Webdocs Forms Management

March 2024

Version: 11.0.13

March 7, 2024

  • A business rule for displaying an uploaded image in a message control fails for workflows.

  • A form/workflow that is deleted in a deployed state continues to count against the deployed forms on the server.

  • After download/upload of the workflow.zip file, one mapped PDF is replaced by another.

  • After upgrade v10.1.x to v11.0.11, the error ‘liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found’ is encountered when there is missing data in the database.

  • After upgrading to v11.0.x, a form with a control template fails to load.

  • Apache Tomcat version upgraded to v9.0.82 to address security vulnerability.

  • Clicking + (add row) on a table sometimes copies prior row's data.

  • Control invalid status set by business rules not working as expected on form load event.

  • Cross-project API FormType copy fails.

  • Dashboards: Data Table filter does not return expected data when the filter value has spaces and at least one data table column is from a table control.

  • Dashboards: Export of Data Table fails when sort field is a metadata field

  • Dashboards: Printing a dashboard with a Data Table fails

  • Data API: Submission query fails when the owner has a lot of projects.

  • Database Connector: Manually-Set Document URIs fail to insert data on POST operation when the schema generated the root element with the elementFormQualified="true" attribute.

  • Deployed workflows intermittently become undeployed after editing.

  • Editing a copy of a flow erroneously updates the original flow.

  • Latest Chrome update causes PDF Generation to fail with a WebSocket connection error.

  • Login button appears misaligned after clicking the email task notification link.

  • Migration fails on sqlserver when there are thousands of forms in each project.

  • Multilanguage Support: The translation file is not copied when a form/workflow is duplicated.

  • Nested Repeats do not display all rows on later steps of workflow.

  • PDF Snapshot does not pick up Tight Layout from form style.

  • PDF Snapshot is misaligned (missing right vertical border) when "Tight" layout is used.

  • PDF Snapshot: Table prints row overlapping header on second page.

  • Portals display tabs and menu items with custom Access Control to all users after the page reloads.

  • Portals: Dashboards added to Portal tabs do not display.

  • Refresh Searchable Fields (indexing) fails when an application's content is corrupt.

  • Roles (Groups) with Spaces/Ampersand don't work for task assignment.

  • Setting a form or workflow's deployed state in Settings does not persist after saving.

  • Shared Items edit access disappears after testing workflow in some scenarios.

  • Spaces are ignored in the typeahead feature on fields that look up frevvo Roles (e.g. Role Assignment), resulting in the inability to search for roles with spaces.

  • Submissions CSV: Searchable Fields and Export Fields for a table printed on different sets of rows

  • Tasks performed from the Saved/Recent Items view do not allow data entry or digital signatures.

  • The CSS class f-page-break applied to a control inside a section adds an extra page inside the section.

  • The f-page-break CSS class applied inside a section control adds a blank page in between each break.

  • The View All Rules page is missing the Created and Edited timestamps.

  • Upload Control: Uploading .bmp file produces "File Mime Type Not Allowed" error message.

  • Values in dropdown or radio comment box are not cleared via business rule.

  • Upgraded Webdocs Archive Utility to .NET 6.0.

  • Fixed PDF Snapshot Issue after Chrome/Chromium Update.

  • Fixed XML/XSD export issue with output schema and extra namespace sections.

April 2023

Version: 11.0.08

April 10, 2023

  • Turned Dashboard feature on by default.
  • v10.1--> v11.0.7 Upgrade: After the upgrade, the admin gets application errors when trying to log in to or edit any LDAP tenant.

  • Styles: Custom style changes are not reflected on forms after updating and saving.

  • v10 → v11 Upgrade (SQL Server): After the upgrade, the index (Refresh Searchable Items) process shows the status "Unknown."

  • A selection control with a Comment that has a default value set causes a Form Save Failed error when saving.

  • Control validation does not update when changing control type (e.g. after changing a number control to a text, the control still only accepts numbers).

