adds a carriage return to captured text.
  • Text (Format Date/Time) - The ‘Format Date Time’ activity is now capable of retrieving a single digit hour. Also, resolved an issue that would display MM (months) in place of mm (minutes) when a ‘Format Date/Time’ step was copied and pasted to a new line.
  • Text (Get Text) - The ‘Get Text’ activity is now capable of retrieving only the last character of the text specified.
  • Open Document Spreadsheet (Get Cells) - Fixed a bug that would generate a “Column "" already exists” error whenever a ‘Get Cells’ step retrieves blank cells.
  • Task (Start Subtask) - An access violation error is no longer thrown when running 3 or more nested subtasks. START SUBTASK: Sub Task Execution - task stops and reports success
  • File System (CSV to Dataset) - ANSI encoding is now reliable when writing CSV values to a dataset.
  • FTP (Synchronize Folders) - Resolved a bug that applied UTC time zone conversion only to the FTP server and not on the local machine.
  • Run – Resolved an issue with regards to the ‘Run’ activity performing 15 times slower when the Wait until application is ready for input option is enabled.
  • Variable (Set Variable) - Corrected an issue that caused the task interpreter to crash if the variable was set to an expression ending with a minus (-) sign.

Server Management Console:

  • Agent Deployment - Agents can now be deployed from SMC using IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6).
  • Users - Fixed a problem that would generate a “License Limit Reached” error when attempting to log in with a non-administrator user.
  • Reports - Fixed an issue that generated conflicting time and date results from repository vs condition details. Also, corrected an issue with regards to specific reports erroneously displaying tasks in other folders.
  • Task Exclusions - Corrected an issue with Task Exclusions not functioning in BPA for specific tasks.
  • Sorting - Corrected a folder sorting issue that would arise when connecting to different agent environments from the same SMC.
  • On Workflow Error - Corrected an issue that would indicate "workflow will be disabled" even if the Disable Workflow parameter is unchecked in the ‘On Workflow Error’ properties.


  • Event Log - Fixed a problem which caused the Event Log trigger to fire on everything when it contained no description filter.
  • Schedule - The last workday of the month trigger exclusion is now acknowledged. Also, fixed an issue that caused the modified date to change every time a workflow kicks off.

Shared Variables:

  • Fixed a problem with shared variables being erased within sub-workflows. The sub-workflow now recognizes any shared variable being passed to it.
  • Fixed a problem with copied shared variables that included a quoted substring in the description truncates description on paste.


  • Fixed an issue that would remove the steps of an imported task and cause AMTB to reveal an empty/unbuilt task when it is being edited.
  • Fixed an issue that failed to copy steps containing a large number of hyphens when importing steps into AMTB.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an AM10 task to omit steps when being imported back into AM10.

January 2016

Version 10.4.2


  • 18803 BPAS_EXEC: execution events are not being written to the execution events table when upgrading from v10.4.0.35

December 2015

Version 10.4.1


  • 18769 BPAS_EXEC: execution events are not being written to the execution events table when upgrading from previous version of v10

December 2015

Version 10.4



  • FILE SYSTEM (DATASET TO CSV) Retrieves data currently populated into a dataset and outputs the data onto a comma-separated values (CSV) file.


  • 18706 WEB BROWSER (OPEN): firefox v43.0 does not support unsigned extensions, automation extension is disabled
  • 18699 HELP FILE: terminal action activity descriptions are incorrect
  • 18686 SCHEDULE TRIGGER: When schedule set to recurring monthly falls on Fall DST hour, rescheduling Nex Launch Date for an hour after
  • 18654 AMTB VARIABLES: In Variables debug panel, nothing happens when object with "Type" = "Field" is right clicked and "inspect" selected
  • 18615 NextLunch date is not being saved in ScheduleTrigger
  • 18587 AMTB: When task is open which contains attachments when user selects "File>New", getting "List Index out of bounds" popup
  • 18585 COMMUNICATION LAYER: When creating or importing tasks with large attachments (greater than 10MB) in AMTA or SMC, getting error
  • 18584 If (LAST STEP FAILS): If Last step fails gets ignored if the step ahead contains OnErrorStep "continue"
  • 18583 HEALTHCHECK: HealthCheck.exe fails with System.ArgumentException
  • 18575 WFD: Clicking on "Repository Properties" for a Condition stored in the repository and then attempting to edit the properties generates error
  • 18574 WFD: Clicking on "Repository Properties" for Tasks, Workflows and Processes stored in repository generates message "This condition is not available with the currently registered license".
  • 18549 FILE SYSTEM (GET INFORMATION): File size is getting the size in bytes rather than KB as mentioned in the help file
  • 18548 AMTA (BACKUP): Error message if task directory exceeds limit
  • 18531 A BPA task does not fail when logon fails
  • 18517 TEXT (GET SUBSTRING): Start Index cannot be larger than length of string when the file is blank
  • 18511 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): "Specified Date and Time" fails if The month is one digit and format is set to MMdyyyy.
  • 18439 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): When second/minute/hour interval event scheduled event, trigger schedule offsets 1 hour when crossing DST End Date boundary, missing scheduled interval
  • 18430 VARIABLE (Create) -Percent sign causes error in "description" tab
  • 18374 SHARED VARIABLES: System.NullReferenceException error when referencing a constant in a shared variable
  • 18342 IMAGE "CAPTURE" (Active Window): Screen capture when set to "Active Window' is corrupt
  • 18302 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): When daily, weekly and monthly interval scheduled event, trigger schedule offsets 1 hour when crossing Fall DST boundary
  • 18272 LOGON: AMLogonCredProvider.dll fails to login after previous failed attempt
  • 18245 DATASETS:output is not correct when date is in Australian date format
  • 18244 EXCEL (OPEN/CREATE WORKBOOK): formatting is not correct when opening workbook
  • 18208 SMC: Unable to import workflows
  • 18175 AMTB (REGIONS): Adding a step to the bottom of the region will not save the action inside of it
  • 18145 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME)(IMPORT): Importing AM9 task does not convert date/time action
  • 18108 FILE SYSTEM (COPY FILES): Dataset.Message does not populate
  • 17977 SMC (INDICATOR WINDOW): Show Running Tasks disappears (intermittent issue)
  • 17970 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Actions within tasks will not migrate
  • 17967 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Swedish characters are corrupted when using the migration utility.
  • 17877 File Triggger (Include Mask): Multiple WF that are monitoring the same folder with an include mask will kick off when a file is added
  • 17792 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Task Exclusions data not present in SMC after Datastore Migration
  • 17776 SMC: When Workflow or Task title contains Unicode, SMC tooltip displaying "??????????" in "result output" row
  • 17775 AMTB: When Task title contains Unicode, Task Builder displays the title incorrectly
  • 17774 AMTA: When Task title contains Unicode, choosing to edit generates popup that the AML file does not exist
  • 17747 LICENSING: When hardware id specific trial license key applied and MAC id changed, license not recognizing system
  • 17741 HELP FILES: Typing F1 on any page of SMC Reports section opens "Reports Overview" Help file and not the Help File specific to that page.
  • 17739 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: Warning message in Step 1 is incorrect
  • 17736 AMTA (Step Exeuction) Execution of step order not adhered to when ran in AMTA
  • 17688 CSV TO DATASET: When column header or text row of .csv includes a space, all text after the space is stripped out when populating dataset
  • 17663 FTP (LOGON): Port Number reverts back to its default
  • 17660 HELP FILE: "File System" Help page includes link to "Compression - Decompress" activity
  • 17659 HELP FILE: File System page missing link to "CSV to dataset" link in "Available Activities" table
  • 17647 AMTASK: Running an encrypted task via command prompt will result in a Task Interpreter error
  • 17577 AMTB: Throw more specific error message for "JSON" and "Type" activities when the name of the Object they create has disallowable characters
  • 17571 FUNCTION: OnTaskStart function executes on every 'custom function call' from Main task
  • 17565 AMTB: Disable "Properties" right-click option in Variables Debug panel when object type is "Structure"
  • 17481 WAIT (WAIT FOR WINDOW): Error causes missing (error causes tab)
  • 17480 SCHEDULE TRIGGER (EXCLUSIONS): Adding multiple exclusions 2 "specific time range" and 1 "Specific days" will change the visual view of an exclusion.
  • 17464 AMTB: "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" has "R" assigned as hotkey for multiple options
  • 17441 AMTB: In Function Properties, hotkey to select Parameters table defined same as checkbox, will never select the Parameters table
  • 17429 SMC (PRIORITIES): Task Priority does not honor the option (do not run task, Success)
  • 17419 AMTB: Attachments not refreshed when "refresh" selected, connectivity to originating file is lost
  • 17415 AMTB: When file attached, path name is not retained in the "Attachment File" textbox, connectivity to active file is lost
  • 17412 RUN: "An unexpected error has occurred." error message when "run only if another instance isn't running" options are configured
  • 17411 AMTB: User able to create a Function Parameter without a name
  • 17403 EXCHANGE (GET OBJECT(S)):Does not show repeating appointments if they are set to reoccur
  • 17401 IF (Complex Expression Evaluation, if) - If not evaluating expression properly
  • 17387 EXCEL (GET CELL(S) "Auto Detect"): Selecting the option "Auto Detect" when all referenced excel cells are blank results in error as expected, but throws incorrect "COM library cannot be initialized" message
  • 17380 AMTB: TaskView panel not switching from "Task Variables" to "Functions" when jumping to Task Function elements in Debug panel
  • 17371 AMTB: Double-clicking on some Task Variables in the "Variables" Debug window opening Action Properties for existing steps in the active function
  • 17369 AMTB: "Watches" Debug panel allows user to select more than one object row at a time
  • 17311 AMTB: "Function" functionality remains active when TaskView panel set to "Task Variables"
  • 17275 HELP FILE: When "Copy Description" selected, user unable to paste into TaskView panel as a new step
  • 17272 AMTB: "Next Bookmark" and "Previous Bookmark" only working when highlighted step in TaskView panel is bookmarked
  • 17271 HELP FILE: "More on Bookmarks" links on "Ribbon" Help page navigating to wrong page
  • 17227 FILE SYSTEM (COPY FILES): Import of a V8 task does not keep the check for the option for "Preserve folder structure"
  • 17224 TEXT (REPLACE): Replace action is displaying "Replace text" and not working with the function in the find
  • 17221 SMC: Connect To field Error
  • 17220 WEB BROWSER (SET TEXT): Set Text activity unable to set 'null' value as Variable
  • 17218 HELP FILE (AUTOMATE PROFESSIONAL EDITION):Support for Remote Administration needs to be updated
  • 17216 SMC: Crashes due to SMC Preferences
  • 17215 PDF (CREATE): Margins are off when converting HTML to PDF
  • 17161 AMTB (REGION): Copying/pasting a Region doubles the steps that get pasted
  • 17144 AMTB: Once something other than "use this sound" selected for "sound on error" option, file selection becomes permanently inactive
  • 17106 AMTB: User not warned when invalid data entered in "Folder" field of "Browse For Folder" OpenFolderDialog window accessed from "General" page in Options window
  • 17105 AMTB: Same hotkeys used to define multiple fields on the Toolbar page of the Options window
  • 17104 AMTB: hotkey functionality on Toolbar page in Options window not working
  • 17098 AMTB: "Options" window page tree allows for editable page names, but does not retain the changes
  • 17089 AMTB: Same hotkeys used to define multiple dropdowns on the Colors page of the Options window
  • 17088 AMTB: Hotkey functionality on Colors page in Options window not working, hotkeys for Fonts page incorrectly activated on this page
  • 17087 AMTB: Hotkey functionality on Fonts page in Options window not working
  • 17071 AMTB: No Option to "always" include error descriptions in Visual View
  • 17019 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): date & time does not dynamically adjust within the action editor when configuring the adjust options in the advanced section
  • 17014 AMTrigger: AMTrigger.TriggeredDateTime has a format issue when called via schedule trigger
  • 17011 AMTB: "Clear Recent" button functionality not working
  • 16975 SCHEDULE TRIGGER (CUSTOM): Restarting AM service will cause custom trigger tasks to kick off
  • 16962 COMPRESSION (Decompress): File System failed (Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)
  • 16959 AUTOMATE & BPA LICENSE: Applying some non-AutoMate HelpSystems keys into AMTA or SMC, getting status "Key Valid"
  • 16953 TASK BUILDER: "Clear Popular" button in Actions Tab ribbon - name needs updating, functionality not working
  • 16889 VARIABLE (CREATE): Variable "varPassword" could not be set (Missing closing percentage sign to end expression) when setting a value with an escaped % and disguise initial value is selected
  • 16847 HELP FILE: Group Names in the "Tabs & Commands" section of the Task Builder Ribbon page displaying as links but do not support link functionality
  • 16844 HELP FILE: "More on My Actions Pane" missing link functionality on Home/TaskBuilder/User Interface/Ribbon page
  • 16787 AMTB: in Attachments Panel of Debug Window, right-clicking on attachment and selecting "Refresh" generates Access Violation error
  • 16786 HELP FILE: Multiple Debug Panel Help Pages getting Javascript error in both AM and BPA
  • 16784 AMTB: Parameters from NewFunction retained in Parameters table after new Task Function selected
  • 16779 STRDUP() FUNCTION: "Expression evaluation failed: "A variable or function in the expression does not exist or is misspelled " error
  • 16746 BPAS_EXEC: Oracle DB backend does not populates tables if any user other than SYSTEM is used
  • 16743 FTP (SYNCHRONIZE FOLDERS): grammar correction in Visual View of AMTB - change "if file exist at both location" to be "if file exists at both locations"
  • 16739 FILE SYSTEM (READ FROM FILE): multiline regex replace is not functioning beyond first line
  • 16621 CRYPTOGRAPHY (DECRYPT/VERIFY): Public key passphrase cannot be modified/deleted
  • 16619 CRYPTOGRAPHY (DECRYPT): Passphrase is not being saved under "PGP Public key"
  • 16618 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow referencing missing schedule trigger kills exec server
  • 16617 DATASET TO CSV ACTIVITY: Activity Description in AML View not consistent with "CSV to Dataset" activity naming convention
  • 16610 AMTASK: Abnormal Program Termination Error when running task that call subtasks
  • 16599 VMWARE HOST (POWER OFF): Selection for "Soft Shutdown" does not save
  • 16598 FILE SYSTEM (CSV TO DATASET): regardless of delimiter selection, csv will parse file against ALL possible delimiters
  • 16596 HELP FILE: When accessing Help on SMC Options>Licenses page, Help opens to "This page can't be displayed" page
  • 16595 HELP FILE: When accessing Help on SMC Calendar page, Help opens to "This page can't be displayed" page
  • 16593 COMPRESSION (DECOMPRESS): Decompress action will extract files in adjacent folders if the compressed file name is the same. Occurs only when "preserve
  • 16592 "TYPE" ACTION - CREATE OBJECT: Unable to load properties when object is derived from WSDL URI
  • 16562 AMTB: When in Visual View and exporting to PDF, pdf display resembles aml view and some content is cutoff
  • 16561 ODS ACTIVITIES: When no session yet created, "Resource" is defaulting to "Session" rather than "File"
  • 16560 FTP (SYNCHRONIZE FOLDERS): grammar correction "if file exist..." should be "if file exists..." or "if files exist..."
  • 16559 AMTB: Creating a comment inside of <???> will delete all steps
  • 16558 HELP FILE: ftp options list from the ftp logon activity need to be documented in the help file
  • 16557 DIALOG (CUSTOM): "unhandled exception has occurred in a component..." error when saving the dialog designer in OS with different regional settings
  • 16555 AGENT UPGRADE: agent upgrade information prompt does not occur when clicking upgrade in top nav bar of the SMC
  • 16554 BPAS_EXEC: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object...." when workflows contain orphaned schedule triggers
  • 16552 BPAS_EXEC: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object...." error messages in Windows event log
  • 16543 AMTA: Cannot open a task when the task name contain special characters (i.e. åäö)
  • 16542 TRIGGER (FILE TRIGGER): When a file is referenced within the include mask field AND is also listed in the folder path, the include mask is ignored
  • 16541 SMC (REPOSITORY): Copy and Pasting a task in the repository will revert all settings to INHERITED
  • 16540 BPAS_EXEC: subworkflow execution causes execution server service to leak memory
  • 16537 HELP FILE: COMPRESSION (COMPRESS) documentation references preserve folder structure radio buttons that are no longer present in v10
  • 16536 AMTB (INDENT): Pressing the Format Steps Button with a nested loop will break the second END IF indentation
  • 16535 AMTB (INDENT): Adding an indented step below a non-indented step will remove the indentation of the step
  • 16534 WFD: "...this condition is not available with the currently registered license." message for repository properties for tasks, workflows, and processes
  • 16533 WFD: repository properties should not be an available right click selection for evaluation and wait objects
  • 16531 HELP FILE: remove specified user information for when workstation is logged on
  • 16517 WAIT (FOR FILE): "files does not exist" does not wait for ALL files to not exist when using a wildcard
  • 16515 [FEATURE] AMTA AND SMC: Change "Help/Systems" to "HelpSystems" wherever it is displayed
  • 16514 HELP FILE: in AMTA and AMTB, on Welcome Help Page, clicking "About Network Automation, Inc." link in left nav generates "Page can't be displayed"
  • 16513 AMTASK: "Abnormal program termination" error when running subtasks using attachments
  • 16512 SHARED VARIABLES: Shared variables are not displayed under "task variables" folder in the expression builder
  • 16511 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): Main display will not show adjustments made under "advanced/adjust"
  • 16510 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): Importing a disabled task from v6, v7 or v8 leaves a "Dont trigger on startup" message within the trigger
  • 16497 BPAS_EXEC: Out of Memory (MEMORY LEAK)
  • 16496 AMTA CONNECTIONS: When "Disconnect & Remove" applied to localhost or local ip address, connection is disconnected but not removed
  • 16493 FTP (LOGON): SFTP authentication type default Auto is not a selection once you select a different option
  • 16442 BPAEM: slow memory leak when task isolation is set to medium or low

June 2015

Version 10.3


  • TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME) This activity has been updated to reflect .NET formatting. Tasks updated from v9, v8, v7, and v6 will automatically convert to the new format. However, tasks updated from v10.0, v10.1, and v10.2 will NOT convert automatically and may cause unexpected results. Editing of the step is required to update the activity. This can be done in two ways: 1) Edit the step and update the strings to reflect the new format or, 2) Copy and paste the already existing step. The pasted step will automatically convert to the new format. Examples of the update includes:
    • nn (minutes) is now mm (minutes)
    • mm (month) is now MM (month)


  • 6323 HELP FILE: “AMProcess Overview” topic page missing from AMProcess file tree
  • 6322 TRIGGER (STARTUP): trigger does not trigger regardless of the 3 settings: task service, any user, specific user
  • 6321 AMTA: Sorting issue when you change the view to Detail view and its Group
  • 6311 LICENSE: uninstall of and install of results in an unlicensed installation, perm license is not accepted
  • 6301 AMTA (REMOTE ADMINISTRATION): remote administration is a premium only feature and should not be available in professional
  • 6300 LOOP (LIST): does not recognize new line as the delimiter if new lines are only characterized with line feeds without carriage returns
  • 6298 AMTA (DATABASE LOGGING): database logging is a premium only feature and should not be available in professional
  • 6294 VARIABLE (CREATE): referencing a nonexistent variable along with any other characters in the initial value field generates wrong error message
  • 6284 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): Adding 2 exclusions will result in a "No launch date in the next 5 years"
  • 6283 REGISTRY (READ VALUE): Value "*(default)*" does not exist in registry key
  • 6280 AMENGINE: Wrong line number OUTPUT for a failed workflow
  • 6279 FILE SYSTEM (WRITE TO FILE): .NET is placing a lock during a write to file which causes a "File System failed" error.
  • 6277 HELP FILE: key sequence for bpa amtb save and close is incorrect
  • 6275 AMTA/SMC: Minimizing window eliminates partial display of Current Key on License Page
  • 6274 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): custom holiday exclusions in the holiday.aho file are not respected
  • 6269 ON ERROR (WRITE TO LOG): write to log on error option does not write to the system events log from amtb
  • 6267 AMTB: breakpoint added to comment step is ignored
  • 6266 BPAS_TS: execution events shows task failure when priorities were configured to be treated as successful
  • 6261 AMTB: unable to enable group of selected steps if the first step in the selection is a comment
  • 6259 SMC: changing the task agent email settings to use inherited values also changes the task agent default user to use inherited values
  • 6258 AMTA: incorrect step number is displayed in task pane and task error pop-up for errors in a task with OnTaskFailure events
  • 6257 AMTB: "DisplayAction List index out of bounds -1" error message when adding a an activity as the last step of a region
  • 6256 TRIGGER (FILE SYSTEM "USERS OPTION"): Default user information is not uniform.
  • 6247 FTP (LOGON): FTP failed (Error : Secure connection was closed by the remote connection end.)
  • 6246 DATABASE (SQL QUERY): "ADODB.Parameters:Parameter object is improperly defined..." when colon is used in query statement
  • 6243 AMEXECUTE: action= parameter does not function, "action specified is not valid..." error message
  • 6224 TEXT (HTML-DECODE): strings are not being decoded
  • 6221 WAIT (FOR FILE): activity with file options configured will not recognize file as newer if overwritten
  • 6220 EVENT MONITOR: running task window status does not adjust the status correctly to account for subtasks
  • 6219 AGENT: on task error email notifications contain failed task .aml attachments
  • 6217 WFD: workflow designer does not populate the repository pane when there is a large amount of repository objects
  • 6207 AMTS: Sending an invalid password to AMTS results in a valid session token
  • 6201 ODS: Column limit not respected for OpenOffice Spreadsheets
  • 6200 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): "Parameter "SPECIFIEDDATETIME" is not in a valid format." error message when running v9 step in v10
  • 6198 AMTB: task builder becomes unresponsive when copying/pasting 100+ steps
  • 6197 BPAS_EXEC: execution server does not attempt to reconnect to sql server upon initial service start
  • 6193 VARIABLE ENGINE: When running subtask unsuccessfully, error stack displaying incorrect parent error in AMTA
  • 6192 TASK EVENTS (ONSTEPERROR): on error retry attempts do not occur if OnStepError event contains steps
  • 6190 FILE SYSTEM (CSV TO DATASET): activity only converts comma delimited files to datasets, does not work with any other delimiter
  • 6188 TERMINAL (SEND TEXT): [TN] Sent text is not working for some keys
  • 6187 TERMINAL (SEND TEXT): [TN] Send text is overwriting current edit field
  • 6186 TERMINAL (CONTROL): [TN] Set cursor is not moving the cursor to correct row
  • 6185 DIALOG (MESSAGE): error causes time out & on error continue to next step settings for activity causes all subsequent similar activities to not execute
  • 6184 WAIT (FOR FILE): second wait for file within the same task does not wait (exist, does not exist)
  • 6183 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): misspelling - "hour" is spelled as "nour" in visual view of step
  • 6181 ODS (ENCRYPT): Task Builder not releasing the Excel resource upon failure to open encrypted spreadsheet
  • 6180 FILE SYSTEM (GET FILE METADATA): entire list of dataset columns is not created under windows 8.1 and windows 2012 r2
  • 6179 WFD: User unable to save the name for a new Process within the Workflow Window
  • 6178 COMPRESSION (DECOMPRESS): Compressed “GZIP” files not decompressing.
  • 6177 CONSTANTS (SERVER): "Expression evaluation failed..." error message when referencing a constant that contains a hyphen
  • 6176 ODS (REMOVE WORKSHEET): When a worksheet with a placement before the active worksheet is removed, the definition of the active worksheet is changed.
  • 6175 ODS (ADD WORKSHEET): Incorrect grammar in error message when adding a worksheet that already exists.
  • 6173 WFD (SHARED VARIABLE): end key on keyboard does not take you to the end of a long variable value if it extends beyond the view of the field
  • 6172 EXCEL (SET CELL(S)): When List>Vertical selected in the dialog box, “Vertical” misspelled in “Visual” View
  • 6171 ODS (SET CELL(S)): When List>Vertical selected in dioalog box, “Vertical” misspelled in “Visual” View
  • 6170 CONSTANTS (SERVER): "Expression evaluation failed..." error message when evaluating server constants from AMTB beyond the first execution
  • 6169 ODS ERROR CAUSES: Excel referenced in “Problem text” of 2 error causes within the Error Causes list.
  • 6167 ODS ACTIVITY FILE BROWSE: when browsing for File Name, extension defaults to “Excel Files” rather than “OpenDocument Spreadsheet”.
  • 6166 ODS ACTIVITIES IN VISUAL VIEW: Some ODS activities reference Excel in “Visual” view.
  • 6165 ODS (GET SELECTED CELL(S)): when "use specific worksheet" radio button selected, worksheet not displayed in "Visual" view
  • 6164 ODS (SELECT CELLS): when "use specific worksheet" radio button selected, worksheet not displayed in "Visual" view
  • 6163 ODS Dialog Box: The last sentence at the top of the "OpenDocument Spreadsheet" dialog box makes reference to Excel.
  • 6162 HELP: SKYBOT Run job suite help has typo.
  • 6161 AMTB: Breakpoints are not respected when you reopen the Task in AMTB while Running.
  • 6160 AMTB: In Expression Builder AMCurrentWorkflow Result and Path HelpIds are switched.
  • 6159 VARIABLE ENGINE: On Error Dialog Error Stack has empty line when running a subtask.
  • 6158 AMTA: Creating new managed task file does not allow file with quotes in name e.g. a"b
  • 6157 SMC: column view dynamically changes when column order and column view is changed
  • 6156 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: Agent SQL Connections do not migrate from v7 to v9/v10
  • 6149 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): exclusion specific days of the week within a time range ignores the time range and excludes entire day
  • 6147 ODS (AUTOFIT ROWS/COLUMNS): The 'End index' can be smaller than start index with no validation
  • 6145 ODS (ADD HYPERLINK): Can only add hyperlink by reference
  • 6137 ODS (GET ACTIVE WORKSHEET): Allows for an empty activity to be saved
  • 6136 AMTB (EXPRESSION BUILDER) - Map IDs needed to map new SharePoint AMTrigger/AMCondition datasets to Expression Builder.
  • 6123 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: Personal folders linked to users are not created for migration from older versions
  • 6117 EMAIL (GET MESSAGES): filter from: field returns inconsistent results
  • 6104 AMTB (INDENT): Adding an action on top of an indented step changes your task format
  • 6102 LOOP (DATASET): ordering column does not populate with column names of selected dataset
  • 6096 AMTB: snippets can have same name
  • 6095 AMTB: snippets can exist with no name
  • 6094 LICENSING: "Hardware ID Mismatch" error message when using a docking station that has its own NIC card
  • 6067 EXCEL (OPEN/CREATE WORKBOOK): "automation object could not be created" error message if excel.exe process running when step executes
  • 6062 AMTS: AMTA disconnects from task service when accessing the monthly calendar view after creating a task with a schedule trigger interval of 10 secs
  • 6055 AMTB: sluggish performance (7 second delay) when trying to move a step in a specific task
  • 6031 TRIGGER (WINDOW): Some Window Condition Properties in the Workflow Designer revert to defaults if By Window Title is unchecked.
  • 6028 SECURITY (GENERATE PASSWORD): length of generated password is inconsistent upon execution
  • 6013 TRIGGER (WINDOW): Cursor should change when selecting a window to key off of.
  • 6009 TRIGGER (PROCESS): 'Process must already be running' option fires even for processes that were not running
  • 6004 TRIGGER (PROCESS): Task could not start because a valid interactive session could not be found
  • 5746 SAMPLE TASK (AUTOMATE - RUN ANOTHER TASK): Fails with "Missing task name to start".
  • 5058 HELP FILE: selected actions in amtb do not open to their respective help page when pressing F1
  • 1811 HELP FILE: CUHUGE_ function link is misplaced in the Expression builder.

April 2015

Version 10.2


  • SharePoint Trigger (NEW)
  • OpenDocument Spreadsheet Action (NEW) Activities:
    • Workbook (Open/Create Workbook, Close Workbook)
    • Worksheet (Add Worksheet, Activate Worksheet, Get Active Worksheet, Rename Worksheet, Move Worksheet, Copy Worksheet, Remove Worksheet, Hide/Unhide Worksheet, Search, List Worksheet(s))
    • Cell (Select Cell(s), Get Selected Cell(s), Get Cell(s), Set Cell(s), Insert Cell(s), Delete Cell(s), Add Hyperlink)
    • Security (Encrypt, Decrypt)
    • Row & Column (Insert Rows/Columns, Delete Rows/Columns, AutoFit Rows/Columns)
  • SharePoint Action (UPDATED) Activities:
    • File (Download File(s), Upload File(s))
    • Site (Search Site(s))
    • Server (List Audit Log(s), Backup Site, Restore Site, List User Alert(s), Create User Alert, Update User Alert, Delete User Alert)
    • Workflow (Get Workflow(s), Get Workflow Instance(s), Start Workflow, Cancel Workflow, Resume Workflow, Suspend Workflow, Terminate Workflow)
    • View (Get View(s), Add View, Update View, Delete View)
  • PDF Action (UPDATED) Activities:
    • Attachment (List Attachment(s), Get Attachment(s), Add Attachment(s), Delete Attachment(s))


  • 6151 TERMINAL (GET TEXT) : [TN] When getting range or Entire screen the data is not newline delimited
  • 6150 TERMINAL (GET TEXT): [TN] Doesn´t get text written with terminal action, Send Text
  • 6143 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: BPA v9 agent SMTP settings do not migrate to v10 Email settings
  • 6142 ODS (GET SELECTED CELL(S)): By cell position lower right is getting returned wrong
  • 6141 ODS (GET SELECTED CELL(S)): By reference lower right is getting returned wrong
  • 6140 ODS (GET SELECTED CELL(S)): Active vs specific worksheet radio button is missing
  • 6139 ODS (SELECT CELL(S)): Active vs specific worksheet radio button is missing
  • 6138 ODS (LIST WORKSHEET): DataSet created has the indices incorrectly starting from zero
  • 6135 ODS (UNHIDE WORKSHEET): Does not unhide the hidden Worksheet
  • 6134 ODS (REMOVE WORKSHEET / HIDE WORKSHEET): Error message needs correction when attempting to remove the last visible Worksheet.
  • 6133 ODS (MOVE WORKSHEET): Move to AFTER a Worksheet, moves to before that worksheet
  • 6131 AMTB: variables added to the watch list are not listed in the watch pane when opening a saved task
  • 6128 TERMINAL (CONNECT) : Connection errors out with Invalid Hot name with ANSI emulation type
  • 6127 TERMINAL (SEND TEXT): Steps Drops the terminal session even with continue to next step on error
  • 6126 TERMINAL (GET TEXT) : Gets wrong line for TN emulation
  • 6125 VMWARE GUEST (CONNECT): tabbing order is incorrect in guest credentials section
  • 6124 AMTB: variable pane displays dataset fields unsorted, sort should be by name column ascending
  • 6122 WORKFLOW WIZARD: Strange behavior when adding more than one Windows Trigger
  • 6121 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: TaskCache folder path is not converted
  • 6120 FTP (LOGON): step visual view displays opposite of the "overwrite existing log file" option
  • 6119 EXCEL (GET CELLS): cell by position does not return cell data
  • 6118 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: BPA v9 server SMTP settings do not migrate to v10 Email settings
  • 6114 HELP FILE (EXCEL): "this page can't be displayed" error messages with specific activities
  • 6113 SHAREPOINT: Merge Download File(s) and Upload Files(s) into original activity
  • 6112 ACTIVE DIRECTORY (SET OBJECT PROPERTY): "Active Directory failed (Error: The server is unwilling to process the request.)" setting logon hours
  • 6107 TERMINAL (CONNECT): TN3270 "could not set connection parameters for requested port" error message for v10 but v9 works
  • 6106 INSTALL: administrator password specified during advanced setup saves as "password" in the database
  • 6105 AMTS: "the operation could not be performed because..." error message when editing/deleting a password protected am6 imported task
  • 6103 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: BPA v9 server properties do not migrate to v10
  • 6100 ODS (CREATE WORKBOOK): There is no way to provide a password for template file if it is password protected
  • 6099 INSTALL: Release date is not correct in readme file.
  • 6093 ODS (ADD WORKSHEET): a session created with .csv file does not warn that worksheets can not be added and executes successfully
  • 6091 TRIGGER (FILE SYSTEM): thread leak when file trigger loses access to a monitored network share
  • 6090 SELECT (BEGIN SELECT): "Step is missing required parameter "EXPRESSION"." error message when running a task that works in v7, v8, and v9
  • 6089 SMC: reports > task results "System.InvalidOperationException: Must call BeginInit ...." error message when trying to stop the results from loading
  • 6088 COMPRESSION (DECOMPRESS): "An unexpected error has occurred." error message when decompressing a file to a mapped network share
  • 6087 SMC: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error message when sorting columns in details view
  • 6085 AS2 (SEND): "Error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
  • 6084 BPA_TS: .cst cache files are not removed when a task/workflow completes
  • 6083 BPA_TS: .cst, .amv, .aml task cache files are being stored in the Agent AppData folder instead of the TaskCache folder
  • 6082 AMTB: step numbers misreported when task event steps fail "[Main](Step 2) Critical error executing event OnTaskFailure"
  • 6079 IMAGE (CAPTURE SCREEN): "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6078 COMPUTER (LOGOFF): "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6077 COMPUTER (SET DATE/TIME): "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6076 FILE SYSTEM (EMPTY RECYCLE BIN): "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6075 COMPUTER (DISPLAY): "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6074 ADVANCED (EXECUTE DLL FUNCTION): "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6073 VARIABLE: "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6072 EXCEL: "unknown step or invalid aml' in the steps pane when pasting steps from am9 amtb to am10 amtb
  • 6071 EXCEL (OPEN/CREATE WORKBOOK): "Call was rejected by callee..." error message when referencing a template in the "create from template" field
  • 6070 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): "use specified date time" returns current date rather than the date specified
  • 6069 HELP FILE: online help of am10 installation wizard is missing words
  • 6068 TEXT (FIND): "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error message when text variable is empty
  • 6066 EXCEL (SET CELLS): "Expression evaluation failed..." error message when columns names have an apostrophe (')
  • 6065 SMC: schedule triggers with exclusions disappear from the calendar
  • 6064 AMTB: "EndActionDragging...expression = 3" error message when adding a snippet containing a specific if statement to the main step pane
  • 6063 BPA_TS: queued task causes bpa_ts.exe to crash shortly after the initial running task completes
  • 6061 AMTB: breakpoint becomes irremovable if a step is added above the breakpoint
  • 6060 BPAS_EXEC: "CAL count has been exceeded" error message after upgrading agent from installer
  • 6059 HTTP (POST): "HTTP failed (Error : Connection lost (error code is 100353))" error message with HTTPS URL
  • 6058 BPAS_EXEC: users, sans administrator, are unable to edit workflow properties from objects within wfd
  • 6057 BPAS_EXEC: users, sans administrator, are unable to create conditions from wfd, only show as unbuilt condition
  • 6056 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): rescheduling option "prompt for what to do" does not function, functionality needs to be removed
  • 6054 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): date time format field of "m" should only return the single character month number
  • 6053 TEXT (REPLACE): "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection...." error message when replace field is empty
  • 6052 EXCHANGE (MOVE OBJECTS): does not move objects but runs as successful
  • 6050 AMTS: File naming convention for tasks differs from managed task wizard and amta (sync creation, vs async creation with a modify for rename)
  • 6049 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): actipro wpf controls error "no licensing was found in assembly..." during runtime only when step is set to prompt user
  • 6048 BPAS_EXEC: steps are not saving to a task if steps are added, task is executed, then task is saved
  • 6046 TEXT (PAD): tabs should not be supported within the action editor fields themselves, hitting tab should move to the next field
  • 6044 AMENGINE: "Exception of type 'AutoMate.Plugins.Runtime.AmSilentException' was thrown." when executing a subtask that fails
  • 6042 SKYBOT (WAIT FOR JOB & WAIT FOR JOB SUITE): can't tab into 'Populate variable with result' field
  • 6041 SMC: "System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not find file..." error message when executing a task from the repository
  • 6040 WEB BROWSER (EXTRACT TABLE): v10 extracts from wrong/different table than v9
  • 6039 TEXT (FIND): regex does not yield results in v10 that it does in v9
  • 6038 FILE SYSTEM (TOUCH): "Step is missing required parameter "CREATIONTIME"" error message when only selecting last accessed time
  • 6036 EXCEL (GET CELLS): dataset is not escaping commas in a field and instead is using the comma as a delimiter
  • 6035 BPAS_EXEC: disabled agents still execute tasks assigned to them inside of a workflow or from the repository
  • 6032 WORKFLOW WIZARD: Strange behavior when attempting to rename a trigger in the Workflow Wizard
  • 6030 AGENT DEPLOY/INSTALL: bpa username and password stored in plain text in the registry.
  • 6029 WFD: SMC returns to foreground after WFD launched
  • 6026 HELP FILE: Options-->Execution-->System Settings-->Disable Windows Foreground Timeout is confusing
  • 6025 CONSTANTS (SERVER): server constants are not evaluated when running from AMTB
  • 6024 SMC (AGENT CONSTANT): name field truncates the bottom portion of g, q, p, and y
  • 6020 HELP FILE: agent > security help icon opens to a "this page cannot be displayed" page in the help file
  • 6019 HELP FILE: agent > details help icon opens to a "this page cannot be displayed" page in the help file
  • 6018 HELP FILE: agent > notes help icon opens to a "this page cannot be displayed" page in the help file
  • 6016 TRIGGER (FILE SYSTEM): File Modified sometimes fires unexpectedly when only File Added should
  • 5999 HELP: SKYBOT Run job and Run job suite have been functionally changed, but help has not been updated to match
  • 5992 HELP: There is no information as how to a return value is passed from a custom function to the caller
  • 5988 AGENT DEPLOY: ": invalid parameter" error message when deploying an agent
  • 5983 AMTA: "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null..." error message when task priority is set to run alone and task is triggered
  • 5982 AMTS: load management settings inconsistent based on module showing queued tasks
  • 5953 TERMINAL (CONNECT): "an unexpected error has occurred" when using an unsupported port number
  • 5951 HELP FILE: selected activities from the action editor do not open to their respective help page when pressing F1
  • 5943 WEB BROWSER (GET VALUE): Unable to get value of simple text nor dissection of the different elements based on frame.
  • 5938 INTERACTIVITY (PRESS): "Object is not valid for selected action" When importing AM9 interactivity task.
  • 5932 COMPRESSION (COMPRESS): "File already exists." error message when attempting to refresh/append an existing .zip file
  • 5929 ODS (RENAME WORKSHEET): "ContentTypes root element eror" error message misspelling
  • 5928 ODS (RENAME WORKSHEET): "ContentTypes root element eror" error message when renaming a worksheet multiple times in same task
  • 5917 ODS (RENAME WORKSHEET): "Cannot read that as a ZipFile" error message when renaming a worksheet using file resource instead of session
  • 5911 OPENDOCUMENT SPREADSHEET: Dragging action into steps panel causes the Task Builder to lock up.
  • 5883 WEB BROWSER (CLICK): click activity on certain buttons appears to hang indefinitely
  • 5855 SHAREPOINT (GET VIEWS): Create and populate dataset parameter specifying incorrect item.
  • 5839 SHAREPOINT: New activities require map IDs to link them to their appropriate help topic.
  • 5823 AMTB (Expression Builder) - Map IDs required to link AMCurrent.... objects to their respective help topic.
  • 5820 ODS: Need to enter map IDs for each activity in order to link to the proper help topic.
  • 5769 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: Constants, SQL Connections, and Holidays do not migrate from v7 to v9/v10
  • 5738 AMTS: System.TimeoutException - The HTTP request to '' has exceeded the allotted timeout of 00:01:00.
  • 4833 TERMINAL (CONNECT): multiple terminal connect sessions with same name freezes AMTB
  • 4425 TRIGGER (DATABASE): Monitoring message is not localized

