Level 1 Message Management Suite

June 2024

Version 7.0

June 18, 2024

(PTF: 2024.159)

NOTE: This release is only compatible with IBM i 7.2 and above.
New Features
  • New System Default HEM/DEVMONTEMPLIB defines within which library the Device Monitor stores *USRSPC objects. This defaults to QTEMP but you will need to change this if you monitor Cluster Nodes and/or Cluster Resource Groups.

  • Display Communications Log (DSPCMNLOG) no longer shows the encoded data for attachment(s) within "5=Display". To see the encoded attachment(s) data use new option "8=Full view".

  • Message Communicator now uses TLS v1.2 or TLS v1.3 when communicating securely with servers to send email.

  • The Alert text for Job Queue *JOB *FIRST and *SECOND Alerts has been enhanced.

  • As part of an upgrade using HALINST/INSTALL, you can specify what to do with the Monitors. The value specified now also applies to Subsystem Availability Monitoring, if enabled.

  • Messages relating to the application of product licenses now include a prompt to press Enter.

  • Display Communications Log (DSPCMNLOG) now includes any received text/message when an unexpected response is received from a SMTP server.

  • Message Communicator now supports sending large attachments (up to 150Mb) when using OAuth to send emails.

  • Print Alert Log (PRTALTLOG) now shows additional selections in the report header.

  • Start Monitors (STRMON) now warns if some Monitors were not started due to being Held, not having authority or the Environment being in Maintenance Mode.

  • Message Communicator now allows "Send Pager Message" (SNDGRMSG) to use an Escalation List.

  • New System default HMC/ESCADDCOMMSID defines whether the Comms Log ID will be used as an identifier when Send Pager Message (SNDPGRMSG) is used.

  • New command ‘End Escalation’ (ENDESC) has been made available to end an Escalation using the Comms Log ID if SNDPGRMSG was used.

  • Display Communications Log (DSPCMNLOG) now obscures a password that contains blanks/spaces on inbound SMS and Email. The password must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it contains blanks/spaces. Example: pwd."This is the password".

  • Message Communicator "Where Used" now shows the full Rule Sequence Number.

  • The Halcyon IBM i Installer (HALINST/INSTALL) will now use default 'Environment name' PROD when no default Environment is set.

  • Message HAL0032 issued by "Start Monitors" (STRMON) now includes the number of monitors that failed to start due to authority.

  • Message Communicator now handles no response from the server.

  • Message Communicator now handles the SMTP Server failing to respond when sending emails.

  • The number of rules allowed per Output Queue *LIST group has been doubled to 512.

December 2023

Version 7.0

December 13, 2023

(PTF: 2023.333)

NOTE: This release is only compatible with IBM i 7.2 and above.
New Features
  • The communications between Halcyon Enterprise Console and Halcyon IBM i can now be set to be encrypted. This is controlled within Device Manager on the PC, not within Halcyon IBM i.

  • Message Communicator now allows you send emails via Microsoft using OAuth authentication.

  • Dump Product Data (DUMP) now includes a parameter allowing you to specify the 'Save file OS level' (OSLVL).

  • An upgrade using HALINST/INSTALL can now specify *SAME for the "Control Monitors" (CTLMON) parameter. This will only start Monitors that are already running at the time of upgrade.

  • Print Action Log (PRTACTLOG) now allows you to only include actions in Error status.

  • Print Alert Log (PRTALTLOG) now allows you to only include actions in Error status.

  • Exports now support the use of a user password that includes space/blank.

  • The Action Monitors now raise more errors to the Halcyon Message Log.

  • Print Communications Log (PRTCMNLOG) now includes parameters to allow selection of an *ADHOC email address.

  • The Delete Phone (DLTPHONE) command is now available.

  • The Delete Pager (DLTPAGER) command is now available.

  • The Delete Email Address (DLTEMLADR) command is now available.

  • The Delete Message Queue Recipient (DLTMSGQRCP) command is now available.

  • The Delete Broadcast Group (DLTBRDGRP) command is now available.

  • The Delete Roster (DLTROSTER) command is now available.

  • The Delete Escalation List (DLTESCLST) command is now available.

  • Exports using *NETMGR Transfer Mode are now allowed for any user authorized to the Source and Target Environment and do not require *ALLOBJ permission.

  • Options have been added to the Halcyon Utilities Menu (HALUTIL) to start and end the Monitors.

  • The Change Phone (CHGPHONE) command is now available.

  • The Create Phone (CRTPHONE) command is now available.

  • The Create Pager (CRTPAGER) command is now available.

  • The Change Pager (CHGPAGER) command is now available.

  • The Change Email Address (CHGEMLADR) command is now available.

  • The Create Message Queue Recipient (CRTMSGQRCP) command is now available.

  • The Change Message Queue Recipient (CHGMSGQRCP) command is now available.

  • The Hold Device (HLDDEVICE) and Release Device (RLSDEVICE) commands are now available.

  • All Halcyon libraries are now set to *PUBLIC *USE authority. This should not be changed as it enforces correct user authority to the objects within the libraries.

  • The Message Communications Monitor no longer errors when creating direct attached devices on V7R5.

  • Acknowledge Alert (ACKALT) now correctly acknowledges an alert in the current Environment if you use the 'Export name' on the *SYSTEM Remote Location.

  • Export Job Lists (EXPJOBLST) now exports to a Remote Location Group.

  • Sending an email with an attachment no longer fails with an encoding error.

  • Output Queue Monitor now correctly adds "insufficient authority" messages to the Halcyon Message Log.

  • Changing a phone or email address to *USER authority now allows you to set the user profile.

  • Halcyon Install (HALINST/INSTALL) now supports passwords that include spaces/blanks.

  • Print Alert Log (PRTALTLOG) now allows all possible values for "Action".

  • Work with Alert Log (WRKALTLOG) no longer lists EXPORT as a valid Action within [F17=Subset].

  • Start Monitors (STRMON) now shows an error if the user is not authorized to the IBM 'Start Subsystem (STRSBS) command.

September 2023

Version 7.0

September 14, 2023

(PTF: 2023.109.1)

NOTE: This release is only compatible with IBM i 7.2 and above.
  • Hold Rule (HLDRULE) and Release Rule (RLSRULE) Actions no longer error.