  • Previously rejected task fails to route to the next step and remains in a read-only state.

  • CSS Class f-page-break adds a blank page in between each break.

  • Scaling a repeat control through Business Rules causes task to close unexpectedly.

February 2023

Version: 11.0.06

February 27, 2023

New Features
  • Reporting Dashboards.
  • Copy Rule Code.
  • Workflow Admin Reassign to Role option now provides a comboBox, improving role selectability.

  • Upgraded to Spring Boot 2.7 for improved security and other enhancements.

  • Removed dependencies making illegal reflective access that caused "WARNING: Illegal reflective access" in logs.

  • HTTP/2 is now enabled for both Cloud and On Premise.

  • Added CSV Data Connector to default installation.

  • Upload Control: The business rule to remove files from upload control does not remove the files as expected.

  • User with Who can view/edit Submissions" permission sees the error "Access Denied" when trying to view submissions that are in the SAVED state.

  • Users incorrectly received an Application Error when accessing a Portal in which one of the menu items had an email/web link instead of the raw share link.

  • Multi-Language Support: Radio control options in Arabic are improperly aligned in the generated PDF.

  • Admin "View Configuration" page incorrectly displays "Default Space" instead of "Default Portal".

  • PDF Mapping: Changes to PDF static text are not reflected in mapping dialogue after template is updated.

  • Vulnerabilities:

    • Spring-beans-5.1.14.RELEASE.jar (CVE-2022-22965) resolved.

    • tika-core-1.8.jar (CVE-2019-10094, CVE-2019-10088) resolved.

    • quartz-2.2.1.jar (CVE-2019-13990|CWE-611) resolved.

    • tika-parsers-1.8.jar (CVE-2016-6809|CWE-502,CVE-2016-4434|CWE-611) resolved.

    • Sring-batch-core-4.2.1.RELEASE.jar (CVE-2020-5411|CWE-502) resolved.

    • json-smart-2.3.jar (CVE-2021-27568|CWE-754) resolved.

    • jetty-io-9.4.14.v20181114.jar (CVE-2021-28165|CWE-400) resolved.

    • c3p0- (CVE-2018-20433|CWE-611) resolved.

    • Spring-security-web-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar (CVE-2021-22112, SRCCLR-SID-22823) resolved by upgrade.

    • Additional vulnerabilities resolved

      • (dom4j-1.6.1.jar
      • bcmail-jdk14-138.jar
      • spring-security-oauth2-2.3.4.RELEASE. jar
      • poi-3.12-beta1.jar
      • jetty-io-9.4.26.v20200117.jar
      • postgresql-42.2.24.jar)
  • Task List: Task History (Audit Trail) button is not visible on tasks searched as a workflow administrator.

  • Task List: Clicking the Recent Tasks icon does not return any results.

  • Application Errors occur when submitting the first step of a workflow.

  • Migration from 10.1.20 to 11.0.x with Oracle Database does not start.

  • On Premise trial signup is incorrectly generating a v11 license.

  • Let's Get Started link points to wrong documentation site.

  • Application Error occurs when changing control type from repeat to table if Min is set to 1.

  • When removing a tab from a tab control and saving, an error "The flow may be open in another window..." is shown and the logs display "Could not save resource with reference to orphan".

  • Task notification with a template in the "CC' field fails if the template resolves to an invalid email address.

  • Doc Action Email with a template in the "CC' field fails if the template resolves to an invalid email address.

  • When there is a slow connection, users have to click on submit button twice while rejecting a task.

  • When there is a slow connection, rejection sometimes displays "Task reject cancelled" message.

  • Metadata fields (e.g. Submitted Date, error, state, submitter ID) incorrectly appear in Task List Search in Form/Workflow field options.

  • After upgrade v10.1.x (or prior) → v11.0.x, a checkbox with multiple values selected does not load those values after save or continue.

  • Workflow shows error "Form Save Failed" and Application Error present in logs after trying to save a workflow.

