iForms Designer
November 2019
Currently Shipping: 2.0.6
- Added support for DataMatrix barcodes within report designer templates
- Pre-installed Java prerequisite is no longer required and is included in the installer
June 2017
Version 2.0.5
- Added support for Int2of5 barcode creation from within report scripts
- Added the ability to allow conversion of values to camel-case format
September 2015
Version 2.0.3
- Removed several unneeded dependencies
May 2014
Version 2.00.02
This release is recommended for iForms Server v2.04.00 or greater.
- Add QRCode barcode support.
- Add OneCode barcode support.
- The iForms Server plugin size default size is now 600 x 600.
- Encrypt Datasource passwords so they are no longer stored plain text.
- Encrypt the iForms Server password so it is no longer stored in plain text.
- Update the form compiler to resolve issue with Java 8.
- Update the Commons-codec library.
- Moved most server requests to background threads.
- Added user defined data and pages columns to spool file list.
- Added manage button to the settings tab. This button will launch the server admin page in the default browser.
- Added preview buttons to the extractor tab. The preview button will run a merge of the current template on the iForms Server using the selected environment, datasource, extractor template and spool, text or xml file.
- Added sorting to the Extractor Template list. Files in the same subdirectories will now display together.
- The iForms Server plugin will now auto-connect to the server on startup.
- Enhanced get report query from open form template. It will now resolve the default value of referenced form parameters.
- Test merge output file will now launch in the default application if the application path setting is not s
- Enhanced user experience when working with xml datasources.
- Added Xml Datasource management to the iForms Server plugin.
- Automatically connect to the iForms Server if valid server information is stored.
- Update the warning message on the bottom of the Connection Properties dialog.
- Modify the XMLFieldMappingEditor works.
- Xml namespaces are ignored by default.
- Added record limit setting to the Query tab.
- Added status to the bottom of the query tab.
- Added spool file limit setting to the Extract Spool File tab.
- Double clicking on the Local File System label on the Templates tab will launch the local template location in the default file manager.
The following enhancement requires iForms Server 2.04.00 or greater.
- Added the ability to remove tables from the iForms Server datasource. Select a table and press delete.
- iForms Designer does not appear to be saving the plugin height on exit.
- Remove .java files after compile.
- Fixed scroll bug with combo boxes.
May 2013
Version 2.00.01
- Add PDF417 barcode support. (Requires iForms Server 2.02.00 or greater)
- Add common script samples to expressions.xml.
- Fix issue with PDF Preview introduced with Java update 7.21
- iForms Server Plugin
- Update tooltips
- Reorder iForms Server plugin tabs for improved user experience.
- Additional adjustments to user interface.
- Make input text file textbox editable.
- Fixed minor bug in the query result xml parser.
- stdout and stderr now write to %TEMP%iFormsDesignerStderr.log.
This release is recommended for iForms Server 2.02.00 or greater.
December 2012
Version 2.00.00
- Fork iReport 3.0.0 so RJS Software can provide updates and bug fixes to iReport.
- Change branding to iForms Designer
- Change Designer defaults
- Page Size: Letter
- Margins: 0.25”
- Scripting Language: Java
- Units: Inches
- Font Family: DejaVu
- Keep .java files: false
- Change the form unit description from pixels to points. Points are the correct unit of measure for PDFs and Printing.
- Simplify JDBC datasource creation.
- Remove uncommon JDBC Drivers
- Add common JDBC Drivers
- Set correct default URLs for JDBC Drivers
- Fix the JDBC URL Wizard
- Move the configuration files location from "user.home/.ireport/config.xml" to "%APPDATA%/.iforms/config.xml" when installing on Windows.
- Remove unnecessary plug-ins
- Replace the iReport EXE wrapper with a new one that allows the opening of template files by double clicking on them.
- The iForms Designer installer requires that 32 bit java is installed. After installation is complete 32 or 64 bit java can be used.
- Add iForms Server plug-in under the plug-ins menu. This plugin allows direct interaction with the iForms Server via HTTPS on the default port of 9715.
- iForms Server plug-in requires iForms Server version 2.01.00 or greater.
- Plugin is available via the iForms Designer Plugins Tab.
- Plugin settings are in "%APPDATA%/.iforms/iforms.properties”
- The Plugin consists of a dialog window with the following tabs.
- Settings
- Connection settings and status.
- A client certificate file can be exported from the iForms Server and then placed in the lib directory of the iForms Designer to enforce mutual authentication. If a certificate.cer file is detected and accepted the Security status will switch to "Full".
- Table List
- The table list tab shows tables available on the selected datasource as seen from the TableNameLookup SQL Query.
- Double clicking on a table will set the REPORTSQL parameter to this table name in the Report Template. It will also set the default report query if no query is set.
- Right clicking on a table will populate the query field with an SQL query that will display this table and swich to the query tab.
- Max table count is controlled by “tables.maxlist” setting.
- Query
- The Query tab can be used to run a report query via iForms Server Datasource to verify the server sees the same data that the Designer does. It can also run free form queries to aid in form design.
- Clicking Run when the query field is blank will pull the query from the current report template.
- Max Record count is controlled by “sql.limit” setting.
- Templates
- The Templates Tab is for downloading/uploading templates and images to the iForms Server.
- Downloaded templates will be saved to "%APPDATA%\iFormsTemplates\<EnvironmentName>
- Double clicking a template in the local pane will open that template file.
- Right clicking in the local pane will open all selected templates.
- Extract
- The extract tab is for converting a text or spool file to a Table via an extractor template for use in the iForms Designer.
- Spool files will be listed via the selected iForms Server AS/400 Resource.
- Max spool file count is controlled by “extract.spoollimit” setting.
- Listing libraries and output queues is a slow process on many systems. Doing so may lock the user interface for up to 30 seconds.
- Listing extractor templates in sub-directories of the selected environment requires iForms Server version 2.1.1.
- Settings
February 2010
Version 1.0.0
- iForms Designer release.