May 2023

Version 7.0

May 9, 2023

(PTF: 2023.109)

NOTE: This release is only compatible with IBM i 7.2 and above.
New Features
  • Where a system has multiple network interfaces it is possible to 'bind' the Halcyon Network Send Monitor to a specific interface (IPaddress/Port). This makes it possible, as part of a Role Swap, to switch Halcyon to send using the new interface. Please contact Support for help with this feature.

  • You can now export user lists using the 'Export User Lists' (EXPUSRLST) command.

  • You can now export command lists using the 'Export Command Lists' (EXPCMDLST) command.

  • You can now export joblists using the 'Export Job Lists (EXPJOBLST)' command.

  • You can now export output queue lists using the 'Export Output Queue Lists (EXPOUTQLST)' command.

  • FSFC customizations are now available.

  • TCPIP *SYSMON Rules now include a 'Failure occurrences' field which defines how many consecutive failures are required for the Rule to Alert.

  • Actions now show the ASP in the Message Queue detail.

  • Actions now show the ASP in the Job Queue detail.

  • Work with Message Queue Recipients (WRKMSGQRCP) now allows you to define the ASP Group.

  • Action Monitors now restart if they reach the maximum number of spooled files for a job. Note: There will still be a failure when the maximum limit is reached as the program that is producing the spooled file fails, not the Action Monitor. The Action Monitor will automatically restart after control is returned to it when the failure in the spooled file program have been dealt with.

  • 'Send Email Message' as a COMMAND Action does not cause the Action Monitor to fail when it fails.

  • Build Message Review (BLDMSGRVW) now correctly populates the ASP for the Message Queue.

  • Send Pager Message (SNDPGRMSG) no longer fails with a decimal data error.

  • All Monitors now automatically pick up and use new Rule Groups and Rules added via an Export.

  • A Substitution Variable using the *TIMEFMT function now returns the correctly formatted value for a time just after midnight.

  • Retrieve System Information (RTVSYSINF) now works when the Copy File (CPYF) command has had the MBROPT parameter changed from the OS default value.

  • The MOVEJOBS Action no longer holds an active job.

  • Halcyon menus now use library specific commands.

  • Output Rules (OUTRULES) now includes the ASP of the Rule Group (if applicable).

  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES), for Message Queue rules, now shows additional fields, if required, when Enter is pressed rather than saving the Rule.

December 2022

Version 7.0

December 7, 2022

(PTF: 2022.255.1)

  • Message Communicator now handles a variant in STARTTLS as part of email handling.

  • The EMAILSPLF Action no longer fails.

  • System Default HEM/SPLCACHEGRPPRF now allows a value up to 1440 (24 hours).

  • System Default HEM/SPLCACHEGRPPRF now accepts a value of *NEVER.

September 2022

Version 7.0

September 27, 2022

(PTF: 2022.255)

NOTE: This release is only compatible with IBM i 7.1 and above.
New Features
  • Command SNDSYSLOG2 has been made available to send Syslog messages via UDP, plain-text TCP or secure TCP. It also allows long text to be sent.

  • Message Communicator now allows you to receive emails via Microsoft using OAuth authentication.

  • Halcyon IBM i now prevents install and upgrade if the IBM i OS level is not supported by that release.

  • Halcyon monitoring of Powertech Antivirus has been updated to include the new anti-ransomware functionality.

  • Halcyon no longer creates a NetServer file share for the Halcyon IFS folder on install.

  • Message Communicator now retries an email with a failed attachment and then sends the email without the attachment if all retries fail. For joblogs, Message Communicator will attempt to attach the existing joblog spooled file if the job has already ended.

  • Message Communicator, for emails that are required to attach the *JOBLOG, now include the job log if the job has ended and the job log spooled file still exists on the system.

  • Message HAL1583 is now logged to the Halcyon Message Log when a message is deleted from the Message Console.

  • Performance Monitor now adds a message to the Halcyon Message Log if a required IBM PTF has not been applied... V7R2=SI77189 / V7R3=SI77173 / V7R4=SI76677. Failure to apply the IBM PTF may result in incorrect function of the Performance Monitor.

  • Set Exit Points (SETEXITPNT) now restarts SSHD if it is set to be automatically started within the operating system.

  • System Default HAL/PDFCOLOR now allows a value of *BOLD to make all text within PDFs output using Halcyon have bold text throughout.

  • Work with Communication Resources (WRKCMNRSC) only allows either a single *POP or a single *OAUTH email resource to be released.

  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) now includes information about automatic release in the message added to the Halcyon Message Log when a Rule is held.

  • Action Counts on QHST Rules now work correctly.

  • Closing a Job Queue *STS Alert now removes the suspend.

  • Halcyon Advanced Reporting Suite can now collect library size data from the Performance Analyzer Library Collector if Disk Space Manager is not installed.

  • IBM® i Integrated Server Support (5770-SS1 Option 29) is no longer supported by IBM and the option has been removed in IBM i 7.4. As such, Halcyon Device Monitor no longer supports *NWS Rules.

  • Import Environment (IMPENV) fails when the target Environment already has a Remote Location with the same name as the System name.

  • Import Environment (IMPENV) now correctly creates the Remote Location for the source Environment as part of a *NONSYS import.

  • Import Environment (IMPENV) now correctly imports the settings for message queue QSYSOPR.

  • Job Queue *JOB *FIRST Rules now alert if you specify a Job Status.

  • Job Queue Monitor now correctly performs the Open Alert Action for *STS Rules.

  • Job Queue Monitor now releases the suspend when a *CLOSE Open Alert Action is performed.

  • Message Communicator script RTVGSMSTS now handles data returned by the AT^SMONI statement.

  • Message Monitor is now more reliable in handling sequential QHST files that don't have sequential dates/times.

  • Message Monitor no longer gives a false Alert when a message on QHST has a Message File Library of *LIBL.

  • Message Monitor now holds a Message Queue Rule Group if the message queue is full.

  • Message Queue Rule comparisons for BIN / UBIN variables now translate the number correctly.

  • Print Alert Log (PRTALTLOG) now correctly shows the Report Selection.