  • Table control populated from database by business rule does not delete rows properly.

  • Reports are not visible in Portals for users with frevvo.Reports role.

  • Enabling the Force Auth property on a non-LDAP tenant redirects the designer/owner to login page when they attempt to edit the form.

  • Style Name is not required, so it is possible to create a Style without a name.

  • v10.1.19 --> v11.0.3 Upgrade Fails Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: String or binary data would be truncated.

  • A workflow with separate forms (not linked steps) gives a "Form save failed" error when deleting a step.

  • After v10.1.x --> v11.04 upgrade, a user with Designer role cannot be deleted and logs display the error message "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ','"

  • Cancelling (vs Saving) a new Style results in an 'Application Error'.

  • SQL Server - Startup fails when running 11.0.4 for the first time and logs display the error message "Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'resources' either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column."

  • Fixed file path issue to allow for multiple file uploads with the same name but different extensions.

April 2022

Version: 10.1.15

April 24, 2022

  • Tomcat Upgraded to v9.0.62 to address CVE-2022-22965 Java Spring Vulnerability.
  • After upgrade from v9.0.x to v10.1.14, forms are not saving to Sharepoint and logs show the error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["Snapshot"] not found.
  • Sharepoint Connector - "Send Snapshot" cannot be disabled and always sends a snapshot; this causes an error if Sharepoint is not configured to allow attachments.
  • Setting the frevvo.forms.server.external.url property causes errors. This property will now be ignored by frevvo if set.
  • Manage Sessions page shows "processing" and never loads; error in logs "Session already invalidated".
  • PDF Generator fails with error in logs "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Hook previously registered".
  • PDF Generator fails with error in logs "Error in call to extension function" and submissions are not saved.
  • In a workflow with 2 consecutive steps assigned to different emails, the former step is able to perform task for the later step by clicking on task email link again.
  • Slow performance after upgrade from v9 → v10.1.
  • Upgrade (v7 -> v7.4 -> v9.0.25→v10.1.9) failed with error in logs "Could not getOrCreateUser: UserKey".
  • Remove Java Image IO jars (jai-codec-1.1.3, jai-core-1.1.3) from our distribution
  • Task notification emails not sent if the default subject and message are used. Please see the v10.1 Planning page for details.
  • Security: A user logged into one tenant can edit user with the same user ID in another tenant's Space.
  • PDF Snapshot displays control data in bold when Print Font is set to Tahoma.
  • Mitigation applied to Address Critical RCE (log4j / solr) Vulnerability Under Exploitation
  • Error loading tenant is seen after frevvo restart.
  • Upgrade (v7 -> v7.4 -> v9.0.25→v10.1.9) failed with error "Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class".
  • Quick Approval is not working and giving an unknown error when used with snapshot generation.
  • Comments for checkbox (when you select 'other') are clearing when saving to task list or going to next step. Please see the v10.1 Planning page for details.
  • After hitting max users reached, the session monitor page hangs and "Session already invalidated" error is shown in the logs.
  • After upgrade to v10.1.8, Azure SM login does not work and shows Application Error "Oops. Something went wrong. . .".
  • Upgrade to frevvo v10 fails when using non default owner/schema for frevvo database.
  • In rare cases, upload-replace can delete all project submissions.

December 2021

Version: 10.1.9

December 15. 2021

New Features
  • New Digital Signatures: Email Authentication

    • Digital Signatures on section controls can now be used for email-assigned workflow steps.

    • Signed sections on email-assigned workflow steps provide an authentication dialog to verify the user's email address and collect the first and last name.

    • Signed sections for both user and email authentication display a consent to digitally sign the message before signing, and a "verified" message with a unique signature ID after signing.

  • Trial tenants no longer allow deployment of forms/workflows to production.

  • An updated development watermark now promotes user awareness and prevents misuse of development forms/workflows.

  • Azure Security Manager now supports Microsoft Graph API (replaces Azure AD Graph API, which will be deprecated in a future release).