February 2015

Version 10.1


  • Action Skybot (AM & BPA)
  • SMC Session Security (BPA)
  • Reports Audit (BPA)


  • 6027 AMEM: The total number of tasks in the progress bar is actually the percentage completed.
  • 6023 CONSTANTS (AGENT): modifying an existing agent constant causes the constant to "disappear" once you click on the ok button
  • 6022 CONSTANTS (AGENT): constants are "disappearing" when adding multiple agent constants
  • 6015 AMTA: Hover text on long triggers does not wrap
  • 6001 BPA: Workflows not released from queue when Load Management concurrent Workflows is increased
  • 6000 DATABASE (OPEN SQL CONNECTION): importing into step shows garbled text for connection string
  • 5998 AMTA (LICENSE): White space is not trimmed from licenses when applied; Error message is unclear
  • 5997 AGENT DEPLOY: host registry entry should be ip address instead of machine name for greater compatibility
  • 5995 AMTA: despite a task being successful, an error still shows from the previous failed execution of the task when in tile view
  • 5989 SMC (LICENSE): White space is not trimmed from licenses when applied; Error message is unclear
  • 5987 SMC: "login to localhost failed" error message after installing v10.1 using an existing v10 database
  • 5986 SMC: The Add Workflow wizard doesn't suggest a unique name
  • 5985 SMC: A new task created via the Add Workflow Wizard is named "New Workflow" instead of "New Task"
  • 5984 BPA_TS: Triggers/conditions created outside a workflow do not work until the WFD is opened and saved
  • 5981 AMEM: task priority set to "run alone" does not give accurate count of tasks running and tasks queued
  • 5980 AMTS: task priority set to "run alone" does not run all queued tasks once the first task completes
  • 5977 AGENT DEPLOY: "...MSI error has been detected...(code: 1603)" when deploying to 2003R2 x64
  • 5976 BPA_TS: Don't run option for Logon results in Tasks stuck in Running Status
  • 5975 BPA INSTALL: BPA installs on windows xp x64 even though windows xp is no longer supported
  • 5974 AM INSTALL: AM installs on windows xp x64 even though windows xp is no longer supported
  • 5973 AMENGINE: "Evaluation failed: "Expecting ')'" error message when using a partially evaluated string in the call function action
  • 5971 BPA: queued workflow starts running when it should remain on the queue
  • 5970 SKYBOT (HELP): Clone job suite - clone action does not create new Member Jobs with the new Job Suite
  • 5969 SKYBOT (RUN JOB, etc): field tabbing order is different in Host connection for actions than it is in Skybot Session setup
  • 5968 SKYBOT (HELP): Skybot requires that Allow Web Service Requests be turned on in order to work with AutoMate actions
  • 5967 IF (FOLDER EXISTS): "Folder "...." does not exist" error message when path contains a trailing back slash
  • 5966 SKYBOT (HELP): Skybot is missing from the table of Actions & Activities Overview
  • 5965 SMC: UI crashes clicking on icon in table header of Execution Status pane
  • 5964 SKYBOT (HELP): Clone/Delete/Update actions require User to be a member of the 'Administrator' role in Skybot
  • 5962 SMC: credentials are stored in plain text in the SMC Preferences.xml file
  • 5961 SKYBOT (CLONE JOB): error when non-Latin letters included in new object Name
  • 5960 SKYBOT (RUN JOB): when Skybot Job specfies an All Agents type Agent Group only 1 history ID is tracked
  • 5959 SKYBOT (RUN JOB SUITE): action ends in error if Wait is not checked
  • 5958 AMTB (REPLACE): replace functionality does not save changes to task after re-opening
  • 5957 SKYBOT (RUN JOB, RUN JOB SUITE): error at run time if a variable name is not provided and the Wait check box is on
  • 5955 HELP FILE: Help topics in AutoMate/BPA sometimes refer to "Skybot Scheduler" as "Skybot Enterprise"
  • 5954 SKYBOT (RUN JOB): session appears twice in Session drop down
  • 5952 AMEM : Update Copyright year to 2015 for About box
  • 5950 HELP FILE (LICENSE): BPA section needs to be updated to reflect new licensing model
  • 5949 SKYBOT (CREATE SESSION): https support needs to be added
  • 5948 BPAS_EXEC: If the workflow limit has been reached, running a task manually causes the meta workflow to be queued
  • 5947 SMC: Pasting a copied Process into the Workflow folder works
  • 5945 DATASTORE MIGRATION UTILITY: Swedish characters are corrupted when using the migration utility.
  • 5942 TEXT (CONVERT CASE): Attempting to change "E" to lower case results in "0" to be populated into the variable.
  • 5941 TYPE (IMPORT): Does not save password on any "Authentication type" causing tasks to fail.
  • 5937 README: Update Copyright year to 2015
  • 5936 AMTB: Update Copyright year to 2015 for About box
  • 5935 AMTA: Update Copyright year to 2015 for About box
  • 5934 SMC: If Default Connection is removed from SMC Preferences file, it will not allow for typing in ConnectTo field
  • 5933 TASK VARIABLES (DATASET): "Dataset" type task variables cannot be created. Generates access violation.
  • 5930 WFD: access to processes in the repository should be limited to only enterprise
  • 5927 AMTA: "An internal error occurred in "CCPC MoveFoldersSameService"....." error message when moving a folder into another folder
  • 5926 VARIABLE (CREATE): creating a variable with a value of E123 will result in a 0 value when variable type is set to AUTO
  • 5925 EXCEL (GET CELL): import step from v9 to v10 does not retain cell by position values
  • 5924 EXCEL (ACTIVATE CELL): import step from v9 to v10 does not change the default session name from ExcelSess1 to ExcelSession1
  • 5923 EXCEL (DATASET TO CELLS): Column names from SQL with spaces aren't exportable to excel.
  • 5922 INSTALLER (README): Release date (December, 2014) needs to be updated on both; AM10 & BPA10 installers.
  • 5921 AMTB: Find usage causes the Task Step panel to show steps in two columns
  • 5919 AMTS (PRIORITIES): on error notifications and AMTA automate task execution error prompts occur for "don't run" task priorities when triggered
  • 5918 AMTB: Access Violation error "itmPasteMenuClick" when leaving TB open
  • 5916 ACTIVE DIRECTORY (MODIFY GROUP): group ldap path field is empty after selecting a group
  • 5915 AMENGINE: "An unknown error has occurred at task startup. The task may or may not have run." error message when executing a task in low isolation
  • 5914 IF (ALL ACTIVITIES): "Error causes" tab displays information for "If pixel exists".
  • 5912 AMTS: Task added at boundary of queue is reporting incorrectly
  • 5910 SMC (USERS): "Add a User - Username" text box is not aligned with the password fields.
  • 5909 AMTB: Licensing assembly could not be initialized (HR=0x80131500) Error when opening up TB
  • 5908 ACTIVE DIRECTORY: select container button is non-responsive when machine is not attached to a domain
  • 5907 POWERSHELL (RUN SCRIPT): edit script button is non-responsive when Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is not installed
  • 5906 WFD: misspelling on mouse over save image button "currect" instead of "current"
  • 5905 BASIC SCRIPT (EXECUTE): Task containing a "sub main" fail with Script error: "ActiveX Automation: server cannot create object." at script line 2).
  • 5900 VARIABLE ENGINE: restrict the ability to create reserved dataset column names
  • 5899 AMTS: No records are returned if there are numerous entries for a short timespan.
  • 5898 IF / END IF: nested IF statement's END IF is closing the parent IF statement when the nested IF statement is not evaluated
  • 5897 SMC (IMPORT): “Problem Importing Package: There was an error during import.” when importing the attached AM7 .aml files one by one
  • 5896 AMTA (LOG MANAGEMENT): When specified log trim size is reached, abnormal behavior occurs.
  • 5894 TRIGGER (DATABASE): error "database failed: invalid column name 'Date', invalid column name 'Time'" with a column name with spaces "Date & Time"
  • 5893 WAIT (FOR FILE): need a space after the period in AMTB visual view when a dataset is present
  • 5892 WAIT (FOR FILE): file exists with "wait until file is in use" does not wait for the file on a network location if a dataset is not set in the action
  • 5891 VMWARE HOST (CONNECT): "Failed to resolve host" when attempting to use VMware VI Server (vCenter) connection.
  • 5889 IMAGE (CAPTURE SCREEN): capture is misspelled in the visual view of the step for specified region in AMTB
  • 5888 DIALOG (INPUT): ok button is no longer the default selection, default is text field that accepts enter keystrokes and adds a new line instead
  • 5886 SMC (SESSION TIMEOUT - ADD WORKFLOW WIZARD): Application hang/crash if wizard is opened when session timeout occurs.
  • 5885 SMC SESSIONS (SESSION TIMEOUT): After being logged out, mouse pointer turns into a "loading/working" animation until "log On" is clicked.
  • 5884 AMTB: step numbers in output pane are incorrect for on error actions that are not valid
  • 5882 PROCESS: process objects do not execute variable references
  • 5881 AMTASK (run subtask): TaskID remains in AML
  • 5880 AMTB (COPY & PASTE): Copying steps between tasks inside TB disables some steps.
  • 5879 CLIPBOARD (SET): "Step is missing required parameter "VALUE"." error message when setting the clipboard to an empty variable
  • 5877 COPY FILE (ONLY IF NEWER): Copy files takes place even if files aren't newer than the originals
  • 5876 SMC: SMC leaves .sv files in the temp folder after closing Task Builder
  • 5875 AMTB: copying over steps from one TB to another, copy over incorrectly
  • 5873 AMTB: warning window is emtpy when random text is typed in AMTB AML view editor
  • 5872 AMTB (UNDO): Access violation occurs when attempting to use the "undo" option.
  • 5871 TASK (CALL FUNCTION): expression builder should not be accessible from the "function name to call" field
  • 5870 TERMINAL (Send Text): Help file needs special keys list
  • 5869 SEND EMAIL (DEFAULT SERVER SETTINGS): Emails can be sent within task but cannot be sent using default server setting using exchange 2013
  • 5868 COMPRESSION (COMPRESS/DECOMPRESS): imported tasks are adding an extension to the destination and/or source path
  • 5867 COMPRESSION (COMPRESS/DECOMPRESS): extension is being added to the destination path for compress and source path for decompress
  • 5866 AGENT GROUP DISTRIBUTION: "run on each agent in order until a successful result" returns a successful result even if all agents are disconnected
  • 5865 SESSION (HIBERNATE): "Wake up - After this delay" does not automatically wake up system.
  • 5864 LICENSE: help > about shows expired on some installations where a valid license key has been applied
  • 5863 POWERSHELL (RUN SCRIPT): Second PowerShell step in a task hangs.
  • 5862 WAIT FOR WINDOW: Not able to wait for child window to gain focus.
  • 5861 WAIT FOR WINDOW: Not able to focus the Child Window
  • 5860 TASK (CALL FUNCTION): using call function with enclosing % causes undefined behavior
  • 5859 DATABASE (OPEN SQL CONNECTION): connection string is encrypted and invalid from v7 import
  • 5858 AMTB: Region Drag-n-Drop undo throws an exception (Access Violation)
  • 5857 AMTB: Region drag-n-drop deletes the content steps
  • 5856 AMTB (STEPS PANEL): Panel can be closed with the small close panel button "X".
  • 5854 SMC (ADD WORKFLOW WIZARD): After logging off or SMC session timeout, the wizard can still be opened via "Insert". Causes SMC to hang.
  • 5851 LOGON / UNLOCK: unlock fails with domain logon credentials
  • 5850 LICENSE: When permanent key is applied field Expires is empty on License Panel
  • 5849 SNMP Get,Walk does not work for second attempt and onward
  • 5848 AMTB (EXPRESSION BUILDER): Objects do not open respective help page (F1).
  • 5847 BPAS_MAN: [Oracle] Audit events are not being logged when an Oracle backend is used.
  • 5846 BPAS_EXEC: Once the service is turned off, the process stays for ~30s
  • 5845 SMC: [SMC Session] Toggling the timeout checkbox does not apply to currently running sessions
  • 5844 EMAIL (SEND MESSAGE): 'Connection timeout' error message when sending email using SMTP mail settings used in SMC.
  • 5843 TEXT (FORMAT DATE/TIME): "Advance - Use specified date time" Does not calculate the value of a variable.
  • 5840 EXCEL (CREATE): intermittent error message "Unknown step command AMEXCEL" when running "Create new workbook" step for the first time
  • 5838 SCHEDULE (TRIGGER): Daylights savings time change causes scheduled tasks to move back one hour on calendar..
  • 5837 SMC: The information panel is not respecting it's visibility setting
  • 5836 TERMINAL (SEND TEXT): Send text is not able to send any Function Keys
  • 5835 ADD MANAGED TASK WIZARD: Does not save steps created in TB during wizard setup.
  • 5833 AMTA (DETAILS VIEW): Incorrect "Next launch" time is displayed in "Details" view.
  • 5832 SMC (LICENSE): license pane text updates/changes to reference
  • 5831 AMTA (LICENSE): license pane text updates/changes to reference
  • 5830 AMTA (LICENSE): Dialog needed that reports what is collected when requesting a trial key
  • 5829 SMC (LICENSE): Dialog needed that reports what is collected when requesting a trial key
  • 5828 SKYBOT: Map IDs needed for each activity to link to appropriate help topic.
  • 5827 SMC (UPDATE AVAILABLE): There is a new version available. You currently have Would you like to get the new version..."
  • 5826 AMTB: Inpecting structure does not allow array property inspection
  • 5825 HELP FILE: command line operation references parenthesis instead of quotes
  • 5824 AMTS (LATIN AMERICAN KEYBOARDS): Disables accented letters when AutoMate 10 service is running.
  • 5822 SMC (CONSTANTS): Some or all disappear from view after selecting the "Back" button when using a SQL Server backend.
  • 5821 POWERSHELL: System Plugin Runtime is not getting loaded properly
  • 5819 AMTA (DEPLOY TO MACHINES DIALOG) Help icon needs to be added to this dialog and linked to the help topic.
  • 5818 AMTB: nested if steps not indenting properly, even after clicking on format steps
  • 5817 LICENSE: "System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists..." error message
  • 5816 ACTIONS (ON ERROR): Does not send email when step fails.
  • 5815 SCHEDULE TRIGGERS: Exclusions are not working.
  • 5814 HELP FILE - EXTENDED FUNCTION (GET TASK NAME): Returns only file name but not file path.
  • 5812 ADD MANAGED TASK WIZARD (START TASK BUILDER): Pressing button prevents the TB from opening with error "System.IO.DirectoryNotFound Exception".
  • 5811 SMC: "license limit reached" error message should be more descriptive when SMC concurrency limit has been reached
  • 5810 AMTB - Empty Region
  • 5809 ACTION BROWSER: Plain text AML stored into registry needs to be encrypted.
  • 5808 SCHEDULE TRIGGER (EXCLUSIONS): Triggers with exclusions do not show up in the Calendar
  • 5807 AMENGINE: Structure arrays are being created with an extra row/element
  • 5806 AMTB: Structure inspector is not working correctly
  • 5805 AMTS: Load management settings are ignored when multiple tasks start at the same time
  • 5804 FILE SYSTEM (COPY - FILE, MOVE): Activity ignores already existing files.
  • 5803 DECOMPRESS: Archive folder path changes which will result in "Archive does not exist" error
  • 5802 IMPORT: Importing an AutoMate 7 tasks that starts with a comment disabled subsequent steps
  • 5801 AMTB (TASK FUNCTION): unable to rename an argument within a task
  • 5800 EXCEL (SET CELLS): Selecting "On completion - Save as" option saves to both; original file, and new "save as" file.
  • 5799 FTP (UPLOAD): Could not Determine Current Location after import form v9
  • 5798 AMTA: ctrl+insert and insert create multiple tasks and folders instead of one
  • 5797 EXCEL (CREATE WORKBOOK): Does not respect "If workbook already exists" when using variable in "File name" path.
  • 5796 AMTB: Undo/Redo - Each Task and Function does not keep track of it's own stack
  • 5793 DIALOG (CUSTOM): Specifying to create and populate an already existing variable generates an "Unhandled exception".
  • 5792 SMC/AMTA: Version check not working correctly
  • 5790 HELP FILE (LICENSE): AM section needs to be updated to reflect new licensing model
  • 5788 AMTB (TASK VARIABLES): Removing a Task Variable, Array or Dataset set to "Private" causes the Task Builder to stop responding.
  • 5786 RESTORE: Prompt to Convert to New Format when restoring from a previous version.
  • 5785 EXCEL (CREATE): "Excel automation object could not be created." error message when "create from template" option is selected
  • 5782 TIMER (STOP): When specifying to update a non-existing variable, wrong error text is returned.
  • 5781 SMC (IMPORT): Importing the attached BPA10 Logon unlock workflows generates a "NullReferenceException".
  • 5777 SMC: When changing the data store settings to Oracle database, the previously saved constants will not migrate over
  • 5776 DATA MIGRATION UTILITY: When changing the data store settings to Oracle database, the previously saved constants will not migrate over
  • 5775 WFD (OBJECTS): All object names are in bright red text.
  • 5772 AMTA (SECURITY): Providing wrong password when renaming a password protected task generates a "System.NullReferenceException".
  • 5770 HELP FILE: what's new section needs updating in both am10 and bpa10
  • 5767 AMTA - F1 on trigger icons does not open 'Triggers' topic. Also clicking help icon or F1 in trigger properties does not open related help topic.
  • 5765 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: "...process was terminated due to an unhandled exception..." error message when the source database is missing tables
  • 5762 FTP (REMOVE FOLDER): activity should be renamed to FTP Remove folder(s) due to its ability to remove multiple folders.
  • 5760 FTP (SYNCHRONIZE FOLDER): activity should be renamed to FTP Synchronize folder(s) since it supports bi-directional synchronization.
  • 5759 SMC (AGENT DEPLOY): Does not uninstall BPA Server from remote machine.
  • 5757 DYNAMICS CRM: timeout AML code misspelling
  • 5755 AMAZON RDS: AML code misspellings
  • 5754 HELP (BPA) : Server Management Console > Options > Default Properties is selected
  • 5752 AMTA: Export issue with Editing encrypted task.
  • 5751 AMTA - From the Options view, highlighting an option from the side panel and pressing F1 does not open the associated help topic
  • 5750 AMTA - Highlighting any icon under Options -> System Settings and pressing F1 does not open the System Settings Overview help topic.
  • 5749 AMTA - Options -> System Settings -> SNMP missing a help icon in its properties.
  • 5748 AMTA: Encrypted task are not getting deployed properly when there is conflict.
  • 5747 AMTA - Managed Task Properties - Clicking the help icon inside the Priority and Execution History properties doesn't open associated help topics.
  • 5745 AMTA - Managed Task Properties -> Notes missing help icon
  • 5740 BPA_TS: error message repeated words in event log
  • 5739 INSTALLER: URL is not shown properly
  • 5736 AMTA (DETAILS VIEW): 32-bit AM installed on Server 2003 R2 x64 - Selected folders/Tasks have white text color for their name.
  • 5735 AMTA (DETAILS VIEW): Column sort order is not preserved when reopenning AMTA
  • 5729 HELP FILE: AMCurrentTask, AMCurrentWorkflow, AMProcess are not documented.
  • 5728 AMTB: Expression Builder is missing certain objects
  • 5726 AMTS: When both text and database logging on only database logs are updated.
  • 5725 SMC (UPGRADE AGENT): agent upgrades should only be available when there are version differences with the first 3 digits
  • 5724 SMC (UPGRADE AGENT): agent upgrade process should warn that all BPA components will be removed from destination
  • 5722 TYPE: Custom define type does not show values in inspection window
  • 5721 AMTA: test use Info Icon
  • 5715 BPA (IMPORT): importing an AM6 .ama will result in "There was an error during the import" message
  • 5712 AMTA: Delete task dialog GUI Issue , when deleting protected task.
  • 5711 AMTS: Audit report not working properly when Database loggin is on
  • 5708 KEYBOARD TRIGGER: rename autokeys to text
  • 5707 AMTB: task function issue when there is an error
  • 5706 AMTS: Load Management property is not working as expected.
  • 5696 AMTB (TASK VARIABLES): task variables box extends past the task variables pane
  • 5694 BPA (IMPORT): Importing a .ama file from AM9 will result in a "There was an error during the import"
  • 5690 FILE TRIGGERS (SIDE BY SIDE): File Triggers Stop kicking off after uninstalling BPA
  • 5688 BPAEM (Side by Side): Access Violation Error when installing AM with running BPA WF
  • 5675 Running Tasks Indicator/Dialog invoked by BPA displaying AutoMate "A" icon.
  • 5664 WFD: After creating workflow, delete default item and click between two label. It will throw error.
  • 5658 AMTB: Premium action in Pro should use their name instead of aml tag to outline error.
  • 5649 AMTA: Connection password screen is Grey
  • 5618 HTTP (GET - URL): Get URL action does not bring back result as defined. Works fine outside of AutoMate.
  • 5613 REGIONS (CREATE & MOVE STEP DOWN): "List index out of bounds" and corrupt steps are generated when region is moved up or down.
  • 5608 HELP FILE (HOME>INSTALLATION>SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS): add x86 product install only for windows 2003 and windows 2003 r2 in supported operating systems
  • 5607 HELP FILE (HOME>INSTALLATION>SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS): remove windows xp sp3 from supported operating systems
  • 5606 DIALOG (MESSAGE): "Action Editor encountered an unhandled exception in plugin "ActionEditor"..." intermittent error message when creating the step
  • 5593 XML (TRANSFORM): Token Text Error will be generated when trying to convert an XML file using an XSLT file.
  • 5581 SHARED VARIABLES: copying and pasting a variable from task builder to the shared variables pane in WFD, the variable will have a description of AME=
  • 5570 SHARED VARIABLES: When Copying shared variables over from one workflow to another the Advance settings does not stick to the variable.
  • 5526 WEB BROWSER: click activity is inconsistent with different versions of internet explorer
  • 5471 AMEM: CPU and memory spikes when a task starts
  • 5467 BPAEM: program icon is wrong
  • 5466 BPA_TS: program icon is wrong
  • 5283 Some exes are not signed for 64 Bit
  • 5144 Send Instant Message through Google Talk doesn't work
  • 5031 Suggestion : AMTA: Options > Default properties > Email: Should mimic same UI as Email Activity.
  • 5000 HELP FILE: Need to update Excel, Database, PDF, Array action
  • 4977 Acceleration key change for selection activity in Dialog.
  • 4913 WMI Trigger query builder browser help content not shown
  • 4770 BPA Help File > Installation > Command-Line Installation

September 2014

AutoMate 10
Version 10.0


  • Task Administrator (AMTA) Modernize
  • Task Wizard Modernize
  • Global Proxy (HTTP)
  • Global Email (Exchange & SSL)
  • Task Builder (AMTB) Modernize
  • Action & Activity Library
  • Action Editor Modernize
  • Expression Builder Modernize
  • Windows Logon (Vista & Higher)
  • Array Support (Web Service, DLL, Type)
  • Sessions
  • Java Accessibility
  • Task Events
  • X64 Support
  • Snippets
  • Task Timeout
  • Task Execution History
  • Action – Amazon DynamoDB
  • Action – Amazon SES
  • Action – Facebook
  • Action – Image
  • Action – PDF
  • Action – PowerShell
  • Action – WMI
  • Activity – Amazon S3 (Put object)
  • Activity – Array (Set)
  • Activity – Dialog (Custom dialog)
  • Activity – Email (Archive messages)
  • Activity – Excel (Run macro)
  • Activity – File System (CSV to dataset)
  • Activity – Loop (Loop registry values)
  • Activity – Registry (Get registry values)
  • Activity – Text (Reverse, Format path, Base64 encode/decode, Convert case, Contain text)
  • Trigger – Database
  • Trigger – File System