  • Print Rules (PRTRULES) now shows the correct value for "Suspend on alert".

  • The Action Monitor purge no longer fails if the HALJRN journal does not exist.

  • The Action Monitors no longer fail when processing actions for message CPF7019.

  • The Message Monitor no longer fails when encountering a full message queue on an IASP as part of startup.

  • The help text within Work with Rules (WRKRULES) for Message Queue *MSGDTA Action Counts has been clarified.

  • Work with Action Schedules (WRKACTSCH) "8=Where used" now includes Job Log Rules.

August 2021

Version 7.0

August 9, 2021

(PTF: 2021.207)

NOTE: This release is only compatible with IBM i v7.1 and above.
  • A new "SLA Audit Log" file, HALSLALG, has been made available to audit when an SLA condition/Rule has been triggered.

  • Device Monitor now supports PowerHA Admin Domain monitoring.

  • Message Communicator now allows you to set "Times allowed to send" against Email devices which behaves exactly the same as "Times allowed to send" for Phone devices.

  • Message Queue Monitor now has additional logging available when it fails to attach a QHST file.

  • TCPIP Monitor now supports adding entries to the SLA Audit Log.

  • A Message Queue "Not received" Period Rule which starts after midnight but ends at 23:59 does not raise the final alert, up to midnight, because the End Time needs to be set to 00:00. The associated help text has been clarified and a new warning message is displayed within Work with Rules to highlight this.

  • An existing CONSOLE Action to an *I5 Sub-Console would not remove the name of the Sub-Console if it was amended to a *PC Console which resulted in the Action failing. This has been corrected.

  • End Subsystem Availability (ENDSBSAVL) would fail. This has been corrected.

  • If a partition only had one QHST* file when Message Queue Monitor was started, it would fail to attach it for monitoring. This has been corrected.

  • Message Communicator was not observing the delay between retries for sending emails, defined in System Default HMC EMAILRETRYINTV, if *EMAIL helper Communications Resources were being utilized. This has been corrected.

  • Message Communicator was removing the contents of the temporary work folder in the IFS but not the work folder itself after successfully sending an email. This has been corrected.

  • Message Communicator would immediately error an email that failed to add the required attachments. This has been corrected. It now retries adding the attachments and only fails after the retry limit is reached.

  • Message Communicator would not send an email to an Email device which was 15 characters long and included special characters. This has been corrected.

  • Message Queue "Not received" Rules that cross midnight now work correctly.

  • Message Queue Monitor would fail to alert for QHST Rules that had *LIBL specified for the message file library. This has been corrected. Also, "Work with Rules" (WRKRULES) now prevents saving a Rule that has *LIBL for the message file library.

  • New *I5 Remote Locations now default to *ENCRYPT data when manually created within "Work with Remote Locations" or when created by automatic configuration when a new Halcyon Environment connects for the first time.

  • The help text explaining how Day Mask works for "Received" and "Not received" Message Queue Rules has been clarified.

  • Work with Message Sub-Consoles (WRKMSGCON) no longer fails if you attempt to edit a Sub-Console in some situations.

  • Work with Phones was incorrectly allowing you to set "Time allowed to send" on Phones which were used in Rosters. This has been corrected.

  • Work with Rosters incorrectly allowed you to select devices which had "Times Allowed to Send" specified. This has been corrected.

  • Work with Rules was incorrectly allowing a Message Queue Rule to be saved with Message File Library set to *LIBL. This has been corrected.

  • Work with Rules was incorrectly notifying the Message Monitor that a newly added Rule Group for a message queue on an IASP was in *SYSBAS. Although the Rule Group was correctly saved, Message Monitor incorrectly looked on *SYSBAS, could not find the queue and so refused to monitor the queue until either the Rule Group was Held/Released or the Monitor was restarted. This has been corrected.

  • Message Queue Global Exclusions now auto-export with the correct status.

  • Message Monitor no longer fails if message data is longer than 1024 characters.

March 2021

Version 7.0

March 16, 2021

(PTF: 2021.019.1)

  • Message Communicator was not correctly handling sending of messages to Broadcast Groups that were within another Broadcast Group. This has been corrected.

  • Message Communicator was not correctly handling sending of messages to Broadcast Groups for emails sent using Distribution Services (*DSTSRV). This has been corrected.

January 2021

Version 7.0

January 25, 2021

(PTF: 2021.019)

  • Change Actions (CHGACTION) now supports changing a SNMPTRAP Action.

  • Message Monitor has had significant changes to improve performance. The Monitor now builds an internal "cache" of the ASP/IASP for each message file as it processes messages. It then uses this internal cache as much as possible instead of searching through all IASPs for every message.

  • Message Monitor now adds a message to the Halcyon Message Log every 5 minutes when a message queue on an IASP is not available for monitoring and the Rule Group is released and within the monitoring period.

  • When checking for applicable rules for a message, Message Monitor now checks that the message time is greater than or equal to the Start Time and less than the End Time +59secs on the Rule. For example, a Rule defined with a Start Time of 00:00 and End Time of 23:59 covers the time period 00:00:00-23:59:59.

  • A Halcyon installation from the EXE would fail if the remote machine was using List Format *UNIX. This has been corrected.

  • A Halcyon upgrade using *FTP to obtain the Product files from another machine would fail if the remote machine was using List Format *UNIX. This has been corrected.

  • A Job Queue Rule which had default criteria and option "2=Change" taken against the criteria which had not been used would not alert. This has been corrected.

  • A new End User License Agreement (EULA) is now included within the Halcyon IBM i EXE installer.

  • Action Template STRWATCH was using incorrect Substitution Variables &MSGQLIB and &MSGQ and did not include the ASP Group. It should be using &QUEUELIBR, &QUEUE and &QUEUEASP. This has been corrected.

  • An upgrade to Halcyon would fail if Message Console (DSPMSGCON) had "User preferences" for a userid that did not exist. This has been corrected.

  • Auto-export was incorrectly exporting Message Queue Global Exclusions when specifically excluded but the Message Queue was newly created on the target Environment. This has been corrected.

  • Halcyon Auto-Upgrade Solution (AUS) command CONFIG would fail if time separator being used was not a colon. This has been corrected.