  • The Max File Size for Upload Control on frevvo Cloud has increased to 25 MB.

  • Log4j has been updated to version 2.16 for CVE-2021-44228.

  • An issue causing the XML Data Sources button to be hidden in the UI has been fixed.

  • The SOLR default port is now limited to localhost only to improve security.

  • An issue causing unavailability of the ‘2/29’ date during leap years in a form escalation assigned to a user role has been fixed.

  • An issue that could cause the submit button to be hidden under certain conditions in mobile browsers has been fixed.

  • An issue preventing arabic text from printing right-to-left (RTL) on PDF Snapshot, and causing some letters appear in the wrong order, has been fixed.

  • CSS class 'f-page-break-inside-avoid' applied to a section with a table inside no longer prints table on next page.

  • Form/workflow Style Settings: Control templates set in Print Header and Print Footer fields now correctly print the control values on PDF Snapshot.

  • Message Control no longer unexpectedly adds blank space in PDF Snapshot.

  • Workflow Style Settings: The FREVVO.PRINT_PAGE_COUNT template now recalculates the total pages on each new form instead of having a single total pages number throughout.

  • Section controls no longer appear slightly wider than other 12-column controls on the PDF Snapshot.

  • Images uploaded in Message controls via the Rich Text Editor are now printed on the PDF Snapshot.

  • Workflows created in v9.2 and uploaded in v10.0.x with Who Can Start the Flow permission set to "Authenticated Users (login required)" no longer gives application error (instead of login screen) when using ‘Link (Email/Web page) share link’.

  • Admin users no longer see "Templates" instead of "Shared Controls" in the left-side menu, and minor grammar corrections have been made.

  • The Login window provided when a user clicks ‘Link (Email/Web page) share link’ no longer shrinks when opened on an iPad, preventing the user from logging in.

  • Umlauts in the file name are no longer displayed as “?” in frevvo after uploading the file via API, resulting in a FileNotFoundException after submitting the form with Filesystem Connector Doc Action.

  • Unhelpful message "Reloading resource with missing content" no longer appears many times in log files.

  • Data API: FormEntry.getSnapshotLink no longer always creates a link for a Flow even when FormEntry is of formType.

  • Users no longer see an endless blue spinner when attempting to perform a particular task from the task list. And, after this, users are also now able to perform other tasks on the task list. This behavior would occur if a precondition was added to a workflow with pending tasks, and that precondition resolved to 'false' causing the pending step(s) to be skipped.

  • A message control that is configured via business rule to display an uploaded image no longer shows a broken image icon on the PDF Snapshot.

  • PDF Snapshot no longer incorrectly shows an uploaded filename as clickable link, and clicking the link no longer directs user to an error page.

  • After an upgrade from v10 to v10.1, the table column headers display on the PDF Snapshot is no longer in a different color.

  • Uploaded files with foreign language or special characters in the filename no longer appear with an encoded filename like "=?UTF-8?...." when emailed via Email Document Action.

  • Arabic text no longer prints left-to-right instead of right-to-left on PDF Snapshot.

  • A problem preventing PDF Snapshot from printing merged signature control on multi-form workflow has been fixed.

  • CLI tutorial .jar file downloads are no longer for older versions.

  • On Premise: frevvo.csrf.protectAll property default value of 'true' no longer causes errors when using the API.

  • HQSQL Database - Creating a user without a role no longer fails and gives error "User could not be added."

  • Deleting an invalid (e.g. previously deleted) user account no longer deletes all submissions from the tenant.

  • LDAP/SAML Tenant Upgrade v7.2 → v9.0 → v10.0 no longer creates an extraneous built-in admin user ("admin1").

  • A problem that caused an API call to fail intermittently due to a connection reset or a socket read timeout as been fixed.

  • Date, Time, and Date/Time controls with the setting Format=Automatic no longer display in the PDF Snapshot as YYYY-MM-DD and military time instead of the locale-specific format when the form is submitted from a tablet or phone.