  • 497 AM7: Pad Text Action Blank Leading Characters Nonfunctional When Proceeded By A Number
  • 768 Event Log Trigger has abbreviated types in the list
  • 848 AM7 ( BPA TB: “Help” button does not work on “Find” window.
  • 892 AM7 & BPA7 Side by Side Window Triggering Disabled in AM7
  • 902 BPA Key Condition does not properly capture some keys with French keyboard layout
  • 975 BPA7 SMC: “Reports”, selecting the “Contour” graph causes a .Net unhandled Exception.
  • 1158 Web SMC: The “Help” file has references to AutoMate 7 in title bar “AM7 Help” is displayed.
  • 1410 SMC: Should tell in which function this error has occured
  • 1448 Connect Terminal action, poor error message on non numeric port specification
  • 1451 SMC:DashBoards , Canvas is aligned to the bottom
  • 1506 WEB SMC: WEB Client Difficulties
  • 1523 AMTB: Mouse movement
  • 1536 Trigger Task : Password error should state "wrong password"
  • 1570 AMTB: Map Drive: Error shows empty line in output pane
  • 1574 Show running task Window: For queue task : Force task right click menu option always shows disable.
  • 1625 Message box window : without button
  • 1667 Return action: does not show the variables in combo box.
  • 1710 AMTB : Output pane : shows error in black font after undock the pane.
  • 1712 ReDim Array : Does not give error when you specify negative value.
  • 1825 Help File : Options tag's all markup should be shown in help file
  • 1828 HELP: Notes, corrections
  • 1842 BPA: Flash tutorial we are shipping with product is of BPA 7
  • 1950 Uninstalling on newer OSes leaves behind a notification list entry
  • 1961 One bad error one critical error while using the Compress Files action.
  • 1995 BPA 8 TB: “On The Web” web link URL’s need to be re-directed to the correct BPA 8 pages.
  • 2017 AMTB: Basic Script -- > about flash page missing version number.
  • 2112 BPA: Workflow Designer: Evaluation object: open Expression builder: clicking F1 of any variable gives unhandled error.
  • 2113 AMTB: loop Array : Ordering : Vertical looping work as horizontal looping
  • 2114 Second extension code does not extend AM8 demo
  • 2167 If Window Exists action behaves slightly different in v8 versus v7
  • 2180 Backing up/Restoring from AM8 8.0.0 to 8.1 does not populate tasks or samples on Windows Server 2003.
  • 2182 FTP: FTP Download Error Messages are Only Occurring for One Failed File and Not All of Them
  • 2342 AMTB: “Loop files” exclude mask option does not work.
  • 2347 BREAK: Using the Break action on an inner nested Loop File Contents fails to properly return to the outer loop
  • 2392 Case action not allowing the user to enter expressions
  • 2396 GLOBALSCAPE: Determine possibility of OEM Customization to determine the string written to the Windows Event Log (CR28353)
  • 2417 WEB BROWSER: “Error Causes” time out and fail does not error out when set to 1 second.
  • 2421 Find Text Action and Casing
  • 2483 GLOBALSCAPE: Log Event indicates the logging application is AutoMate
  • 2493 AMTB 8: Help page errors
  • 2511 BPAS_EXEC: Load management is not working or displaying properly.
  • 2602 AMTS: Startup Trigger description is returned incorrectly when 'any user' is selected
  • 2603 AMTS: Performance Trigger description is returned as empty string
  • 2617 TB: Modified actions do not properly update icons
  • 2619 AM: Schedule Event Trigger is not showing Hours/Minutes/Seconds on the description.
  • 2701 Compression: GZip, TAR+GZip do not create target folder when target folder does not exist.
  • 2713 Unable to decompress ACE file
  • 2735 BPA: SMC:Throws a "System exception error" when closing the SMC and cannot find the BPA server folder anywhere on the VM.
  • 2746 BPA-WFD: File condition Trigger is not working on network location.
  • 2749 BPA:Window condition trigger is not triggering a task when selecting an object.
  • 2752 BPA: Logon Condition:Throws"CSE.exe application error" while running logon condition task.
  • 2767 Shared Variable expression result is surrounded in quotes
  • 2768 BPAS_EXEC: when setting the user passwords within the database and outside of the smc, the passwords are not encrypted
  • 2814 amtb: on error tab for actions should either support mulitple lines or reduce the size of the variable value field
  • 2864 AMTB: Contents F1 is not showing the "Welcome to Automate page"
  • 2875 VCL actions which use List Views for multiple parameters will corrupt multiple expression entries when edited
  • 2877 BPA File System Condition does not always work
  • 2907 Set Variable action: Variable name is not in double quotes.
  • 2928 AM8 Online help is missing SharePoint documentation.
  • 2988 Increment does not like array variables
  • 3000 AM8: Issue with sending email using constants.
  • 3028 SCHEDULE TRIGGER: exclusions are removed from the trigger when the trigger is renamed
  • 3139 EXPRESSION BUILDER: shows default constant name even though its name has been changed .
  • 3146 HELP FILE: DIR function help is inaccurate
  • 3150 AM8: Standard User/"Run with Highest Privileges" unchecked are causing tasks to que AND Agent icon green.
  • 3151 AM9: Task(s) should fail with UAC enabled and "Run with Highest Privileges" unchecked but report as running successfully.
  • 3162 SIDE BY SIDE: uninstalling am9 on a system where am8 is also installed, leaves remnant files behind
  • 3167 AM7/8: SQL Query step not capturing Bulk Insert error
  • 3190 AMTB: File System: Synchronize folder: bidirectional: All Advance expander check box goes disable. GUI issue.
  • 3194 EXCEL: open workbook action needs to account for password protected spreadsheets
  • 3221 WINDOW: add get window information action to populate a dataset with all open windows
  • 3236 AMEMAUTOSTARTMODE: task running in separate session from amem.exe session
  • 3246 INSTALLER: if user does not select reboot after xp hotfix installation then there are no further prompts, install does not continue until reboot
  • 3274 Installer: BPA9 Agent MSI is missing the AutoMate BPA Server Installshield Wizard and the KB943232 hotfix on Windows XP x64.
  • 3284 AMTB: Dynamics CRM: CRM Browser: does not set with predefine values
  • 3301 AMTB: Help file: No help files on my actions categories( Favorites, recent, popular).
  • 3316 BPA: BPA gives timeout exception error and then it stopped working.
  • 3356 SMC & WFD: Conditions “Icon” help links open help file to "This program cannot display the webpage" pages.
  • 3381 VARIABLE ENGINE: When a shared variable is specified as Numeric, with a value of 0, it is still created as a string.
  • 3396 Stored Procedure: Paramete value shows "" on description
  • 3417 REGISTRY: registry action does not error when trying to write to invalid key but stops as if it did error
  • 3430 No info for the thrid check box (from the left) in the Action Properties at the bottom of each action.
  • 3464 (GS32338) "Loop through file" function does not return the final character of the final line in a file.
  • 3472 LOOP FILES: date filter expressions are not kept correcting in the gui
  • 3475 Remote Agent does not connect when server machine is rebooted.
  • 3495 AM: Rename a task to same name
  • 3496 AWE throwing errors when unzipping password protected files successfully (CR32324)
  • 3510 AWE: UnGzipping in AWE gives inaccurate last modified file date (GS32328)
  • 3512 WEB BROWSER add 'wait for web page to finish loading' back into action
  • 3536 “Excel”, “Create Workbook”: Adding the” %Date()%” basic function to the name of the output file generates error with spelling errors.
  • 3550 AMTA: groups settings in amta getting lost
  • 3552 “Help” File, “System requirements”: Supporting operating systems make reference to “Microsoft Windows Server 2008 3”.
  • 3567 INPUT (SEND KEYSTROKES): cursor is missing from the keystrokes field when inserting a special keystroke
  • 3572 AMTB: misspelling of occurrences in the CTRL F find window when the results have completed
  • 3587 IF Folder exists action is not honoring the "IF folder older than"
  • 3594 DATASET TO CELLS: 'could not access the excel files. make sure the range is valid' error when using a dataset with one column
  • 3614 HELP FILE: FTP LOG ON port typo in help file says 210 when it should say 21
  • 3619 Actions: Dataset to Cells / Column Names with Column Names checked problem
  • 3622 DECOMPRESS: 2gb file does not decompress from .tar file
  • 3623 HELP FILE: extraneous </AMIF> in select/case example code
  • 3646 INSTALL: v9.0.0.25 upgrade to Application crash and AV occur during setup if “Ignore” is clicked on 2nd “Files in use” prompt.
  • 3658 SEND KEYSTROKES: unicode characters are not being sent through action
  • 3671 AMTB: Access violation when "Remove from Favorites" is clicked
  • 3684 AS2 Calendar crashes UI through stack overflow
  • 3689 WFD: Flow Control arrow objects fall apart while moving them around in the white canvas
  • 3692 Web SMC: Few bugs.
  • 3693 SMC: Options: Default Properties: Condition Exclusion is missing.
  • 3696 AMTS : Turning off "Enable Text Logging" , still writes data into AuditLog.txt file
  • 3699 StartMenu entries are created for AutoMate Runtime Installation
  • 3702 SMC: Repository: Processes: Title for Agents/Agent group is wrong.
  • 3707 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow Time out: Not able to stop task after workflow time out.
  • 3711 WFD: help file missing for the File Condition object
  • 3713 Http: Add Normal Http Proxy
  • 3715 AMTA: On Error Property
  • 3719 Copy/Paste error from one Workflow to the other
  • 3731 WFD: renaming sub workflow cause null reference
  • 3732 DEPLOY: 'Access denied, most likely because the username and/or password is incorrect.' deploying from 2003R2 x86 to 7 x64 professional
  • 3736 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow Item time out: not working properly for Agent group.
  • 3744 BPA 9 Installation: Selecting only “Agent” also creates a TB start menu shortcut. “HRCHEK” and “User-defined breakpoint” errors are displayed.
  • 3745 AMTA Crash9.0.1.11: on all the OS AMTA crashes when we resume the Vm.
  • 3747 BPAS_MAN: - DataManager issue
  • 3751 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow Time out: Report: Execution Events: Result Column is not showing Success or Failure
  • 3753 AMTA: Exception error while creating a task when service stops.
  • 3772 UNINSTALL/INSTALL: side by side install/uninstall of same major version products results in the other product's service being shutdown
  • 3774 WINDOW TRIGGER: window triggering is nonexistent for a vb msgbox
  • 3776 French OS: AMTB.exe process continues to run after TB has been closed. This prevents the “AMTA” from closing.
  • 3781 French OS: AMTA “Add Task Wizard” Unable to open TB when “Create steps” button is pressed.
  • 3782 HELP FILE: no help file association for all conditions listed in wfd
  • 3785 CONNECT TERMINAL: not allowing variables as passwords
  • 3789 LOOP FILE CONTENTS: Unix style new line delimiter (e.g. \n or 0x0A) is not respected in the Loop File Contents action
  • 3793 WEB BROWSER: 'an unexpected error has occurred' error message when opening ftp site in IE
  • 3794 AGENT DEPLOY: the agent deployment process needs to take into account the default agent port specified in the smc
  • 3795 WEB BROWSER: Web Browser action will not open ftp:// URL
  • 3801 INSTALL: Native French OS: AM9 and BPA9 Install: XP Hot fix KB943232-v2 generates a setup error.
  • 3808 Compress:Too long error message when the file is not found
  • 3809 Compression:Error message while compress GZip, Tar+GZip
  • 3812 Action: Sync folder creates dir with extension of Include mask
  • 3819 Action: SNMP errors in TA/TB when you input an invalid IP address
  • 3820 HTTP post is missing the logger field
  • 3825 Wait:Wait for process- "find by name" field missing folder link to select process name.
  • 3831 AMTS: AMTA Task Properties the option "Increment Filename" is automatically checked when creating a log file "On Task Error" even when unselected
  • 3832 SEND KEYSTROKES: special keys such as parentheses within a variable are not being sent
  • 3833 AMTS: On Error Send Email not displaying French characters properly
  • 3834 BPA8 SMC - If User does not have permission SMC crashes rather then displays error message
  • 3835 RUN: "The system cannot find file specified." when trying to open URL or .lnk files
  • 3837 WEB BROWSER: 'browser window not found' error message when using a wildcard in the window title field
  • 3842 AMTA: performance trigger always reverts to milliseconds when opening the trigger again
  • 3843 FILE SYSTEM COPY: dataset.message and dataset.result are not populating correctly when action fails
  • 3853 SMC: asmc.exe process description in task manager shows 'automate bpa 8 server management console'
  • 3855 WFD: Schedule Trigger: Adding and exlusion for last day of the month results in a crash
  • 3857 Manifesting is not correct or missing on AMTA and possibly SMC (theme is not Aero)
  • 3858 If there is no network access the update check fails with a popup on startup
  • 3863 AMTB: While opening the TB it is showing error message" Start up -Design time initialization" error message on output pane
  • 3864 AMTB: Action list shows duplicate actions.
  • 3865 TB: Click on Categories empties the list on available actions pane
  • 3868 SMC: “Previous versions” feature does not work.
  • 3870 AMTA connection: Exception error when cut/copy and paste when service stops.
  • 3878 Actions: Compression action's ZIP creates corrupted archives when files to be zipped exceeds a certain size
  • 3881 Triggers: File trigger, "File Count" does not fire the trigger when trigger on startup is true.
  • 3901 Dialog action AM 8 , AM Save file and browse for folder window hidden when it runs in sequence.
  • 3907 UNINSTALL: "Support Info", "Repair" option results in "Fatal error during installation" when accessed from add/remove window.
  • 3909 Excel: and Not converting file name extension to.xlsx if its 8 task.
  • 3913 Web SMC: Exclusions are showing twice on our local SMC when we update it from Web SMC
  • 3914 Web SMC: Holidays-Cannot add a holiday.
  • 3926 Action: Browse for Folder Dialog hangs indefinitely
  • 3933 AMTB Function: Function parameters deletes when we custom and add a new one.
  • 3934 Start Task action: On Encrypted subtask if we dont give password on start task action it gives error while running.
  • 3948 WFD: Tasks agents window freeze when trying to select an agent on imported task.
  • 3949 BPA_TS: "A problem occurred while initializing the AutoMate 9 Task Interpreter" error message
  • 3950 AMTA: Deploying an encrypted task not showing password window it directly shows empty/no steps on TB.
  • 3951 Action Wait for process: Step description is cut off in Visual view.
  • 3952 Wait for process: by process id gives error " Step is missing required parameter"
  • 3963 WEB SERVICE: Web Service call fails when connecting to Web Service using mexHTTPsbinding but works fine when service uses mexHTTPbinding (GS33595)
  • 3968 Import help file: No link to help file on import.
  • 3970 AMTB: Breakpoints are ignored in a subtask (managed)
  • 3972 AMTS: Password protect requires the sub-options to be unchecked as well as the global password protect option
  • 3975 FILE SYSTEM - CONCATENATE: File System failed (Error : Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.)
  • 3977 AMTA: Holidays:Exception error when trying to add holiday when Categories list not updates.
  • 3979 AMTB: AMTB crashes when stopping an unresponsive task that has a common dialog window opened/active and running the task a second time.
  • 3980 AMTA: On Task Error: extra space and underscore on error message.
  • 3991 Event monitor could not be connected error message while running a task from AMTA.
  • 3993 Action: On Error Sequence gets incorrect SetCurrentLineNumber() value
  • 3997 GET SELECTED LIST ITEM: AM is unable to retrieve the first selected item
  • 3998 SELECT LIST ITEM: activity does not select the item from the list
  • 3999 AMTA: suggestion:Repetitive text on Edit Triggers window.
  • 4001 BPA:WFD:Exception error when trying to rename task, events, conditions when another user logged in.
  • 4002 Multimedia: “Play audio”, “Play” button functionality issue.
  • 4006 Web Encodings: "Per-activity" help icon (Question mark) is missing from activities.
  • 4016 BPA TB: Pressing "F1" or selecting "Contents F1" from the help menu does not open the help file.
  • 4017 Actions: AD Get Group Members action fails when the Group contains users that belong to another domain
  • 4019 EXCHANGE/GET EMAIL/SEND EMAIL: impersonations are not allowed
  • 4020 “Compress” action: Selecting more than 2 files will cause a pipe symbol to be added between file names. This will cause step to fail.
  • 4021 Actions: File System copy action copies files even if they already exist in the destination
  • 4022 BPA9 Installation "Agent" only: "Error 2753 The File asmc.exe is not marked for installation" error occurs if "Launch AutoMate BPA Server" box is chec
  • 4023 BPA:SMC: On "Connect To" drop down it shows several "localhost" options when only development tools installed.
  • 4029 ON ERROR: retry step count reflects changes in AML view but not in the action directly when specified as a variable
  • 4037 Splash screen for BASIC Script IDE shows Automate instead of GlobalSCAPE (GS26503)
  • 4038 Branding:Running AWE from the command line results in 'Automate' splash screen (GS21138)
  • 4039 Action properties on "More info" on AWE tasks have inconsistent behavior. (GS26501)
  • 4041 Task Builder, File > Recent documents opens to the wrong folder (GS26442)
  • 4050 AWE: Task builder actions menu does not match actions list. (GS28208)
  • 4053 Branding: Events logged as Automate 8 (GS28353)
  • 4054 AMTS: With text logging disabled, the Audit text log is still written to
  • 4066 BPA 9: Problem with automation of Firefox - opening tabs with "About:blank", won't close windows when running as background user.
  • 4067 FileSystem Trigger does not work with Samba Network Location
  • 4068 ACTIONS: "Start Task" won't open a password protected .aml file with the provided password
  • 4070 SEND KEYSTROKES: ALT key does not populate keystroke field when 'transpose special keystrokes' is selected
  • 4074 HTTP Timeout in the "Advanced" drop down reverts back to default 100 seconds
  • 4076 ACTIONS: Print action does not support wildcards in 9 as it did in 7
  • 4077 VARIABLE ENGINE: action does not break out of a nested loop correctly when the goto label references a label in the parent loop
  • 4079 ACTIONS: Wait for Window action in 9 does not see objects as it did in 7
  • 4081 Task running stored procedure is not passing values with '%' correctly. (GS33933)
  • 4090 WebService : Should handle system.byte array
  • 4091 WFD: SystemArguement.OutofRange Exception when viewing permissions via repository properties in WFD
  • 4093 BACKUP AUTOMATE: backup fails on all drives except the c: drive
  • 4094 AMTA: Check for update does not respect the system proxy settings
  • 4095 SQL QUERY: 'prompt user for a name and password' does not function
  • 4096 AMTS: amta sql connections are being stored in the registry unencrypted
  • 4098 VMWare : Guest & Host Action Create Session activity missing Session property.
  • 4099 AMTA: Proxy setting property does not support Http & Default IE Proxy
  • 4100 Audit Events:Data not showing when we select task name from the drop down.
  • 4104 FTP:Previous connection values populates on New connection fields.
  • 4105 SharePoint : Checkin should also work with existing file in Library.
  • 4107 Basic Script function (ExifUserComment) that is not returning a value properly
  • 4109 AMTB: "TfrmAMTB7::DisplayAction Abstract Error" error message when trying to add Call Function action (localization)
  • 4110 AMTA: manually deleting just the filename from the .atl file will result in an endless loop of error messages generated in event viewer
  • 4111 AMTB: rename region in aml view does not function
  • 4114 LOGON CONDITION: WFs do not kick off after a reboot
  • 4115 “Regions”: Regions headers do not change according to Enabled/Disabled status. “Enable” double-click issue.
  • 4116 Alt Release Key does not release key. Both "Alt" & "Alt Gr" must be checked to release "Alt".
  • 4117 Regions: “Clear all Regions” option clears steps pane but not the “Regions” pane.
  • 4118 Task Builder: “Reset Interface” option does not return windows to the initial configuration of tiling.
  • 4120 WebService : Action should be able to Ignore the Dynamic Proxy warning
  • 4121 HTTP Get: Unable to use NTLM Authentication
  • 4122 Help Menu: About displays a blank screen instead of the version number.
  • 4151 CONNECT TERMINAL: tn error message "configuraton" misspelling when passhio.key is missing or expired
  • 4175 Calender:Calender shows blank on first time on 2 AMTA connections.
  • 4176 ACTIVE DIRECTORY (CREATE USER): full name is in the incorrect order for japanese localization
  • 4178 COMPRESSION: "if older than" option does not filter based on chosen expression
  • 4179 Help File: The word Start is being referenced for the start button in the Run action.
  • 4180 BPAS_MAN: "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E37): Invalid object name 'BPA.dbo.workflowconstructs'." with OleDB connection to SQL Server 2012
  • 4185 RUN: start menu selection references shortcut file (.lnk) instead of the application name and extension on Japanese localization install
  • 4186 LOOP FILE CONTENTS: cannot identify each record in text files generated by Shift-JIS character (japanese localization)
  • 4191 AMTB: title bar text changes white when maximized in windows 8 / windows 2012
  • 4192 COMPRESSION: When compressing a file each time the step is ran, the zip file gets bigger and bigger even when the overwrite flag is on.
  • 4194 UNDO IN AMTB: If you copy/paste steps, then click the Undo icon, steps in the task are deleted
  • 4204 AMTB: Inspect Variable Window does not display all columns
  • 4205 COMMENTS: In Task Builder, when comments containing greater than symbols (>) are copied, the actions following it get "commented" out upon reopening
  • 4208 Schedule Trigger: When changing the day of "specific days of the month" get an error "You must specify at least one month"
  • 4212 ON ERROR ACTIONS: Write to Automate Log Doesn't Log Anything
  • 4215 WEB BROWSER: FireFox Extension Download button doesn't work
  • 4219 Backup and Restore: Causes broken link on all Sample tasks.
  • 4221 BPAS_MAN: Recent Workflow/Task Status are not reporting with second instance of SMC
  • 4222 INPUT (MOVE MOUSE): Editing the "Input" action several times causes an Access Violation error
  • 4224 AM Service: AutoMate service stops when we install BPA on previously installed AM machine.
  • 4225 BPA AGENT: Installing AutoMate 9 on a system with BPA 9 installed causes the "BPA Server 9 Agent" service to stop.
  • 4229 AMTB: auto indent occurs when "suggest indent" is unselected in preferences
  • 4231 File system: "Include subfolders" on Copy files causes the step failed.
  • 4234 AMTB: replace all functionality does not replace in some instances and instead deletes entire string from the position of the search term
  • 4242 FORMAT DATE TIME: 15 minute adjustment is only adjusting time by 14:59
  • 4243 INTERACTIVITY (Get Selected List Item): Puts all the list items into the variable
  • 4244 AMTB: Print Not Word Wrapping Properly Within Margins and Are Then Cut Off
  • 4247 CRM: Text in Organization name field fades when use scroll bar.
  • 4250 File System: Concatenate File(s) does not support | in FileA and FileB textbox
  • 4256 Recorder:Recorder bugs
  • 4258 CRM:Blank required variable field still completes the step.
  • 4263 AMTB:Undo-Redo causes "List Index out of bounds".
  • 4264 CELLS TO DATASET: fail with "Could not get text contained in Excel cells" whenever any cell contains formula or reference errors.( example: #REF! )
  • 4268 FTP (DOWNLOAD): "Only if Newer" Problem text is missing in the Error Causes tab of the FTP Download action
  • 4282 FTP: Error Causes text for option "Only If newer" is incorrect (Error Code 27120)
  • 4299 VARIABLE ENGINE: variable addition expressions from dataset values are concatenating instead of adding the values
  • 4303 SQL QUERY ACTION: SQL INSERT, insert two lines statement will FAIL with foreign install
  • 4305 SHARED VARIABLE: "workflow failed because: (10062) overflow" error when evaluating a shared variable set above "32767"
  • 4322 Get Email/Exchange - Timeout misspelled in AML
  • 4328 FTP (LOGON): sftp logon does not support public key with 2056 bit length.
  • 4329 AMTA: Trigger Behavior : trigger after the condition has been met attributes does not store in correct format.
  • 4330 AGENT INSTALL: Installing an agent via deploy or the agent.msi will add a check for "Allow service to interact with desktop"
  • 4331 BREAK: After the first BREAK is evaluated in a task, the following "Loop Expression" does not get evaluated.
  • 4332 ACTION (Send/Get Terminal Text): Due to a buffer limitation text sent to a terminal window cannot be read/obtained properly if exceeds buffer
  • 4333 EXTENDED FUNCTION: GetWindowCaption() extended function is not providing the window caption
  • 4334 LOGS (Database Logging): subtasks are not being logged to the external database
  • 4335 AMTB: unable to drag a new action from the available actions pane to the bottom of a region
  • 4346 RUN: "The system cannot find file specified." error message when running a file with an extension associated in windows
  • 4355 AMTA (OPTIONS): header description should reference "AutoMate Task Service" instead of "server"
  • 4356 AMTA (CONSTANTS): options>system settings>constants description is missing the word "use"
  • 4357 AMTA (SNMP): options>system settings>snmp description references "condition" instead of "trigger"
  • 4358 AMTA (EVENT MONITOR USER): options>system settings>event monitor user description has an extra space after "context"
  • 4359 AMTA (TASK ISOLATION): options>default properties>task isolation description, text corrections, discrepancies and alignment
  • 4364 INPUT(SEND KEYSTROKES): Sending keystroke that contains a variable that is empty results in "Step is missing required parameter "KEYSTROKES""
  • 4369 INSTALLATION(BPA): When installing to a foreign SQL Instance, no tables are created.
  • 4370 AMTB(FIND): On foreign OS, 'Find' window is corrupt, with overlapping fields/does not find the target but something after it
  • 4371 AMTA/SMC (SQL CONNECTION): passwords are saved in plain text
  • 4372 AMTA (DEFAULT USER): options>default properties> default user description correction and alignment issue
  • 4384 AMTA (TASK DETAILS): details description should have task of task administrator capitalized
  • 4385 AMTA (TASK LOGGING): description reference to "system options" should be "system settings"
  • 4389 GET EMAIL: (POP3) Protocol should NOT have the Filter "Has been Read"
  • 4406 BPA: Condition: Behavior: Evaluate condition immediately is not working.
  • 4407 ACTION (Write To Log): If steps execute within the same second, they are not sorted correctly in the System Event Logs
  • 4414 AMTS (LOG MANAGEMENT): restarting the task service enables previously disabled log management options
  • 4415 AMTA: SPLASH SCREEN: Splash screen does not appear in icon view or detail view when you have 9 or more tasks
  • 4429 CRYPTOGRAPHY (ENCRYPT): Cryptography Action won’t compress files when Encrypting
  • 4432 AMTB: Force closing an unresponsive task generates an AV and abnormal shutdown crash when task is executed a 2nd time.
  • 4445 AMTB (TASK VARIABLE): creating an array as a task variable reverts to a variable when editing the same array
  • 4446 ACTION(On Error 'Retry The Step/Pause'): Expression Builder Values are Overwritten in 'Retry the Step/Pause' Fields
  • 4447 SMC: Importing tasks from AM6 will add __ to the task name
  • 4454 BPAS_MAN/SMC: BPA Server DB orphan(?) constructs
  • 4458 AMTB: When Pasting Steps Into Task Builder The Cursor Get Positioned Incorrectly
  • 4459 INTERACTIVITY: MOVE MOUSE to OBJECT: Move mouse to object doesn't automatically scroll down a web page to select an object
  • 4464 ACTION (Trigger Task): Trigger Task Action Should Error if "Managed Task To Trigger" Doesn't Exist
  • 4465 AMTB (TASK VARIABLE): selecting array as the variable type does not expand the interface for dimension selection on localized machines
  • 4470 No status indication when loading data for Workflow Trigger report
  • 4472 System.TimeoutException
  • 4473 WFD(After Import of Workflow): After Importing a Workflow and Selecting "Create as new and Rename" Upon opening imported in WFD the Original ID Shows
  • 4477 KEY EVENT: Hotkey combinations CTRL+NUM 1 or CTRL+DELETE do not trigger
  • 4480 TASK SECURITY(Password Prompt): Prompted to Enter Password for More Tasks Than Actually Selected
  • 4482 UNINSTALL: Web Browser Action Removed in v9 after Uninstalling v10
  • 4516 SEND KEYSTROKES (Break Key): Break Key Is Not Sent
  • 4517 AMTA/SMC: "Please close all instances of Task Builder opened before trying to close Task Administrator." message with no amtb process
  • 4544 NETWORK (WEB BROWSER): Cannot Use Variables in "Locate By Attribute" Option Within the Locate HTML Elements
  • 4547 AMTS: importing an unmanaged task into amta will enable 'run with highest privileges' be default regardless of the default preference setting in amta
  • 4551 IMPORT: importing an am4 task into am8 or higher after using the am4 to am6 migration utility may result in some steps displaying as n/a
  • 4585 WFD: save button at the top of the wfd is always active
  • 4591 AMTA: SECURITY: Adding a password does not allow you to rename a duplicated task.
  • 4593 WAIT FOR WINDOW: Second wait for window action is ignored when there are multiple wait for window actions
  • 4636 FTP (Advanced): when MLSD fails should it use LIST by default
  • 4637 Cryptography: Actions are limited to encryption/decryption of files, not variables or variable values.
  • 4664 RUN: "AMTB.exe - System Error. The program can't start because TabBtn.dll is missing..."
  • 4686 AMTS / BPA_TS: creating SoftwareSASGeneration=0 in the registry if registry key is not already present and affecting other applications
  • 4687 AMTS / BPA_TS: creating SoftwareSASGeneration=0 in the registry for windows xp and windows 2003 is unnecessary
  • 4721 SMC: SECURITY: Scrolling UP in the Security window after denying the Change Security option will change all options to DENY
  • 4735 AMTA: a gap is created when you have lots of info in the NOTES column in Detail view.
  • 4745 GET EMAIL (EWS): "GET MESSAGE" Expected result for %dataset.BodyHtml% does not populate
  • 4746 GET EMAIL (IMAP): "GET MESSAGE" Expected result for %dataset.Body% and %dataset.BodyHtml% does not populate
  • 4752 INPUT: SEND KEYSTROKES: ":" (colon), is switching to ";" (semicolon) when sending keystrokes to an RDP window
  • 4796 AMTB: error message "You cannot insert a TdxCustomDockControl into TdxDockPanel (TdxDockPanel is being inserted)."
  • 4901 SharePoint (Add list item) : Not able to add a list item to sub folder created in List
  • 4907 DIALOG (SELECTION): keyboard shortcuts listed options no longer functional
  • 4909 WFD: Disabling and Enabling Multiple Tasks in the WFD at the same time
  • 4910 WFD (PROCESS OBJECT): process object with data, returns as unbuilt in wfd
  • 4911 Cryptography (Decrypt) : Cryptography failed (Error : Unexpected end of data)
  • 4922 XML (VALIDATE): "An unexpected error has occurred." when validating an invalid file
  • 4925 AMTB (BREAKPOINTS): breakpoint functionality inconsistent before and after saving task
  • 4953 BPAS_EXEC / BPAS_MAN: error message misspelling in event log
  • 4955 BPAS_MAN / BPAS_EXEC: "AutoMate BPA Server 9 failed to start because of an unknown error while starting the main processing thread."
  • 4957 BPAS_EXEC / BPAS_MAN: "Failed to stop service. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
  • 4959 SMC: workflow description should say "...throughout AutoMate BPA Server." instead of "...throughout AutoMate."
  • 4960 INPUT (MOVE MOUSE): amtb "System.NullReferenceException" when opening and closing step multiple times
  • 4961 TYPE (IMPORT) / TYPE (DERIVED): action causes amtb to crash when using an invalid URI
  • 4976 WINDOW (MOVE): multi monitor behavior differs from v8, v8 stayed within the primary monitor whereas v9 and v10 do not
  • 4987 MSMQ: HELP FILE: Wait for Message missing documentation
  • 5009 AMENGINE: referencing task functions within a task results in amengine.dll error messages
  • 5010 FILE SYSTEM (JOIN FILE): activity only supports joining files with .0, .1, .2, etc. extensions, needs to support .01, .001, etc. extensions as well
  • 5017 AMTB: amattachments should not allow blank spaces in the name field
  • 5037 SCHEDULE TRIGGER: holiday interval does not provide next launch date/time to configure the time portion of the scheduled trigger
  • 5081 Email(get messages) : Not storing outlook item attachment to file.
  • 5091 AMTS: amts crash when exporting or deleting tasks from amta on windows 8.1
  • 5100 CONSTANTS: You are NOT able to add more than 247 characters in the value
  • 5140 SNMP: octet string values are not displaying properly in the dataset
  • 5141 SYNCHRONIZE FOLDER (Unidirectional "Exact Copy"): Files that do not have an extension do not get copied over
  • 5219 XML (TRANSFORM): Japanese characters are converted to question marks "???".
  • 5224 Xml(Validate): Schema Validation not throwing error properly.
  • 5233 DATABASE LOGGING: extended step information is not being logged into the database
  • 5234 AMTA (LOG MANAGEMENT): trim log option has a maximum setting of 10000kb, it should not have a maximum threshold
  • 5267 FTP (FTP LOGON): "Decryption error - decrypted text contains an invalid expression. " error message when % symbol is used in the password field
  • 5268 FTP (FTP LOGON): "An unexpected error has occurred." error message if log file location is invalid
  • 5272 DATABASE LOGGING: AutoMate fails to properly connect to and provide logging for Oracle databases
  • 5313 KEY EVENT TRIGGER (HOTKEY): Hotkeys do not trigger after opening and closing the AutoMate "Running Tasks" window.
  • 5314 HELP FILE: Documentation on Variable Agents is missing
  • 5322 HELP FILE: GET EMAIL: Documentation on the option "IMPERSONATE" is missing
  • 5327 ON ERROR TASK PROPERTIES: The value of 'Attach task file' is always true
  • 5362 PROCESS AGENT: " cannot access >: No such file or directory" error message when running an output command to a .txt file on linux machines
  • 5364 HTTP "GET": "Error: Input string was not in a correct format"
  • 5372 AMAZON (ATTACH VOLUME): Visual view step description says "Attch amazon EBS volume" instead of "Attach amazon..."
  • 5380 HTTP GET: HTTP Failed (Error: Connection lost (error code is 100354))
  • 5392 FILE SYSTEM (SYNC): Folder sync with multiple inclusion masks error.
  • 5393 SMC: WORKFLOW EXCLUSIONS: Highlighting and Removing two exclusions causes a System.NullReferenceException
  • 5457 SEND IM (GOOGLE TALK): Authenticaton (X GOOGLE TOKEN) fail
  • 5470 COMPRESS FILES: "only if older than" option is not being respected when configured
  • 5637 IMPORT (TASK PROPERTIES): Importing an AutoMate into v10 does not carry over task properties settings.
AutoMate BPA Server 10
Version 10.0.0


  • Server Management Console (SMC) Modernize
  • SMC Charts
  • Agent Deployment Wizard Modernize
  • Global Proxy (HTTP)
  • Global Email (Exchange & SSL)
  • Workflow Designer (WFD) Modernize
  • Task Builder (AMTB) Modernize
  • Action & Activity Library
  • Action Editor Modernize
  • Expression Builder Modernize
  • Windows Logon (Vista and Higher)
  • Array Support (Web Service, DLL, Type)
  • Sessions
  • Java Accessibility
  • Task Events
  • X64 Support
  • Snippets
  • Global Triggering
  • Agent Updates
  • Workflow Wizard
  • User Folders
  • Object Locking
  • SMC Global Search
  • Resume from Failure (Manual & Automatic)
  • Disable after Failure
  • WFD Run From Here
  • Expressions & Constants in Triggers
  • Administrator User Group
  • Action – Amazon DynamoDB
  • Action – Amazon SES
  • Action – Facebook
  • Action – Image
  • Action – PDF
  • Action – PowerShell
  • Action – WMI
  • Activity – Amazon S3 (Put object)
  • Activity – Array (Set)
  • Activity – Dialog (Custom dialog)
  • Activity – Email (Archive messages)
  • Activity – Excel (Run macro)
  • Activity – File System (CSV to dataset)
  • Activity – Loop (Loop registry values)
  • Activity – Registry (Get registry values)
  • Activity – Text (Reverse, Format path, Base64 encode/decode, Convert case, Contain text)
  • Condition – Database
  • Condition – File System