  • Message Communicator email addresses that included a space in the name would cause an upgrade to fail. This has been corrected,

  • Message Communicator was not closing the escalation of a message when the relevant alert was closed if the SNDTXT Action was defined to use the *LOCAL "Export name". This has been corrected.

  • Message Monitor was not correctly monitoring "Not received" rules that crossed midnight. This has been corrected.

  • Message Monitor would not raise "Not received" alerts for a released Rule Group relating to a message queue on an IASP. This has been corrected.

  • Message Queue Monitor now ignores message CPF2460 which is returned from the IBM API when a message queue is full.

  • Output Queue Monitor would not correctly extract an *IPDS spooled file as part of Title checking against a Rule. This has been corrected.

  • When adding/changing the QHST Message Queue Group within "Work with Rules" (WRKRULES) it would incorrectly show an error regarding the "Max consecutive cycles". This has been corrected.

  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) would fail if a user had *USE authority and attempted to make a change. This has been corrected.

June 2020

Version 7.0

June 16, 2020

(PTF: 2020.044.2)

No updates for this release.

Version 7.0 (PTF: 2020.044.1)

June 3, 2020

  • Message Monitor was not ending the "Check cycle" as defined against the Rule Group if more messages were added to the queue while it was being processed. This has been fixed.
  • A 'Not received' rule that spans midnight no longer gives a false alert.
  • Message Monitor could fail with a duplicate key error as part of BRMS monitoring under a specific circumstance. This has been fixed.

February 2020

Version 7.0 (PTF: 2020.044)

February 24, 2020

  • "Hold Rule" (HLDRULE) and "Release Rule" (RLSRULE) now issue *ESCAPE message HAL0154 if the Group/Queue specified cannot be found.
  • "Work with User Authority" (WRKUSRAUT) now has new option "3=Copy" which can be used to copy the authorities from an existing user to a new user.
  • System Default HMM/DFTMAXPERAPI, "Maximum messages to retrieve per API call", now allows a value of *NOMAX. Setting a high number or *NOMAX could result in the Message Monitor not checking message queues frequently if a message queue is being rapidly populated with messages.
  • The Message Communicator script for retrieving the GSM status, RTVGSMSTS, has been modified to work with more GSMs. IMPORTANT: A new version of script RTVGSMSTS will be installed, with the existing script renamed to a suffix of underscore.
  • Message Communicator now supports retrieving the signal strength for a 4G capable GSM.
  • "Retrieve System Default" (RTVSYSDFT) would incorrectly truncate the name of the system default to 10 characters and then return an error if the name was longer as it was not found. This has been fixed in this release.
  • "Work with Alert Log" (WRKALTLOG) for "11=Omit" was not allowing wildcards for Job, User or Program. This has been fixed in this release.
  • "Work with Rules (WRKRULES)" would fail if "10=Reset" was used against Monitor or Group. This has been fixed in this release.
  • "Work with Rules" (WRKRULES) was not retaining the cursor position after changing criteria. This has been fixed in this release.
  • "Work with Rules" (WRKRULES) within a Message Queue Rule would incorrectly show a "not found" error when defining a message from a message file on an IASP. This has been fixed in this release.
  • "Work with Rules" (WRKRULES) would incorrectly show an error within a TCP/IP rule on the criteria for a problem on the first page of the Rule definition. This has been fixed in this release.
  • A Job Log Rule with a Held Group would continue to Alert. This has been fixed in this release.
  • A Job Queue *ALL/*ALL Rule Group that included a *JOB Rule to check for "time on queue" would correctly raise alerts but then incorrectly close them immediately. This has been fixed in this release.
  • A SNDTXT Action that specified the inclusion of a *JOBINF spooled file would fail. This has been fixed in this release.
  • After using CSTENV *EXAMPLE some example rules incorrectly had values including %HALCYON and %HMCLIB. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Job Log Monitor was incorrectly looking for a "Not received" rule on a day that was set not to be monitored. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Job Queue Monitor example Rule Group Q1ABRMNET did not have the criteria set correctly on Rule "0900 - Check job queue is ready". This has been fixed in this release.
  • Message Communicator scripts for modems did not include a "time-out" specification on initialization which meant the script could hang if the modem was not responding correctly. This has been fixed in this release. IMPORTANT: New versions of the following scripts will be installed, with the existing script renamed to a suffix of underscore;
    • ACCURA56K
    • DT
    • O2MOBILE
    • TAP
    • UCP
  • Message Communicator was returning bad information for the "Service Provider" on a *UCS2 GSM/NetGSM. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Message Monitor was incorrectly alerting for a BRMS "Not received" Rule. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Message Queue Monitor was not resetting "Counts" against Actions correctly. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Message Queue Monitor would incorrectly raise an alert that had already been raised for a message queue set to *LAST "startup option" each time it was started. This has been fixed in this release.
  • PDFs generated by Halcyon IBM i incorrectly included some escape characters. This has been fixed in this release.
  • SNMP Traps sent from Halcyon IBM i are now logged within the Halcyon Message Log (DSPMSGLOG).
  • Sending emails on V5R3 and V5R4 failed as clean-up would attempt to use a parameter on a command that does not exist at those OS Levels. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Substitution Variable &MSGHLP was incorrectly being truncated to 240 characters. This has been fixed in this release.

July 2019

Version 7.0 (PTF 2019.192)
  • Customized rules for HA4i have been made available.
  • Customized rules for IBM Webquery have been made available.
  • Additional Object Monitor rules have been added to the M3 customization.
  • The HALIMPORT command has been deprecated.
  • A message has been added to warn user of a failed upgrade due to being HELD.
  • The ability to add .ZIP email attachments has been added to Message Communicator.
  • A *MONTHLY change period has been added to Rosters within Message Communicator.
  • BRMS support has been added for V7R4.
  • A fix has been applied so that the Override Remote Location Group at rule level now works as expected when using Auto-Export.
  • When using Import Environment (IMPENV), the Work with Monitors display now reports the correct status for the listed monitors.
  • Job Log Monitor no longer fails if there are lots of jobs in the system.
  • Job Queue rules now ignore message CPF3330 if is encountered during a backup.
  • Exit Points are now set to a default of ‘No’ for the restarting of servers.
  • A fix has been applied so that all sub-console actions are invoked rather then just those of the first sub-console.
  • SMS under *UCS2 for the Gemalto *NETGSM is now working as expected.
  • When using SNDEMLMSG in Message Communicator, *SELECT now attaches the selected spooled files.
  • When using the Output Queue, PDFs created by Halcyon are now correctly formatted.