  • Application Error is no longer shown after SharePoint Connector tenant setup when SharePoint access token length is greater than 1024 characters.

  • PDF snapshot generation no longer fails when there is a printable table control with min and max occurs both set to 0. Steps in affected workflow with an Activity Doc Action Email that includes the PDF snapshot no longer hang on the "Please wait" message.

  • When upgrading from v9 → v10.1, frevvo now connects to License Server over Proxy and the logs show the error "Error creating bean with name 'licenseMonitor'. . .".

  • PDF Snapshot no longer misaligns text past cell boundary when customjs is used to right-align text.

  • An application error shown when attempting to reject a step back to a prior step in the latest Chrome (v94) and Edge browsers has been resolved.

  • Internationalization: Guided Designer Navigation Bar is now translated on Forms and Rules editing modes; Quick Start cards now translated.

  • PDF Snapshot with many pages that takes too long to generate no longer gives the error "Could not generate PDF".

  • frevvo.quickstart.enabled=false property now removes Quick Start graphics on the My Projects page.

  • Users' Task Notification Preference changes’ are now saved for SAML Tenant (Discovery Mode).

  • A section control inside a repeat control that caused an error to display on debug console "Exception while processing AJAX callback: TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null", with controls inside the first repeating section non-functional, has been resolved.

  • Clicking Form Viewer control no longer displays an Application Error if there is an empty ComboBox in the form/workflow.

  • After upgrade to v10.1.8, an issue that prevented Azure SM login from functioning, and showing Application Error "Oops. Something went wrong. . ." has been resolved.