  • 497 AM7: Pad Text Action Blank Leading Characters Nonfunctional When Proceeded By A Number
  • 768 Event Log Trigger has abbreviated types in the list
  • 848 AM7 ( BPA TB: “Help” button does not work on “Find” window.
  • 892 AM7 & BPA7 Side by Side Window Triggering Disabled in AM7
  • 902 BPA Key Condition does not properly capture some keys with French keyboard layout
  • 975 BPA7 SMC: “Reports”, selecting the “Contour” graph causes a .Net unhandled Exception.
  • 1158 Web SMC: The “Help” file has references to AutoMate 7 in title bar “AM7 Help” is displayed.
  • 1410 SMC: Should tell in which function this error has occured
  • 1448 Connect Terminal action, poor error message on non numeric port specification
  • 1451 SMC:DashBoards , Canvas is aligned to the bottom
  • 1506 WEB SMC: WEB Client Difficulties
  • 1523 AMTB: Mouse movement
  • 1536 Trigger Task : Password error should state "wrong password"
  • 1570 AMTB: Map Drive: Error shows empty line in output pane
  • 1574 Show running task Window: For queue task : Force task right click menu option always shows disable.
  • 1625 Message box window : without button
  • 1667 Return action: does not show the variables in combo box.
  • 1710 AMTB : Output pane : shows error in black font after undock the pane.
  • 1712 ReDim Array : Does not give error when you specify negative value.
  • 1825 Help File : Options tag's all markup should be shown in help file
  • 1828 HELP: Notes, corrections
  • 1842 BPA: Flash tutorial we are shipping with product is of BPA 7
  • 1950 Uninstalling on newer OSes leaves behind a notification list entry
  • 1961 One bad error one critical error while using the Compress Files action.
  • 1995 BPA 8 TB: “On The Web” web link URL’s need to be re-directed to the correct BPA 8 pages.
  • 2017 AMTB: Basic Script -- > about flash page missing version number.
  • 2112 BPA: Workflow Designer: Evaluation object: open Expression builder: clicking F1 of any variable gives unhandled error.
  • 2113 AMTB: loop Array : Ordering : Vertical looping work as horizontal looping
  • 2114 Second extension code does not extend AM8 demo
  • 2167 If Window Exists action behaves slightly different in v8 versus v7
  • 2180 Backing up/Restoring from AM8 8.0.0 to 8.1 does not populate tasks or samples on Windows Server 2003.
  • 2182 FTP: FTP Download Error Messages are Only Occurring for One Failed File and Not All of Them
  • 2342 AMTB: “Loop files” exclude mask option does not work.
  • 2347 BREAK: Using the Break action on an inner nested Loop File Contents fails to properly return to the outer loop
  • 2392 Case action not allowing the user to enter expressions
  • 2396 GLOBALSCAPE: Determine possibility of OEM Customization to determine the string written to the Windows Event Log (CR28353)
  • 2417 WEB BROWSER: “Error Causes” time out and fail does not error out when set to 1 second.
  • 2421 Find Text Action and Casing
  • 2483 GLOBALSCAPE: Log Event indicates the logging application is AutoMate
  • 2493 AMTB 8: Help page errors
  • 2511 BPAS_EXEC: Load management is not working or displaying properly.
  • 2602 AMTS: Startup Trigger description is returned incorrectly when 'any user' is selected
  • 2603 AMTS: Performance Trigger description is returned as empty string
  • 2617 TB: Modified actions do not properly update icons
  • 2619 AM: Schedule Event Trigger is not showing Hours/Minutes/Seconds on the description.
  • 2701 Compression: GZip, TAR+GZip do not create target folder when target folder does not exist.
  • 2713 Unable to decompress ACE file
  • 2735 BPA: SMC:Throws a "System exception error" when closing the SMC and cannot find the BPA server folder anywhere on the VM.
  • 2746 BPA-WFD: File condition Trigger is not working on network location.
  • 2749 BPA:Window condition trigger is not triggering a task when selecting an object.
  • 2752 BPA: Logon Condition:Throws"CSE.exe application error" while running logon condition task.
  • 2767 Shared Variable expression result is surrounded in quotes
  • 2768 BPAS_EXEC: when setting the user passwords within the database and outside of the smc, the passwords are not encrypted
  • 2814 amtb: on error tab for actions should either support mulitple lines or reduce the size of the variable value field
  • 2864 AMTB: Contents F1 is not showing the "Welcome to Automate page"
  • 2875 VCL actions which use List Views for multiple parameters will corrupt multiple expression entries when edited
  • 2877 BPA File System Condition does not always work
  • 2907 Set Variable action: Variable name is not in double quotes.
  • 2928 AM8 Online help is missing SharePoint documentation.
  • 2988 Increment does not like array variables
  • 3000 AM8: Issue with sending email using constants.
  • 3028 SCHEDULE TRIGGER: exclusions are removed from the trigger when the trigger is renamed
  • 3139 EXPRESSION BUILDER: shows default constant name even though its name has been changed .
  • 3146 HELP FILE: DIR function help is inaccurate
  • 3150 AM8: Standard User/"Run with Highest Privileges" unchecked are causing tasks to que AND Agent icon green.
  • 3151 AM9: Task(s) should fail with UAC enabled and "Run with Highest Privileges" unchecked but report as running successfully.
  • 3162 SIDE BY SIDE: uninstalling am9 on a system where am8 is also installed, leaves remnant files behind
  • 3167 AM7/8: SQL Query step not capturing Bulk Insert error
  • 3190 AMTB: File System: Synchronize folder: bidirectional: All Advance expander check box goes disable. GUI issue.
  • 3194 EXCEL: open workbook action needs to account for password protected spreadsheets
  • 3221 WINDOW: add get window information action to populate a dataset with all open windows
  • 3236 AMEMAUTOSTARTMODE: task running in separate session from amem.exe session
  • 3246 INSTALLER: if user does not select reboot after xp hotfix installation then there are no further prompts, install does not continue until reboot
  • 3274 Installer: BPA9 Agent MSI is missing the AutoMate BPA Server Installshield Wizard and the KB943232 hotfix on Windows XP x64.
  • 3284 AMTB: Dynamics CRM: CRM Browser: does not set with predefine values
  • 3301 AMTB: Help file: No help files on my actions categories( Favorites, recent, popular).
  • 3316 BPA: BPA gives timeout exception error and then it stopped working.
  • 3356 SMC & WFD: Conditions “Icon” help links open help file to "This program cannot display the webpage" pages.
  • 3381 VARIABLE ENGINE: When a shared variable is specified as Numeric, with a value of 0, it is still created as a string.
  • 3396 Stored Procedure: Paramete value shows "" on description
  • 3417 REGISTRY: registry action does not error when trying to write to invalid key but stops as if it did error
  • 3430 No info for the thrid check box (from the left) in the Action Properties at the bottom of each action.
  • 3464 (GS32338) "Loop through file" function does not return the final character of the final line in a file.
  • 3472 LOOP FILES: date filter expressions are not kept correcting in the gui
  • 3475 Remote Agent does not connect when server machine is rebooted.
  • 3495 AM: Rename a task to same name
  • 3496 AWE throwing errors when unzipping password protected files successfully (CR32324)
  • 3510 AWE: UnGzipping in AWE gives inaccurate last modified file date (GS32328)
  • 3512 WEB BROWSER add 'wait for web page to finish loading' back into action
  • 3536 “Excel”, “Create Workbook”: Adding the” %Date()%” basic function to the name of the output file generates error with spelling errors.
  • 3550 AMTA: groups settings in amta getting lost
  • 3552 “Help” File, “System requirements”: Supporting operating systems make reference to “Microsoft Windows Server 2008 3”.
  • 3567 INPUT (SEND KEYSTROKES): cursor is missing from the keystrokes field when inserting a special keystroke
  • 3572 AMTB: misspelling of occurrences in the CTRL F find window when the results have completed
  • 3587 IF Folder exists action is not honoring the "IF folder older than"
  • 3594 DATASET TO CELLS: 'could not access the excel files. make sure the range is valid' error when using a dataset with one column
  • 3614 HELP FILE: FTP LOG ON port typo in help file says 210 when it should say 21
  • 3619 Actions: Dataset to Cells / Column Names with Column Names checked problem
  • 3622 DECOMPRESS: 2gb file does not decompress from .tar file
  • 3623 HELP FILE: extraneous </AMIF> in select/case example code
  • 3646 INSTALL: v9.0.0.25 upgrade to Application crash and AV occur during setup if “Ignore” is clicked on 2nd “Files in use” prompt.
  • 3658 SEND KEYSTROKES: unicode characters are not being sent through action
  • 3671 AMTB: Access violation when "Remove from Favorites" is clicked
  • 3684 AS2 Calendar crashes UI through stack overflow
  • 3689 WFD: Flow Control arrow objects fall apart while moving them around in the white canvas
  • 3692 Web SMC: Few bugs.
  • 3693 SMC: Options: Default Properties: Condition Exclusion is missing.
  • 3696 AMTS : Turning off "Enable Text Logging" , still writes data into AuditLog.txt file
  • 3699 StartMenu entries are created for AutoMate Runtime Installation
  • 3702 SMC: Repository: Processes: Title for Agents/Agent group is wrong.
  • 3707 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow Time out: Not able to stop task after workflow time out.
  • 3711 WFD: help file missing for the File Condition object
  • 3713 Http: Add Normal Http Proxy
  • 3715 AMTA: On Error Property
  • 3719 Copy/Paste error from one Workflow to the other
  • 3731 WFD: renaming sub workflow cause null reference
  • 3732 DEPLOY: 'Access denied, most likely because the username and/or password is incorrect.' deploying from 2003R2 x86 to 7 x64 professional
  • 3736 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow Item time out: not working properly for Agent group.
  • 3744 BPA 9 Installation: Selecting only “Agent” also creates a TB start menu shortcut. “HRCHEK” and “User-defined breakpoint” errors are displayed.
  • 3745 AMTA Crash9.0.1.11: on all the OS AMTA crashes when we resume the Vm.
  • 3747 BPAS_MAN: - DataManager issue
  • 3751 BPAS_EXEC: Workflow Time out: Report: Execution Events: Result Column is not showing Success or Failure
  • 3753 AMTA: Exception error while creating a task when service stops.
  • 3772 UNINSTALL/INSTALL: side by side install/uninstall of same major version products results in the other product's service being shutdown
  • 3774 WINDOW TRIGGER: window triggering is nonexistent for a vb msgbox
  • 3776 French OS: AMTB.exe process continues to run after TB has been closed. This prevents the “AMTA” from closing.
  • 3781 French OS: AMTA “Add Task Wizard” Unable to open TB when “Create steps” button is pressed.
  • 3782 HELP FILE: no help file association for all conditions listed in wfd
  • 3785 CONNECT TERMINAL: not allowing variables as passwords
  • 3789 LOOP FILE CONTENTS: Unix style new line delimiter (e.g. \n or 0x0A) is not respected in the Loop File Contents action
  • 3793 WEB BROWSER: 'an unexpected error has occurred' error message when opening ftp site in IE
  • 3794 AGENT DEPLOY: the agent deployment process needs to take into account the default agent port specified in the smc
  • 3795 WEB BROWSER: Web Browser action will not open ftp:// URL
  • 3801 INSTALL: Native French OS: AM9 and BPA9 Install: XP Hot fix KB943232-v2 generates a setup error.
  • 3808 Compress:Too long error message when the file is not found
  • 3809 Compression:Error message while compress GZip, Tar+GZip
  • 3812 Action: Sync folder creates dir with extension of Include mask
  • 3819 Action: SNMP errors in TA/TB when you input an invalid IP address
  • 3820 HTTP post is missing the logger field
  • 3825 Wait:Wait for process- "find by name" field missing folder link to select process name.
  • 3831 AMTS: AMTA Task Properties the option "Increment Filename" is automatically checked when creating a log file "On Task Error" even when unselected
  • 3832 SEND KEYSTROKES: special keys such as parentheses within a variable are not being sent
  • 3833 AMTS: On Error Send Email not displaying French characters properly
  • 3834 BPA8 SMC - If User does not have permission SMC crashes rather then displays error message
  • 3835 RUN: "The system cannot find file specified." when trying to open URL or .lnk files
  • 3837 WEB BROWSER: 'browser window not found' error message when using a wildcard in the window title field
  • 3842 AMTA: performance trigger always reverts to milliseconds when opening the trigger again
  • 3843 FILE SYSTEM COPY: dataset.message and dataset.result are not populating correctly when action fails
  • 3853 SMC: asmc.exe process description in task manager shows 'automate bpa 8 server management console'
  • 3855 WFD: Schedule Trigger: Adding and exlusion for last day of the month results in a crash
  • 3857 Manifesting is not correct or missing on AMTA and possibly SMC (theme is not Aero)
  • 3858 If there is no network access the update check fails with a popup on startup
  • 3863 AMTB: While opening the TB it is showing error message" Start up -Design time initialization" error message on output pane
  • 3864 AMTB: Action list shows duplicate actions.
  • 3865 TB: Click on Categories empties the list on available actions pane
  • 3868 SMC: “Previous versions” feature does not work.
  • 3870 AMTA connection: Exception error when cut/copy and paste when service stops.
  • 3878 Actions: Compression action's ZIP creates corrupted archives when files to be zipped exceeds a certain size
  • 3881 Triggers: File trigger, "File Count" does not fire the trigger when trigger on startup is true.
  • 3901 Dialog action AM 8 , AM Save file and browse for folder window hidden when it runs in sequence.
  • 3907 UNINSTALL: "Support Info", "Repair" option results in "Fatal error during installation" when accessed from add/remove window.
  • 3909 Excel: and Not converting file name extension to.xlsx if its 8 task.
  • 3913 Web SMC: Exclusions are showing twice on our local SMC when we update it from Web SMC
  • 3914 Web SMC: Holidays-Cannot add a holiday.
  • 3926 Action: Browse for Folder Dialog hangs indefinitely
  • 3933 AMTB Function: Function parameters deletes when we custom and add a new one.
  • 3934 Start Task action: On Encrypted subtask if we dont give password on start task action it gives error while running.
  • 3948 WFD: Tasks agents window freeze when trying to select an agent on imported task.
  • 3949 BPA_TS: "A problem occurred while initializing the AutoMate 9 Task Interpreter" error message
  • 3950 AMTA: Deploying an encrypted task not showing password window it directly shows empty/no steps on TB.
  • 3951 Action Wait for process: Step description is cut off in Visual view.
  • 3952 Wait for process: by process id gives error " Step is missing required parameter"
  • 3963 WEB SERVICE: Web Service call fails when connecting to Web Service using mexHTTPsbinding but works fine when service uses mexHTTPbinding (GS33595)
  • 3968 Import help file: No link to help file on import.
  • 3970 AMTB: Breakpoints are ignored in a subtask (managed)
  • 3972 AMTS: Password protect requires the sub-options to be unchecked as well as the global password protect option
  • 3975 FILE SYSTEM - CONCATENATE: File System failed (Error : Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.)
  • 3977 AMTA: Holidays:Exception error when trying to add holiday when Categories list not updates.
  • 3979 AMTB: AMTB crashes when stopping an unresponsive task that has a common dialog window opened/active and running the task a second time.
  • 3980 AMTA: On Task Error: extra space and underscore on error message.
  • 3991 Event monitor could not be connected error message while running a task from AMTA.
  • 3993 Action: On Error Sequence gets incorrect SetCurrentLineNumber() value
  • 3997 GET SELECTED LIST ITEM: AM is unable to retrieve the first selected item
  • 3998 SELECT LIST ITEM: activity does not select the item from the list
  • 3999 AMTA: suggestion:Repetitive text on Edit Triggers window.
  • 4001 BPA:WFD:Exception error when trying to rename task, events, conditions when another user logged in.
  • 4002 Multimedia: “Play audio”, “Play” button functionality issue.
  • 4006 Web Encodings: "Per-activity" help icon (Question mark) is missing from activities.
  • 4016 BPA TB: Pressing "F1" or selecting "Contents F1" from the help menu does not open the help file.
  • 4017 Actions: AD Get Group Members action fails when the Group contains users that belong to another domain
  • 4019 EXCHANGE/GET EMAIL/SEND EMAIL: impersonations are not allowed
  • 4020 “Compress” action: Selecting more than 2 files will cause a pipe symbol to be added between file names. This will cause step to fail.
  • 4021 Actions: File System copy action copies files even if they already exist in the destination
  • 4022 BPA9 Installation "Agent" only: "Error 2753 The File asmc.exe is not marked for installation" error occurs if "Launch AutoMate BPA Server" box is chec
  • 4023 BPA:SMC: On "Connect To" drop down it shows several "localhost" options when only development tools installed.
  • 4029 ON ERROR: retry step count reflects changes in AML view but not in the action directly when specified as a variable
  • 4037 Splash screen for BASIC Script IDE shows Automate instead of GlobalSCAPE (GS26503)
  • 4038 Branding:Running AWE from the command line results in 'Automate' splash screen (GS21138)
  • 4039 Action properties on "More info" on AWE tasks have inconsistent behavior. (GS26501)
  • 4041 Task Builder, File > Recent documents opens to the wrong folder (GS26442)
  • 4050 AWE: Task builder actions menu does not match actions list. (GS28208)
  • 4053 Branding: Events logged as Automate 8 (GS28353)
  • 4054 AMTS: With text logging disabled, the Audit text log is still written to
  • 4066 BPA 9: Problem with automation of Firefox - opening tabs with "About:blank", won't close windows when running as background user.
  • 4067 FileSystem Trigger does not work with Samba Network Location
  • 4068 ACTIONS: "Start Task" won't open a password protected .aml file with the provided password
  • 4070 SEND KEYSTROKES: ALT key does not populate keystroke field when 'transpose special keystrokes' is selected
  • 4074 HTTP Timeout in the "Advanced" drop down reverts back to default 100 seconds
  • 4076 ACTIONS: Print action does not support wildcards in 9 as it did in 7
  • 4077 VARIABLE ENGINE: action does not break out of a nested loop correctly when the goto label references a label in the parent loop
  • 4079 ACTIONS: Wait for Window action in 9 does not see objects as it did in 7
  • 4081 Task running stored procedure is not passing values with '%' correctly. (GS33933)
  • 4090 WebService : Should handle system.byte array
  • 4091 WFD: SystemArguement.OutofRange Exception when viewing permissions via repository properties in WFD
  • 4093 BACKUP AUTOMATE: backup fails on all drives except the c: drive
  • 4094 AMTA: Check for update does not respect the system proxy settings
  • 4095 SQL QUERY: 'prompt user for a name and password' does not function
  • 4096 AMTS: amta sql connections are being stored in the registry unencrypted
  • 4098 VMWare : Guest & Host Action Create Session activity missing Session property.
  • 4099 AMTA: Proxy setting property does not support Http & Default IE Proxy
  • 4100 Audit Events:Data not showing when we select task name from the drop down.
  • 4104 FTP:Previous connection values populates on New connection fields.
  • 4105 SharePoint : Checkin should also work with existing file in Library.
  • 4107 Basic Script function (ExifUserComment) that is not returning a value properly
  • 4109 AMTB: "TfrmAMTB7::DisplayAction Abstract Error" error message when trying to add Call Function action (localization)
  • 4110 AMTA: manually deleting just the filename from the .atl file will result in an endless loop of error messages generated in event viewer
  • 4111 AMTB: rename region in aml view does not function
  • 4114 LOGON CONDITION: WFs do not kick off after a reboot
  • 4115 “Regions”: Regions headers do not change according to Enabled/Disabled status. “Enable” double-click issue.
  • 4116 Alt Release Key does not release key. Both "Alt" & "Alt Gr" must be checked to release "Alt".
  • 4117 Regions: “Clear all Regions” option clears steps pane but not the “Regions” pane.
  • 4118 Task Builder: “Reset Interface” option does not return windows to the initial configuration of tiling.
  • 4120 WebService : Action should be able to Ignore the Dynamic Proxy warning
  • 4121 HTTP Get: Unable to use NTLM Authentication
  • 4122 Help Menu: About displays a blank screen instead of the version number.
  • 4151 CONNECT TERMINAL: tn error message "configuraton" misspelling when passhio.key is missing or expired
  • 4175 Calender:Calender shows blank on first time on 2 AMTA connections.
  • 4176 ACTIVE DIRECTORY (CREATE USER): full name is in the incorrect order for japanese localization
  • 4178 COMPRESSION: "if older than" option does not filter based on chosen expression
  • 4179 Help File: The word Start is being referenced for the start button in the Run action.
  • 4180 BPAS_MAN: "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80040E37): Invalid object name 'BPA.dbo.workflowconstructs'." with OleDB connection to SQL Server 2012
  • 4185 RUN: start menu selection references shortcut file (.lnk) instead of the application name and extension on Japanese localization install
  • 4186 LOOP FILE CONTENTS: cannot identify each record in text files generated by Shift-JIS character (japanese localization)
  • 4191 AMTB: title bar text changes white when maximized in windows 8 / windows 2012
  • 4192 COMPRESSION: When compressing a file each time the step is ran, the zip file gets bigger and bigger even when the overwrite flag is on.
  • 4194 UNDO IN AMTB: If you copy/paste steps, then click the Undo icon, steps in the task are deleted
  • 4204 AMTB: Inspect Variable Window does not display all columns
  • 4205 COMMENTS: In Task Builder, when comments containing greater than symbols (>) are copied, the actions following it get "commented" out upon reopening
  • 4208 Schedule Trigger: When changing the day of "specific days of the month" get an error "You must specify at least one month"
  • 4212 ON ERROR ACTIONS: Write to Automate Log Doesn't Log Anything
  • 4215 WEB BROWSER: FireFox Extension Download button doesn't work
  • 4219 Backup and Restore: Causes broken link on all Sample tasks.
  • 4221 BPAS_MAN: Recent Workflow/Task Status are not reporting with second instance of SMC
  • 4222 INPUT (MOVE MOUSE): Editing the "Input" action several times causes an Access Violation error
  • 4224 AM Service: AutoMate service stops when we install BPA on previously installed AM machine.
  • 4225 BPA AGENT: Installing AutoMate 9 on a system with BPA 9 installed causes the "BPA Server 9 Agent" service to stop.
  • 4229 AMTB: auto indent occurs when "suggest indent" is unselected in preferences
  • 4231 File system: "Include subfolders" on Copy files causes the step failed.
  • 4234 AMTB: replace all functionality does not replace in some instances and instead deletes entire string from the position of the search term
  • 4242 FORMAT DATE TIME: 15 minute adjustment is only adjusting time by 14:59
  • 4243 INTERACTIVITY (Get Selected List Item): Puts all the list items into the variable
  • 4244 AMTB: Print Not Word Wrapping Properly Within Margins and Are Then Cut Off
  • 4247 CRM: Text in Organization name field fades when use scroll bar.
  • 4250 File System: Concatenate File(s) does not support | in FileA and FileB textbox
  • 4256 Recorder:Recorder bugs
  • 4258 CRM:Blank required variable field still completes the step.
  • 4263 AMTB:Undo-Redo causes "List Index out of bounds".
  • 4264 CELLS TO DATASET: fail with "Could not get text contained in Excel cells" whenever any cell contains formula or reference errors.( example: #REF! )
  • 4268 FTP (DOWNLOAD): "Only if Newer" Problem text is missing in the Error Causes tab of the FTP Download action
  • 4282 FTP: Error Causes text for option "Only If newer" is incorrect (Error Code 27120)
  • 4299 VARIABLE ENGINE: variable addition expressions from dataset values are concatenating instead of adding the values
  • 4303 SQL QUERY ACTION: SQL INSERT, insert two lines statement will FAIL with foreign install
  • 4305 SHARED VARIABLE: "workflow failed because: (10062) overflow" error when evaluating a shared variable set above "32767"
  • 4322 Get Email/Exchange - Timeout misspelled in AML
  • 4328 FTP (LOGON): sftp logon does not support public key with 2056 bit length.
  • 4329 AMTA: Trigger Behavior : trigger after the condition has been met attributes does not store in correct format.
  • 4330 AGENT INSTALL: Installing an agent via deploy or the agent.msi will add a check for "Allow service to interact with desktop"
  • 4331 BREAK: After the first BREAK is evaluated in a task, the following "Loop Expression" does not get evaluated.
  • 4332 ACTION (Send/Get Terminal Text): Due to a buffer limitation text sent to a terminal window cannot be read/obtained properly if exceeds buffer
  • 4333 EXTENDED FUNCTION: GetWindowCaption() extended function is not providing the window caption
  • 4334 LOGS (Database Logging): subtasks are not being logged to the external database
  • 4335 AMTB: unable to drag a new action from the available actions pane to the bottom of a region
  • 4346 RUN: "The system cannot find file specified." error message when running a file with an extension associated in windows
  • 4355 AMTA (OPTIONS): header description should reference "AutoMate Task Service" instead of "server"
  • 4356 AMTA (CONSTANTS): options>system settings>constants description is missing the word "use"
  • 4357 AMTA (SNMP): options>system settings>snmp description references "condition" instead of "trigger"
  • 4358 AMTA (EVENT MONITOR USER): options>system settings>event monitor user description has an extra space after "context"
  • 4359 AMTA (TASK ISOLATION): options>default properties>task isolation description, text corrections, discrepancies and alignment
  • 4364 INPUT(SEND KEYSTROKES): Sending keystroke that contains a variable that is empty results in "Step is missing required parameter "KEYSTROKES""
  • 4369 INSTALLATION(BPA): When installing to a foreign SQL Instance, no tables are created.
  • 4370 AMTB(FIND): On foreign OS, 'Find' window is corrupt, with overlapping fields/does not find the target but something after it
  • 4371 AMTA/SMC (SQL CONNECTION): passwords are saved in plain text
  • 4372 AMTA (DEFAULT USER): options>default properties> default user description correction and alignment issue
  • 4384 AMTA (TASK DETAILS): details description should have task of task administrator capitalized
  • 4385 AMTA (TASK LOGGING): description reference to "system options" should be "system settings"
  • 4389 GET EMAIL: (POP3) Protocol should NOT have the Filter "Has been Read"
  • 4406 BPA: Condition: Behavior: Evaluate condition immediately is not working.
  • 4407 ACTION (Write To Log): If steps execute within the same second, they are not sorted correctly in the System Event Logs
  • 4414 AMTS (LOG MANAGEMENT): restarting the task service enables previously disabled log management options
  • 4415 AMTA: SPLASH SCREEN: Splash screen does not appear in icon view or detail view when you have 9 or more tasks
  • 4429 CRYPTOGRAPHY (ENCRYPT): Cryptography Action won’t compress files when Encrypting
  • 4432 AMTB: Force closing an unresponsive task generates an AV and abnormal shutdown crash when task is executed a 2nd time.
  • 4445 AMTB (TASK VARIABLE): creating an array as a task variable reverts to a variable when editing the same array
  • 4446 ACTION(On Error 'Retry The Step/Pause'): Expression Builder Values are Overwritten in 'Retry the Step/Pause' Fields
  • 4447 SMC: Importing tasks from AM6 will add __ to the task name
  • 4454 BPAS_MAN/SMC: BPA Server DB orphan(?) constructs
  • 4458 AMTB: When Pasting Steps Into Task Builder The Cursor Get Positioned Incorrectly
  • 4459 INTERACTIVITY: MOVE MOUSE to OBJECT: Move mouse to object doesn't automatically scroll down a web page to select an object
  • 4464 ACTION (Trigger Task): Trigger Task Action Should Error if "Managed Task To Trigger" Doesn't Exist
  • 4465 AMTB (TASK VARIABLE): selecting array as the variable type does not expand the interface for dimension selection on localized machines
  • 4470 No status indication when loading data for Workflow Trigger report
  • 4472 System.TimeoutException
  • 4473 WFD(After Import of Workflow): After Importing a Workflow and Selecting "Create as new and Rename" Upon opening imported in WFD the Original ID Shows
  • 4477 KEY EVENT: Hotkey combinations CTRL+NUM 1 or CTRL+DELETE do not trigger
  • 4480 TASK SECURITY(Password Prompt): Prompted to Enter Password for More Tasks Than Actually Selected
  • 4482 UNINSTALL: Web Browser Action Removed in v9 after Uninstalling v10
  • 4516 SEND KEYSTROKES (Break Key): Break Key Is Not Sent
  • 4517 AMTA/SMC: "Please close all instances of Task Builder opened before trying to close Task Administrator." message with no amtb process
  • 4544 NETWORK (WEB BROWSER): Cannot Use Variables in "Locate By Attribute" Option Within the Locate HTML Elements
  • 4547 AMTS: importing an unmanaged task into amta will enable 'run with highest privileges' be default regardless of the default preference setting in amta
  • 4551 IMPORT: importing an am4 task into am8 or higher after using the am4 to am6 migration utility may result in some steps displaying as n/a
  • 4585 WFD: save button at the top of the wfd is always active
  • 4591 AMTA: SECURITY: Adding a password does not allow you to rename a duplicated task.
  • 4593 WAIT FOR WINDOW: Second wait for window action is ignored when there are multiple wait for window actions
  • 4636 FTP (Advanced): when MLSD fails should it use LIST by default
  • 4637 Cryptography: Actions are limited to encryption/decryption of files, not variables or variable values.
  • 4664 RUN: "AMTB.exe - System Error. The program can't start because TabBtn.dll is missing..."
  • 4686 AMTS / BPA_TS: creating SoftwareSASGeneration=0 in the registry if registry key is not already present and affecting other applications
  • 4687 AMTS / BPA_TS: creating SoftwareSASGeneration=0 in the registry for windows xp and windows 2003 is unnecessary
  • 4721 SMC: SECURITY: Scrolling UP in the Security window after denying the Change Security option will change all options to DENY
  • 4735 AMTA: a gap is created when you have lots of info in the NOTES column in Detail view.
  • 4745 GET EMAIL (EWS): "GET MESSAGE" Expected result for %dataset.BodyHtml% does not populate
  • 4746 GET EMAIL (IMAP): "GET MESSAGE" Expected result for %dataset.Body% and %dataset.BodyHtml% does not populate
  • 4752 INPUT: SEND KEYSTROKES: ":" (colon), is switching to ";" (semicolon) when sending keystrokes to an RDP window
  • 4796 AMTB: error message "You cannot insert a TdxCustomDockControl into TdxDockPanel (TdxDockPanel is being inserted)."
  • 4901 SharePoint (Add list item) : Not able to add a list item to sub folder created in List
  • 4907 DIALOG (SELECTION): keyboard shortcuts listed options no longer functional
  • 4909 WFD: Disabling and Enabling Multiple Tasks in the WFD at the same time
  • 4910 WFD (PROCESS OBJECT): process object with data, returns as unbuilt in wfd
  • 4911 Cryptography (Decrypt) : Cryptography failed (Error : Unexpected end of data)
  • 4922 XML (VALIDATE): "An unexpected error has occurred." when validating an invalid file
  • 4925 AMTB (BREAKPOINTS): breakpoint functionality inconsistent before and after saving task
  • 4953 BPAS_EXEC / BPAS_MAN: error message misspelling in event log
  • 4955 BPAS_MAN / BPAS_EXEC: "AutoMate BPA Server 9 failed to start because of an unknown error while starting the main processing thread."
  • 4957 BPAS_EXEC / BPAS_MAN: "Failed to stop service. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
  • 4959 SMC: workflow description should say "...throughout AutoMate BPA Server." instead of "...throughout AutoMate."
  • 4960 INPUT (MOVE MOUSE): amtb "System.NullReferenceException" when opening and closing step multiple times
  • 4961 TYPE (IMPORT) / TYPE (DERIVED): action causes amtb to crash when using an invalid URI
  • 4976 WINDOW (MOVE): multi monitor behavior differs from v8, v8 stayed within the primary monitor whereas v9 and v10 do not
  • 4987 MSMQ: HELP FILE: Wait for Message missing documentation
  • 5009 AMENGINE: referencing task functions within a task results in amengine.dll error messages
  • 5010 FILE SYSTEM (JOIN FILE): activity only supports joining files with .0, .1, .2, etc. extensions, needs to support .01, .001, etc. extensions as well
  • 5017 AMTB: amattachments should not allow blank spaces in the name field
  • 5037 SCHEDULE TRIGGER: holiday interval does not provide next launch date/time to configure the time portion of the scheduled trigger
  • 5081 Email(get messages) : Not storing outlook item attachment to file.
  • 5091 AMTS: amts crash when exporting or deleting tasks from amta on windows 8.1
  • 5100 CONSTANTS: You are NOT able to add more than 247 characters in the value
  • 5140 SNMP: octet string values are not displaying properly in the dataset
  • 5141 SYNCHRONIZE FOLDER (Unidirectional "Exact Copy"): Files that do not have an extension do not get copied over
  • 5219 XML (TRANSFORM): Japanese characters are converted to question marks "???".
  • 5224 Xml(Validate): Schema Validation not throwing error properly.
  • 5233 DATABASE LOGGING: extended step information is not being logged into the database
  • 5234 AMTA (LOG MANAGEMENT): trim log option has a maximum setting of 10000kb, it should not have a maximum threshold
  • 5267 FTP (FTP LOGON): "Decryption error - decrypted text contains an invalid expression. " error message when % symbol is used in the password field
  • 5268 FTP (FTP LOGON): "An unexpected error has occurred." error message if log file location is invalid
  • 5272 DATABASE LOGGING: AutoMate fails to properly connect to and provide logging for Oracle databases
  • 5313 KEY EVENT TRIGGER (HOTKEY): Hotkeys do not trigger after opening and closing the AutoMate "Running Tasks" window.
  • 5314 HELP FILE: Documentation on Variable Agents is missing
  • 5322 HELP FILE: GET EMAIL: Documentation on the option "IMPERSONATE" is missing
  • 5327 ON ERROR TASK PROPERTIES: The value of 'Attach task file' is always true
  • 5362 PROCESS AGENT: " cannot access >: No such file or directory" error message when running an output command to a .txt file on linux machines
  • 5364 HTTP "GET": "Error: Input string was not in a correct format"
  • 5372 AMAZON (ATTACH VOLUME): Visual view step description says "Attch amazon EBS volume" instead of "Attach amazon..."
  • 5380 HTTP GET: HTTP Failed (Error: Connection lost (error code is 100354))
  • 5392 FILE SYSTEM (SYNC): Folder sync with multiple inclusion masks error.
  • 5393 SMC: WORKFLOW EXCLUSIONS: Highlighting and Removing two exclusions causes a System.NullReferenceException
  • 5457 SEND IM (GOOGLE TALK): Authenticaton (X GOOGLE TOKEN) fail
  • 5470 COMPRESS FILES: "only if older than" option is not being respected when configured
  • 5637 IMPORT (TASK PROPERTIES): Importing an AutoMate into v10 does not carry over task properties settings.

May 2014

AutoMate 9
Version 9.0.5


  • 3783 AMTS: amta logs are not populating on some localized versions of windows
  • 4152 FILE SYSTEM (READ FROM FILE): not all the bytes (characters) are read or written as expected
  • 4233 AMTB (IMPORT STEPS): import steps imports functions without their parameters
  • 4262 GET EMAIL: 2013 to and cc fields don't work in filter
  • 4283 ON ERROR: Include the function that a step has failed on within a task as well as the step #
  • 4288 AMTB: amtb crash when opening a step that has a long expression in the isnewerthan/isolderthan attribute
  • 4290 AMTB: FunctionName field is missing from the Object/AMError folder in Expression Builder
  • 4317 BPA_TS: "task had its execution interrupted, but is treated as completing successfully (ignored errors: execution stopped)" error message
  • 4337 FILE TRIGGER: trigger passwords are not being encrypted in the .atl file
  • 4338 BPAS_EXEC: file trigger passwords are not being encrypted in the database
  • 4351 BPA_TS: "A problem occurred while initializing the AutoMate 9 Task Interpreter: Failed to get data for 'Comment'"
  • 4353 AMTA/SMC: window trigger gui missing components below the action drop down menu
  • 4396 BPAS_EXEC: workflows/tasks appear to be hanging under the smc execution status tab
  • 4397 BPAS_MAN: "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first." using mysql datastore
  • 4405 BPATASKCM: unable to execute .aml files with bpataskcm.exe
  • 4410 BPA_TS: agent may crash if machine is under heavy process or network load
  • 4456 AMTS: cpu utilization spikes when another application is connecting to LegacyTCPPort
  • 4463 BPAS_EXEC: unconnected flow control connectors will result in "hung" workflows in the execution status pane
  • 4469 SMC: No status indication when loading data for Workflow Trigger report -v9
  • 4471 BPAS_EXEC: "System.Runtime.CallbackException: Async Callback threw an exception. ---> System.TimeoutException: The HTTP request to..." error message
  • 4518 AMTA/SMC: "Please close all instances of Task Builder opened before trying to close Task Administrator." message with no amtb process
  • 4529 BPAS_EXEC: "There was an error connecting to the specified database. Please check your connection string for correctness." with an oracle 11g database
  • 4599 BPAS_EXEC: secondary server does not refresh schedule trigger updates from primary server in failover scenario until after 2nd next launch date/time
  • 4731 AGENT INSTALL: Installing an agent via deploy or the agent.msi will add a check for "Allow service to interact with desktop"
  • 4733 BPA: Condition: Behavior: Evaluate condition immediately is not working.
  • 4734 BPA: Condition: Behavior: Time out after does not work
  • 4902 SHAREPOINT (ADD LIST ITEM): Not able to add a list item to sub folder created in List
  • 5006 INTERACTIVITY: Cannot find specific Thunder objects
  • 5131 SMC (EXECUTION STATUS TAB): Queued Tasks do not display in the Execution Status
  • 5152 SNMP (WALK): causes amtb and/or amtask to hang or cause an access violation
  • 5153 SNMP: octet string values are not displaying properly in the dataset
  • 5160 ON TASK ERROR: The value of 'Attach task file' is always true in the Task Properties
  • 5223 AMTS: task service crashes after deleting a task from amta in windows 8.1 and windows server 2012 r2
  • 5265 AMTS: windows 2012 r2 & windows 8.1 logon "(step#-1) task could not start because the specified interactive session could not be located."
  • 5270 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: Migrating from BPA8 to BPA9 strips out special characters.
  • 5293 FILE SYSTEM (SYNCHRONIZE FOLDERS): "exact copy" option deletes all contents of destination location before copying all contents from source location
  • 5302 GET EMAIL: "Get email failed (Error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)" error message with a specific email
  • 5340 GET EMAIL (EWS): "GET MESSAGE" Expected result for %dataset.BodyHtml% does not populate
  • 5342 WEB SERVICE: Proxy were not getting generated propery when import warning was thrown
  • 5346 AMLOGON: does not support standard security screens
  • 5347 FTP: Logon is not working because of PWD command.
  • 5348 FTP: Sftp server needs authentication to be in specific order (PublicKey then Keyboard
  • 5349 EMAIL (GET MESSAGES): Not storing outlook item attachment to file.
  • 5350 XML (TRANSFORM): dropping UTF-8 Japanese characters
  • 5351 XML (VALIDATE): Schema Validation was not throwing error properly
  • 5352 FILE SYSTEM - Concatenate files does now work with large files...
  • 5353 RUN : Startmenu throws exception on some windows 64 bit OS
  • 5354 PGP (DECRYPT) : Empty file encrypted with PGP sometimes gives error Unexpected end of data
  • 5355 DYNAMICS CRM (CREATE ENTITY): Not working with Look up value
  • 5356 SMC: Clicking on Task->Properties->Details causes SMC to crash with large repositories
  • 5357 EXCHANGE (CREATE) : One can not store appointment into Public Folder
  • 5358 New conditions not triggering until server is reset
  • 5359 Agent exclusion periods not working properly
  • 5360 SMC: Cannot use domains in active directory logins
  • 5361 TRIGGER (SCHEDULE): triggers not firing when using Oracle as backend
  • 5369 WFD (FILE CONDITION - USERS): Providing "Use this user" information and clicking "Update" generates a "NullReferenceException".
  • 5370 EMAIL (ACTION PROPERTIES - SERVER): "Discover" option does not auto-discover server "Version".
  • 5371 SMC (REPORTS): "Task Execution Chart" and "Workflow Execution Chart" generate a "Method not found Void" error when "Go" is pressed.
  • 5384 DATABASE MIGRATION UTILITY: Migrating from BPA8 to BPA9 causes utility to crash on Windows XP.
  • 5391 WEBSMC: Help link is going to version 8 online help.
  • 5417 AM UNINSTALL: uninstalling an expired version of AM leaves amem.exe running in memory and in the system tray
  • 5426 WEBSMC: Change copy-right and Image logo
  • 5427 BPA INSTALLATION: When installing to a foreign SQL Instance, no tables are created.

March 2013

Version 9.0.4


  • 4177 AMLOGON: Windows 8 and Windows 2012 logon functionality needs to be added
  • 4209 TWITTER: Update Twitter to support the v1.1 twitter API
  • 4226 EXCHANGE / GET EMAIL / SEND EMAIL: Add Support for Impersonation
  • 4227 EXCHANGE / SHAREPOINT / DYNAMICS CRM: Add 2013 Support


  • 3613 BPAS_EXEC: bpas_exec spikes to 100% cpu usage if it cannot connect to sql server after 2 minutes of previously being connected
  • 3844 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: variable scope option should be "process" not "_process"
  • 3922 TWITTER (GET DIRECT MESSAGE): Get Received/Sent Messages doesn't work
  • 4055 WFD: edit properties from repository properties selection requires 2 attempts to close the window after making changes
  • 4101 CRYPTOGRAPHY (ENCRYPT): Encrypt "OpenPGP Public" is not working with AutoMate Variable provided in Recipients.
  • 4108 IF: if action does not recognize an empty variable after its value has been set to a blank dataset field
  • 4119 WFD: "execution server connection is broken. no items will run" error message when executing workflow in WFD
  • 4123 SMC: Event Monitor User Context AMEMAutoStartMode is not setting on Remote AGENT when using the GUI interface
  • 4125 FTP: Novell ftp server needs // to point to different ftp server. That only works if you send the CWD command directly.
  • 4153 SQL QUERY: oracle queries with comments do not execute
  • 4161 BREAK: Break Action within an IF Statement stored in a Loop Dataset loops indefinitely
  • 4168 EXCEL (ACTIVATE WORKSHEET): does not provide an error message for nonexistent worksheets
  • 4170 EVENT LOG TRIGGER: custom settings are reverted to default when entering trigger settings again
  • 4171 AMTB (LOCALIZATION): 'MakeDataset - AutoMate 9' abstract error message when right clicking on a dataset in the variable pane
  • 4172 AMTB (LOCALIZATION): 'TfrmAMTB7::DisplayAction' abstract error message when adding call function action
  • 4173 FTP: "FTP failed (Error: Server certificate was rejected by the verifier because of an unknown certificate authority.)" error message
  • 4174 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE (GET): 'Variable scope "[localized user, process, machine]" is not valid' error message
  • 4181 REPLACE TEXT: maximum replacements option is ignored in AM7, AM8, AM9 when regex is selected
  • 4182 AMTA: Exception error on Holidays
  • 4183 WFD: unable to see the bottom 4 selections in the agent dropdown selection (default, previous, triggered, variable) in windows 8 / windows 2012
  • 4184 SET VARIABLE: “Disguise initial value” option is displayed as “ disgused value” on visual view.
  • 4187 BPAS_EXEC: secondary server does not refresh schedule trigger updates from primary server in failover scenario
  • 4188 AMTS: running 3 simultaneous connect terminal actions will cause the task service to no longer execute subsequent tasks, tasks in a hung state
  • 4189 WFD: Arrow style: switching between “Elbow” and “Straight” arrow types generates an “Argument out of range exception”.
  • 4190 WEB SMC: the time being displayed is UTC and not our local time, regardless of browser in Workflow/Repository
  • 4206 CRYPTOGRAPHY (ENCRYPT, DECRYPT, SIGN): passphrase and public key encryption occurring with openpgp public key selection
  • 4207 AMLOGON: Windows 7 Fails to logon due to "Enter" not being sent after password.
  • 4213 GET EMAIL (GET SINGLE MESSAGE): creating a step using "message sequence number" reverts back to "message id" when the step is opened again
  • 4214 AMTA: communication sent between amta and amts is sent as plain text
  • 4216 TERMINAL (CONNECT TERMINAL): "Authentication failed. Check username and password." error message when referencing a variable in the password field
  • 4217 TERMINAL (CONNECT TERMINAL): "Authenication failed. Check username and password." should be "Authentication failed. Check username and password."
  • 4218 FTP (DOWNLOAD): Not able to download a file with Ö character.
  • 4220 HTTP: selecting the expression builder from the request headers/request cookies grid in the advanced section generates errors
  • 4223 DATA STORE MIGRATION UTILITY: Passwords are encrypted differently so users cannot login
  • 4228 AMTB: "list index out of bounds (-1)" error message when pasting an IF, END IF statement within an already existing IF, END IF statement
  • 4230 VMWARE: error causes tab is missing errors that result in "an unexpected error has occurred" error message
  • 4232 LICENSING: add license key display in the Help | About section
  • 4235 TWITTER (UPDATE STATUS): “Twitter failed ( Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)”
  • 4236 TWITTER (GET DIRECT MESSAGE): Sent & Received options generate an “Expression evaluation failed” error account has no direct messages.
  • 4237 INSTALL (AM9): “Readme” page contains the title “Runtime Configurations – Configure the runtime for remote access”.
  • 4245 BPAS_EXEC: mysql datastore on linux machines are case sensitive causing datastore access instability
  • 4246 SEND EMAIL / GET EMAIL: Discover takes a long time to give server information.
  • 4249 EXCHANGE (GET OBJECT): Email Webdav does not work with Public Folder Url
  • 4253 DYNAMICS CRM: Error messages when username and password is wrong.
  • 4257 SHAREPOINT (CREATE GROUP): 2013 "Create Group" activity fails with "Error: msoidcliL.dll" error.
  • 4260 DYNAMICS CRM: 2013 Session based wont work if there is more then 1 session based step in a task.
  • 4261 DYNAMICS CRM (ENABLE/DISABLE AUDIT): 2013 "Auditing for organization" enabled gives "CRM failed: Invalid request " error.

