Notes Classifier

May 2024

Version 3.9.0

May 31, 2024

New Features
  • Notes Classifier now supports the Content Checking rule that is configured in the Classifier Administration Server.

  • Added support for 64-bit computers.

  • Updated product branding to meet Fortra standards.

November 2020

Version 3.8.8

November 2020

  • Added support for Notes 10.x and Domino Server 10.x.
  • Added support for Notes 11.x and Domino Server 11.x.
NOTE: The client Notes plug-in, which is installed using the Notes Classifier Client installer, is unchanged from the 3.8.7 release.

March 2019

Version 3.8.7

March 2019

  • The Notes Classifier Server Script file BJ_0007A.COD has been added, and the Notes Classifier Server Script files BJ_0003C.COD, BJ_0003N.COD, BJ_0004.COD, BJ_0005.COD, BJ_0009.COD and BJ_0010.COD have been updated. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Notes Classifier your templates will need updating with the contents of these files. The Notes Classifier Installation Guide on the Classifier Administration media details where these files' contents need updating in your templates.

  • Notes Classifier "Cannot Create Automation Object" issue with Classifier Client 3.13.2.

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