September 2018

Version 7.0 (PTF 2018.248)
  • The PowerHA Templates include two additional Device Rules to check for Cluster Node and Cluster Resource Group activity.
  • Job Log Monitor now has the ability to monitor Autostart, Subsystem monitor, Spooled reader, System, Spooled writer and SCPF system jobs as part of *BATCH job monitoring.
  • Display Web Log (DSPWEBLOG) and Print Web Log (PRTWEBLOG) now allow the subsetting of messages for just the Message Sender GUI via new value *QMM.
  • The ability to lock an interactive display with a screen saver that requires the user to enter their password to unlock has been added.
  • Work with Rules now allows the definition of auto-export settings at Monitor level.
  • A fix has been applied to prevent Halcyon Network Receive Monitor failing on receipt of message CPE3406 from the operating system.
  • A fix has been applied to prevent EMAILSPLF Action failing when system value QTIMSEP is set to 1.
  • Message Communicator no longer fails when converting non-displayable characters as part of a response from a device, if it results in the data becoming very long.
  • The CPTOSTMF action no longer fails when actioned if system value QTIMSEP is set to 1.

March 2018

Version 7.0 (PTF 2018.044.2)
  • In certain situations when running CCSID 65535, the SNDTXT Action and corresponding Alert Log entries could result in corrupt characters. This has been fixed.

February 2018

Version 7.0 (PTF 2018.044.1)

No updates for this release.

Version 7.0 (PTF 2018.044)
  • RobotHA customization templates have been updated to include Audit monitoring.
  • Permanent license codes without maintenance (*NOMAINT) can be automtically removed using new system default HAL/CODEAUTODELETE.
  • Job Lists now include the ability to specify 'User' and 'Subsystem' parameters.
  • Performance improvements have been made to Open alert action processing.
  • Work with Admin Alerts has had a message added warning of a redundant permanent license code being automatically deleted.
  • Work with Alert Log has been enhanced with ASP and CCSID information via new F11=Message Information function key.
  • The Monitor Supervisor now monitors Network Auxiliary Monitors.
  • Work with Rules now allows the export of groups that contain wildcard symbols.
  • A fix has been applied so that the Open alert action is processed regardless of rule status.
  • A fix has been applied to Message Queue Monitor to handle QHST messages for the *LAST startup option when coming out of restricted state.

December 2017

Version 7.0 (PTF 2017.311)
  • New system default HAL/SNMPSRCPORT has been made available to allow a default Port definition to be used when sending SNMP Traps. The purpose of this change is to allow control when applying firewall rules to outbound communications as the "source" Port will be fixed.

  • A fix has been applied so that a Console action to the Enterprise Console no longer fails if the source message contains corrupted data.

  • A fix has been applied so that a Send Text Message action no longer fails if the source message contains corrupted data.

  • Display Message Console (DSPMSGCON) now displays alerts from a remote system in the correct defined color.

  • A fix has been applied so that Display Message Console (DSPMSGCON) no longer fails when performing an auto-refresh.

  • A fix has been applied in order that the inclusion of substitution variables as part of a COMMAND Action which resolves to a non-displayable character such as &CR, no longer results in subsequent substitution variables being ignored.

  • Message Queue Rules now auto-resolves the IASP to be used using the message file library. In the event that the library is not found on *SYSBAS or on currently available IASPs, then *SYSBAS will be used and the message will be unable to be resolved.

  • A fix has been applied so that auto-exports now export Message Queue Global Exclusions.

September 2017

Version 7.0 (PTF 2017.251)
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the Stand Guard Anti-Virus product have been made available.
  • Device rules now permit the monitoring of devices with the status of *IMGCLG.
  • Performance improvements have been made to Job Log Monitor to aid it keep pace with a job that has a rapidly filling job log.

  • A fix has been applied so that Job Queue *FIRST Rules for "Time on queue" no longer raise Alerts with corrupted Alert text.

  • It is now possible to define Job Queue groups for Job Queues that do not exist on the local system.

  • The Halcyon commands to produce reports now include a parameter to allow the saving of the resulting spooled file.

  • Efficiency improvements have been made in regards to accessing System Defaults.

  • A fix has been applied so that an "Open alert action" of *CLOSE is no longer actioned when the alert triggering condition still exists.

  • Send Email Message (SNDEMLMSG) now supports the use of User Data to determine which spooled files should be attached to the email.

  • Halcyon shipped/supplied Message Communicator scripts now include a warning stating not to modify the script directly and that a copy should be taken with a new name and that version modified instead.

  • Work with Email Addresses (WRKEMLADR), Work with Message Queue Recipients (WRKMSGQRCP), Work with Pagers (WRKPAGERS), and Work with Phones (WRKPHONE) now have the ability to send messages to the defined email address via new option "9=Send message".
  • A fix has been applied so that using the "Hold Rule" (HLDRULE) command for *ALL Message Queue Rules no longer only holds just the first rule.

  • It is now possible to define Output Queue groups for Output Queues that do not exist on the local system.

  • A fix has been applied to CPIP *CHANGE rules so that they no longer alert incorrectly.

July 2017

Version 7.0 (PTF 2017.069.2)
  • The Job Log Monitor had a very high I/O to some Halcyon files. This has been corrected.
  • Export from 'Work with Rules' (WRKRULES) for an *ALL output Queue or Job Queue Group would fail as it incorrectly used *ALL for the Group rather than *GRPALL. This has been corrected.
  • Message Communicator would reject an inbound email address if the system was set to a non-USA CCSID due to translation issues with the '@' symbol. This has been corrected.
  • Message Monitor was incorrectly handling a message from a third party application. This has been corrected.