November 2012

Version 9.0.3


  • 2993 AMTS: %AMTrigger.Filename% does not populate when you trigger a task from RDP as logged on user
  • 3181 AMTS: %GetTaskName()% function does not display in a remote desktop session
  • 3854 SMC: Execution Events Window does not update with workflows running prior opening SMC
  • 4015 AMTA: An exception error on Help when licensing expires
  • 4018 GET EMAIL: throws error "Invalid TNEF message for certain message"
  • 4024 AMTA: Database logging creates tables in the database, however, database is not being displayed in the "logs" section of AMTA.
  • 4025 SET VARIABLE: InStr or InStrRev functions will not function properly without a space after the expression
  • 4026 WFD: WFD and Reports crash the SMC when there are a lot of objects to be indexed
  • 4027 BPAS_EXEC: execution server service RAM and CPU spikes when indexing a lot of objects for connected agents
  • 4028 BREAK: on Loop Expression break action does not break out of the loop
  • 4030 SMC/AMTA: check for update functionality not working if latest version does not have the same amount of digits as the previous version
  • 4031 RUN: Error "An unhandled exception has occurred in plugin "SystemPluginRuntime""
  • 4032 ERROR: "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.InvalidOperationEx
  • 4033 SMC: Calendar Error: "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection."
  • 4034 SMC: guard cut/paste functionality in left window pane
  • 4035 SMC: drag icon should remain the same when dragging a folder or object from the right window pane into the output/execution status pane
  • 4036 AMTB: deleting regions that contain create variable actions leaves the variable references in AMTB
  • 4040 AMTS: copy/paste tasks with schedule triggers; new tasks will not trigger until properties are updated or task is renamed
  • 4042 BPAS_EXEC: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute
  • 4044 AMTS: AutoMate9SystemEvents.txt continues to populate with deleted tasks that contained schedule triggers
  • 4045 AMTB: copy/paste create variable actions and renaming the copied variable shows only one variable in the variable pane
  • 4046 AMTA: copy/paste on only newly renamed tasks prompts user to move and replace, don't move, move (keep both files)
  • 4047 AMTS: trimmed logs are missing the first character of the first line
  • 4048 AMTA: log pane does not accurately reflect all of the data in the log files
  • 4049 AMTS: handle/thread leak with report refresh in amta
  • 4058 BPAS_EXEC: executing a workflow that logs on a 2003 workstation appears to stall at first task execution
  • 4059 AMTS: queue threshold is being ignored
  • 4061 AMTB CHINESE/PORTUGUESE: error when trying to edit a basic script in amtb
  • 4062 Embedded script does not work from a “child” of a “child task”.
  • 4065 SMC/WFD: stop task action with custom error number and text does not publish error when connected through remote desktop
  • 4069 SMC: Cannot delete, cut/copy, paste, rename when Installing on
  • 4071 BPAS_EXEC: adding an agent to an already existing file trigger assigned agent group will not trigger
  • 4072 SMC: Execution Events window does not update the status on second window if 2 SMC window opens at same time.
  • 4073 SMC: Execution Status window does not update when workflow running on different Vm.
  • 4075 AMTS/BPA_TS: triggering appears to cease after an indeterminate amount of time until the service is restarted
  • 4080 AMTA: After Trimming logs: Log files layout is corrupt and data are missing from AMTA logs.
  • 4082 AMTA: trial expiration notification is missing icon and AutoMate title and should say trial instead of demo
  • 4083 AMTA: Exception error on help when service disconnects.
  • 4084 AMTA: Database logging creates tables in the database; however, “System Events” & “Audit Events” logs are not being displayed in the "logs" section of
  • 4088 AMTA: Automate evaluation period expired message showing on the screen for just half a second
  • 4089 AMTASKCM: ERROR: Unknown step command "AMFILESYSTEM"
  • 4092 AMTA: ComponentOne evaluation version prompts occur when opening AMTA with FIPS enabled
  • 4103 BPAS_MAN: custom query error messages being generated in event viewer
  • 4106 SMC: paste functionality does not function in left tree view

August 2012

Version 9.0.2


  • 3370 AMTB: When pressing Ctrl+F in TB the cursor does not default to the find field each time it opened
  • 3403 AMTB: Variable: "Initial Value" and "Description" field values disappear after running a task.
  • 3447 AMTB: "ctrl+up arrow" is not working correctly
  • 3448 BPA_TS: 'show running tasks' from the agent disables triggering if left open when logging off the workstation
  • 3469 Task with three nested Select Cases fails on third case due to variable losing assignment (GS31813)
  • 3470 Task that calls another task is not returning expected values for predefined variables, worked in 6.2. (GS31720)
  • 3478 AWE errors when trying to use SSL certs for authentication. (GS30915)
  • 3482 AMTB: after executing a task using 'run selected', only variables used during the selected process can be selected in expression builder or menus
  • 3499 SMC: Calendar: Screen freezes after clicking on Calendar.
  • 3503 AMTA: database logging does not seem to save or create tables in the database
  • 3547 SHARED DATASETS: WF failed because: "Not an object reference (Step 1)" with Shared Datasets
  • 3566 WFD: 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' when trying to add a user to task security options in WFD
  • 3581 AMTB: creating variable with the initial value of 0, prevents the variable from listing in expression builder and variable pane
  • 3616 SMC/AMTA: reports lose vertical scroll bar if columns expand beyond application window size
  • 3624 BASIC SCRIPT: basic script should error out but runs "successfully"
  • 3625 SMC/AMTA: reports results cannot be navigated using the arrow keys like in bpa8
  • 3633 IMPORT: Updated Imported steps via tb causes step 1 to changes it to updated step.
  • 3652 FILE SYSTEM: FILE SYNCHRONIZATION: amtb copy/paste from does not populate properly in
  • 3682 AMTB: Unable to return a dataset from a function
  • 3686 SHARED VARIABLES: shared variables not setting properly within a workflow
  • 3706 Suggestion: SMC: GUI Issue: (Window Server 2008 R2)
  • 3710 XML: failed (Error : XSLT compile error.) (transforming XML to HTML)
  • 3714 XML Transform: Error : XSLT compile error
  • 3717 Providing the wrong Specified User and running the task breaks the AMTA's connection with AMTS.
  • 3720 AMTB: When variable is Private debug variables panel does not show it while debugging.
  • 3739 XML: EVALUATE XPATH EXPRESSION: "learn more about xpath" URL missing
  • 3754 IMPORT: specific logon settings are not imported from bpa8 into bpa9
  • 3758 EXCHANGE: “Error Causes” tab, “Problem text”: “Unauthorized access…” error text contains “domainname” instead of “domain name”.
  • 3760 XML: custom XML sessions change to default on import from 801 to 901
  • 3761 AZURE: Creating a container which has custom account information gives " Resource "" already exists" error message
  • 3763 AMTA: Exclude Holiday in the Schedule Trigger is blank
  • 3765 AZURE: UI bugs
  • 3766 SYNCHRONIZE FOLDER: unidirectional setting is functioning as bidirectional
  • 3767 WRITE TO FILE: append is adding a blank line before the contents
  • 3770 WINDOW TRIGGER: window handle setting is not saving when exiting out of trigger properties
  • 3771 AZURE: "Resource "" already exists" error on deleting blob after selecting "None" from Delete snapshot option if snapshot exists.
  • 3773 Spanish/French OS: Adding/editing triggers causes a “System Service Model Fault Exception” error.
  • 3779 Running a simple task with the move files action that fails results in '[Main](Step 1) Subtask failed at step 2 with error The step was okay
  • 3784 Multiple triggers do not work on one Managed Task
  • 3790 AMTA: adding a time range exclusion to a schedule trigger results in an error message referencing holidays
  • 3791 HRCHECK error at subtask completion
  • 3796 AMTA: "System settings", "Log Management" properties window has the wrong icon.
  • 3797 TERMINAL: action does not wait for default prompt
  • 3798 BASICScript function in parent task not available to child task
  • 3799 Cryptography-Verify is not creating destination file
  • 3802 BPA_TS/AMTS: running a workflow in the background causes the agent service to crash if the credentials are incorrect.
  • 3803 Cryptography-Encrypt and Sign giving error but creating destination file.
  • 3804 AMTS/BPA_TS: invalid SoftwareSASGeneration registry key causes numerous service issues
  • 3805 AMTB: invalid SoftwareSASGeneration registry key causes AMTB to hang at the splash screen initializing
  • 3806 SMC Event Monitor User Context: AMEMAutoStartMode is not setting when using the GUI interface
  • 3811 BPAS_EXEC / BPAS_MAN: components will not connect to each other if the first NIC in the binding order is disconnected or unplugged
  • 3813 WFD: WF created with a Shared Array never completes
  • 3815 WFD BREAKPOINT: pressing F9 to set a breakpoint with no object/item selected generates an error
  • 3818 SUGGESTION: Option to increase timeout to a RunTime
  • 3821 Cryptography:Encrypt and Sign gives error "Cannot access a closed file"
  • 3824 EXCLUSIONS: schedule condition exclusions are not working
  • 3826 AMTA Task Details: When clicking on the Folder to browse - "You are trying to modify a value that is on a remote machine."
  • 3827 GET EMAIL: EWS filter does not function for to: and cc: fields
  • 3830 Global "On Task Error" (Run task on Error) does not save if the task selected is in a folder
  • 3841 SMC: Clicking on “Calendar” causes the SMC to stop responding and display several “System Null Reference Exceptions” errors.
  • 3847 AMTB: 'list index out of bounds (3)' error message when adding a loop to a task that already contains a loop without an end loop
  • 3848 CLIPBOARD: 'an unexpected error has occurred' error message when running through RealVNC
  • 3849 SMC: change security permission is not saving for agent security settings
  • 3850 FILE SYSTEM: read from file action is unable to read a log file that is in use
  • 3851 AMTA: Misspelling 'probem' in Automate Task Execution Error Window
  • 3852 AMTA: errors (see attachments and description)
  • 3856 File System: Read File is not able to read file with Null (0x00) character
  • 3869 LOOP: loop action is not functional, it only passes through loop one time
  • 3872 Action Framework: UpdateVariable should handle arrays and dataset
  • 3877 DebugView shows Key and Window trigger properties
  • 3879 AMTA: stopped working error message.
  • 3882 READ FROM FILE: action ignores last character if it's a letter
  • 3884 AMTB: opens behind AMTA once the evaluation dialog has been dismissed
  • 3885 AMTB: Double-clicking a variable in the Debug Variables pane doesn't do anything
  • 3886 AMTB: Variable description in debug variables window disappears once a task is executed
  • 3887 AMTB: Copy/pasting a Create Variable step corrupts the Debug Variables window
  • 3890 AMTB:, steps and variables pane variables sequence should match.
  • 3892 AMTB: Access violation while stopping a task.
  • 3894 AMTA: 'remote machine value modification warning' error message when trying to edit in 5 separate panels
  • 3896 AWS: Imported aws tasks from v8 to v9 are not working when Default Session is used
  • 3899 FTP Synchronize Folder: FTP folder sync in AWE deletes local folder when set to "make exact copy" (GS32932)
  • 3902 AMTB: Running a task with a dataset the creates only one column multiple times can cause crash
  • 3903 AMTB: Subtask variable values are not updated in the Debug Variables Window
  • 3904 AMTB: Re-used datasets in a subtask do not appear in the Debug Variables window
  • 3910 Sftp: Expose an ability to force AuthenticationType
  • 3911 AMTA: 'Disable Windows Foreground Timeout' does not disable windows foreground timeout
  • 3912 FTP: Append File option depends on Size command when it should not...
  • 3915 FILE SYSTEM: File System Volume results in error
  • 3917 OCR:Link to download GPL GhostScript library is not working.
  • 3927 Sftp: Rename is not working with Overwrite If Exist is checked
  • 3928 AMTB: “TfrmAMTB7::FormShow-Cannot focus a disabled or visible window” error when opening a TB containing undocked actions panes (My & Available).
  • 3929 AMTB: “TfrmAMTB7::FormShow-Cannot focus a disabled or visible window” error when adding “Actions” panes to bottom “Output” area.
  • 3930 AMTB: , Drag and Drop My Actions /Available Actions pane to default steps pane causes Access Violation
  • 3931 AMTB: “Save Current Sheet: Cannot focus a disabled or visible window” error occurs when selecting “Save Untitled” from “My Actions” menu when at “Task
  • 3932 AMTB: AMTB gives multiple error when moving output pane to actions pane and then actions to steps pane.
  • 3935 AMTB: Copy/Cut/Paste slow in large tasks
  • 3936 AMTB: Double-clicking region indicator always edits the currently selected step
  • 3937 AMTB: Breakpoints are ignored in a subtask (unmanaged)
  • 3938 AMTB: Inserting a step causing the steps pane to snap to the selected step
  • 3939 AMTB: Using "Add Variable" from the Debug Variables window causes the current selection to go to the first step
  • 3940 AMTB: Running a large task (>300 steps) with a lot of variables or comments (>30) runs slowly in debugger
  • 3941 AMTB: Indenting not retained when saving a task
  • 3942 AMTASKCM: Running a task with any plug-in actions fails
  • 3943 AMTB: When a breakpoint and bookmark are on the same line, only the breakpoint is visible
  • 3944 AMTB: Inspecting a variable seems to strip carraige returns
  • 3945 AMTB: Inspector window initially appears in a seemingly random location
  • 3946 AMTB: Expression Builder's Add Variable and Add Array don't add, they insert
  • 3947 AMTB: Regions are expanded against the user's will when a task is run
  • 3953 AMTA: “Welcome – Register online” slide in message, text does not auto resize on 1024 x 768 resolution.
  • 3954 Action: Dataset: Running step twice which has dataset blanks out the variable debug pane.
  • 3955 AMTB: Break Action not working correctly
  • 3956 AMTB: Rearrange TB closes the window which is in place of Steps pane window.
  • 3957 EXCHANGE: Portuguese translations need updating
  • 3958 SMC: If "Task Cache File Path" is left blank in Default Prop -> Miscellaneous, BPA returns the error "An Agent port must be specified."
  • 3959 BREAK LOOP: Portuguese translations need updating
  • 3960 AMTB: Copying and pasting multiple steps inserts them into the wrong position
  • 3962 AMTB: Print Preview: Access Violation when attempting to load a file which is manually rename to .rps.
  • 3964 Task created from a restored backup exports with blank steps
  • 3965 Copying and pasting a task that was created through a restored backup keeps the task files linked
  • 3966 AMTA: No visual notification in Output window when a task has started
  • 3967 AMTA: Pressing Ctrl+C to copy one task causes the list view to lose focus
  • 3969 AMTA: Exception error while adding trigger on Add Task Wizard if service stops.
  • 3971 Region: List index-CollapseRegion error at the end of the task which has region at the end.
  • 3976 Localized versions of AM9 & BPA9: TB fails to open with error “dxLayoutDockSite3 n’pas ‘ete’ recense comme class COM”.
  • 3978 AMTB: Stopping an unresponsive task containing any common dialog activity will results in an “TfrmAMTB7::HandleOnTaskEnd-Invalid pointer operation”, o
  • 3981 AMTA: Disconnection of service on xp 64 86, Win 7 64 and exception error.
  • 3982 SMC/AMTA REPORT: the bar at the top that has the "Print/Export" and "Columns" buttons should be stationary
  • 3984 SMC/AMTA REPORT: After setting a column filter, clicking either of the two Refresh buttons cancels the column filter.
  • 3986 SMC/AMTA REPORT: edit and delete filter buttons are obscured when the report grid is wider than the panel
  • 3988 SMC/AMTA REPORT: columns are truncated in printable versions
  • 3989 SMC/AMTA REPORT: print preview window becomes hidden when another application is focused
  • 3990 Action: Backup Automate Action will fail if attempting to backup to network share
  • 3995 AMTA: Misspelling 'currect' in Automate Task Execution Error Window
  • 3996 Stress test on Hyper-V XPx86: task stops and gives error message "out of memory" after 2 days.
  • 4000 AMTB: “Variables” output pane, space is needed between variable description sentences.
  • 4003 BPA_EXEC: evaluation object causes workflow to fail when handling a "false" evaluation
  • 4004 FILE SYSTEM: Write to File is not able to write file with Null (0x00) character
  • 4005 SMC: Reports: .NET exception error while restoring default on reports.
  • 4007 File system: “Rename” activity does not overwrite to same file name when using all caps.
  • 4008 All mentions of "Serial Code" need to be replaced with "License Key" in installers
  • 4009 Font used in installers for EULA and ReadMe needs to be standardized
  • 4010 AMTA: An exception error occurs on double clicking on "Close" option on welcome screen .
  • 4011 AMTS: Memory leak in AMTS when AMTA is open and tasks are running
  • 4012 AMTA: Output messages stop appearing after 1000 messages
  • 4013 AMTA/SMC: .NET 4.5 causes an error message when opening the logs or reports
  • 4051 AWE: Context sensitive help not working on initial use. (GS27433)
  • 4052 AWE: Help file will not open if a comment line is selected when help icon is clicked. (GS27434)
  • 4056 AWE: "Overwrite existing log file" checkbox misspelled. (GS26566)
  • 4057 AWE: Typo in AWE Task Builder UI for Execute Web Service. (GS27457)
  • 4060 Not able to unzip multiple files concurrently using AWE. (GS28574)
  • 4063 MSMQ: remote queue operations do not auto-populate queue name dropdown. (GS28710)

April 2012

Version 9.0.1


  • 1918 Extended Functions : GetAgentName() and GetAgentID() are not working
  • 1985 SharePoint : "Add list item" and "Update list item" needs to know which fields can be managed
  • 2022 AM: Using the schedule trigger to run a task on holidays causes AMTS to use 100% CPU and fire the task repeatedly
  • 2072 FTP problems with AS/400
  • 2118 SUGGESTION: BPA: Command line installation for BPA Servers
  • 2140 Encrypt/Decrypt actions to allow a dataset to be created containing the list of files that was encrypted/decrypted
  • 2183 FTP & FILE: Throwing & Ignoring errors when multiple files are involved.
  • 2248 NAG SCREEN MISSPELLING: Administrator Rights Required Window is Spelled 'Admnistrator'
  • 2260 HTTP Action , On Error timeout not respected
  • 2295 AMTS: Restoring a German XP AM7 backup on a German or English AM8 does not populate tasks on TA.
  • 2296 SAS checkbox and customizations to Holidays not kept with backup/restore (AM7 carry over)
  • 2325 AMTB: “Change Printer” action is case sensitive.
  • 2327 AMTB: PGP public/private key: giving wrong email-address gives access violation error, Error should be precise.
  • 2339 'Task engine initialization failed. You may need to reinstall AutoMate.'
  • 2340 AutoMate8TaskFile.atl Contains Null Entries
  • 2358 FTP: Intermittent issue: “Download” activity, “Local files”, “Make new folder”, Renaming new folder does not save when pressing “Ok”.
  • 2371 Improved handling of error for expired PASSHIO file
  • 2407 AMTS: “Run alone” priority type does not work in AM8.
  • 2413 AutoMate Logs do not adhere to custom range when specifying a partial day
  • 2420 Datastore Migration Utility - Enhance to also convert task data
  • 2431 Syntax errors and removed function references in BASICScript do not generate error events
  • 2443 BASICScript function in parent task not available to child task
  • 2497 Enhancement for BPA: Constants encryption needs to be strengthened
  • 2505 Datastore Migration Utility enhancement: Provide options to select which tables to migrate
  • 2506 Datastore Migration Utility: v7 data with high ASCII fails to migrate
  • 2508 AMTB: “Enable/Disable Task” action does not work.
  • 2529 XML: READ NODE: evaluate xpath expression, dataset to xml actions are listing variables in drop down in wrong order
  • 2545 COMPRESS: Trying to add a Compress Files action causes an error
  • 2563 AM8: AMTA-Task Properties-Security: Changes to the password protection fields do not persist.
  • 2582 AM Error notification through E-mail is not functional.
  • 2601 AMTS: SQL Connection entries are not saved
  • 2660 SUGGESTION: Web Service/Create Object/Execute DLL Function action: Support enum types in complex objects as well as arguments
  • 2703 Active Directory - 'Create User' fails when user is created
  • 2706 Active Directory - 'Modify Group' removing user does not remove user
  • 2708 Active Directory - 'Create Object' Adding a new Computer fails with computer added.
  • 2716 BPA Global Constants are not being recognized.
  • 2782 BPA8: Embedded resource is throwing exception for Get email with specific server.
  • 2795 AMTS - SQL Connections are not returned correctly
  • 2801 'task engine initialization failed. you may need to reinstall automate' when triggering 50 simultaneous subtasks
  • 2802 AMTS - Duplicate names are allowed
  • 2841 “BPA Agent 8” service encounters an error when stopped manually.
  • 2853 Simplified Chinese character handling issue
  • 2860 Add SharePoint Attachment action, limitation for the Client Object Model.
  • 2912 AMTA: Adding Schedule / Window trigger gives "System.ServiceModel.FaultException" error.
  • 2921 AMTB: Start Task: Selecting an empty task gives HRCHECK error and theTB hangs.
  • 2923 IF WINDOW EXISTS: Contents tab object is not functional
  • 2939 log files do not match the actual step number that fails
  • 2997 AMTS: RunningTaskConstruct.StartTime received is in local time
  • 3047 AMTS: File conflict are not resolved properly
  • 3062 AMTB : Share point 2007 : Move File : Does not work for kanji character file
  • 3064 AMTB: Amazon: S3: Create bucket does not support Unicode.
  • 3065 AMTB: Amazon: S3: Get Bucket location always gives same value
  • 3068 AMTB: Amazon: S3: Get Object: Dataset not created when we choose store file
  • 3109 AMTS: Messages TimeStamp is local time rather than UTC
  • 3175 AMTA: Restoring a task-folder results in unlinked sign on all the tasks.
  • 3198 AMTB: Selecting “Find Next” or "Find Previous" from the ribbon “Find” menu causes AMTB to stop responding.
  • 3207 LOOP FILES: 'folder does not exist' error message when trying to loop a hidden share (CR32793)
  • 3243 SERVICE: service appears to be unresponsive or 'disconnected' after an intermittent timeframe
  • 3263 AMTA: Task Security issue : Encrypt task
  • 3269 AMTS: ManagedTaskConstruct.AMLEncrypted is returned ALWAYS false
  • 3278 SUGGESTION: INSPECT DATASET: adjust functionality so that opening 'inspect dataset' shows the entire dataset rather than just the first row
  • 3317 Azure Storage: Delete entity: Error should be precise.
  • 3331 TRANSLATIONS: french translation updates and amtb category corrections
  • 3337 AMTB FRENCH: 'run selected' and 'run from here' are grayed out in french installation
  • 3338 AMTB FRENCH: trfmscripterror when trying to edit a basic script in french installation of amtb
  • 3350 TRANSLATION: SMC Reports/Execution Events/Column wording localization
  • 3351 IMPORT: specific logon settings are not imported from am9 tasks into bpa9 (same for am8 to bpa9)
  • 3358 AMTB: Decrease indent the region gives "List index out of bound" error
  • 3362 IMPORT: am6 dialog box action does not import properly into am9
  • 3364 Schedule trigger description is not complete
  • 3367 AMTA & TB: “Start Task” action: “Start managed task” option is unable to locate any subtask located inside the “Samples\...” directory.
  • 3368 AMTA: Stopping/Restarting the service gives "could not stop AM 9 service" on XP 32 bit
  • 3369 AMTS: RunningTaskConstruct TimeStamp is in local time
  • 3371 AM8: Pressing enter in the "Find" option does not select "Find Next" by default
  • 3373 AMTB: 'TfrmAMTB7::FormShow Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' when starting amtb with a tabbed left window pane
  • 3374 CRM: List Entities GUI and execution is not working Properly
  • 3375 IMPORT: am6 http post is importing as http get in am9
  • 3377 WINDOW: 'if window exists' does not recognize windows with window objects configured
  • 3378 IMPORT: am7 tasks with accentuated characters are importing improperly into am9. accentuated characters are being replaced with ? symbols
  • 3379 AMTA: SQL connections are being cleared every time you go back into SQL connections
  • 3380 WINDOW: 'wait for window' high cpu utilization when waiting for a window
  • 3384 AMTA: Sample task deleted .
  • 3385 AMTA: Tasks cannot be encrypted from within task properties
  • 3386 WINDOW: 'wait for window' anomalies
  • 3388 IMPORT: wait item in bpa8 workflow is missing when imported into bpa9
  • 3389 SEND EMAIL: Expression evaluation failed: "Missing closing percentage sign to end expression". when the body contains a %
  • 3390 FILE SYSTEM: error codes are not mapping properly from am8 to am9
  • 3391 WEB BROWSER: crashes amtb when switching between open and create session when 'default browser' is selected
  • 3394 AMTB: intermittently amtb.exe process remains running and prevents wfd.exe from closing
  • 3395 SUGGESTION: AMTA run all tasks within a folder
  • 3398 AMTS - TaskServicePreferencesConstruct encrypted password are saved as empty string upon resave
  • 3399 AMTB: folder rename step copy/paste from am7 amtb to am9 amtb results in a blank step in am9
  • 3402 SMC/WFD: unhandled exception when saving multiple parameters within a function in amtb opened from smc or wfd
  • 3404 SUGGESTION: Add an ability to support NewLineCharacter for sftp
  • 3405 AMTASK: speed parameter from command line is being ignored
  • 3407 TRANSLATION: FRENCH ftp advanced missing advanced commands
  • 3410 Azure: On Create session Storage spell incorrect "Storate" on steps pane
  • 3411 AMTA 9: “Show error stack”, Error line cannot be clicked to open the source task.
  • 3412 AM9: Error reporting issues
  • 3414 WAIT FOR WINDOW: expression builder does not open from the object editor
  • 3415 Replace Text: Text not replacing when we enter any number in Starting at the following instance field
  • 3416 FUNCTION: getipaddress() function is not returning ip addresses instead it's returning the installation directory
  • 3418 LOCALIZATION: standardize how the services are titled for every language so they stay grouped together
  • 3423 SEND EMAIL: pasting multiple lines of text into the body field only pastes the first line
  • 3426 IMPORT: 'if window exists' does not import properly from am8 to am9
  • 3428 AMTA: next launch date does not update if you uncheck the 'show error window when task administrator is open', the columns stop refreshing
  • 3429 AMTA: unselecting 'play sound on task failure' option does not save in that state also sound does not play
  • 3431 TA: description for the schedule trigger does not wrap around and you must mouse over to read the entire description.
  • 3432 File Delete: On Error missing no files deleted
  • 3433 LOCALIZATION: french amtb inhibits RUN after editing task variables
  • 3435 AMTB: French translation
  • 3436 SimpleDB : Action is not working
  • 3437 Azure: Insert and Update Entity does not support Variables in entity value DataGrid.
  • 3438 AMTS: setting the remote admin password in amta sets the password in the registry as clear text
  • 3439 AMTS: setting default user name and password in amta resets the remote admin password to !ENCRYPTED! in the registry
  • 3440 AMTA: Schedule Trigger, the add/modify exclusions panel would not populate countries list correctly.
  • 3441 AMTS: 'system.runtime.callbackexception' when toggling file modified on a file trigger in amta
  • 3443 AMTB: amtb.exe processes running with no gui
  • 3444 AMTB: labels missing in labels pane and pull down menu
  • 3449 DIALOG: unable to highlight data populated in an input dialog box window to copy to clipboard
  • 3450 BPAS_EXEC: ExecutionServer.config.xml connection string is not encrypted
  • 3451 FTP [Main](Step 1) An unexpected error has occurred.
  • 3452 AMTA: Sort by Name in detail view does not sort the collection correctly
  • 3453 No Files Copied is missing in the File System Action ( Copy)
  • 3454 File System action (Copy) Incorrect spelling on error cause 7018 "Destination Folder is never than Source folder."
  • 3458 SEND EMAIL: enter key does not work in the body field
  • 3459 DIALOG SELECTION BOX: multiple selection (shift +mouse click) does not work
  • 3460 DIALOG SELECTION BOX: pasting action from am7 amtb into am9 amtb with expressions in the item fields imports improperly
  • 3461 INTERACTIVITY SELECT ITEM: unable to select item that is not visible in list
  • 3462 AMTA: 'create shortcut' functionality is missing from amta
  • 3463 Block Input : Convert it to WPF
  • 3466 AMTA: Certain panels that allow for modification of paths through OpenFileDialog should not do so when accessing remote computer
  • 3469 Task with three nested Select Cases fails on third case due to variable losing assignment (GS31813)
  • 3471 PROCESS: 'wait for process" activity does not populate process selected in drop down in the aml code
  • 3473 MOVE MOUSE: allow the 'insert' functionality to apply even if amtb is not focused
  • 3476 Text Replace function does not properly support regex replacement. (GS31667)
  • 3478 AWE errors when trying to use SSL certs for authentication. (GS30915)
  • 3481 DIALOG: position properties are missing from selection box activity
  • 3483 SEND KEYSTROKES: using a variable for repeating keys instead sends the value instead of the key repeated the value amount of times
  • 3484 WRITE TO FILE: overwrite option adds an extra blank line to end of file being written
  • 3485 BROWSER: get value activity - 'an unexpected error has occurred'
  • 3486 FILE SYSTEM: file copy activity - copies files based on creation date rather than modified date
  • 3491 LOOP FILES: does not populate dateset when using unc paths
  • 3492 SET TEXT: 'Error setting value of specified object.' when trying to set text for a specific site in internet explorer
  • 3494 TRIM LOG: amtask.exe crashing if log files are not being trimmed once the trim threshold has been met
  • 3498 Multiple issues during an import from AM6 to AM9
  • 3500 FTP LOGON: ftp log location does not create location if the location does not already exist
  • 3502 MOVE MOUSE TO OBJECT: does not populate object name when selecting certain objects
  • 3504 BACKUP/RESTORE: converted am7 subtasks do not execute when restoring am7 backup into am9
  • 3505 BACKUP AUTOMATE: 'Could not backup the Current User registry settings' when importing am7 task into am8/am9 with 'backup registry for local user'
  • 3506 DATASTORE MIGRATION UTILITY: data migration from bpa7 to bpa9 using the utility results in an empty database for bpa9
  • 3507 AMTB: Function:Function parameter value disappears when we close and open the TB.
  • 3508 AM9 & BPA9 TB v9.0.1.1: “Synchronize Folders” activity does not work.
  • 3509 AM9: In XML - Create Node - the 'value' of the new node to be created is a text that is not required but AM states it is a required field
  • 3511 AM9: FTP Logon “Overwrite existing log file” problem
  • 3514 AMTA: remote administration passwords are not encrypted when set from amta
  • 3515 BPA_TS: Access violation at address 0056C876 in module 'BPA_TS.exe'. Write of address 0000006C
  • 3517 Window: "Wait for window" does not wait for the specified window on second run.
  • 3519 IF PROCESS RUNNING: selecting a process in the activity is not saved when clicking OK
  • 3521 MSMQ: retrieve message is not populating the dataset with all pertinent and correct information
  • 3522 REPLACE TEXT: problems replacing text in AM but OK in BASICScript
  • 3523 WAIT FOR WINDOW: actions waits indefinitely even though window with contents has already appeared.
  • 3524 FTP: Get Long list sends 'LIST ' command instead of 'LIST' when parameter is empty
  • 3527 INSTALL: installing just the server components and smc results in multiple errors in amtb
  • 3530 AM9 & BPA 9 TB: Access violation occurs when opening the TB in managed and unmanaged mode.
  • 3531 BPA9 Upgrade ( to,”Agents”: Creates an additional agent “0” while retaining the original agent.
  • 3532 LOCALIZATION: standardize how the services are titled for every language so they stay grouped together
  • 3533 CONFIGURATION EDITOR: bpa9 configuration editor utility has a title bar that say 'bpa server 8'
  • 3535 AMTS: Cannot connect to localhost when event viewer (application) is full.
  • 3537 EVENT LOG: "An unexpected error has occured" when the event viewer (application) is full
  • 3539 INSTALL: reinstall of the same uninstalled version does not populate the .xml file correctly when using custom install
  • 3541 INSTALL: reinstall of bpa9 where bpa8 and bpa9 is installed causes bpa9 to point to bpa8 datastore
  • 3542 BPA MANAGEMENT SERVER: none of the services are responsive when the windows event log is full
  • 3544 “S3”, “Delete object “activity: Causes step to get stuck in “Running” status indefinitely.
  • 3545 “SimpleDB”, “Create session” activity: Step has wrong description in “Visual” view.
  • 3546 “AMTA”, “Windows XP”: TA stops responding and encounters a system time out error.
  • 3551 During the uninstall if you place a check for Remove all the uninstall process will hang and never complete
  • 3556 Enhancement request: Add ability to see shared variables in the expression builder of each task, if it’s opened from the workflow designer.
  • 3563 AMEMAUTOSTARTMODE: Specifying a User and Changing the Value to 2 Prevents Unlock/Logon of Workstation
  • 3565 AM9 and BPA9 Upgrade: Upgrading from version to causes all merged/new actions to be removed from action list.
  • 3569 DEBUG LOGS: debug logs are not being created in any os other than windows 7
  • 3571 AM8 “FTP”: Specifying an invalid “Host” name will generate the incorrect error message.
  • 3573 SMC: default agent properties task isolation shows its value as inherited, from where?
  • 3577 TRANSLATION: amtb error 'erreur abstraite' when searching in functions on french version of windows
  • 3578 BPA INSTALL: cryptography (encrypt.dll) missing from SMC only installations
  • 3579 SMC: SMC crashes when trying to open a task from the repository
  • 3580 Write to file action is skipping when checking to see if the file exists while its running on a network share
  • 3582 AMTA: Copy and Paste a task gives " The ID passed does not exists"
  • 3583 REMOVE FOLDER: action takes over 30 seconds to remove one folder out of total 17000 folders on a network share (GS32698)
  • 3584 AMTA & SMC: Deleting the value of a Constant and then pressing the "Tab" key will cause an "InvalidOperationException".
  • 3585 SMC: Adding Holidays gives an exception error if we add it on default category.
  • 3586 Loop List: The first loop stays on the first line of the list.
  • 3588 Get File Information: Dataset in the Get File information does not get updated in a loop
  • 3599 AMTS: tasks do not appear in amta when uninstalling and then installing
  • 3603 AMTA: Exception error occurs when we create a task when service stops.
  • 3604 XML: Create node: No description on Create node in steps pane.
  • 3605 FILE TRIGGER: polling interval appears to not save when adjusted
  • 3606 AMTB: Task imported from previous version of AM, stops on step 13 when the task has 14 steps
  • 3608 Window trigger is not exporting the WindowControl object
  • 3609 SNMP trigger not exporting users from Authentication section
  • 3611 PRINT: printing to default network printer does not work
  • 3612 PRINT: URLs do not print from amta and cannot select specific printer when URL is selected
  • 3615 SMC: execution events report does not show the numeric value for durations over an hour
  • 3617 “Datastore Migration Utility”: HRCHECK error during migration process.
  • 3620 Actions: Web Browser Set Text action to Trigger OnChange Event via webpage drop down
  • 3621 MOVE MOUSE: move mouse foreground window setting does not consider title and toolbar when inputting coordinates
  • 3629 AMTS: 'A problem occurred while initializing the AutoMate 8 Task Interpreter: Could not initialize AMWorkflowPrm.dll.'
  • 3634 AMTA: Create shortcut options give "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException" error.
  • 3635 AMTA: spell error on create shortcut options" In My Document"
  • 3636 FTP: ftp long list does not populate return data as it did in am6
  • 3637 WEB BROWSER: web browser action not recognizing elements in firefox
  • 3638 TRIGGERS: after AM installation, key, window, and process triggers are not functional until the service is restarted
  • 3639 AM UNINSTALL: uninstalling am9 deletes the AutoMate9TaskFile.atl and Holidays.aho when it should remain
  • 3641 AMTS: extension codes do not work after trial period has expired
  • 3642 AMTS: extension code sets trial period to 0 days instead of 15 days
  • 3643 WAIT FOR PROCESS: error 'Step is missing required parameter "PROCESS"' when waiting for a process ID
  • 3645 Schedule trigger:Behavior- Trigger after the condition has been met value is not saved.
  • 3654 Action: Delete Folder action doubles the MODE="FOLDER" code
  • 3655 Uninstall BPA: Uninstallation of BPA not working.
  • 3661 AMTA importing a task that had been previously edited on the TB causes an empty task to be imported into the TA.
  • 3662 Active Directory: Active Directory error on outputpane shows incorrect GUI
  • 3663 Low Isolation: Running a task on Low Isolation giving " Could not determine the process ID of the task" error message.
  • 3668 TB - "About" screen version numbers are missing.
  • 3669 INSTALL: remove the passhio.key portion of the installation from AM and BPA
  • 3670 AMEM: '(Step #-1) Could not get Process ID from Event Monitor' after task logs onto workstation
  • 3673 Printer: Exception error if no printer is on the list .
  • 3674 AMTA: Minor GUI Issues
  • 3678 AMTA: While Deploying last option of Task Dialog does not work.
  • 3680 AMTA: Managed Task Priorites are not setting correctly
  • 3681 Screen Capture: An unexpected error occurs when specifying a non-existing folder in the "Image Path".
  • 3685 SEND KEYSTROKES: AM8 action with 'pause before sending/pasting keys' set to 100ms imports to AM9 as 50ms
  • 3690 UninstallAM: Uninstallation of AM leaving behind AMTA, AMTB shortcut on Start menu.
  • 3697 Update Eula CopyRight to 2012
  • 3698 AMTA: Tooltip for Event Monitor User is wrong.
  • 3700 SMC: Users: Description is missing.
  • 3701 SMC: Exclusions: click on remove button, after removed all inherited exclusions, gives NullReferenceException.
  • 3704 Action: Exchange action - When filtering is used on DateTime fields, there is a 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • 3705 GET FILE INFORMATION: action adds a new line after the value when populating a variable with size
  • 3706 Suggestion: SMC: GUI Issue: (Window Server 2008 R2)
  • 3712 SMC: Agent Deploy: Description format is wrong
  • 3716 AMTA: Queued Task , Started At time in Execution Status is DateMin , it should be empty.
  • 3723 Import Issue: AMDEFINETYPE step is not getting imported properly in v9
  • 3725 AM Install,Repair: Program maintenance window is missing when we try to reinstall on previously installed AM.
  • 3726 BPA 9 “Program Maintenance” window is missing. Results in “Fatal error during installation” when accessed from add/remove window.
  • 3729 DEPLOY: XP workstation reboots after the uninstall of current agent due to deploy of a new agent on top of the current one
  • 3734 DEPLOY: agent deployment information window for previous installation appears to have broken tag or formatting in the body
  • 3737 SMC: Process Agent: Connection refuses.
  • 3738 SMC: Process Agent: process is not able to run form Repository
  • 3741 BPAS_EXEC / BPAS_MAN: the services appear to bind through ip address numeric order rather than through the binding order specified in windows
  • 3742 Amazon Issues
  • 3743 DEPLOY: deployed agents are creating a 'Network Automation Inc.' start menu entry
  • 3746 Installar: During installation and in Help->Release Notes it shows " Changes in"
  • 3748 BPA “Repair” and “Change” option from Add/Remove program causes default agent to become offline and adds a new agent “0”.
  • 3749 Installing AM9 (v9.0.1.9) on a machine with release version installed, causes a “…AutoMate 9 Task Interpreter Access violation…”
  • 3759 AMTA/SMC/BPA_TS: component will connect to the service if the first NIC in the binding order is disconnected or unplugged

February 2012

Version 8.0.9


  • 3578 - BPA INSTALL: cryptography (encrypt.dll) missing from SMC only installations
  • 3579 - SMC: SMC crashes when trying to open a task from the repository

January 2012

Version 8.0.8


  • 1357 - AMTB: “Check” action is not working
  • 1725 - AutoMate8TaskFile.atl overwritten with null entries
  • 2056 - If Window Exists would return "true" even if the object didn't actually exist in the window
  • 2267 - AMTA IMPORT: Tasks with non-ASCII quotations imported into AMTA results in no steps or weird characters
  • 2303 - AMEMAUTOSTARTMODE: Specifying a user and changing the value to 2 prevents unlock/logon of workstation
  • 2319 - AMTASK: amtask.exe and bpatask.exe crash at the end of any task completion with pgp desktop installed
  • 2328 - Unlock Workstation does not work in Windows XP
  • 2338 - AMTA: 'problem reading folder/task data:'
  • 2468 - (GS28902) On Error Set Variable handles embedded semi-colons incorrectly
  • 2469 - (GS28973) Stop Task and Terminal Actions do not retain On Error handling parameters
  • 2479 - Send Email On Error when configured on an SSL port results in task never completing
  • 2484 - SharePoint 2007 fails to get ListItems when basic authentication is used
  • 2504 - SMC: crash when opening the calendar with a lot of schedule triggers
  • 2505 - Datastore Migration Utility enhancement: Provide options to select which tables to migrate
  • 2506 - Datastore Migration Utility: v7 data with high ASCII fails to migrate
  • 2507 - IMPORT: System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (2, 2) when importing bpa7 ampkg files into bpa8
  • 2509 - Terminal action generates a .Net Runtime 4.0 error during “Disconnect terminal” step.
  • 2512 - Using a SQL Select statement on a SQL Server database that returned a column type of numeric would result in "Out of Memory" errors when the dataset was accessed
  • 2525 - Tasks are not completing and causing subsequent tasks to queue indefinitely
  • 2527 - (GS29331) Intermittent crash with a multi-level subtask scheme
  • 2528 - Variable names were being rejected if they used ANSI characters
  • 2800 - AMTS: priorities settings in system>options are not being adhered
  • 2822 - BPA 8 ( and AutoMate 8 ( are not able to recognize text from the “Wait for terminal” action.
  • 3243 - Service appears to be unresponsive or 'disconnected' after an intermittent timeframe
  • 3253 - (GS31667) Regular expression appears to only apply to every other character rather than every character

February 2011

Version 8.0.1



  • Added preview handler for AML extensions
  • Added filter for AML extension

Task Builder (AMTB)

  • Changed the Redo Icon to be the Reverse of the Undo icon
  • Changed 'Editor Options' parameter/window to 'Preferences' which better fits its functionality
  • Set the Default Task location for unmanaged tasks to a location one user choose in the references
  • Added 'Rename Region' to the Right Click Menu for the Steps pane
  • Inserted comments will now be automatically indented if necessary

Dialog action - Message box activity will show a full text description in Visual mode. Age box will scroll the text if it's not large enough to fit the screen. Next or Prev Search will jump to and make visible the appropriate step. Adjusted the Wrapping to be accurate and account for vertical Scroll bar. Enables adding a variable using Expression Builder when there is no Steps panel.