July 2021

Version: 10.0.16

July 27. 2021

New Features
  • New Form & Workflow Guided Designers
    • Form and workflow designers now have a Guided Designer navigation bar that steps you efficiently through the design process.
    • Workflow design canvas provides a more appealing visual wireframe for the workflow, including step icons and visibility of Email and Webhook Activity Doc Actions in the outline.
    • Easily add Steps, Preconditions, or Activity Doc Actions at any eligible point in your workflow. Workflows are no longer built using drag and drop from a palette. Instead the workflow design canvas has
    • ”insertion points” marked with a clickable plus icon at which steps may be added.
    • Added ability to copy (alt-drag) Precondition, Email, and Web Hook steps.
    • View and edit Workflow Step Properties wizard on the Workflow Canvas, with the workflow diagram in view for reference.
    • Shift between workflow steps while remaining on the same Properties Wizard tab, without extra save/submit clicks.
    • Quickly shift between forms in a workflow while editing form or business rules - no need to return to workflow canvas.
    • Precondition Wizard size expanded for improved user experience.
    • Form Name on Workflow Step can now be edited using Print Name property.
    • Form and Workflow Settings appear on the canvas and are responsive to window or device size changes.
  • Form/Workflow Design
    • Option to Save and remain in Form/Workflow added.
    • Property Validation will only occur if the designer has made a change, making it easier to leave and return later to correct errors.
    • Popup confirmation message appears when deleting a step to prevented unintentional deletion.
    • Disable Task notification emails on any Workflow Step.
    • Rich Text Editor (RTE) for Message Controls: New RTE popup accessible from Properties Panel or Message Control allows smooth RTE editing and resolves bugs that could cause the RTE to close or disallow edits.
    • Hide the Submit button on tablet and mobile devices.
  • Visual Rule Builder
    • Implemented modern User Interface for rules list and action menu consistent with other screens.
    • Designers can now reorder the rules in rule editor.
    • The form outline is always opened and expanded to one level.
    • A control that is selected in the form will appear expanded in the Rules: Form Outline panel when the designer clicks "Rules". This view allows the designer to quickly access the control's properties when writing business rules. The Control properties panel on Rules Page has been removed.
  • Security: Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection implemented across all resources, preventing potential security breaches via malicious links.
  • frevvo is now certified with MySQL v8.
  • Sort Schemas, Spaces, and Styles lists alphabetically.
  • On Premise customers can configure whether Email Subject is masked in logs.
  • Added debugging support for SAML attribute mapping.
  • Quartz lock settings updated for improved performance of workflows with escalations.
  • Task List Search now features a Search bar (which replaces the dropdown menu), to help users more quickly and easily find the forms/workflows they have access to.
  • New JDBC driver for SQL Server 2k19
  • New dataOnly parameter to provide access to response headers when making http calls from rules
  • Redesigned Login Page
  • Arabic font options added for PDF snapshot and generated PDFs.
  • Form & Workflow Designers
    • Workflow Designer: While page is loading, workflow outline shows prior step names instead of current step names.
    • Unhelpful application error message with exception details displayed in UI when errors occur.
    • Template validation error appears but cannot be corrected when there is an invalid template in the Quick Approval tab and Quick Approval is disabled.
    • Escalations set to a date control template incorrectly fires the escalation early when the date control resolves to the last day of the month.
    • Escalation fails in a screenflow with Save on Navigate enabled.
    • Controls with built-in patterns, such as the Phone Control, are flagged as invalid when not filled and not required. This is due to having a default value of empty string instead of null.
    • Default values, visible in the UI, are not present in the submitted XML document when initializing form from XML.
    • Tab control label text appears wrapped and overlaps other controls in generated PDF.
    • Cannot upload attachments after upgrade to 9.0.12
    • Cancel button Document Action Send to Sharepoint wizard does not show "Are you sure you want to cancel changes?" warning, and saves instead of cancels changes.
    • Adding 200+ steps in the Workflow Design Wizard causes a '504 Gateway Timeout' error.
    • Workflow Design Wizard: Using special characters in the Workflow Step Name causes test window to hang with "Initializing Form" message.
    • A Workflow Step Precondition that uses an Upload Control as criteria produces error message "Precondition evaluation failed."
    • Workflow Step Precondition toggle automatically switches to "off" position after user enters Description.
    • Task Info Message displays an unhelpful id string when a template used in the Task Info Message resolves to null.
  • Security
    • Resolved security issue with Google Connector password being exposed in query URL parameters.
    • Security: Resolved security issue with forms filled out anonymously where a session identifier could be leaked in the URL and used in a different session to see what data the user is entering.
  • Windows cannot stop the frevvoforms service.
  • Workflow Tasks can get into an erroneous state of being both assigned to a user and saved or submitted by the current owner.
  • Edit User page: Cannot clear Reports To field.
  • Initializing a form from XML is not updating the single row repeat values rendered as part of the default form.
  • Incorrect Session Expired message appears when attempting to modify again a recently modified task.
  • Incorrect browser tab icon shown in popup test window.
  • Upgrading from from v7.1 or v7.0 to v9.2+does not set UUID on user and does not load or upgrade linked applications/projects.
  • Default Space does not work if there are two spaces in the same tenant with the same Space ID.
  • Confluence: Error message "Could not get locale strings" occurs when creating a new form.
  • Task List Search: Form/workflow dropdown is no longer in alphabetical order.
  • Task search screen for Tenant Admin times out and does not show forms/workflows in dropdown list if there are a large number of forms and workflows in the query.
  • Error message "500 - Internal Server Error" on User Profile page in scenarios where users have 100+ roles and an IIS server is used with frevvo.
  • A workflow is generating invalid xml documents causing submissions to fail to load.
  • Error when starting frevvo caused by double quotes in server.xml file: address=”YOUR_TOMCAT_IP_ADDRESS” requiredSecret=”YOUR_TOMCAT_AJP_SECRET”/
  • Tenants with LDAP Security Manager incorrectly see "Max user limit reached" error and "500 - Internal Server Error" even when Manage Sessions screen shows sessions within limit.
  • XML Parsing Error seen in browser debug console while editing forms & workflows.
  • The embedded url for a flow generated using API causes null pointer exception when that embedded url is used by an internal or external application.
  • PDF Embedded in Message Control not showing in a space on Chrome & Edge browsers.
  • Rejection sends email configured in the "Reject To" step, instead of the "Reject From" step.
  • A Script Error occurs when changing label of certain controls.
  • Error in logs "Data truncation: Data too long for column 'type' at row 1" when file uploaded with long filename.
  • Designer is unable to delete table rows in workflow design mode.
  • Combobox does not populate when validation is set and there are more than 1,000 items in the query (i.e. users).
  • API Submissions Errrors after Cloud upgrade 10.0.2
  • Template thumbnails are not visible.
  • Tab Control: Tabs title doesn't appear in Red on submit when required fields are empty.
  • API Submissions Errrors after Cloud upgrade 10.0.1
  • Clicking Save & Close on some workflows shows Application Error in UI.
  • Cannot upload attachments when performing a task from task list.
  • Error in logs for tenants using API where User-Agent is null after upgrade to 10.0.0
  • Print, Cancel, Form Viewer and Link buttons, and Upload file links in for forms accessed from a space and HTML links in space homepage are not clickable.
  • The top 5 lines of rule code in maximized view are blocked by form header and cannot be viewed or edited.
  • Using an empty _data query parameter causes the form to not render and shows a 400 error.
  • OEM Customization - The tomcat site fails to start when including ${servlet.path} variable.
  • SAML tenant - uploading users without any roles turns off the users' email notifications and does not allow immediate login
  • Money control: large numbers are converted to exponential (scientific notation) in submission XML
  • Results with ampersand appear as '&amp' when selected in Combobox
  • Some workflows created on older version display "Form save failed" error when editing and saving in v10.0.x.
  • Security: Users who performed previous steps can access tasks in later steps of the workflow.
  • Azure Security Manager: Task List Workflow Admin search allows form/workflow access to users with a role that contains an apostrophe
  • Session Expired message shown when Cancel button is clicked after upload a file (Upload Control) on a saved form.
  • SyntaxError, Null Point Exception in frevvo logs while using Task Search as Workflow Admin
  • Typo in frevvo Pending Message - place vs. placed.
  • Project/application downloaded in v9.2 or prior is not upgraded when uploaded to v9.2+
  • The rejection email is sending the email set up on the step rejected to, not the step rejected from.
  • The login in screen provided when user clicks Task Notification link in an email is only partially visible; the user cannot enter password or click Login.