March 2017

Version 7.0
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the Rocket iCluster product have been made available.
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the Vision iTera v6.2 product have been made available.
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the IBM PowerHA product have been made available.
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the Robot HA product have been made available.
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the M3/Movex product have been updated.
  • Custom environment rule templates to monitor the MISYS Equation product have been updated.
  • Device rules have the ability to monitor the status of Cluster Nodes and Groups.
  • The upgrade routine warns you if you have not selected products that are suitable for upgrade
  • The upgrade routine warns you if you are downgrading from a newer version of the software.
  • An upgrade to Halcyon Message Manager (HMM) changes the scope of RSTRULE actions that reset a different rule from *REF to *RULE.
  • An example rule has been added to Job Log rules.
  • Job Queue rules have the ability to select jobs using a Job List.
  • Job Queue rules provide IASP support for Job Queue monitoring.
  • A warning is displayed if the required IBM PTFs for the Job Queue Monitoring API have not been applied.
  • A fix has been applied so that Action Monitors operate correctly when used with temporary Product Authorization codes.
  • Rule actions can now be delayed by up to 24 hours.
  • Open alert action processing can be disabled via a new value of *DISABLE for System Default HAL/DFTOPNALTACTION.
  • A command to enable NetServer Users; RSTNETUSR - Reset NetServer User has been made available.
  • Auto-Export can be defined at Group level. This allows you to define a Monitor level Auto-Export policy but override at Group level.
  • The EXTLOG (External Log) Action allows you to specify the Alert text that is sent to the external file. Substitution variables are supported.
  • Print Alert Log (PRTALTLOG) includes a Save parameter which allows you to set whether the resulting spooled file should be saved after it has been printed.
  • Replying to an IBM i Inquiry Alert within the Enterprise Console now records the user in message HAL0370 that is added to the Halcyon Message Log.
  • Work with Substitution Variables (WRKSBSVAR) now allows you to define fixed length character variables via a new type of *FIXED.
  • Substitution Variable &DFTALRSUB has been made available which contains the "Subject" defined for an email. This can be used in Actions within an Action Schedule if you want to use an external program/command to send emails and need to set/pass the email subject to be used.
  • New Substitution Variables for rules have been made available:
    • &RULEDESC The Rule Description
    • &RULGRPDESC Description of the Rule Group the Rule is within
  • New Substitution Variables relating to the closing of an alert have been made available:
    • &ALRCLSDEV Alert close device if closed by SMS or Email
    • &ALRCLSJOB Alert close job
    • &ALRCLSMETH Alert close method
    • &ALRCLSSYS Alert close system
    • &ALRCLSUSER Alert close user
  • Set LDA and Call Program (SETLDA) now includes the Message File ASP Group for Message Queue Alerts in the *LDA at position 923 for 10 characters.
  • Set LDA and Call Program (SETLDA) now includes the Halcyon AlertID in the *LDA at position 914 for 9 characters.
  • Set LDA and Call Program (SETLDA) was now sets the System Name into the *LDA when performed against non-Message Queue Alerts.
  • Send Syslog Message (SNDSYSLOG) now includes the ability to specify the Port number to which syslog messages are sent.
  • On clean installs, system default HAL/ALTAUTOCLOSE now ships with a value of 90 meaning Alerts are auto-closed after 90 days.
  • On clean installs, system default HAL/DFTOPNALTACTION now ships with a value of *DISABLE meaning "Open alert action" processing is disabled.
  • Work with Alert Log (WRKALTLOG) now allows you to Subset using a wildcard value for "Message ID" or by "Program name".
  • Work with Alert Log (WRKALTLOG) now shows a status of WARNING against Alerts and SNDTXT Actions if all the devices to which the message is being sent are Held.
  • Job Queue Lists must now have a name that is prefixed with * to keep it consistent with User Lists. On upgrade existing Performance *JOB Rules that use Job Lists will be changed to use the new format name.
  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) now includes the ability to create a new User List when prompting for "User" using F4=Prompt providing you have sufficient authority.
  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) now includes the ability to display a Calendar by using F4=Prompt in "Calendar". You can change an exisitng calendar here if you have sufficient authority.
  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) now includes the ability to display a User List. Within the criteria for a "User" set the value to * then use F4=Prompt.
  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) now loads the list of rules a page at a time to improve performance.
  • Message Communicator now correctly configures a *SWTPP Modem.
  • A fix has been applied so that Display Message Log (DSPMSGLOG) allows you to use "9=Comms log" against a message sent via a Broadcast Group.
  • A fix has been applied so that emails sent via an SMTP Server respond correctly to the initial commands sent by Message Communicator.
  • Message Communicator now supports more characters as part of sending an SMS.
  • Message Communicator now supports sending emails with a subject line of up to 256 characters if sent via an external SMTP Server.
  • Message Communicator Monitor now correctly handles subscript errors.
  • The TAP - Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol script has been modified to support additional service providers. On upgrade, a new version of script TAP will be installed. Any existing version of this script will be renamed to include a suffix of underscore. If you have made any changes to this script, you will have to re-apply them to the new version after upgrade.
  • Send Email Message (SNDEMLMSG) now informs you as part of message HMC0271 that it does not support multi-level Broadcast Groups, Escalation Lists, Schedules or Rotas and that you must use Send Text Message (SNDTXTMSG) instead.
  • The SNDTXT Action now includes an "Attach, if email" parameter which allows the following values. The selected attachment is added as a PDF and only if sending to an email device.
    • *NONE Default. No attachments
    • *ACTJOB Attach a copy of WRKACTJOB *PRINT
    • *JOBINF Attach a copy of DSPJOB *PRINT for the alerting job
    • *JOBLOG Attach a copy of DSPJOBLOG *PRINT for the alerting job
    • *SYSSTS Attach a copy of WRKSYSSTS *PRINT.
  • Send Text Message (SNDTXTMSG) now includes a "Service provider" parameter allowing you to override the Service Provider used for sending an SMS message.
  • Message Communicator now allows you to specify the maximum size of attachments for emails. This has been made available via new system default HMC/EMAILATTMAX.
  • Work with Communication Resources (WRKCMNRSC) now includes the ability to define, for directly attached devices, the type of "Flow control" that is required.
  • Work with Email Addresses (WRKEMLADR), Work with Message Queue Recipients (WRKMSGQRCP), Work with Pagers (WRKPAGERS) and Work with Phones (WRKPHONES) now include a "Position to" parameter to allow for the easier retrieval of information.
  • Work with Email Addresses (WRKEMLADR) now includes the ability to define the email format to be used via new parameter "Email send format".
  • Message Queue Monitor now correctly handles rules containing lots of criteria with complex comparisons.
  • Message Queue Monitor now cleans the message text from a generic message to remove undisplayable characters which would prevent processing.
  • Message Queue Monitor now supports message queues on IASPs.
  • Message Queue Monitor now includes the ability to change the Actions performed based on a count of the number of times triggered by the resolved message text.
  • Send Test Message (SNDTSTMSG) now issues a warning if you provide details for a message which as a Severity greater than or equal to the value in new system default HMM/TSTMSGSEVWARN.
  • Work with Messages Review (WRKMSGRVW) now shows the correct detail when "5=Display" is used against a generic message.
  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) for Message Queue criteria now sorts the summary list of criteria by Select/Omit then by the Message ID.
  • Output Queue Monitor now supports the use of an Output Queue List to define the Output Queues to be monitored.
  • Output Queue Monitor now supports output queues on IASPs.
  • Output Queue *SPLF rules now support the use of a wildcard value for "User data". The wildcard value is case sensitive.
  • A new "Delete after" flag has been added to the EMAILSPLF and EMAILSTMF Actions. On an Output Queue rule this deletes the spooled file once the email has been processed.
  • Work with Rules (WRKRULES) for Output Queue Rule Groups now shows the last date and time the queue was checked and how long it took to process the queue by using "5=Display".
  • TCPIP *PORT rules for *LCL *LCLLIST now allow you to set the "Remote system" parameter to *ANY meaning the rule checks for the Port being available or having a connection.
  • TCPIP rules for *RMT *CALC now alert only if both the *IPV4 and the *IPV6 IP addresses fail to respond.
  • TCPIP rules now correctly use an Inverse Calendar setting.
  • Closing a TCPIP Alert now uses the "Check interval" setting rather than the Monitor cycle as the time since the last check setting is no longer reset.