Run action -

  • Additional details in 'Visual' mode
  • Folder launching support
  • Piped (|) command line support for Run commands

Execute Web Service action - Added proxy support

SharePoint action - Added 'Describe List' activity

Web Browser action -

  • Web Browser - Set activity now supports optional encryption of field values
  • Additional details appear for Web browser activities when set to 'Visual' mode
  • Now supports auto-expansion of modified expander sections

System, Dialog & Web browser actions (General) - Replaced all combo and password boxes with framework's latest version

FTP action (General)

  • SFTP now works with Password-based keyboard-interactive login

Loop File Contents and Read From File actions

  • Added encoding option to support ANSI and Unicode



  • On Error Send Email would be sent to the sender e-mail address instead of the recipient e-mail address in some actions
  • Using an embedded expression to call a task function when that embedded expression is expressed within an AML attribute would cause undefined behavior in the calling function
  • Corrected several memory usage leaks in AMEM and AMEngine

Task Service

  • Logon/Unlock would not work correctly on some operating systems, notably Server 2003
  • AMEMAutoStartMode was not being written to the registry
  • TerminalServicesUser was not being written to the registry
  • Changing "Use Authentication" for SMTP System Settings from on to off state was not being retained
  • Corrected issue that would cause tasks to fail with "Error Code 8" after tasks were run thousands of times
  • When failover is configured, the agent will properly fail over to the secondary server but hang or refuse to reconnect to the primary once it becomes available again (BPA only)
  • Restoring an AM7 or AM6 backup file into AM8 when default user, service user or SMTP user properties were involved would put invalid characters into the registry, causing "Invalid XML character" errors to occur in AMTA when trying to access system preferences

Event Monitor

  • Corrected issue that could cause the process to lock up or hang under heavy load

Extended Functions

  • Fixed issue with RndInt not returning a valid value
  • Fixed issue with RndFloat locking up the task

Task Administrator (AMTA)

  • Fixed issue with System | Options | Constants allowing a constant to be added with a blank name
  • Fixed holiday exclusion functionality in Schedule trigger
  • Properly set the Default Task Location for managed tasks to match the location entered in System Options
  • Fixed importing of AM5/6/7 tasks containing certain non-ASCII characters

Schedule trigger - Fixed holiday exclusion

SNMP trigger - Corrected issue wirh Authentication User list only remembering one user

Task Builder (AMTB)

  • "Run from Here", "Run Selected" options now work with regions
  • Fixed problems occurring with attaching big files
  • Menu Toolbar locations are now set appropriately
  • Fixed alphabetic sort of Action folders to be case insensitive
  • Updated dataset field name to what it was in previous version
  • Fixed Task Builder start menu entry issues
  • Ctrl + Left now resets the cursor to the beginning when editing steps
  • Fixed importing of AM5/6/7 tasks containing certain non-ASCII characters
  • Prevented flickering when Inserting multiple variables into the steps panel
  • Saving Bookmarks along with Breakpoints in a separate xml file
  • Activate the F2 Edit Button Mode when switching to the AML mode in all cases
  • Change "Editor Options" to Say "Preferences" Instead
  • Set the default location in which to save tasks to a valid directory accessible by the currently logged on user
  • Added new Default Task Location parameter in AMTB preferences to allow user to select a location in which to save unmanaged tasks
  • Forced AMTB to be in the foreground when using "Minimize on Run" option
  • Removed the Red & Black Themes (which caused visual problems) from the list of Color Themes in AMTB Preferences
  • Fixed issue with cursor behavior occurring after "Delete Step" operation was performed
  • Displayed Splash screen with progress bar when launching AMTB from AMTA to address delay issues (temporary fix)
  • Prevented last opened task to incorrectly write to the registry even if there were no changes made
  • AMTB now saves all open tasks, not just the active one, which will enable users to reopen all tasks from previous session or reopen selected tasks
  • Resolved issue in regards to "Select Step" option preventing the selection of steps

Actions / Activities

  • HTTP & AS2 actions no longer missing in AMTB Available Actions pane
  • Updated HTTP, AS2 and SharePoint action datagrid to open expression builder properly
  • FTP (General) - Fixed IllegalParameter error by forcing TlsVersion
  • FTP Advanced activity - Updated combo boxes and password boxes to match the function and appearance of textbox
  • FTP Upload activity - Corrected problem concerning "Upload local file(s)" parameter opening folder browser instead of file browser
  • FTP - Synchronize activity
    • Fixed "Permission Denied" error that would occur when "Exact Copy" parameter was selected
    • Fixed Sync activity skipping files for servers that supports MLSD
    • Corrected an AMTB runtime issue in regards to errors being generated upon the execution of the FTP Synchronize step
  • If Compare File(s) activity - Fixed typo in description
  • SharePoint (General) - Fixed typo in authentication error text
  • SharePoint - Get List Items activity - Fixed issue with missing fields in created dataset
  • Exchange - Move Objects - Fixed move objects activity failing under WEBDAV
  • Execute DLL action - Fixed DLL Invocation issue
  • HTTP Post activity - Auto Fill in HTTP Post is now working properly
  • Move Window action - Resolved issue in regards to an error being thrown when attempting to move the window to coordinates that reside outside the primary monitor on a multi-monitor setup
  • Wait For Terminal Text action - Improved algorithm used to identify text being waited on so as not to hit false positives if the text being waited for had previously been sent to the terminal
  • Wait for Process action - Shrunk the ComboBox in the Wait for Process action to make room for EB Icon along the browser
  • Run action - Performed bug fixes and improvements to the action's stability
  • Decrypt action - Fixed problem with incorrect error code being returned for Open PGP option
  • Vmware action - Running action with custom server settings twice in debug mode is crashing AMTB
  • SNMP Walk action - Not all OIDs were being translated to their string counterparts when accessing the Name property
  • Active Directory - Corrected issue with Container picker not showing forests or sub domains.
  • Send Email action - Added missing Expression button to the Attachments property
  • Dialog activities
    • Updated combo boxes and password boxes to match the function and appearance of a textbox
    • Fixed a control's loss of focus when clicking an empty area of the Action Editor window
    • Fixed tooltip persistence over the Expression Builder dialog
    • Fixed textbox's file browser crashing of AMTB on WinXP
    • Fixed order of columns for Selection dialog grid
    • Performed other minor tweaks to improve memory leakage in low isolation mode
  • SQL Query action - Columns returned as large number formats, especially derived fields from mySQL, could not be accessed in the dataset results even though the column name was present and accessible
  • Web Browser action
    • Closing a browser will now close the associated session
    • Fixed infinite duplication of attributes resulting from activity switching
    • Removed the 'non-empty string' requirement for SetValue (unchecking checkboxes will now work)
  • If action - Fixed issue with action not retaining the use of complex expressions when Complex was explicitly selected in the UI
  • Connect To Terminal action
    • UI would ignore if the regular expression option for the default prompt was turned off
    • Default prompts were always treated as regular expressions
    • Fixed issue with waiting for the default prompt not working properly in some situations

May 2010

AutoMate 7


Event Monitor

  • selecting "End Task" in "Show running tasks" dialog was not removing the task from the list.

Task Builder

  • double-clicking an empty custom folder under Available Actions of the Task Builder generated an error.
  • AMTB generated an incorrect message in the Output when a task was run a second time. The Output message appeared as "Step x: Task Started" instead of "Step 0: Task Started"
  • AMTB hung after fixing a Runtime error and running the task again.
  • AMTB: Help -> Product Information page pointed to the wrong URL accordingly.
  • AMTB would crash when Select action was used.
  • removing all Breakpoints from the Breakpoints tab did not update the Task Builder's Steps pane.
  • the undo/redo function could generate an Access Violation.
  • undocking / re-docking or pinning / unpinning tabbed windows could generate an Access Violation.
  • canceling an edit to a comment caused the corresponding entry under the comments tab to become blank.
  • deleting multiple comments from the comments tab only deleted one comment.
  • editing Comment steps in AML view did not update the corresponding Comments tab entry.

Choice Action

  • an exception error occurred when the action populated a list derived from an existing AutoMate dataset that included non-delimiter comma (,) characters.

Concatenate Files Action

  • corrected inaccurate help documentation.

Create Active Directory Action

  • corrected typo and revised the Help for this action.

Decompress Action

  • output message was being reversed during execution.

For example:

(Step 1) Extracting file "C:\test3\leonard.txt" to "C:\test\"...

Should say:

(Step 1) Extracting file "C:\test3\leonard.txt" from "C:\test\"...

Execute Web Service Action

  • corrected inaccurate help documentation.

FTP Logon Action

  • a variable specified as a password in the FTP Logon action generated an exception error when the task was executed as a subtask, but the task succeeded when executed directly.

FTP Actions

  • now supports case sensitivity with the addition of new Match Case parameter.
  • FTP Remove Folder action did not throw an error when removing a folder that did not exist.
  • running FTP Steps could cause a memory leak.
  • SFTP Create folder action did not handle trailing "\" characters properly.
  • FTP Long List command did not presume ALL files when no parameters were specified.
  • FTP Download threw an improper error message when the target drive did not exist

HTTP Post /Put Action

HTTP Download Action

  • HTTP proxy did not work if default proxy was overridden at the HTTP Post / HTTP Download action properties level due to wrong password encryption key.
  • HTTP Post action would throw an incorrect error message.
  • generated an incorrect hostname length error message when invalid characters were contained in the hostname.

Find Text Action

Replace Text Action

  • the carat (^) character used as an anchor in Find Text or Replace Text was not anchoring to beginning of lines.

Get E-mail Action

  • now stores embedded attachments.
  • no longer fails if an e-mail has two or more EML attachments.
  • allows retrieval of e-mail with missing header data.

XML Node to Dataset action

  • did not create a proper dataset when there were carriage returns included in the data.

Validate XML File Action

  • corrected descriptive text.

Lock Workstation Action

  • would lock the workstation but step would still fail (Windows 2003 only).

Object to Dataset Action

  • typo fixed.

Ping Machine Action

  • typo - misspelling 'Populate variable with relay time (in milliseconds).'

Send IM Action

  • insert Expression/Variable button (%) was cut off in the action's properties.

Split Files Action

  • did not create the target folder automatically as other file system actions did.

Start Timer Action

Read Timer Action

  • corrected typos.

Twitter Action

  • now supports oAuth authentication (.Net 3.5 required)
  • added search activity


  • runtime installation was not setting Remote Administration or Password in the Registry and was not installing some necessary files.
  • authentication to Runtime license would fail.
  • .NET actions did not properly register on Runtime.
  • runtime upgrade serial keys installed the full product.

Variable Engine

  • environment variables were not being treated as AutoMate variables.

AMBPA32 UAC Prompt

  • execution of ambpa32.exe manually in Windows Vista resulted in a UAC prompt that referenced Automate 6.
AutoMate BPA Server 7


Workflow Designer

  • adding an agent group would result in the Triggered Agent selection in WFD disappearing from the agent drop down selection.
  • editing a new or existing workflow in WFD generated an error when double-clicking on an object to add before the New Workflow tab was rendered.

Server Management Console

  • Schedule Event would incorrectly set the next launch date when a custom schedule was added or modified.
  • Schedule Event calendar remained open when the General section was collapsed.
  • upon selection of the File Condition's 'Trigger on startup if condition is true' parameter, the corresponding check box appeared as unchecked when re-opening the File condition's properties.
  • the End Task or End All options from the Automate BPA Agent Tasks window improperly disabled hotkey triggering for that particular agent until the agent service was restarted.
  • SMC stopped refreshing the screen in certain situations.
  • fixed typos in Load Management options.
  • Schedule Event did not allow entry of seconds for Next Launch Date field.
  • running tasks system tray icon incorrectly referenced Automate 7.
  • all disabled workflows would incorrectly output a message to the log when any condition was triggered.
  • modify User Group panel was not refreshing properly.
  • inline conditions were not being handled correctly.
  • fixed Service Condition GUI issue.

Task Builder

  • double-clicking an empty custom folder under Available Actions of the Task Builder generated an error.
  • AMTB generated an incorrect message in the Output when a task was run a second time. The Output message appeared as "Step x: Task Started" instead of "Step 0: Task Started"
  • AMTB hung after fixing a Runtime error and running the task again.
  • AMTB: Help -> Product Information page pointed to the wrong URL.
  • AMTB would crash when Select action was used.
  • removing all Breakpoints from the Breakpoints tab did not update the Task Builder's Steps pane.
  • the undo/redo function could generate an Access Violation.
  • undocking / re-docking or pinning / unpinning tabbed windows could generate an Access Violation.
  • canceling an edit to a comment caused the corresponding entry under the comments tab to become blank.
  • deleting multiple comments from the comments tab only deleted one comment.
  • editing Comment steps in AML view did not update the corresponding Comments tab entry.

Choice Action

  • an exception error occurred when the action populated a list derived from an existing AutoMate dataset that included non-delimiter comma (,) characters.

Concatenate Files Action

  • corrected inaccurate help documentation.

Create Active Directory Action

  • corrected typo and revised the Help for this action.

Decompress Action

  • output message was being reversed during execution.

For example:

(Step 1) Extracting file "C:\test3\leonard.txt" to "C:\test\"...

Should say:

(Step 1) Extracting file "C:\test3\leonard.txt" from "C:\test\"...

Execute Web Service Action

  • corrected inaccurate help documentation.

FTP Logon Action

  • a variable specified as a password in the FTP Logon action generated an exception error when the task was executed as a subtask, but the task succeeded when executed directly.

FTP Actions

  • now supports case sensitivity with the addition of new Match Case parameter.
  • FTP Remove Folder action did not throw an error when removing a folder that did not exist.
  • running FTP Steps could cause a memory leak.
  • SFTP Create folder action did not handle trailing "\" characters properly.
  • FTP Long List command did not presume ALL files when no parameters were specified.
  • FTP Download threw an improper error message when the target drive did not exist.

HTTP Post/Put Action

HTTP Download Action

  • HTTP proxy did not work if default proxy was overridden at the HTTP Post / HTTP Download action properties level due to wrong password encryption key.
  • HTTP Post action would throw an incorrect error message.
  • generated an incorrect hostname length error message when invalid characters were contained in the hostname.

Find Text Action

Replace Text Action

  • the carat (^) character used as an anchor in Find Text or Replace Text was not anchoring to beginning of lines.

Get E-mail Action

  • now stores embedded attachments.
  • no longer fails if an e-mail has two or more EML attachments.
  • allows retrieval of e-mail with missing header data.

XML Node to Dataset action

  • did not create a proper dataset when there were carriage returns included in the data.

Validate XML File Action

  • corrected descriptive text.

Lock Workstation Action

  • would lock the workstation but step would still fail (Windows 2003 only).

Object to Dataset Action

  • typo fixed.

Ping Machine Action

  • typo - misspelling 'Populate variable with relay time (in milliseconds).'

Send IM Action

  • insert Expression/Variable button (%) was cut off in the action's properties.

Split Files Action

  • did not create the target folder automatically as other file system actions did.

Start Timer Action

Read Timer Action

  • corrected typos.

Twitter Action

  • now supports oAuth authentication (.Net 3.5 required).
  • added search activity

Event Monitor

  • selecting "End Task" in "Show running tasks" dialog was not removing the task from the list.


  • Agent was missing files necessary for TN terminal emulation.
  • the Start Menu shortcut to Automate BPA Agent was removed when running the agent .msi installer on a workstation that had a previous version installed.

Variable Engine

  • Environment variables were not being treated as AutoMate variables.

AMBPA32 UAC Prompt

  • execution of ambpa32.exe manually in Windows Vista resulted in a UAC prompt that referenced Automate 6.

January 2010



Send E-mail On Error Functionality

  • would not send the failure e-mail if an SMTP server that requires authentication was used and the required SMTP password was changed in AMTA

FTP Actions

  • SFTP file transfers set to ASCII mode are transferring in Binary Mode

FTP Delete Action

  • corrected false 'File not found' error message when deleting more than ten files in an SFTP session on GlobalSCAPE servers

FTP Download Action

  • FTP Download now uses same wildcard algorithm as the File actions

SQL Query Action

  • SQL queries on Oracle using both carriage returns and semi-colons would fail in some situations

HTTP Post Action

HTTP Download Action

  • was using wrong default timeout

Send E-mail Action

  • using a variable with a carriage return in it as the subject of a Send Email action would cause a runtime error
  • the original attachment filename is now part of the email dataset

Get AD Object Property Action

  • would return the string "System._ComObject" for the LastLogon property

Read From File Action

  • Read from File action would replace some parameters with defaults on edit

Replace Action

  • if "" was used as the replacement text, it would be converted to blank on edit

Get File Information Action

  • corrected typo

Connect Terminal Action

  • would hang when using 3270 or 5250 emulations

Task Service

  • importing an AutoMate 6 Managed Task with a schedule trigger with exclusions was not correctly converting excluded times
  • importing an AutoMate 6 Managed Task would incorrectly change the When workstation Locked option
  • unlocking a locked workstation in Server 2003 now works correctly

Task Builder

  • using File | Send To | Mail Recipient would sometimes cause an access violation


  • VAPIHelper.dll was not being installed

BPA Server:

  • upgrading to BPA could cause localhost authentication to fail on some systems

September 2009



Set Variable Action

  • major speed improvement with large variables


Task Administrator

  • aborted tasks would always show line number 0 in Task Properties (instead of the step number that the task was actually aborted on)
  • attempting to move a task that was password protected against modifications would not move even if the correct password was provided

Task Execution

  • several AMTrigger variables were not being populated at task execution (e.g. AMTrigger.Filename would always be blank)
  • corrected problem with On Error Set Variable handling not working

Task Service

  • setting "Limit simultaneous instances of this task" with "Interrupt all other running tasks" or "Interrupt all other running instances" would queue tasks instead of interrupting and running the next task
  • attempting to run a task on a terminal services server would sometimes fail with "interactive session could not be located" instead of using the task's "When logged off" option

Event Monitor

  • running tasks window was not displaying queued tasks
  • would not automatically re-start on a user session if a Service User was in use in System Options

Start Task Action

  • would cause Task Builder to crash when attempting to start a password protected managed task with an incorrect password
  • could not remove the password from an existing step

FTP Logon Action

  • port would always revert to 22 on step edit if the server type was set to SFTP and the port was manually changed to 21

FTP Download Action

  • files could not be downloaded to a UNC path
  • download would fail on some servers if the server root location was not /
  • using wildcards would strip the file extension upon downloading

FTP Advanced Action

  • FTP Long list was not creating a dataset in SFTP when there were no files on server

Get E-mail Action

  • attachments were being corrupted when using Exchange

Task Builder

  • Expression Builder button on the On Error tab of several actions were not working
  • corrected typo in right-click menu of Available Actions

Ping Action

  • corrected small typo

Output XML Action

  • now decodes the XML Value

Send E-mail Action

  • added ability to edit attachments in-place

Schedule Trigger

  • if one or more tasks were set to trigger at the same secont but set to not Run When Late, one or more of those tasks may not run, even if Run When Late was not set on that task

SQL Stored Procedure

  • using SQL Stored Procedure to populate a variable that already exists caused the task to fail with "Variable to hold a parameter value cannot be created"

August 2009

AutoMate 7


Twitter Action

  • post updates and more to a Twitter account

Send IM Action

  • send an IM using ICQ, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger or Google Talk

Event Monitor

  • startup and recovery now fully compatible with Remote Desktop

Performance Trigger

  • now supports fully all performance metrics on the target system

Twitter Action

  • added many new features for interacting with Twitter

Get E-mail Action

  • added DateReceived field to the returned dataset
  • expressions are allowed in the If Newer Than and If Older Than options
  • can now filter based on read/unread status
  • added option to retrieve HTML mail as raw markup

Send E-mail Action

  • Customizable X-Mailer

HTTP Download Action

  • customization User Agent

Get Process Information Action

  • added ability to retrieve process list from a remote computer

FTP Actions

  • now optionally returns a dataset of all processed files

FTP Logon Action

  • added ability to use both public key & password for SFTP authentication

FTP Upload Action

FTP Download Action

  • improved speed

AD Get Property Action

  • now supports retrieval ObjectSid

Create XML Node Action

  • added option to specify the location of the node to be inserted

Edit XML Node Action

  • can now edit all nodes as opposed to just the first node

Define Type Action

Create Object Action

Execute Web Service Action

  • now supports Web Security.

Cryptography Actions

  • added support for legacy IDEA keys when using OpenPGP

Exchange Action

  • allows moving objects between folders
  • added support for web-based authentication through WebDav

Task Administrator

  • added "Error Stack" that allows jumping to any failed subtask via the Error dialog
  • Task Errors tab of System Options should includes a statement indicating that error emails are not sent when running a task from the Task Builder
  • updated folder browse buttons to use Vista style folder image

Task Builder

  • added filtration capabilities to the Action Palette dialog
  • update folder browse buttons to use Vista style folder image
  • update Expression Builder button image to a percentage sign icon


  • task errors can now be traced down thru multiple levels of subtasks

Event Monitor/Agent

  • added version and build number information to the About dialog

Text Actions

  • over 80% speed improvement when using variables that contain a large amount of data


Task Administrator

  • version and build information was missing from the About dialog
  • using the Evaluation dialog to extend trials was not working
  • serial number was not displaying on the About dialog
  • New button was still enabled when the Task Administrator was disconnected
  • certain task security settings were incorrectly preventing task deletion
  • folder drag and drop was not working properly
  • right click menu was missing View | Tile option
  • subtasks were not including the failed step number in the AutoMate Event Log
  • some Sample tasks could not be opened
  • some Sample tasks would prompt to be saved when open and closed in the Task Builder even if no edits took place
  • SQL Connections control exceeded the lower boundary of the tab (Vista only)
  • importing an AutoMate 6 task that contained disabled steps caused blank comments to be placed after the disabled steps
  • edit buttons were one pixel too far to the right on the Holidays tab of System Options
  • when Details View was enabled and column order is changed. the column sizes were not being remembered corrected
  • Help | Check for Updates was using the wrong version number in the URL
  • time-out messages would occur intermittently when disabling or enabling a large number of tasks over a slow connection.
  • Options | SQL Connections now has a button to bring up the connection string builder dialog
  • Cut, Copy and Paste now supported for Task Folders
  • restoring an Automate 6 backup would not always work correctly
  • entries can now be sorted by step number column in the AutoMate Event Viewer
  • enabled state of a constant is now properly reflected in the constants list
  • importing multiple tasks causes the "import triggers?" dialog to come up for every task, despite clicking "Yes to All"
  • registration message was inaccurate when serial number is padded with spaces
  • renaming a managed task from the properties dialog (as opposed to single clicking) would not rename the underlying task file thus breaking the link
  • milliseconds are now added to each event in the AutoMate Event Log to enable proper sorting of events that occur with the same second
  • Default Task path is now properly added to task path when task file is missing, allowing more reliable searches when a broken task link is encountered
  • restarting the AutoMate 7 Task Service while Task Administrator is running would causes the Task Administrator to permanently disconnect
  • Properties button was enabled when Task Administrator was disconnected
  • New toolbar button can remain disabled after editing a task name without changing it
  • AutoMate Log would always report "Code 0" on any task or step failure
  • clicking the task name hyperlink on the AutoMate Task Execution Error dialog would not open Task Builder and highlight the offending step

Task Service

  • task execution speed value was being ignored
  • when a task is set to use a specified user and that specified user has different privileges than the currently logged on user, tasks would stop executing after 32 instances
  • the error message when default logon user is not specified has been changed
  • corrected issue that cause AM7Task.exe to not be able to located some task files

Task Builder

  • custom folders under Available Actions were not being retained
  • auto-format of steps was not occurring properly in all cases
  • AMTB Attachments menu state was not reflecting correctly based on the selected attachment
  • saving from the menu in Task Builder with multiple tabs open would sometimes saves changes to the wrong task
  • Insert Comment dialog was not using Segoe 9 point font under Vista
  • Tools | Editor Options dialog was not using Segoe 9 point under Vista
  • pressing the Save and Close button while a task is running would cause AMTB to crash
  • pasting script examples with comments from the help file now works correctly
  • modifying an Error Action on the On Error Tab would not always show the correct text
  • sorting steps and then selecting Undo would cause the step to be deleted
  • Task Builder no longer allows files to be dragged onto it while in Managed mode
  • subtask step numbers are now correct when reported in the Output window
  • windows that are unpinned were not saved and would be pinned next time Task Builder opened
  • creating a task with the Recorder would create an invalid task file that could not be opened for editing after save
  • attempting to close task properties window while Task Builder is open would display a misleading dialog box
  • Find (CTRL-F) on a multiple line comment corrupted the display of carriage-returns
  • default location of the Task Builder causes the window to display as split across dual monitors
  • Expression Builder was not using Segoe 9pt font on Vista
  • Expression Builder was not using the correct icons
  • no longer leaves temporary files in the user's Temp directory
  • attempting to run an encrypted managed task could causes a crash
  • windows that are deselected from viewing were not saved and would display next time Task Builder opened
  • extra white space on the bottom of the Task Builder has been removed
  • right-clicking a function within the Expression Builder now properly displays the correct help file topic
  • wrapped text in comments and tasks was obscured if the scroll bars width was set larger than the system default
  • with all document tabs closed, pressing CTRL-V would cause an access violation.
  • Expression Builder button was barely visible on edge of Error Action form
  • version and build information was missing from the About dialog
  • serial number was not displaying on the About dialog
  • using the Evaluation dialog to extend trials was not working
  • Expression Builder button was not always visible on the edge of the On Error page
  • CTRL+A does did not select all in multiline text edit controls
  • pasting multiple AM6 steps when one or more of those steps did not contain a \> would cause steps from that point to not be pasted
  • using the Expression Builder on combo box fields would improperly overwrite the previous contents
  • version and build information was missing from the About dialog
  • serial number was not displaying on the About dialog
  • using the Evaluation dialog to extend trials was not working
  • Expression Builder button was not always visible on the edge of the On Error page
  • CTRL+A does did not select all in multiline text edit controls
  • pasting multiple AM6 steps when one or more of those steps did not contain a \> would cause steps from that point to not be pasted
  • using the Expression Builder on combo box fields would improperly overwrite the previous contents
  • no longer allows blank action names when renaming a custom action
  • no longer allowing the same action to be added more than once to a category
  • renaming an action using the same name will suggest a different action name
  • Reset Interface now will set the Available Actions to its default
  • added an AutoMate 7 theme to the Editor Options \Colors.
  • corrected Add Attachment dialog's icon
  • corrected Access Violation that would occur if an AML steps was being edited and AMTB was closed
  • changed the popup menu option from ‘Alphabetical’ to ‘Sort’
  • added more options to the Available Actions popup menu

File Trigger

  • fixed issue that would could occur if more than 20 file triggers attached to the same file on 64-bit machines

Exchange Action

  • type filter property now properly allows AutoMate expressions
  • PropertyName and PropertyValue fields now support AutoMate expressions

AutoMate Script Action

  • highlighting a command in the BASIC IDE and pressing F1 would not redirect to the correct help file topic


  • process descriptions for some of the AutoMate executables were not correct in Windows Task Manager
  • several actions generated incorrect AML when using If Older Than or If Newer Than options
  • Browse button would not work when the associated text field contained a drive and path with no trailing slash
  • WindowClass element was missing from trigger object
  • On Error Continue option was ignored in subtasks

XML Node To Dataset Action

  • referred to Xpath location as 'Xpath Xpath location' in visual mode

Create Variable Action

  • was not correctly barring Dim and Name as variable names

SNMP Trap Trigger

  • renamed from SNMP Trap Watcher trigger

Print Action

  • filenames with brackets in the name prevented the file from printing

SQL Query Action

  • SQL queries against Excel caused the worksheet to be locked until the task that executed the query ended

Terminal Actions

  • Timeout and Error Causes values were not populating correctly when editing an existing terminal step

Wait For File Action

  • now works correctly with multiple files and file masks

Send E-mail Action

  • corrected invalid text error on certain files when used as mail body
  • would not correctly error if an invalid expression was found in the body parameter

Exchange Action

  • was incorrectly flagging email deleted when retrieving all messages using Get Messages option.
  • selecting an existing PropertyName would resets the associated PropertyValue
  • "(Please Enter Text)" text would be stored in the step's AML if the OK button was pressed but the values were not changed

Create Variable Action

  • editing an existing Create Variable step in AML view did not always make the variable available in Task Builder dropdowns
  • output message had the Type and Object strings reversed

If Text Contains Action

  • improved reliability especially when using AutoMate variables

Send E-mail Action

  • the To: field is now automatically selected when the step is displayed
  • would not send extended ASCII characters when body is from a file
  • variables in Send Email Action email body were not evaluating on subtasks
  • corrected issue with server timeouts when certain anti-virus software is installed on the user system
  • now correctly handles sending authenticated email without specifying credentials on domains where the user is already authenticated

FTP Logon Action

  • in non-compatibility mode, user can now specify a password when using SFTP and a Public key file

Terminal Actions

  • were not retaining parameters when an existing step was opened for editing

SQL Query Action

  • querying an Office 2003 MSAccess or Office 2003 Excel file could cause the step to hang
  • UPDATE and INSERT queries would not change execute correctly when the datasource was an Excel spreadsheet file
  • using predefined connection string would not work in subtasks

Set Date and Time Action

  • the server field's Expression Builder button was being covered by Port field

Create Object Action

  • would not allow a Property Value to contain an AutoMate expression

FTP Advanced Action

  • using Get Short List was returning extraneous data with short file list
  • using Get Long List did not work with wildcards on SSH connections

FTP Upload Action

  • corrected "500 Invalid command" errors that occurred with some FTP servers

Synchronize Folders Action

  • invalid folders were not properly treated as errors

Replace Text Action

  • using the Regular Expression option with certain invalid expression would cause the step to hang

Create XML Node Action

  • now allows creating a node with an empty namespace

Cryptography Actions

  • now properly supports multiple input files
  • now properly supports AutoMate variables as parameter values

Delete File Action

  • would not correctly delete files when an exclude mask was specified

FTP Change Folder Action

  • would throw an unhandled error when specified folder had no leading slash

Message Box Action

  • would not auto-press on intervals lower than 500 milliseconds
  • expressions resulting in a floating point value would not display leading zeros correctly

Calculate File Checksum Action

  • generated MD5 checksums were sometimes incorrect

Decrypt Action

  • OpenPGP passphrases were not working

Loop Files Action

  • the include filter would be lost when importing or pasting a Loop Files step from AutoMate 6

FTP Rename Action

  • would incorrectly strip subfolder information from the file, essentially moving files to the root folder upon rename

Wait For Window Action

  • timeout options were missing from the Advanced tab

If Action

  • "complex" option was reset to "simple" when editing an IF step regardless of whether or not "complex" was originally selected

Ping Action

  • no longer requires elevation to work correctly on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Interactivity Actions

  • Window selector was allowing controls in the tray to be selected
  • editing a control from the Contents page would sometimes edit the wrong value

File System Trigger

  • renamed from File Watcher trigger

Key Trigger

  • when using AutoKeys with "Erase text after triggering" enabled, the text would be deleted even if the associated task was disabled

Schedule Trigger

  • custom schedule would only triggers the first time
  • exclusion on a specific time range was being ignored
  • weekly and monthly exclusions in schedule trigger could cause corruption of ATL file and caused CPU spike


  • corrected misleading error message regarding XP SP2


  • IsNull() was not properly identifying null value against MDB field
  • Random would always generate the same value

Event Monitor

  • Running Task Window sometimes showed percentages greater than 100% if a subtask had more steps than the parent task
  • corrected issue that made it unable to change task interruption hotkey
AutoMate BPA Server 7


Process Agent

  • JAVA client that allows execution of processes within a workflow


  • execute workflows from a command-line

Twitter Action

  • post updates and more to a Twitter account

Send IM Action

  • send an IM using ICQ, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger or Google Talk


  • added AMTask, AMProcess and AMWorkflow objects containing information about the previously executed task, process or workflow object

Event Monitor and Remote Desktops

  • Event Monitor startup and recovery now fully compatible with remote desktop

Twitter Action

  • added many new features for interacting with Twitter

Performance Trigger

  • now supports fully all performance metrics on the target system

Get E-mail Action

  • added DateReceived field to the returned dataset
  • expressions are allowed in the If Newer Than and If Older Than options
  • can now filter based on read/unread status
  • added option to retrieve HTML mail as raw markup

Send E-mail Action

  • Customizable X-Mailer

HTTP Download Action

  • customization User Agent

Get Process Information Action

  • added ability to retrieve process list from a remote computer

FTP Actions

  • now optionally returns a dataset of all processed files

FTP Logon Action

  • added ability to use both public key & password for SFTP authentication

FTP Upload Action

FTP Download Action

  • improved speed

AD Get Property Action

  • now supports retrieval ObjectSid

Create XML Node Action

  • added option to specify the location of the node to be inserted

Edit XML Node Action

  • can now edit all nodes as opposed to just the first node

Define Type Action

Create Object Action

Execute Web Service Action

  • now supports Web Security.