July 2020

Version: 7.4.0

July 10, 2020

New Features
  • The Visual Rule Builder supports functions/expressions.
  • The Email step for workflows has been renamed to Anonymous Task. This added functionality greatly enhances the rule builder's ability to create more powerful rules reducing the need to manually add JavaScript.
  • The Rule Builder provides Lookup, Help and validation support for new expressions.
  • Ability to turn on an unsaved changes warning that displays in Use mode when the form/flow browser window/tab is closed without saving/submitting and changes have been made to the data.
  • Ability to display a customized warning message when a user tries to delete a repeating section or table row.
  • System Metrics to monitor Platform Stability / Performance - Cloud Only.
  • Turn on DEBUG level logging for Live Forms using a simple property.
  • Spaces generate menu item url's using parentheses instead of curly braces.
  • The Insight Server war is now included in the frevvo.war file.
  • Customization of On Premise installations is done in a single properties file named <frevvo-home>\conf\frevvo-config.properties.
  • On Premise customers using the tomcat bundle, will no longer see an insight.war file in <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps.
  • Log entries for the Insight Server are captured in the frevvo log.
  • Configuration Property to turn on JSON logging for the frevvo log - On Premise only.
  • Connectors directory including the PVE and Google connectors removed from the frevvo tomcat bundle.

March 2018

Version 7.3.5
  • Initial release.
  • Streamlined installation process.
  • Integrated with Webdocs:
    • Final archive location for any form or other customer document created in Forms Management.
    • Saved as PDF.
    • Form fields mapped to Webdocs for document check-in.


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