November 2016

Version 6.0
  • An upgrade of Message Manager now correctly sets the 'Scope' of RSTRULE actions.
  • A fix has been applied to the Job Queue Monitor so that it now actions the 'Open Alert' action correctly.
  • Message Communicator now removes attachments for *ARPA emails.
  • Using Export Rule (EXPRULE) for a Message Queue rule now updates an interenal index number on the target environment to prevent issues arising when adding further criteria to the rule.
  • Message Communicator now correctly processes any commands sent via emails.
  • The specified time-out for data to be received from an external SMTP Server setting within Message Comunicator is now correctly applied.
  • Message Monitor now correctly processes message queue messages if the system time has been moved back (such as end of daylight saving time). It no longer waits until the original time has been passed again.
  • Output Queue and TCP/IP rules now have the ability to run an Action Schedule when an alert is closed. A new parameter, 'On-close action' has been made available on the respective Add/Change Rule display for this purpose.
  • The SNDTXT action now includes an *ALERTED value for message devices. This sends a message to all Message Communicator devices that have been messaged about the alert. The text message is taken from the entry in new system default HAL/DFTCLSALTMSG.
  • Output Queue rules now support the use of a User List instead of a fixed value for the 'Job user' parameter. This adds the ability to specify multiple select and omit criteria for the user.
  • You can now resequence the rule numbers on TCP/IP rules by using new option 38=Resequence against the rule group. Actions which include the ability to define the rule number, such as CLOSE, DELETE, HLDRULE, RLSRULE and RSTRULE are not updated.

August 2016

Version 6.0
  • Halcyon Auto-Upgrade Configuration (HALINST/CONFIG) now includes the ability to define whether the Halcyon Monitors for the required Environment are restarted when the upgrade is complete.
  • Halcyon now checks if IBM PTF SI60339 has been applied on V7R3. Access to the Auto-Upgrade Panel is refused if not.
  • A fix has been applied to prevent Message Communicator failing when attempting to receive a large inbound email.
  • A fix has been applied to prevent the TCPIP *RMT rules from triggering in situations where the monitor has been running for an extended period of time.

July 2016

Version 6.0
  • A system default has been added to control the SMTP timeout period within Message Communicator.

June 2016

Version 6.0
  • Job queue *JOB rules now allow the special value *SECOND for 'Job' which provides the ability to check the second job on the job queue.
  • Message Communicator now allows the following special characters in a device name; Space ' ', Asterisk '*', Hash '#', Dash '-', Open bracket '(', Close bracket ')', Forward slash '/', Underscore '_'.
  • Siemens and Gemalto Send and Receive scripts have been modified to improve the performance of sending/receivng an SMS via a GSM/NetGSM.
  • A new DISPATCH script is now included in Message Communicator for use with GSMs when facilitating a 'mass send' of SMS messages.
  • Message Communicator now includes an INZGSM script to initialize/reset a GSM.

February 2016

Version 6.0
  • Device, Job Log, Job Queue, Message Queue, Output Queue and TCP/IP rules now have the ability to run an Action Schedule when an alert is closed.
  • Device, Job Log, Job Queue, Message Queue, Output Queue and TCP/IP rules within a group can be re-sequenced by use of new option 38=Resequence.
  • Job Log, Job Queue, Message Queue and Output Queue rules now support the use of a user list instead of a single user profile.
  • Job Queue *STS rules now display the number of jobs to be checked.
  • A fix has been implemented to prevent the Job Queue Monitor from failing under a very specific circumstance.
  • COMMAND actions include an iASP parameter to allow definition of which iASP should be used when the command is run.
  • Work with User Lists supports the use of Select / Omit for individual user profiles.
  • Option 8=Where Used has been added to Work with User Lists to allow the display of rules where the user list is deployed. Additionally, it is no longer possible to delete a user list that is in use.
  • System default HMC/EMAILFORMAT has been added to define the format used for outbound emails sent using an external SMTP server.
  • Send Text Message (SNDTXTMSG) allows a value of *ALERTED to send a message to all message devices that have already been sent a message for the specified alert.
  • Create Email Address (CRTEMLADR) includes all the parameters available when creating the message device within Work with Email Addresses.
  • System default HMC/SMTPSERVERRATE has been added to define the maximum number of emails that can be sent via an external SMTP server in the space of one minute.
  • A communication script has been made available to allow the use of Multi-tech modems.
  • Support has been added to allow the sending of messages to devices in a broadcast group that is already part of another broadcast group.
  • Print Communications Log allows a value of *MSG in the Detail parameter. This includes the actual messages that have been sent and received.
  • A fix has been implemented to clear the message review down to the number of days specified in system default HMM/LRMLOGLIFE.
  • A fix has been implemented so that Message Queue Monitor alerts for messages received just after midnight.
  • Output Queue *STS rules now display the number of spooled files to be checked.
  • The Output Queue Monitor has been made more efficient.