Cryptography Actions

  • added support for legacy IDEA keys when using OpenPGP

Exchange Action

  • allows moving objects between folders
  • added support for web-based authentication through WebDav

Task Builder

  • added filtration capabilities to the Action Palette dialog
  • update folder browse buttons to use Vista style folder image
  • update Expression Builder button image to a percentage sign icon


  • task errors can now be traced down thru multiple levels of subtasks

Server Management Console

  • added ability to customize default stage of objects
  • Item filtering
  • Constants Panel now supports sorting and scrolling
  • added submenu to Output Window to add Copy, Select All, and Save As functionality
  • added compact toolbar mode
  • added right click submenu to all objects
  • added ability to change the view style of constants
  • added auto-hide for Output/Execution panel
  • added descriptive tooltip for items in Tile/Icon/List views
  • new error Icon for Workflow/Task/Process if Last Run result was not successful
  • new item creation on TreeView right-click menu
  • "Agent Selection" page for running Tasks/Processes now allows for filtering by name
  • easier access to item through keyboard for ListView – If you start typing a name, it will focus on that object
  • constants and SQL Connections panels overhauled – Easier item creation and editing. Instantaneous commit
  • the title bar shows '(Administrator)' when run as administrator
  • added 'New' entry to right-click menu of TreeViews for each panel when appropriate
  • export and Import Dialog on restricted permissions lists all items not allowed in a scrollable ListView
  • modify Agent Group panel shows different icon for Process and Task agent with their corresponding connection status
  • About box shows what server license is active
  • detail panel shows Unique ID for item
  • items can now be grouped based on ‘Staging’ status.
  • several enhancement to Output through right-click context menu (copy/save/clear)
  • execution Panel auto refresh can be switched off through right-click context menu
  • Output/Execution Panel can be undocked and status is saved
  • Output/Execution Panel can set to auto-hide
  • Agent's Detail panel now includes a list of Agent Groups that the agent belongs to
  • Output Panel window can now be closed
  • main Navigation Bar now remembers customizations between sessions

BPA Server

  • added laststarteddatetime, lastendeddate result and statusoutput fields to database.
  • added ability to defer running workflows for a configurable period of time after the server starts
  • added ability to start workflows from a command prompt
  • added AMProcess, AMTask and AMWorkflow variable objects

Event Monitor

  • added version and build number information to the About dialog

Text Actions

  • over 80% speed improvement when using variables that contain a large amount of data

Encryption Plugin:

  • Verify action now adds the filename to the dataset populated so verification is easier when verifying multiple files


Exchange Action

  • type filter property now properly allows AutoMate expressions
  • PropertyName and PropertyValue fields now support AutoMate expressions

AutoMate Script Action

  • highlighting a command in the BASIC IDE and pressing F1 would not redirect to the correct help file topic


  • process descriptions for some of the AutoMate executables were not correct in Windows Task Manager
  • several actions generated incorrect AML when using If Older Than or If Newer Than options
  • Browse button would not work when the associated text field contained a drive and path with no trailing slash
  • WindowClass element was missing from trigger object
  • On Error Continue option was ignored in subtasks

Task Builder

  • version and build information was missing from the About dialog
  • serial number was not displaying on the About dialog
  • using the Evaluation dialog to extend trials was not working
  • Expression Builder button was not always visible on the edge of the On Error page
  • CTRL+A does did not select all in multiline text edit controls
  • pasting multiple AM6 steps when one or more of those steps did not contain a \> would cause steps from that point to not be pasted
  • using the Expression Builder on combo box fields would improperly overwrite the previous contents
  • no longer allows blank action names when renaming a custom action
  • no longer allowing the same action to be added more than once to a category
  • renaming an action using the same name will suggest a different action name
  • Reset Interface now sets the Available Actions to its default state
  • added an AutoMate 7 theme to the Editor Options \Colors.
  • corrected Add Attachment dialog's icon
  • corrected Access Violation that would occur if an AML steps was being edited and AMTB was closed
  • changed the popup menu option from ‘Alphabetical’ to ‘Sort’
  • added more options to the Available Actions popup menu

Task Administrator

  • version and build information was missing from the About dialog
  • using the Evaluation dialog to extend trials was not working
  • serial number was not displaying on the About dialog

File Trigger

  • fixed issue that would could occur if more than 20 file triggers attached to the same file on 64-bit machines

XML Node To Dataset Action

  • referred to Xpath location as 'Xpath Xpath location' in visual mode

Create Variable Action

  • was not correctly barring Dim and Name as variable names

SNMP Trap Trigger

  • renamed from SNMP Trap Watcher trigger

Print Action

  • filenames with brackets in the name prevented the file from printing

SQL Query Action

  • SQL queries against Excel caused the worksheet to be locked until the task that executed the query ended

Terminal Actions

  • Timeout and Error Causes values were not populating correctly when editing an existing terminal step

Wait For File Action

  • now works correctly with multiple files and file masks

Send E-mail Action

  • corrected invalid text error on certain files when used as mail body
  • would not correctly error if an invalid expression was found in the body parameter

Exchange Action

  • was incorrectly flagging email deleted when retrieving all messages using Get Messages option.
  • selecting an existing PropertyName would resets the associated PropertyValue
  • "(Please Enter Text)" text would be stored in the step's AML if the OK button was pressed but the values were not changed

Create Variable Action

  • editing an existing Create Variable step in AML view did not always make the variable available in Task Builder dropdowns
  • output message had the Type and Object strings reversed

If Text Contains Action

  • improved reliability especially when using AutoMate variables

Send E-mail Action

  • the To: field is now automatically selected when the step is displayed
  • would not send extended ASCII characters when body is from a file
  • variables in Send Email Action email body were not evaluating on subtasks
  • corrected issue with server timeouts when certain anti-virus software is installed on the user system
  • now correctly handles sending authenticated email without specifying credentials on domains where the user is already authenticated

FTP Logon Action

  • in non-compatibility mode, user can now specify a password when using SFTP and a Public key file

Terminal Actions

  • were not retaining parameters when an existing step was opened for editing

SQL Query Action

  • querying an Office 2003 MSAccess or Office 2003 Excel file could cause the step to hang
  • UPDATE and INSERT queries would not change execute correctly when the datasource was an Excel spreadsheet file
  • using predefined connection string would not work in subtasks

Set Date and Time Action

  • the server field's Expression Builder button was being covered by Port field

Create Object Action

  • would not allow a Property Value to contain an AutoMate expression

FTP Advanced Action

  • using Get Short List was returning extraneous data with short file list
  • using Get Long List did not work with wildcards on SSH connections

FTP Actions

  • corrected "500 Invalid command" errors that occurred with some FTP servers

Synchronize Folders Action

  • invalid folders were not properly treated as errors

Replace Text Action

  • using the Regular Expression option with certain invalid expression would cause the step to hang

Create XML Node Action

  • now allows creating a node with an empty namespace

Cryptography Actions

  • now properly supports multiple input files
  • now properly supports AutoMate variables as parameter values

Delete File Action

  • would not correctly delete files when an exclude mask was specified

FTP Change Folder Action

  • would throw an unhandled error when specified folder had no leading slash

Message Box Action

  • would not auto-press on intervals lower than 500 milliseconds
  • expressions resulting in a floating point value would not display leading zeros correctly

Calculate File Checksum Action

  • generated MD5 checksums were sometimes incorrect

Decrypt Action

  • OpenPGP passphrases were not working

Loop Files Action

  • the include filter would be lost when importing or pasting a Loop Files step from AutoMate 6

FTP Rename Action

  • would incorrectly strip subfolder information from the file, essentially moving files to the root folder upon rename

Wait For Window Action

  • timeout options were missing from the Advanced tab

If Action

  • "complex" option was reset to "simple" when editing an IF step regardless of whether or not "complex" was originally selected

Ping Action

  • no longer requires elevation to work correctly on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Interactivity Actions

  • Window selector was allowing controls in the tray to be selected
  • editing a control from the Contents page would sometimes edit the wrong value

File System Trigger

  • renamed from File Watcher trigger

Key Trigger

  • when using AutoKeys with "Erase text after triggering" enabled, the text would be deleted even if the associated task was disabled

Schedule Trigger

  • custom schedule would only triggers the first time
  • exclusion on a specific time range was being ignored
  • weekly and monthly exclusions in schedule trigger could cause corruption of ATL file and caused CPU spike

Task Service

  • task execution speed value was being ignored
  • when a task is set to use a specified user and that specified user has different privileges than the currently logged on user, tasks would stop executing after 32 instances
  • the error message when default logon user is not specified has been changed
  • corrected issue that cause AM7Task.exe to not be able to located some task files

Task Builder

  • custom folders under Available Actions were not being retained
  • auto-format of steps was not occurring properly in all cases
  • AMTB Attachments menu state was not reflecting correctly based on the selected attachment
  • saving from the menu in Task Builder with multiple tabs open would sometimes saves changes to the wrong task
  • Insert Comment dialog was not using Segoe 9 point font under Vista
  • Tools | Editor Options dialog was not using Segoe 9 point under Vista
  • pressing the Save and Close button while a task is running would cause AMTB to crash
  • pasting script examples with comments from the help file now works correctly
  • modifying an Error Action on the On Error Tab would not always show the correct text
  • sorting steps and then selecting Undo would cause the step to be deleted
  • Task Builder no longer allows files to be dragged onto it while in Managed mode
  • subtask step numbers are now correct when reported in the Output window
  • windows that are unpinned were not saved and would be pinned next time Task Builder opened
  • creating a task with the Recorder would create an invalid task file that could not be opened for editing after save
  • attempting to close task properties window while Task Builder is open would display a misleading dialog box
  • Find (CTRL-F) on a multiple line comment corrupted the display of carriage-returns
  • default location of the Task Builder causes the window to display as split across dual monitors
  • Expression Builder was not using Segoe 9pt font on Vista
  • Expression Builder was not using the correct icons
  • no longer leaves temporary files in the user's Temp directory
  • attempting to run an encrypted managed task could causes a crash
  • windows that are deselected from viewing were not saved and would display next time Task Builder opened
  • extra white space on the bottom of the Task Builder has been removed
  • right-clicking a function within the Expression Builder now properly displays the correct help file topic
  • wrapped text in comments and tasks was obscured if the scroll bars width was set larger than the system default
  • with all document tabs closed, pressing CTRL-V would cause an access violation.
  • Expression Builder button was barely visible on edge of Error Action form


  • corrected misleading error message regarding XP SP2


  • IsNull() was not properly identifying null value against MDB field
  • Random would always generate the same value

Event Monitor

  • Running Task Window sometimes showed percentages greater than 100% if a subtask had more steps than the parent task
  • corrected issue that made it unable to change task interruption hotkey

Workflow Designer

  • a restricted user was able to copy-paste workflows
  • an exception sometimes occurred on exit
  • pasting copied items is faster
  • added support for High DPI to all dialogs

Server Management Console

  • corrected NullReference Exception errors when dragging AML files into repository
  • column resizing was becoming disabled in certain cases
  • corrected exception when pushing the Build button on SQL Connections when an invalid connect string is in the Value field
  • Clear Execution Event button in Server Options was also clearing the audit event log
  • the cursor no longer hangs in the wait state after being notified that the user cannot perform an action
  • replaced the word "event" with "condition" on the Schedule interface
  • renaming Agent or User Groups would not allow changing only case
  • Agent Selection List scrolling would close the application unexpectedly
  • newly created Agent Groups were not appearing in Select Agent list when run from repository
  • Agent/Agent Group help links were pointing to the wrong topic
  • corrected crashes that could occur when using Back button to navigate from newly created folders
  • auto-refreshing the interface would stop unexpectedly in certain situations
  • corrected exception that would occur when using backspace upon startup
  • Agent List dialog used to select which agent a task should run on in the repository is now sorted
  • fixed keyboard navigation with arrows
  • Cut/Copy clipboard is cleared when new user logs in
  • on Cut/copy the selected items retain their selection status
  • some Dialog windows were missing title
  • Performance trigger editing was throwing an error when Thread and Job Object Details option were selected
  • when editing an exclusion of type "on specific time range", the To: time reverted to the default value
  • user with rights was not able to use the right-click 'Import' on both TreeView and ListView
  • Logon panel Run with highest privileges description text no longer goes grey when the panel is disabled
  • in Window Condition a Window title/class could not be typed in
  • in Service Condition a service name could not be inserted by typing the value in
  • in Process Condition a process could not be inserted through OpenFile Dialog or typed in


  • agent icon hover text was missing server name when disconnected
  • task priority was not working on parallel task execution

BPA Server

  • adjusting Task Priority properties could cause database warnings regarding primary keys to be written to the Windows Event Log
  • staging settings would not affect triggering conditions
  • corrected System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
  • failure of one branch of a multi-path workflow would sometimes crash the server
  • could not stop task or workflow if agent running the task is disconnected or unresponsive

April 2009

AutoMate BPA Server 7


Define and Create Types Actions

  • Agent Grouping
  • User and Folder Rights Management
  • Wait Object
  • Encrypted Constants
  • Sub-workflows
  • Multi-workflow editing
  • Dataset and Array accessibility in subtasks
  • Better encryption of sensitive data
  • Highly optimized data access and better server throughput
  • OpenPGP support in Cryptography actions
  • Agent deployment across domains

New Actions

  • Get File Information Action
  • Touch File Action
  • Microsoft Exchange Action
  • Execute Web Service Action
  • Sign Action
  • Verify Action
  • Define Type Action
  • Create Object Action
  • MSMQ Action

Enhanced Actions

  • Get E-mail Action now supports IMAP and Microsoft Exchange protocols and now supports SSL
  • Send E-mail Action now supports IMAP and Microsoft Exchange protocols and now supports SSL


BPA Server

  • Fatal Execution Engine Error corrected
  • failure of one branch of a multi-path workflow would sometimes cause BPA Server to fail
  • task level task failure e-mails were not being sent

Task Builder

  • AutoMate action group was missing from Task Builder
  • Current Value in Variables tab wasn't showing the current value of the variable
  • pressing the delete key in the search box wouldn't work
  • attempting to Save Copy as twice in a row from Task Builder would cause exception errors
  • Expression Builder button changed to percentage sign icon
  • Expression Builder now using the new icons
  • Expression Builder now using Segoe 9pt font on Vista
  • Folder browse buttons changed to Vista style folder
  • Tools|Editor Options dialog is now uses Segoe 9 point under Vista
  • Insert Comment dialog now using Segoe 9 point font under Vista
  • removed extra white space on the bottom of the Task Builder
  • using Save option when more than one task was open could cause the wrong task to be saved

BPA Agent

  • a task running as a specified user with different rights than the logged on user would stop running after thirty times


  • verified and corrected any malformed or misaligned user interfaces
  • some DateTime controls were not saving a custom DateTime expression correctly

List Services Action

  • corrected GUI anomalies

FTP Advanced Action

  • option "long list" dataset fields FTPFileSize and FTPFileDate had incorrect values when using SFTP
  • option "retrieve current folder" did not return the correct values when using SFTP

Active Directory Action

  • Get Property action did not return lastLogon or lastLogoff value properly

Set Variable Action

  • using Set Variable to assign a value to a variable as if it were an array would not cause an error

Execution Engine

  • datasets and arrays were not being passed to subtasks

SNMP Get Bulk Request Action

  • displayed "Finished Send SNMP Walk Request." into the output window when the action completed

Loop List Action

  • was skipped if proceeded by a Create Array action that was also used in the Watches

BASIC Script Action

  • 'Line Input" now works correctly


  • no longer incorrectly prompts for an upgrade code

If Text Contains Action

  • would perform slowly when using a variable that contained a large amount of data

Server Management Console

  • notification is now provided when using XML backend and the Execution Events table becomes too large
  • members of the User group could change the Administrator user in BPA to use Active Directory

Wait For Window Action

  • when importing from AutoMate 6 the timeout value would incorrectly switch to milliseconds instead of seconds

Schedule Trigger

  • exclusion on a specific time range was being ignored
  • weekly and monthly exclusions were causing corruption of atl file and CPU spike in Task Service
  • edit buttons were one pixel too far to the right on the Holidays tab of Options

Loop Files Action

  • importing from AM6 would not correctly convert filters to the new AML


  • importing an AutoMate 6 task with disabled steps would create blank comments after the disabled steps

IF Action

  • "complex" expression option not preserved

HTTP Actions

  • changed User-Agent string in Internet requests to "AutoMate HTTP actions"


  • IsNull() now works properly for null value against MDB field

Synchronize Folder Action

  • invalid folders now generate task errors correctly

Send E-Mail Action

Get E-Mail Action

  • customizable X-Mailer (email)

Server Management Console

  • can now refresh the execution output window
  • can now defer running workflows for a configurable period of time after the server starts
  • can now set a maximum on the number of workflows the server will run at once

Workflow Designer

  • improved performance when pasting numerous items at once

Send E-mail Action

  • corrected timeouts that occurred with some anti-virus configurations

February 2009

AutoMate 7


Task Service

  • schedule trigger was non-functional on systems that do not use a / as the date separator
  • an imported task's triggers would not always start immediately but could require a service restart to take effect

Task Administrator

  • docking and undocking the tree view would cause "Abnormal Program Termination"
  • while creating a folder in the Task Folders view, using the arrow keys would navigate the folder list in addition to the name of the folder that as being edited
  • Password dialog was using the wrong icon
  • corrected AV that could occur if the AMTA is closed while it is making its initial connection to a server
  • Event Viewer was not correctly displaying the step number of a failed task in Task Events tab
  • tasks would sometimes update incorrectly on the local machine if that same task was running on another, remotely connected machine
  • time-out messages would occur intermittently when disabling or enabling a large number of tasks over a network
  • choosing System | Restore... then clicking Cancel would show "Restore failed" message in the messages pane
  • tasks imported from AutoMate 6 that did not use the standard Default Task Location path would show up as "broken" tasks
  • dragging All Computers into a folder within the folder view would cause an access violation
  • renaming a task via the task's properties dialog would not rename the associated task file
  • not dismissing remote machine dialog warning could cause the initial server connection to fail with "incompatible version" error
  • remote machine dialog warning title incorrectly referenced "AutoMate 6"
  • dates in Holiday dialogs were not regionalized correctly

Event Monitor

  • Running Task Window was not transparent on Vista, Windows 7 or Server 2008.
  • Running Task Window text was truncated on high-DPI systems

Task Builder

  • Password dialog was using the wrong icon
  • Send E-mail and Get E-mail actions would not convert into AutoMate 7 AML correctly if the step was indented
  • expression builder now opens larger on first run
  • "Save & Close" button was not using the correct font on Vista or when using high-DPI
  • speed optimizations when running tasks that generate a lot of output messages


  • would not correctly handle Windows Foreground Timeout adjustments
  • "open" verb on AML file association changed to "Open"

Send E-Mail Action

  • moved prompt that was displayed when an unrecognized e-mail format was used
  • e-mails would not be sent if default e-mail server was used that required authentication
  • e-mails would not be sent if using a proxy server
  • expressions used in the message body were not evaluated
  • pressing Enter was not associated with default OK

File Actions

  • browse for file dialog would not allow *.* as a value

FTP Actions

  • browse for file dialog would not allow *.* as a value

Window Actions

  • did not display correctly on Windows XP when running high-dpi

If Window Exists Action

  • did not display correctly on Windows XP when running high-dpi

Wait For Window Action

  • did not display correctly on Windows XP when running high-dpi

November 2008

AutoMate 6


  • added RoundEx (Number, Precision) function to round a floating-point number to Precision using arithmetic rounding


All Actions

  • escaped characters now work correctly in all actions (problem introduced in 6.2.7)

Task Builder

  • Insert menu correctly displays all action groups

October 2008

AutoMate BPA Server 7


  • BPA Server improved server response time on task completion
  • AD Create User Action added option to set arbitrary property values


Format Date Time Action

  • adding Format Date Time step intermittently crashes after clicking OK
  • would improperly calculate AM/PM when using a specified date format and the supplied date did not already specify AM or PM

Create Variable Action

  • using the "encrypt variable contents" option would convert & to &amp; at runtime

Task Engine

  • when using Send E-mail On Error option, the From e-mail address is ignored and the To address is used instead

Send Keystrokes Action

  • using the "encrypt keystrokes" option would convert & to &amp; at runtime

BPA Server

  • key constraint violations would appear in the Windows Event Log if using a database backend and that database was locked while a workflow or task was executing
  • Result link set to ´default´ was being followed when it shouldn´t be
  • an unhandled workflow evaluation would leads to a workflow failure instead of a quiet stop
  • when an Evaluation Object returned false, an error message was appearing in the output window
  • corrected sporadic XML write errors in the Windows Event Log when using an XML backend
  • setting an agent's default user to one without administrator rights would sometimes cause task execution events to be ignored
  • condition behavior “Ignore pre-existing condition” was being ignored

Event Monitor

  • corrected Access Violation that occurred when selecting "Show Running Tasks" option

Server Management Console

  • "File not found" exception thrown when clicking "Update and Close" from the Task Builder
  • enabling task interruption hotkey when overriding "Indicators" agent properties was not being retained
  • if a task name had forbidden filename chars (\ / : * ? < > | ") an exception was thrown when trying to edit that task
  • unique Constant and SQL Connection names are now enforced
  • various output messages have been clarified
  • corrected typographical error in File Watcher interface
  • corrected icon displayed for Idle Watcher

Task Builder

  • applying actions to custom toolbars were not being retained
  • enabling "Save Task on Run" option in Task Builder would overwrite one file to another if multiple tasks were open
  • "Update and Close" option in Task Builder could overwrite other open task documents
AutoMate 6


Task Builder

  • right- and left-arrow keys now work in Available Actions


Format Date/Time Action

  • adding Format Date Time action would intermittently cause an AV after clicking OK in the Task Builder

Choice Action

  • window size of GUI was not wide enough, causing the Cancel button to be cut off in Windows Vista

Label Action

  • disabled Label steps were still treated as enabled at runtime

Find Text Action

  • Case sensitive option was not saved, and would always revert to unset

Replace Text Action

  • when the text to find is """ (3 double quotes), re-opening the action changes it to " (1 double quote)

Send Keystrokes Action

  • keystrokes would change & to &amp; if "Encrypt Keystrokes" option was used

Common Dialog Action

Choice Action

Message Box Action

  • would hang in a task that was run from an task (AML) file within Explorer (by right-clicking the task and choosing "Run")
  • The "Bring message to front of all other windows" checkbox would not always correctly influence the window state

SQL Query Action

  • fields of type BigInt would return an incorrect value

Task Administrator

  • Trim Event Log option would not properly retain the duration scalar (e.g. days would always revert back to months)
  • EAccessViolation would occur when clicking on Constants Tab in System > Options (Windows Server 2008 only)
  • re-importing tasks with triggers causes duplicate TriggerID values, resulting in incorrectly trigger behavior of affected tasks
  • theme under Vista is was not correct
  • clicking on Log Button caused 100% CPU (Windows Server 2008)
  • Clicking on View > Columns would result in EAccessViolation error message (Windows Server 2008)
  • "Run Alone" option would changed to "Limit Number of Simultaneous Tasks" after clicking OK on the task's Properties page
  • creating a new task, then immediately modifying it's properties before first adding task steps, would cause "Task File associated with this task cannot be found" error next time the Task Builder was invoked
  • corrected several typos in sample tasks
  • attempting to add a new Schedule Watcher trigger would cause an Access Violation after clicking OK (Windows Server 2008)
  • attempting to add a new Window Watcher trigger would cause an Access Violation after clicking OK (Windows Server 2008)
  • attempting to access the Exclude tab of a Schedule watcher trigger on 64 bit Vista would cause an Access Violation

Event Monitor

  • green AutoMate tray icon incorrectly turns blue if the "Running Tasks Window" is opened and closed

September 2008

AutoMate BPA Server 7


Server Management Console

  • details of what objects (tasks, workflows, etc.) were imported from a package is now displayed in the Output window
  • Output Window refresh speed has been improved when large amounts of data are present

BPA Server

  • optimized memory usage and data handling when using a SQL database backend

Choice Action

  • now supports building choices from an array or dataset in addition to a defined list


Label Action

  • disabled Label steps were still treated as enabled at runtime

Task Runtime

  • per step retry timeout was being ignored

BPA Server

  • corrected several memory and handle leaks that occurred under certain situations
  • when exporting a workflow that has the same task multiple times, the resulting ampkg file could not be imported.
  • constant and SQL Connection strings are now properly applied to Task Builder and running task instances

Server Management Console

  • could not change the name of a task if only the character case of the name was changed
  • changes to the stage of a task within the repository were not saved when using a SQL back end

Task Builder

  • No reset option for AMTB after customizing Available Actions view
  • attempting to execute an step with malformed AML would cause the Task Builder to go into an infinite loop on the offending step

Task Service

  • corrected several minor memory leaks when running a task
  • an exception fault occurred when a task is run as a specified or background user on Windows Server 2008
  • corrected handle leak that occurred when a task was run on a Vista or Server 2008 agent

Workflow Designer

  • copying and pasting an item quickly (within a second of each other) caused an exception in WFD
  • one could assign a folder as an agent to a task or a condition in the WFD data handling when using a SQL database backend

June 2008

AutoMate BPA Server 7


  • enhanced support for task level attachments


BPA Server

  • corrected issue that could cause the server to cap connections at twenty-five
  • setting the Administrator account password to anything other than "password" would cause the databases to be regenerated

Interactivity Actions

  • step would fail if an action specific to a control (not a window) had no window attribute specified

FTP Login Action

  • was ignoring the time scalar and always treating the timeout as seconds

Server Management Console

  • exception would occur if the connection to the server was lost while in grid view

Workflow Designer

  • if any Task Builder process was running a message prompting to close AMTB would appear

May 2008

AutoMate BPA Server 7


BPA Server

  • added support for mySQL
  • added native support for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle

SNMP Get Bulk Action

  • added action to support SMP RFC 1187 "Get Bulk Request" standard


BPA Server

  • corrected memory leak when using XML backend
  • handles connections by older and unsupported agents to a newer server more gracefully
  • corrected conflicts between folder and user names

Task Builder

  • default mail server now works correctly when Development Tools are on a machine different then the Agent
  • using an array in a Watch expression without specifying element values could cause tasks to behave erratically when using embedded expressions

Server Management Console

  • Agent view no longer repeatedly updates when older and unsupported agents attempt to connect to the server
  • corrected various "entry not in list' error pop-ups that could when navigating workflows or users
  • corrected error that could occur when logging off a user that is validated against Active Directory
AutoMate BPA Server 7


BPA Server

  • now logs triggering conditions to execution log
  • XML data files generated and maintained by BPA Server now include a namespace parameter

Server Management Console

  • updated icons for Users based on their user role
  • added role grouping support in the User panel
  • can now import AMA (AutoMate 6 Backup) files
  • Licensing panel now includes separate lines for server and Developer Tool registration states
  • added new Task property to set tasks to run in user-level mode on Vista agents with UAC enabled
  • changed “Production State” to “Stage” throughout the product

File Condition

  • polling time is now customizable (applies only to File Conditions watching for a file in a network folder)

Delete XML Node Action

  • added ability to remove a node attribute instead of the entire node

Loop List Action

  • improved speed by up to 75%

XML Actions

  • added support for namespaces

Window Actions

  • now allows wildcard usage for pixel coordinates

Send E-Mail Action

  • now generates a valid Message-ID header value


BPA Server

  • switched from XML to database backend immediately after install would delete the administrator user
  • invalid writes to the XML backend are handled more gracefully (this should prevent the .NET Runtime exception some users were experiencing)
  • corrected consistency issues between Failure and Result Fail links between evaluation, condition and task objects

Server Management Console

  • Importing .atl file now keeps the folder structure for workflows/triggers
  • Importing .aml or .atl with a file trigger now works properly
  • In the output window, the entire contents of the message column could not be seen if the messages was wider than the column
  • Folders can now be exported the same way repository items are
  • corrected System.NullReferenceException after entering license code and immediately right clicking on an existing workflow
  • corrected System.NullReferenceException that would appear for no apparent reason after running BPA Server for several days
  • added property panel for server-wide and agent-specific SQL Connection strings

Task Builder

  • Attempting to stop a running task in the Task Builder would sometimes cause the task to hang until it was forcibly stopped
  • Forcibly stopping a task in the Task Builder would sometimes cause an Access Violation
  • Using Select All on large tasks (1000+ steps) performs much faster
  • debugging large tasks with many Create Variable steps would cause general stability issues on some machines
  • using Tools | Apply Auto Indentation would incorrectly handle disabled If and Loop steps
  • auto-indentation has been improved

Workflow Designer

  • property panels for objects would not correctly display inheritable properties the first time they were displayed

Task Service

  • was writing a Vista.log debug file onto the root drive

Logon Condition

  • renamed from Startup Condition
  • triggers or evaluates if a user logs onto a workstation

Stored Procedure Action

  • floating-point values returned by a stored procedure were improperly changed to integers

Connect Terminal Action

  • setting emulation type to TN5250 or TN3270 would cause an EAccessViolation

Check Action

  • now works correctly regardless of the native language of the operating system (before, the action would only work on English and French Windows)

Ping Action

  • would hang when pinging an invalid hostname on some machines

FTP Upload Action

FTP Download Action

  • Preserve Folder option is now properly respected
  • would not respect a previous FTP Change Directory step

Wait For Window Action

  • Wait for Window action now fails properly after waiting for specified amount of certain time

File Condition

  • was not working properly when set to use a default user
  • when watching for a specific file created by Excel, the condition would not fire reliably

Schedule Event

  • now correctly handles Daylight Savings Time changes regardless of server locale
AutoMate 6


Window Watcher Trigger, Wait For Window, If Window Exists

  • greatly improved execution speed of steps that utilize Windows Dissection Technology, especially if looking or waiting for controls in IE

Interactivity Actions

  • now allows wildcard usage for pixel coordinates

Send E-Mail Action

  • Send E-Mail action now generates a valid Message-ID header value on outgoing messages

Event Log Watcher

  • added "EventComputer" property to the Event Log's Trigger properties


Task Builder

  • Auto Indentation and Tools | Apply Auto Indentation now handles disabled IF and Loop steps correctly
  • Display action no longer causes an access violation when loading a task (Vista specific)

Task Administrator

  • adding a new folder would not automatically put the folder into rename mode
  • removing more than one folder from the Task view would not correctly update the tree view

Connect Terminal Action

  • "Pure Virtual Function Called" error or EAccessViolation on steps that use a failed session created using Connect Terminal
  • TN5250 Terminal Emulation would cause an EAccessViolation

Check Action

  • now works on all versions of localized versions of Windows, not just English and French

Close Excel Workbook Action

  • Excel process now properly closes even if a Cells To Dataset Action is used prior to a Close Excel Workbook step

Disconnect Terminal Action

  • Session ID was always TermSess1 in Visual View

Task Service

  • On Vista, a task set to not run when workstation is locked would still run

Ping Action

  • on some machines the step would hang if an invalid hostname was used or the network was not available

Replace Text Action

  • no longer misses occurrences of subtext if the text to find is nearly identical to the text being searched

File Watcher

  • corrected issue that occurred with files created by Excel now always being seen, causing the trigger not to fire

February 2008

AutoMate BPA Server 7


  • added "Run only if completion state is greater" capability to workflows

Server Management Console

  • added ability to export grid reports

Task Administrator

  • added support for legacy Cut/Copy/Paste shortcuts
  • Agent Deploy wizard now correctly fails with a proper message when attempting to deploy to a machine that does not have the Win32_Product WMI Class installed

Task Builder

  • added support for legacy Cut/Copy/Paste shortcuts
  • optimized task load time considerably

Workflow Designer

  • items can now have links dragged from them individually instead of having to place them from the toolbox
  • added option to turn off arrow text
  • improved graphical consistency when zooming the workspace area
  • resizing of items keeps the graphic proportional

Schedule Trigger

  • added "time range" capability to Schedule Trigger as it was in AutoMate 6

Get AD Group Members

  • new action that returns all the group members in dataset.

Concatenate Files Action

  • added ability to concatenate several files using a wildcard into one file


  • added "Run" option to the AML file association


  • all upgrade codes now work correctly in the License dialog
  • removing the BPA Server Data.xml and then restarting the BPA Server service would create a data file without an Administrator user
  • the server was ignoring the "Authenticate Against AD" option when validating an administrator password
  • various errors and exceptions when using a database backend have been corrected
  • version number for repository items are now correctly incremented when a modification is made

AutoMate BPA Agent

  • About Box was display the version number incorrectly
  • shutting down the Agent and re-starting it would lose the "Show running tasks" option from its right click menu regardless of the Agent's server settings

AutoMate Event Monitor

  • the task display of the "End Task" dialog was not updating when tasks were ended individually
  • corrected version information in the About Box

AutoMate Task Service

  • corrected issue that was causing a Vista.log file to be written to the root C:\ drive
  • unlocking of a workstation and logging on a workstation via Task properties now works correctly on Windows XP and Server 2003
  • minimum completion state was not being enforced when a task or workflow was run manually
  • repository items had a creation date that was newer than their modified date
  • tasks would start but immediately fail with an error in BPATask.exe if run on an agent with an expired evaluation

Task Builder

  • in some situations actions could be deleted from the Available Actions tree when they should not have been
  • corrected runtime syntax error that would occur with certain actions if they were indented
  • all action interfaces now appear in the middle of Task Builder on multiple monitor machines
  • using "Save Copy As" when editing a repository task caused undefined behavior in the Server Management Console when the Task Builder was closed
  • variables were not working properly within certain actions when used in a sub-task

Workflow Designer

  • text under evaluation object would disappear once you delete it.
  • corrected issue that would sometimes cause items to jump to strange locations or clump together after moving them
  • the current value of shared variables is now updated while a workflow is running
  • corrected various issues with undo/redo functionality

Server Management Console

  • BPA Agent deployment now works correctly on domain workstations that use folder redirection
  • "Show events generated by this application instance" is no longer cut off in Logging Options
  • Active Directory Authentication option was not retained
  • copy/paste operations now work correctly throughout the product
  • dragging a Condition object onto a Task folder in the Repository no longer generated an exception
  • date and time exceptions are now in the Schedule condition as they were in AutoMate 6
  • Execution Event Table report now works correctly with all regional settings
  • clicking Remote or Edit in the Connections panel when an item is no selected no longer causes an exception
  • exporting of tasks now works correctly throughout the product
  • removed "Remove Selected" and "Remove All" right click options from the Execution Status panel
  • Task Logon property no longer requires domain field when domain is part of username
  • corrected unhandled exception that sometimes occurred when stopping a workflow from the Execution Status Panel
  • clicking Remote/Edit without selection an connection from the Available Connections view would cause an unhandled exception

Task Importing

  • disguised variables (using a Create Variable step) were not converting correctly, causing imported tasks to “disappear” after being committed to the repository

Error Handling

  • expressions used on the On Error panel (e.g. Write To Log, Set Variable) were not resolved correctly


  • English used as default language on all operating systems until new languages for the product become available


  • variables that contained un-escaped HTML characters would cause plug-in actions to generate a syntax error
  • attempting to use the same dataset name more than once causes a "Variable already exists" error

Find Action

  • “first index” and “total found occurrences “ were not populating correctly if “starting index” was specified

XML Actions

Cryptography Actions

Environment Actions

Active Directory Actions

  • "Label" dropdown on "On Error" tab for all XML Actions, displays list of possible "On Error Event" actions instead of the user-defined label
  • On Error Goto Label dropdown was not populated with the list of available labels as other actions were
  • now correctly updates a task local variable when the action is used in a subtask

Message Box Action

  • countdown timer in Message Box action is not accurate
  • would fail with EAccessViolation when Start Task was used on button click but the task to start did not exist or was inaccessible

Cryptography Actions

  • cryptography actions contain several spelling mistakes in the Output Window of Task Builder


FTP Login Action

  • FTP Implicit and Explicit were causing syntax errors when certificates were not used.
  • "Overwrite existing log file" option was ignored (compatibility mode only)

HTTP Download Action

HTTP Upload Action

FTP Actions

  • would fail with syntax errors at runtime if they were indented in the Task Builder (e.g. when in a loop)

If Compare Files

  • corrected description on graphic interface to clarify the action's purpose

Active Directory Actions

  • dataset contents were not updated when using the same dataset name for Active Directory actions

Get AD Property Action

  • corrected issue that occasionally caused the step to fail with EAccessViolation

Lock Workstation Action

  • now works correctly in Windows Vista

Start XML Session Action

  • would cause a syntax error when using Text option if the text was a variable that contained un-escaped HTML/XML characters (e.g. <, >, etc.)

