GoAnywhere Gateway

Learn more about GoAnywhere Gateway by visiting https://www.goanywhere.com/gateway.

Has your GoAnywhere version entered the End of Support Life (EOSL) stage? Please review the GoAnywhere End of Support Life Policy regarding technical support available. Upgrading to the latest version helps ensure you benefit from many security updates, performance fixes, and new features.

September 2024

Version 3.2.0

September 11, 2024

  • Added support for version 1 and version 2 of the proxy header, which if configured, provides the proper client IP address to Gateway.

  • Enhanced Gateway to dynamically utilize epoll socket channels natively (if supported) for better resource management and performance.

  • Added encryption to sensitive fields in the Gateway configuration file.

  • Updated bctls-fips from version 1.0.17 to 1.0.19.

May 2024

Version 3.1.1

May 06, 2024

  • Enhanced the Gateway Docker image to better track the underlying Gateway version.

  • Set the Gateway reverse proxy to be enabled by default in the installer.

  • Updated Software Identification (SWID) tag for Fortra branding.

  • Updated the default installation folder from 'HelpSystems' to 'Fortra'.

  • Updated the Gateway User Guide to include a workaround for Gateway not installing the /etc/init.d/gagatewayd command.

  • Updated Docker paths to use Fortra.

  • Updated Netty from version 4.1.100.Final to 4.1.108.Final.

  • Updated bc-fips from version to

  • Fixed an issue with whitespace in comma-separated values in the gateway.xml configuration file.

May 2023

Version 3.1.0

May 22, 2023

  • Added HTTP and SOCKS forward proxy functionality to Gateway.

  • Added the ability to configure a proxy for license requests to the Customer Portal.

  • Added more configuration options to the GoAnywhere Gateway installer.

  • Reorganized the Gateway Server configuration file.

  • Enhanced the performance of Forward Proxy connections and FTP/FTPS Data channel transfers on non-Windows systems.

  • Updated Netty from version 4.1.82.Final to 4.1.89.Final.

March 2023

Version 3.0.1

March 7, 2023

  • Updated the attributions file for Fortra rebranding.

  • Updated the GoAnywhere Gateway license agreement for Fortra rebranding.

  • Added configurable trust settings.

  • Fixed an issue with license responses.

  • Java 11 is now required for Gateway starting in version 3.0.1

December 2022

Version 3.0.0

December 5, 2022

  • Improved the performance of message processing.

  • Updated BouncyCastle FIPS from 1.0.2 to

  • Updated Netty from 4.1.48 to 4.1.82.

  • Added support for Java 11.

August 2022

Version 2.9.1

August 3, 2022

  • Enhanced the UDP server to allow for bi-directional proxy flow, specifically to support GoFast V3 powered by File Catalyst.

April 2022

Version 2.9.0

April 8, 2022

  • Added the ability for Gateway proxies to start and stop dynamically when the associated service listener starts and stops.

  • Improved the performance and memory usage when using SSL (Control, Termination and Rewrap).

  • Replaced the existing folder containing third party license documentation with a single open source attributions file.

  • Updated Apache Log4j from version 2.16.0 to 2.17.1.

December 2021

Version 2.8.4

December 16, 2021

  • Updated Apache Log4j from version 2.14.0 to 2.16.0.

June 2021

Version 2.8.3

June 23, 2021

  • Upgraded Netty library from version 4.1.48 to 4.1.63.

  • Fixed an issue with activating online licenses.

  • Fixed an issue where forward proxy requests that fail to connect would not return a failed response.

February 2021

Version 2.8.2

February 1, 2021

  • Enhanced Passive Port Usage to release ports when a connection is established rather than when a connection has finished.

  • Updated processing to clean up bound passive ports that don't receive a connection within a specified time.

  • Upgraded common-codec 1.10 to version 1.15.

  • Updated the End User License Agreement.

  • Updated log4j 1.10.0 to version 2.14.0.

  • Enhanced request processing to improve efficiency.

  • Fixed an issue where an error would occur with older Gateway protocol versions related to reverse proxy functionality.

  • Fixed an issue where Gateway configured with a shared secret forced Gateway protocol version 5, impacting new SSL termination functionality.

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent licenses from being refreshed if multiple changes to the license occurred on the same day.

April 2020

Version 2.8.1

April 22, 2020

  • Fixed an issue where the key store type was not defaulting to JKS when not supplied for configurations using Control SSL or SSL Termination.

April 2020

Version 2.8.0

April 20, 2020

  • Added support for SSL Termination and SSL ReWrapping.
  • Fixed an issue where an extra line feed or carriage return would cause a license to be invalid.
  • Upgraded Apache Commons-Collections from 3.2 to 3.2.2.
  • Upgraded the Netty library from 4.1.33 to 4.1.48.

January 2020

Version 2.7.0

January 31, 2020

  • Added online license capabilities, which include activating a license programmatically using the online activator from the GoAnywhere Customer Portal.
  • Updated the Netty network application framework library from 3.10.4 to 4.1.44.
  • Updated Log4j from version 1.2.14 to 2.10.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause an error in the log when disconnecting from GoAnywhere MFT.
  • Fixed an issue where UDP Ports where not getting closed after a transfer.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Gateway to disconnect from GoAnywhere MFT if the Gateway UDP configuration was incorrect.