July 2015

Version 6.0
  • The alert severity level can now be overridden on an Action Schedule Action when processed by Console and SNMPTRAP actions.
  • Work with Action Templates now includes an Action Template for Delete Journal Receiver.
  • When an alert is acknowledged, the rule details are included on the message added to the Message Log.
  • The ability to auto-export rule groups and rules to remote systems when any amendments have been made has been implemented.
  • User lists can now be used wherever a user profile can be specified.
  • Data areas within the product libraries are now locked *EXCLRD allowing them to be read while products are running.
  • Device, Job Queue, Output Queue and TCP/IP rules now supports the automatic acknowledgment or close of open alerts when the trigger criteria is no longer valid.
  • Message Queue, Device, Job Log, Job Queue, Output Queue and TCP/IP rules now support the use of a Calendar, rather than a Day/Time mask to define when rules should be checked.
  • Message Communicator HMC MSGDEV authority to control the ability to send messages to message devices has been implemented.
  • Display System Information can now be sent to *OUTFILE.
  • Job and Output Queue rule logic has been changed to include specific queues with generic libraries.
  • Support has been added for Message Sub-Consoles to give the ability to display multiple consoles with different alerts in each.
  • Option 7=Messages has been added to Display Message Console to show relevant messages from the Message Log.
  • Option 13=Actions has been added to Display Message Console to show Sub-Console actions performed for any given alert.
  • Message Console can now retain closed alert history, including alerts sent from remote locations.
  • A 'Sound alarm' option has been added to the Console action and SEND CONSOLE MESSAGE command.
  • A new 'Display attribute' field has been added to the Console action to allow you to define the display color of the alert in the Message Console.
  • Additional actions can be performed when an alert is added to a Sub-Console.
  • User-defined options can be specified within Display Message Console and Work with Alert Log to allow the creation of bespoke options in addition to the standard options available for an alert.
  • Display Message Console now shows 'No alerts to display' if no alerts exist.
  • Message Manager rule counts can now be reset at midnight on each day.
  • An underscore ('_') is now supported within a WatchID that is part of a 'Not received' Message Queue rule.
  • Message Queue Monitor Start-up options now allow the setting of a time from which to process messages.
  • Message Queue rules now support criteria for 'Accounting code' from the user profile that sent the message.
  • Up to a maximum of 35 auxiliary Action Monitors can now be defined.
  • Data transfer can now be actioned using the Halcyon Network Monitors rather than FTP.
  • An 'Export name' can now be defined for the *SYSTEM remote location.
  • New 'Time-out' default values for remote locations are shipped as standard.
  • The Output Rule report now has the ability to include the rule criteria.
  • Print System Status 'System available' field can now display Service Level Agreement (SLA) values.
  • Job information can now be included when attaching spooled files in Send Email Message.
  • Work with Rules now automatically holds rules that have been copied using option 3=Copy or the Copy Rule (CPYRULE) command.
  • System default HMC/MSFTIMEOUT (Mail Server Framework Timeout) now ships set to 10 seconds.
  • Support has been added for 2-way email via a Post Office Protocol (POP) email server.
  • Message Communicator now supports numeric pagers.
  • Message Communicator now supports sending messages to Message Queues on *LOCAL or to remote locations.
  • Support for land line phones has been added to Message Communicator.
  • Increased support for different line types on modems has been added.
  • Work with Service Providers now includes a count of the number of High, Normal and Low priority outstanding messages to be sent.
  • Work with Phones has a new field 'Tone dial time' which allows you to specify the length of ring time before hanging up.
  • Support has been added for Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP).
  • A warning message has been added to the Message Log if the required PTF level has not been applied in order to run service program QTMMCUTL.
  • The ability to use SNMP as a message device when using the Send Pager Message (SNDPGRMSG) command has been added.
  • Message Communicator now supports the use of an external SMTP Server for the sending of emails.
  • Job log information can now be included when attaching spooled files in Send Email Message.
  • Active job information can now be included when attaching spooled files in Send Email Message.
  • Multi-part protected (&PROT) substitution variables can now be created.
  • New substitution variable &RUNPTY has been made available to return the run priority of a job.
  • Auto-export system defaults now include the time interval.
  • SLA statistic functionality has been added to TCP/IP rules.
  • TCP/IP rules now supports the use of a Master rule which can prevent the checking of other rules in the same group.
  • A System Monitor option has been added to TCP/IP rules to check that monitors are active on an *i5 remote location.
  • IPV6 addresses are now supported in TCP/IP rules.
  • Remote connections to local ports can now be monitored using the *PORT rule class in TCP/IP rules.
  • TCP/IP *SYSMON rules no longer raise alerts for monitors which are in a status of 'Held'.
  • TCP/IP rules now allow the ability to specify a 'Hop limit'.
  • Remote port status can now be checked using TCP/IP rules.
  • System status information can now be included when attaching spooled files in Send Email Message.
  • A fix has been applied so that PDFs created in QDLS are given the correct permissions to allow overwriting.

Archived Release Notes

Please check the following archive files for Level 1 Message Management Suite release information prior to 2015.

October 2014

July 2014

April 2014

January 2014

October 2013

July 2013

April 2013

January 2013

December 2012

September 2012

May 2012

January 2012

November 2011

July 2011

May 2011

January 2011

November 2010


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