Registry Action

  • Registry Browser would always open in the upper-left of the screen
  • Registry Browser no longer locks up or freezes Task Builder on Windows Vista
  • Read registry now works correctly if the selected registry key only has read-access
  • Read registry now works correctly on Windows Vista with UAC enabled, even if the task or Task Builder is not elevated

Connect Terminal Action

  • when used with an invalid hostname or invalid IP, the action would complete successfully but subsequent terminal action steps using that session would fail with “Pure Virtual Function Called”

Disconnect Terminal Action

  • the description would report session name as “TermSess1” when a task was re-opened, even if the session was given another name

XML Actions

  • all XML actions now have correct icons

Start Task Action

  • the "Managed Task" option of the "Start Task" action has been removed for BPA Server

Help File

  • all AutoMate BASIC functions are now properly documented
  • renamed from AM7.chm to BPA.chm
  • all actions now link to the correct help topic

January 2008

AutoMate 6


Task Administrator

  • added support for legacy Cut/Copy/Paste shortcuts (Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins, Shift+Del)

Task Builder

  • added support for legacy Cut/Copy/Paste shortcuts (Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins, Shift+Del)

Find Action, Replace Action

  • incorporates new .NET 2.0 compatible Regular Expression engine

AML Files

  • added "Run" option to the AML File Association (available by right-click on an AML file)


Task Administator

  • incorrect theme was used on Windows XP

Dataset Actions

  • attempting to use the same dataset name more than once caused a "Variable already exists" error

Lock Workstation Action

  • now works correctly on Windows Vista

Message Box Action

  • caused Abnormal Program Termination or EAccessViolation when an invalid or non-existent task file is used on button click
  • when using the “automatically close dialog box after x seconds”, the countdown time was not always accurate

Move Mouse Action

  • now works correctly when "Relative To Screen" is used with negative coordinates on multi-monitor machines

Registry Action

  • read registry was failing when run under as an unelevated user on Windows Vista, even if the key had full read access
  • Registry Browser locked up Task Builder on Windows Vista
  • Registry Browser always opened in the upper-left of the screen

Task Administrator

  • after created a task using the New option of the right-click menu, the managed task was not selected
  • was not checking if it's restored window position was still valid on startup

Task Builder

  • after running a task, the last selected step was not the same as the ones that appear as selected
  • auto-indenting is now working correctly
  • indentation was lost when copying/pasting or moving steps when Suggest Indent was off
  • not all action GUIs were appearing in the middle of Task Builder when used on multiple monitor machines
  • pressing F1 in an action was hiding the foreground action window until the help window was closed

December 2007

AutoMate BPA Server 7


Changes since Preview Release 3 include:


  • accented characters were not being saved to the server correctly, resultinin their changing to a ? on edit or execution
  • arithemetic operations would perform inconsistently when using number type variables and the decimal character was not a comma
  • updated help file, including working links on all new actions

BPA Server

  • creating a workflow with an empty Window Condition as a triggering condition would cause the workflow to run repeatedly
  • "Show Tray Icon Menu" option is now operational (this is OFF by default)
  • changed default "Show Running Tasks" hotkey to Ctrl+Alt+PgUp to avoid conflicting with AutoMate 6

Server Management Console

  • added new automatic "Check for updates" (can also be executed manually through the help icon)
  • importing a task that contains a form-feed character would cause an unhandled exception or an application hang
  • closing the application before it was finished loading would cause an unhandled exception
  • entering a @ in a Windows username edit box will grey the Domain field
  • agent could be deployed even if the administrator password was incorrect
  • can now click anywhere in a row to select that row in the Constants page
  • Deploy Wizard would always show "Removing existing AutoMate installation...", even if there was no existing AutoMate installation to remove

Workflow Designer

  • Expression Builder objects now correctly match those available in the Task Builder
  • running a workflow with a Shared Variable would cause an unhandled exception
  • could not close the application if connection to the server was lost while the application was open

Task Builder

  • Result field was missing from the Expression Builder's Condition folder
  • adding a Select action would add Case, End Case and End Select statements in the wrong order

Window Watcher Condition

  • would not work if window contents were specified

Event Monitor / Tray Icon

  • Running Tasks Window now displays correctly on Vista (if the "Allow tasks to be interrupted" option is set for that Agent in SMC option)

Set Volume Action

  • is now working correctly in Vista

Loop Files Action

  • reverted interface to match Loop Files in AutoMate 6
  • can now select a folder using the browse button on the General tab
  • now provides an Include filter

Maximize Window Action

  • no options were available on the General tab

AutoMate BASIC Action

  • More Info and F1 help were not working

Encrypt Action

Decrypt Action

  • corrected misleading file options on the Options tab

HTTP Post Action

HTTP Download Action

  • now supports SOCKS over HTTPS

HTTP Post Action

  • can now specify a content-type

Set Date And Time Action

  • corrected issue that caused the date to be set back by two days
  • now uses SNTP v4 protocol on port 123 (instead of the older Time Protocol)

List Service Action

  • had an incorrect description in the header (was dispaying the description for Get Service State)


  • the number for Network Automation Technical Support was incorrect in Add/Remove Programs
  • would prompt for server information, even if only the Agent was being installed
  • added option to customize administrator password during the insallation
  • the Event Monitor icon is now properly removed during uninstall and upgrade
  • Event Monitor now properly starts on the active user desktop after a successful deploy
AutoMate 6


Set System Time

  • now uses SNTP v4 to synchronize system clocks.


Send Email action

  • The email is no longer encoded in base64 during transfer.

Move Window action

  • The icon to select a window now works properly.

Send Keystrokes action

  • In some instances, the Alt key was stuck after running a Send Keystrokes step.

Volume action

  • The action now properly works on Windows Vista.

Set Variable action

  • attempting to set a dataset variable to a value without specifying a column would sometimes cause a task to hang.

SQL Query action

  • using an existing variable name as a dataset name would sometimes cause a task to hang.

Set System Time action

  • The action now sets the system to the correct time.

Input Box action

  • The action now correctly retains the "Bring Message to front" setting.

Event Log trigger

  • AMTRIGGER.EVENTID is now accessible from a task triggered by an event trigger.

Text Logging

  • The step number is now displayed properly.

November 2007

AutoMate 6


  • Performing floating point arithmetic in international locales that use a character other than a period as a decimal separator was causing incorrect behavior when using number variables.

Task Administrator

  • Importing a managed task that doesn't have any trigger attached now works correctly.
  • Moving a task into a newly renamed folder without refreshing Task Administrator was moving the task into a folder with the previous name.
  • Old tasks containing extra "\" in their path can now be open by pressing the Location button in Task Properties.

Replace text action

  • attempting to replace text with a space would instead use \s.

Compress action

  • The action now properly works for Cab compression.

Ping action

  • The step now properly displays an error when the variable specified doesn't exist.

Wait For Window action

  • The step now properly times out when a timeout is set.

Send E-Mail action

  • The action now works properly when the 70th character of the email is a period.

FTP browser

  • Deleting a FTP site now works properly.

Send Terminal Text action

  • Function keys now work properly with TN5250 emulation.

Volume action

  • Now works on Windows Vista.

Connect Terminal action

  • Added support for variables in the password field for SSH connections.


  • When a task is run with AMTaskCm.exe, GetTaskName now returns the task filename.
  • Added option to run a managed task and to use customized logging.

Event Log

  • Using Classic Windows theme was causing the event log window to hang on some systems.
  • Find Text and Replace Text actions
  • Using the Find Action or Replace action to find or replace a regular expression that was syntactically valid but returned a blank string (for example, searching for g* on a string such as "Fax") would cause the task to hang.

September 2007

AutoMate 6


Task Administrator

  • Options menu now says "Options on remote machine" whenever the current machine selected is not the local machine.
  • Event viewer now remembers the last position, size and selected tab.
  • Added option to "Run as current user" when the workstation is locked.
  • The service user doesn't need to be set when importing a managed task from a remote folder.
  • A dialog is now properly displayed when an error occurs while importing a task.

Http Download action

  • Cookies are no longer stored in the Program Files directory but in the user's proper Application Data folder structure.

File trigger

  • The polling interval used when watching a remote folder is now customizable.


  • When the "Log To Database" option is enabled, the end of task event was not written when the error text contained a single quote
  • corrected issue that caused error "Cannot create file AM6TasEvents.txt" when extensive writing to the log file occurred.
  • In the Log On tab properties of a managed task, when the task was set to run as background user when the workstation is locked, it was actually running accordingly to the settings specified in "When workstation is logged on" after the workstation was unlocked.
  • When creating a new task without using the wizard, the default value for "when workstation is locked" is "Do not run" instead of "Run as background user".
  • TN terminal emulation now works correctly
  • When a task is set up to not run when the workstation is locked or logged off, the last Run time indicated the time it would have run if the workstation was logged in, even though it didn't run.

Task Administrator

  • user credentials to be used when setting a task to run in the background when the workstation is locked were not retained.
  • after a failed attempt to connect to a remote machine, the Suppress menu option was permanently disabled in the context menu.
  • options on a remote machine that was not connected was causing an AV. This menu is now only enabled for connected machines.
  • disconnecting an agent on XP would sometimes cause the Task Administrator to hang.
  • Fixed bug: In Task Administrator in Details view, only the first sentence (up to the first period encountered) of the Details property was displayed. Now, the displayed Details are truncated with an ellipses if the Details are too long to view.
  • Event Log viewer repositions correctly if the screen resolution is changed
  • Double-clicking a folder in the right pane and then re-selecting a previously selected folder in the folder tree view did not update the list of tasks.

Task Builder

  • Using a wrong parameter in some functions (DaysInYear and DaysInMonth for instance) caused AMTB to hang when task was run in Task Builder.

Excel Set Cell action

  • the action didn't work with an empty string in the New Value field. The step failed with the error "Syntax error in tag NEWVALUE".

Set variable action

  • When the value contains " and "disguise value" is checked off, then the variable contains &quot; instead of ".

Replace text action

  • Replace text with one or several spaces now works correctly without using \s.

Send Keystrokes action

  • sending keystrokes to IE7 after the Alt key was pressed would toggle the menu bar.

Connect Terminal action

  • some visual controls were cut off when using a COM1 connection.

DaysInYear extended function

  • DaysInYear now returns the correct value.

File trigger

  • When watching the maximum number of files in a folder on a network, after the threshold was met, the trigger didn't fire until the number of files became greater than it was the last time it triggered. Consequently, removing and re-adding files didn't cause the trigger to fire.

Window trigger

  • Window trigger now correctly works with IE7 in Protected mode (Vista specific)

June 2007

AutoMate 6


Task Administrator

  • Added a menu in Help menu that links to the Readme file.
  • Dialogs don't say "on" whenever the dialog is displayed for the local machine.


  • On Windows Vista, constants were not accessible from the expression builder and could not be used at runtime due to UAC constraints.

Task Administrator

  • When connection to a remote machine fails, pressing Cancel on the dialog box that comes up didn't stop the attempt to connect immediately.
  • After an attempt to connect to a remote machine has failed, it was not possible to connect to the machine unless the machine was deleted in the folder tree.
  • On systems other than Windows Vista, switching language didn't work.
  • Deleting a non connected client didn't remove it from the folder tree.
  • Connecting after disconnecting a remote client was causing Task Administrator to hang.
  • Remote connect between 2 enterprise versions did not refresh task folder list, therefore preventing access to the folders.


  • Agent installation was skipping the Remote Administration Password section during installation.
  • Sometimes, the error "The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file C:\WINNT\systems32\psapi.dll because the file is protected by Windows" was occurring near the end of the installation. This file is no longer needed and has been removed.
AutoMate 6


Windows Vista

  • Adds full support for Windows Vista including aesthetic improvements such as font changes, theme support and use of new common dialog boxes and controls throughout the application.
  • AutoMate is now "High DPI aware" and will scale properly on Windows Vista systems where Large Fonts are used
  • New installer supporting manifests for Windows Vista
  • Passes all tests for Windows Vista certification
  • Various enhancements and bug-fixes, see below: "Changes in AutoMate 6.2" for details

Task Administrator

  • Reselecting a disconnected runtime now causes it to reconnect
  • Connect dialog now says "Remember connection" instead of "Remember connection and reconnect"
  • When deploying tasks to multiple machines, a "Yes To All" and "No To All" option is now available when attempting to deploy the task to machines where the task is already present.

Task Builder

  • Added Ctrl+O shortcut to the Open menu option
  • Added Ctrl+N shortcut to the New menu option


  • Send Email On Task Error" option now works correctly when using SSL SMTP
  • Fixed a handle leak that could occur in certain situations and could eventually cause the service to crash (Access Violation).
  • Service was crashing on Windows Server 2003 when a task was set to run in the background, this has been corrected.
  • AMTB and AMTA cause "The system DLL user32.dll was relocated in memory." after the Microsoft Security Update KB925902

Loop Action

  • A nested set to iterate 0 times would cause the outer loop to break after the first loop

Excel Actions

  • Now support Office 2007 file extensions

Get Terminal Action

  • Retrieving a range of text when connected to a TN3270 terminal would be off by one character unless the text was on the first terminal line

POP3 Email Action

  • Every second message would be retrieved from the POP3 server when attempting to retrieve all POP3 messages in a loop based on the message number
  • Using the Delete key while editing an attachment deleted the entire attachment entry (instead of one character).

End Process Action

  • Now supports wildcards. The action used to fail with the error "Process cannot be found".

Synchronize Folders Action

  • When "uni-directional" and "exact copy" were set, files already present in destination folder but not in source folder were not deleted as they should have been.

Event Log Viewer

  • Corrected "index out of bounds" error when opening the Event Log Viewer to view a text based log file

Excel Cells To Dataset Action

  • AutoMate would create a field named A[ instead of BA when populating a dataset that went beyond AZ.

If File Exists Action

  • If File Is Accessible now works correctly with wildcards. It used to always return false.
  • Corrected issue that was causing the action to not work with folder roots and network shares.
  • SQL Select Action
  • Corrected issue that was causing the step to hang when run more than one time when using the SQL Native Client driver.

Wait For File Action

  • Step would wait forever if a "?" wildcard but no "*" were specified in the file name.

Backup Action

  • Fixed Backup action which could fail when run as background user and the backup is intended to a location the user doesn't have access to.

Extended Functions

  • RndInt would not include the highest value when the floor value was zero.

Task Administrator

  • Task Administrator would sometimes lock up when selecting or right-clicking an agent in the task folder when multiple agents are connected
  • Only the first task would run when deploying one or more tasks to more than one agent and the Run Immediately option was selected
  • Task Administrator would sometimes lock up when switching quickly between connected clients
  • "Confirm on managed task delete" option was ignored
  • "Confirm on managed task delete" would not appear when deleting a task
  • Encrypting a task located on a AutoMate Runtime now works correctly
  • The "Attach task file" in Options | Task Errors was ignored when modifying properties of a runtime
  • Remotely updating an encrypted task now works properly
  • Sorting on date in the Event Log is now more accurate, this is accomplished internally by storing and sorting on milliseconds in addition to the date and time.
  • Sorting on step number column in the Event Log is no longer allowed due to the fact that this is an alpha-numeric field and cannot be modified to be a pure numeric.
  • Improved speed and reliability when switching folders quickly in the Task Administrator.
  • Improved synchronization between treeview and listview in the Task Administrator.
  • Arrow keys can now be used to navigate and expand/collapse folders in the Task Administrator.
  • Export/import now works when connected to a remote AutoMate installation.
  • Many fixes to Backup/Restore to allow it to work properly on with remote machines and with Windows Vista.
  • Set minimum splitter positions for Folder and Messages window so that they cannot be set to 0 and become "lost".
  • Splitter positions are now remembered for Folder and Messages window across sessions.
  • Reorganized menus and dialogs to properly work with the currently selected machine. Windows that appear as a result now reflect "on machinename" to show what settings are being manipulated.
  • Fixed Messages Window to allow it to be re-docked after undocking.

July 2006

AutoMate 6


  • FTP Advanced Action: Get Long Directory List would not return the contents of the current directory if an SFTP server was used in conjunction with the FTP Change Directory action
  • Format Date Time Action: corrected trailing space that would appear on formatted dates in regions where AM/PM is not used
  • Send E-mail Action: removed the invalid email address warning in the Task Builder if an expression is used in the From field of the email
  • Extended Functions : correctly updates on upgrade installations - corrected DateTime functions that misbehaved on English Windows when the regional settings were not English or French
  • Replace Text Action: corrected issue that allowed partial substring matches to interrupt full substring matches, resulting in unpredictable text replacements
  • Variable Engine: corrected problem that occurred when a variable is used to specify the index for direct access to a dataset row (eg. MyDataset(variable).field), the returnes data was always from the first row because the variable index was not considered a valid integer but instead a string
  • Compress Action: current directory was ignored when relative file paths were used when specifying files to be compressed, resulting in the Windows directory being unnecessarily searched
  • Uncompress Action: updated unacev2.dll to correct a possible security vulnerability
  • Task Service: corrected issue with task priorities that would occasionally causes queued tasks to hang. Corrected task database concurrency issue that may have caused subtasks to fail if an AutoMate backup was taking place during an attempt to invoke a subtask. Corrected "Cannot Get Process ID" error that may occur when multiple tasks launch at the same time
  • Install: corrected issue that would cause triggers to stop working after an upgrade installation was performed until AutoMate was restarted

March 2006

AutoMate 6


  • tasks would report the wrong step number if aborted
  • running Task Indicator Window background would not appear correctly on system using Large Fonts
  • textual representations of the days of the week were off by a day on French Windows
  • IF Action: always returned true when using a null value in a comparison expression
  • Wait For File Action: setting the "Wait for file to not be in use" option would cause the step's timeout option to be ignored
  • Wait Terminal Action: fixed memory leak that occurred when using "Wait for terminal text" and regular expression options together
  • Move Mouse Action: would error if the mouse pointer was to be moved to a monitor other than the primary display monitor and the display mode was set to "dual"
  • FTP Actions: some actions would cause an Access Violation instead of erring properly when an invalid FTP session name was used
  • FTP Download: downloaded files would intermittently be truncated when using SFTP
  • FTP Disconnect Action: now sends the QUIT command to the server upon disconnect
  • File Actions: Open File dialog allows * to be used
  • Synchronize Folders Actions: "Exact Copy" option now properly respects the Exclude Files mask
  • Extended Functions: improved randomness of RndEx, RndInt and RndFloat and fixed LastDateOfDayInMonth() and LastDayOfMonth() which would return the incorrect value for February

January 2006

AutoMate 6


  • Task Service
    • invalid logon information when using a background user could cause a task to hang and prevent the Task Service from shutting down
    • invalid logon information when using a background user would not display proper error message to the user
    • modifying a dataset using an index modified the wrong dataset row
    • encrypted tasks would not run
    • tasks would intermittently cause a "Process ID can not be found" error, even though the task runs successfully
  • Task Builder
    • maximized state of the Task Builder was not retained
  • Task Administrator
    • moving a task to multiple machines using the Move To... dialog caused an error - encrypted tasks could not be moved or copied from one folder to another
  • Event Viewer
    • resizing a column caused an error
  • HTTP Download Action
  • HTTP Post Action
    • using a URL with a @ symbol that was not part of a username improperly truncated the URL
  • Excel Dataset to Cells Action
    • would skip the first row of the dataset in some instances
  • Connect Terminal Action
    • Connect Terminal ignored port parameter and would always connect to port 23 - CPU would max out when connected to a terminal
  • Wait Terminal Action
    • waiting for text would work inconsistently when regular expressions were used - would always return found text in all caps if case sensitive find is not used
  • Loop List Action
    • if using carriage returns as a delimiter, the action would not iterate properly if there was a blank line in the text to be looped
  • Run Action
    • would prevents MSAccess from closing if the step was set to wait until the application ends before continuing
  • Format Date/Time Action
    • returned the wrong day when using the dddd specifier
  • Decompress Action
    • uncompressing a gzip file with a tar inside caused the step to fail


  • Extended Functions
    • added RndEx(), RndInt() and RndFloat() extended functions for generating random numbers
  • Event Log Viewer
    • column sorting is now retained


December 2005

AutoMate 6


  • FTP Log On
    • added ability to specify a connection timeout to customize how long AutoMate will wait before aborting a connection attempt
    • added option to ignore invalid certificates when connecting to an FTP server using SSL
    • added option to encrypted data channel on FTP connections using SSL
  • Connect Terminal
    • added support for serial ports
  • AutoMate Backup Action
    • added option to overwrite the destination file if it already exists


  • Task Service
    • on Retry step, when the step is retried and succeeds, a task failure is incorrectly logged
    • running a task as a Background (or Specified) User caused a thread leak each time the task was run
    • tasks run through the Task Administrator or through a trigger would not run on 64-bit Windows
  • Task Builder
    • using Ctrl-Insert would copy strange characters to the clipboard instead of the proper step text
    • modifying the description of a variable by double-clicking on it's entry in the Variables tab of the Debug Window does not always modify the correct variable
    • trying to cut, copy or paste while the cursor/carat is in the Watches debug window drop down would cause a step copy, cut or paste instead of performing the
    • correct operation on the drop-down text
    • the Evaluate button of the Watches tab would cause a messagebox with a single percentage sign to be displayed if it was clicked when the Watches dropdown contained no text
    • Loop Dataset steps would be ignored when running in the Task Builder if an invalid expression was present in Watches tab
    • when viewing the Help | About box and clicking the More Info link, the AMEngine.dll is not included in the list of files
    • when two tasks are set to run alone with Kill Running Tasks option set after 1 minute of waiting, one task is properly killed but then triggering of new tasks stops until the Task Service is restarted
  • Task Administrator
    • using Remote Administration to update or change the "Send Email On Error" of the Managed Task Properties would be ignored
  • Connect Terminal
    • when connecting to a terminal using VT terminal emulation, the terminal window does not correctly resize itself based on server commands
    • when using TCP/IP, would work only once in the Task Builder; each subsequent run would cause the terminal to remain blank until Task Builder was restarted
  • Control Terminal
    • Set Cursor Position did not set the cursor to the correct position
  • Wait For Terminal Text Action
    • caused a memory leak when using regular expressions
    • Send Terminal Text
    • {TAB} sequence in was not interpreted properly on TN terminals
    • when using TN emulation, only the last character of a string was sent to the terminal
  • AutoMate Backup Action
    • was creating an .ama file which had no file association
  • Cells To Dataset Action
    • datasets created by a Cells To Dataset step would become inaccessible in steps after a Close Workbook was encountered
  • POP3 E-Mail Action
    • Get Single Message would not return the proper message
    • Delete All Messages would not remove messages from the POP3 server
  • Extended Functions
    • Taskid() doesn't returns the ID of the task but returns zero instead
  • Send Email Action
    • if the TO email address in the Send Email action has an underscore in the domain name portion of the email address (e.g., the task would hang instead of throwing a proper error indicating that the underscore is an invalid character
  • AutoMate BASIC Script Action
    • certain AutoMate BASIC Script steps (especially those containing external automation references) may cause a task to crash or stop responding when the task ends
  • Event Viewer
    • the sort arrow of a sorted column would disappear if the column was resized
    • when using text logging, the Event column in Audit View was always blank
  • Set Text Action
    • the action did not work reliably if the Focus Window option was selected
  • Replace Text Action
    • the action had trouble in situations where the text to find has several characters that sometimes match areas of the text to search, but not entirely
  • Decompress Files Action
    • would not error if the zip file cannot be found or does not exist
  • FTP Log On
    • proxy settings were not saved correctly, causing proxy settings to be ignored on task run
    • certain SFTP or SSL FTP servers cause compatibility problems with AutoMate; connections to these servers are automatically retried with a fallback mechanism before the step gives up and fails
  • FTP Advanced Action
    • FTP Advanced did not error if the session was disconnected
  • FTP Download Action
    • caused an access violation if used without a corresponding FTP Log On step
    • if steps are present in the Task Builder and all steps are deleted from it, then clicking the Close X button would be ignored and the Task Builder would not close
  • Send Keystrokes Action
    • when sending CTRL keystroke to certain websites opened in Internet Explorer, AutoMate would improperly send an extra CTRL keystroke
  • Loop List Action
    • Loop List would stop working if the carriage returns of the string were reversed using StrReverse()
  • Wait For File Action
    • would error if the specified filename contained an opening bracket
  • Rename File Action
    • attempting to rename files with a single character extension using wildcards would cause the extension to be lost after the rename (for example, renaming a.c to *.* would cause the .c extension to be lost)


September 2005

AutoMate 6


  • Task Administrator
    • new System Option setting allows customization of the Running Task window hotkey (can now be changed from default of Ctrl+Alt+End)


  • corrected large fonts causing some windows to appear incorrectly
  • AutoMate BASIC Engine
  • Long variable types were improperly casted down to 16-bit integers when accessing arrays or datasets, thus causing indexes greater than 32,767 to cause unpredictable results
  • Break Action
    • works correctly with nested If statements
  • Task Administrator
    • System Options On Error options could not be turned off via remote administration
    • changing the text logging folder location now works corrects
    • duplicating a task did not reset the triggers for the duplicated task
    • duplicating a task in the root folder would not rename the new task correctly
  • Task Builder
    • popup menu works correctly when no steps are present
    • Play after Stepping would cause breakpoints to be ignored
    • events would not display correctly on Italian Windows
  • Task Service
    • Date/Time stamp in text log files would not appear on machines where the time seperator was not a colon
  • Logging Engine
    • events were not logging properly to Access database sources
    • "Log file path" location was ignored after being changed from default in the Task Administrator
  • HTTP Actions
    • proxy settings were not working correctly
  • Delete File Action
    • would not delete Read Only files, regardless of the step's parameters
  • SQL Query Action
    • step would occasionally hang while executing a query
AutoMate 6


  • Logging Engine
    • improved logging performance
    • optionally log AutoMate events to an external database
    • customizable logging events
    • per-task text logging of selected events
    • system level text logging using comma-delimited files
  • Terminal Actions
    • now supports TN3270 and TN3570 terminal emulation types
  • FTP Actions
    • support for SSL certificates
    • redesigned FTP browser
  • FTP Advanced action
    • Added the ability to retrieve a long directory listing into a dataset
  • Dataset To Cells Action
    • supports output of dataset column names as first row of cells
  • Read File Action
    • "max number of bytes to read" is now an optional parameter


  • Task Service
    • corrected file security issue with the event log file that prevented background tasks from operating or logging correctly
    • background tasks would not run if the AutoMate event database could not be accessed because of file access restrictions
    • encrypted tasks would not run
    • corrected problems with column or dataset names that had spaces or hyphens (such invalid characters are now removed)
    • GetParentTaskName() would always return blank
    • corrected memory problem with Extended Functions that caused an access violation when a function was used multiple times in the same script
    • the variable engine would not prevent improper accessing of an array without an index
    • shutting down the Task Service through the Services control panel would cause the AutoMate 5 Hook Window to close instead of the AutoMate 6 Event Monitor
  • Task Builder
    • corrected kernel32.dll error that occurred on some Windows Server 2003 machines
    • corrected Access Violation that would occur if an existing step was dragging onto itself
    • delete key was ignored when the cursor was in any of the Debug windows
    • dataset members with a space and/or surrounded by square brackets now work correctly in the debug window
    • expanded a folder in the Available Actions tree control will scroll the control to reveal it's elements, if necessary
    • breakpoints can no longer be set on comments
    • large icons did not display correctly
    • corrected minor memory leak that occured with each step executed
    • Dataset fields containing "/" were not correctly surrounded with square brackets in the Variables window and their values were not displayed.
  • Task Administrator
    • user properties were not being retained if a task was set to run as a background user when logged on, and a specified user was used
    • a task's enabled state could be toggled using the popup menu regardless of the password protection options of the task
    • the steps of a task could be modified if a task's properties were password protected from modification but not from viewing
    • column header sorting indicator would not appear on startup until the column was clicked
    • column header sorting indicator would vanish when the column was resized
    • Service User password was not being retained
    • Default User settings could not be erased from a remote administration connection
    • Service User settings would not be properly retained if set from a remote administration connection
    • the caption and title text of the task replace confirmation dialog box were reversed
    • corrected several spelling and grammatical errors that appeared in dialog boxes
    • By clicking the "Location" button on a tasks properties, and pressing Cancel and then Ok, would result in a red x over the task icon.
  • Event Monitor
    • corrected problem that caused tray icon to disappear after sixty or more task runs
  • Variable Engine
    • datasets could not contain a value greater than 2,048 characters
  • Create Variable Action
    • the "Read Only" option had no effect
    • creating a variable called "Action" would cause an Access Violation once the variable engine was invoked
  • Get Selected List Item Action
    • would sometimes fail with "Unhandled exception"
  • Wait For Terminal Text
    • regular expressions now work correctly
  • Loop List Action
    • the percentage character was doubled when used as a literal character in a string
  • AutoMate Script Action
    • help file was not accessible via F1 key within the IDE
  • Run Action
    • the default path was not working in all cases when using a relative path as the application name
  • Schedule Watcher Trigger
    • the %AMTrigger.Trigger% variable would always resolve to "AMKEYTRIGGER" instead of "AMSCHEDULETRIGGER"
  • Internet Actions
    • proxy capabilities were not functioning correctly
  • FTP Login
    • if two FTP sessions were established, and the first used SFTP, the second would fail because it too would attempt to connect via SFTP, regardless of user settings
    • On Error Start Another Task option was not working
    • if no FTP log file was entered and the "Overwrite existing log" was unchecked, the step would improperly fail
  • FTP Actions
    • would intermittently cause EAccessViolation errors when a task ended if any FTP actions were used in the task
    • corrected disconnection that occured when logging into WRQ Reflection Server (also known as F-Secure) or VShell SFTP Servers
  • Excel Actions
    • would intermittently cause EAccessViolation errors when a task ended if any Excel actions were used in the task
  • File Actions
    • Newer/Older masking options did not work for directories, only files
  • Send E-mail Action
    • HTML attachments would not appear as proper HTML documents
  • AutoMate BASIC Script Action
    • editing an existing script action using the right-click popup menu in the Task Builder would ruin a script's formatting if any changes were made
  • Write Text To File Action
    • would cause intermittent EAccessViolation errors when very large (over 16K bytes) variables were used
    • If Actions
    • would sometimes fail with "Missing associated IF step" when embedding different If actions
  • If Text Contains Action
    • would cause intermittent EAccessViolation errors when very large (over 16K bytes) variables were used
  • Decompress Action
    • "Restore folder structure" option was not working
  • Send Terminal Text Action
    • strings were being sent to the terminal one character at a time separated by a carriage return when SSH was used
  • Loop Action
    • loop would bail out if StartingIndex = EndingIndex
    • stepping the loop backwards would not properly update loop index
    • Break step inside Loop and followed by commented out If block was causing an infinite loop
  • Loop Dataset Action
    • would loop once even if the starting index was greater than the number of rows in the dataset
  • Connect Terminal Action
    • the port number in the GUI would always revert to 22 or 23 when editing a step
  • POP3 Email Action
    • using "Get single message" would sometimes fail with error "Not an object reference"
    • sending messages as HTML with attachments would lose HTML formating
  • Dialog Action
    • text on a non-modal, button-less dialog would be cut in half on Windows XP
  • Get Selected List Item Action
    • when using a list view in Details mode, column names were incorrect and dataset was not populated correctly
  • SQL Query Action
    • fixed memory leak that occurred on queries that did not return a dataset, such as an INSERT or UPDATE query
    • executes much faster within a loop than in previous versions
  • Stored Procedure Action
    • would create an invalid dataset, which caused attempted access to the dataset in subsequent steps to fail
  • Format Date Time Action
    • Formating a pre-defined date with a 12 hour format did not respect PM
  • If Pixel Exists Action
    • Now included in Autoindenting
    • Using variables would result in a parameter being written as 0
  • Registration
    • Agents were not allowed to run Terminal actions


May 2005

AutoMate 6


  • corrected several references to AutoMate 5
  • Task Service
    • background tasks now work correctly on Windows Server 2003 SP1
  • Task Builder
    • Save Copy As option would not work unless a change was made to the task first
  • Loop Dataset
    • sorting was not working correctly
  • File Actions
    • wildcards that used ? as part of the mark would not always work as expected
  • BASIC Script Action
    • indexed dataset references (for example, myDataset(i).CurrentRow) were not working correctly
  • Window Actions and Window Trigger
    • pressing ESC while dragging the AM icon would leave the Task Builder in an unstable state
  • Interactivity Actions
    • Window Class and Handle values were not remembered (the values were set but corresponding checkboxes were unchecked)

April 2005

AutoMate 6


  • asks run up to 20% faster then AutoMate
  • tasks now run up to 80% faster than AutoMate 6.0.1
  • Task Builder
    • dramatically improved Task Builder startup speed
  • SQL Query Action
    • over four times faster than AutoMate 6.0.1
    • over 25% faster than AutoMate 5.5
  • FTP Login Action
    • now supports public key SFTP
  • Create Variable Action
    • warns if a variable name is a reserved keyword instead of failing with "Cannot create variable"
  • Replace Text Action
    • now supports replacement expressions
    • using regular expressions with blank/null


  • fixed several textual references to "AutoMate 5"
  • the Running Task Indicator Windows were not stacking on top of each other when multiple tasks were running like AutoMate 5
  • fixed "x is an invalid floating point number" error that occurred on AutoMate startup on non-English and non-French versions of Windows
  • task execution would slow as the task event database grew with each task run
  • the & operator would fail in an embedded expression if there were no spaces between the operator and the operands
  • Task Service
    • if a step was set to continue on error, GetLastErrorCode would beinappropiately set to 0 before it could be assigned to a variable
    • "Run as background user" would result in an invalid logon error on Windows Server 2003
    • copy/paste a task would cause the triggers of the pasted task to be ignored
  • Task Builder
    • deleting a disabled step and undoing it via Ctrl+Z caused the step to reenable
    • the undo/redo buffer was not reset after starting a new task or loading an existing task into the same Task Builder session
    • the undo/redo buffer was populating with "added steps" as a result of opening a task, allowing Undo to remove steps after a task was opened
    • tasks opened through the Task Administrator were improperly overwriting the true "last opened task" when using the Task Builder in standalone mode
    • now starts correctly on Windows NT
    • Increase Indent and Decrease Indent operations can now be undone and redone
    • Debugging option "Inspect entire dataset" was not working
    • selecting the & symbol in the Expression Builder would insert && instead of &
    • the Watches, Variables, Breakpoint and Attachment windows could not be restored once they were closed
    • View | Window menu item was missing for the Labels window
  • Task Administrator
    • Schedule Trigger had options to use expressions to specify dates, even though this is not currently supported. The option was removed.
    • the log database was written to the system with Administrator only access, causing a "task database could not be opened" error if a user was not an administrator
    • deploying a task to a remote AutoMate would cause an Access Violation in AMTA.exe
    • dragging a task folder to another folder would cause an access violation
  • BASIC Script Action
    • Debug.Print command now clears the AutoMate Task Builder Output debug window
    • #USES statements now work correctly
  • Loop Action
    • Step property was being ignored if a task was set to loop a set number of times
  • Loop Dataset Action
    • if the loop contained a Start Another Task Action, the loop would iterate only once, regardless of the number of rows in the dataset
  • Enable/Disable Task Action
    • now works correctly on all platforms
    • works properly when workstation is logged off
  • Trigger Task Action
    • works proeprly when workstation is logged off
  • Print Action
    • works properly when a valid filename is provided
  • Uncompress Action
    • file include mask was being ignored

March 2005

AutoMate 6


  • Task Builder
    • corrected French translations
    • corrected Access Violation in Kernel32.dll problem that occured on startup on Windows Server 2003
  • Task Administrator
    • corrected Access Violation in Kernel32.dll problem that occured on startup on Windows Server 2003 on Log Viewer and System Options
  • Install
    • serial code box would disappear if the Back button was used to return to the Serial Number dialog box after first using a blank serial code
    • serial code is properly remembered between installations
  • Copy Files Action
    • subsequent individual file copies of the same step would fail if a warning was generated by a file copy
  • SQL Query Action
    • optimized dataset population by 64% from AutoMate 6.0.0
  • Rename Folder Action
    • if a folder to rename did not exist, Rename Folders would have unpredictable results

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