February 2019

Version 2.6.1

February 15, 2019

  • Added official support for the Azul Zulu JRE.
  • Updated the installer for Windows to ensure the path to executable on the service is quoted.
  • Updated the HTTPS load balancer to better persist the session during long transfers.

October 2017

Version 2.6.0

October 13, 2017

  • Rebranded GoAnywhere Gateway as a HelpSystems product.

May 2017

Version 2.5.0

May 13, 2017

  • Added the ability to configure the control channel read timeout.

April 2017

Version 2.4.0

April 13, 2017

  • Added new ‘AgentIP’ session persistence option for supporting GoAnywhere Agent connections through GoAnywhere Gateway.

November 2016

Version 2.3.0

November 22, 2016

  • Improved the licensing capabilities with the following features:
    • Self-service access to product licenses through the GoAnywhere Customer Portal at my.goanywhere.com.
    • Ability to refresh/update a license with a single command.
    • Allow the customer to evaluate optional features for an existing paid license.
    • More accurate server identification. This fixes an issue where Serial numbers could change if the JRE used by GoAnywhere Gateway was updated.
  • Added the ability to specify a Shared Secret value on Gateway configurations. This shared secret may be required by the Gateway server to authentication the MFT system.
  • Added the ability for IP whitelisting and blacklisting to occur at the Gateway level in the DMZ rather than on MFT only.
  • Added the ability to turn on SSL encryption on the Gateway configuration to protect the control channel's communication.
  • Fixed an issue where the GoFast UDP listeners were causing the graceful shutdown to hang.

March 2016

Version 2.2.0

March 10, 2016

  • Added support for GoFast accelerated file transfers through GoAnywhere Gateway.

December 2015

Version 2.1.1

December 3, 2015

  • Fixed an issue where explicitly setting the socket buffer size for passive FTP/S data connections could cause the performance to degrade in some networks.

February 2013

Version 2.1.0

February 10, 2013

  • Enhanced GoAnywhere Gateway to support being installed in an environment where connections from the private network go through a NAT firewall to access the DMZ.
  • Updated the default number of Max Threads setting to 2000. This affect new installs only.

May 2013

Version 2.0.1

May 15, 2013

  • Fixed an issue where persisted sessions were not cleaned up properly when a GoAnywhere Services control channel disconnected.

December 2012

Version 2.0.0

December 17, 2012

  • Enhanced GoAnywhere Gateway so it can be used as a load balancer in front of two or more installations of GoAnywhere Services. This provides greater scalability by allowing file transfer workloads to be distributed across multiple systems.
  • Added support to allow two or more installations of GoAnywhere Services to use the same proxy (listener) ports for handling client connections.
  • Added two load balancing algorithms which can be configured within the gateway.xml file in the installation directory. These algorithms determine how traffic is routed when multiple installations of GoAnywhere Services are connected to the same listener:
    • Round Robin algorithm will rotate client connections evenly across GoAnywhere Services installations. This is the preferred algorithm for FTP, SFTP and FTPS protocols.
    • IP-Based Session Persistence algorithm will also rotate client connections, but will keep traffic from the same IP flowing to the same GoAnywhere Services system for a period of time. This is the preferred algorithm for stateless protocols like HTTP/S.

October 2012

Version 1.2.0

October 2, 2012

  • Fixed an issue where passive ports for FTP/S were failing to timeout when clients requested passive data connections but did not use them. This fix requires GoAnywhere Services version 3.0.1 or higher.

October 2011

Version 1.1.1

October 21, 2011

  • Added a new option to customize the local address used by the forward proxy when establishing outbound connections.

July 2011

Version 1.1.0

July 20, 2011

  • Enhanced GoAnywhere Gateway so it can also be used as an outbound proxy server by GoAnywhere Director (version 3.6 and later) for FTP, FTPS, SFTP and SCP protocols.
  • Allow the routing of passive and active data connections (in addition to the control connections) when using FTP and FTPS protocols in GoAnywhere Services. GoAnywhere Services 2.1.0 or later is required to make use of this feature.
  • Fixed an issue where the information needed to obtain a new license was not available for review if the current license was expired.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug message was being logged stating a message had been received, when it was in fact being sent.

September 2010

Version 1.0.0

September 1, 2010

GoAnywhere Gateway is a new product from Linoma Software. It acts as an enhanced reverse proxy that provides an additional layer of defense for your DMZ and Internal network. GoAnywhere Gateway integrates with GoAnywhere Services to provide a secure and managed environment for hosting and exchanging files.

  • No incoming ports need to be opened into the private (internal) network
  • No sensitive files, user credentials or service configurations are maintained/stored in the public (DMZ) network.
  • Supports FTP/s, SFTP and HTTP/s file transfer protocols
  • No special hardware components required; software-only solution
  • Installs to Windows, Linux, AIX, UNIX and Solaris operating systems


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