
January 2025

Currently Shipping: Version 6.6.3

January 6, 2025

  • Upgraded the jQuery library from v1.10.2 to v3.6.0 for the web server.
  • Added support for Mac OS 13/14 Intel.
  • Resolved cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1 to address vulnerabilities.
  • Resolved option to delete reports in Reports server.
  • Resolved an issue where a "maintenance contract has lapsed" message may appear when you have a valid license.
  • Resolved MacOS unsupported version message.
  • Display Intermapper version.
  • Updated the Reports option to avoid including an extra "b" in each string when exporting to a CSV.
  • The Intermapper service has been improved to handle exceptions that had resulted in a crash.
  • Resolved an issue where the NT Services & WMI screen displayed LONG_WMI_DESC instead of the proper text at top of window.
  • Updated to ensure long Japanese text fits in the Layer 2 settings window.
  • Resolved an issue where the database would not update properly and had a psycopg2.errors.NotNullViolation error.
  • Resolved a server-crash issue related to an equality test.
  • Resolved an issue where the Intermapper service may crash with a XExitProcess(11): Segmentation violation error.
  • Updated to ensure the Check Now and Automatically check buttons only check for updates when on an older version.
  • Updated the Intermapper Data Settings to allow email addresses with domains containing two periods.
  • Resolved server crash issues related to packet count and IPMI router.
  • Updated the More Probes button to ensure it opens the correct page.
  • Check for Updates feature was resolved for Remote Access.

January 2024

Version 6.6.2

January 3, 2024

New Features
  • Support for Mac 12 and 13 (Intel X64 only)

  • New Operating System support:

    • RedHat 9

    • Debian 11

    • SLES 15

  • Support silent installation for Intermapper and Intermapper Remote Access

  • Addressed Mend Migration Activities/Addressing Library vulnerabilities

  • Upgraded third party libraries on Linux/macOS

  • Upgraded third party non-graphic libraries on Windows

  • Upgraded third party graphics libraries for IM server linkage on Windows

  • New BOM Trap probe

  • Inaccurate Device Status Report

  • Map list not displaying ack down device

  • False Short-term packet loss in Intermapper

  • Cannot export users and passwords

  • Radius probe authentication error

  • Auth Server with Active Directory over SSL

  • Modify behavior of "Use SSL" checkbox with IM Auth Server

  • Translation improvements

  • Cannot see devices in IMDC even when connected to imdatabase

  • Issue with Java Null Pointer when adding Server Proprietary Probe

  • imdatabase error - psycopg2.errors.BadCopyFileFormat

  • Fix data overflow in postgres.c in pydart module of Python 3

  • False Positives on Map

  • When accessing the CNV map via the web, the Imapper app crashed

  • Error when launching Intermapper Control Center

  • Missing maps

  • IM server crashed after disable/enable maps on Linux and MacOS

  • Username with a unique character

  • Intermapperd service bouncing up and down with no remote access to the server

  • Service crashed

  • java.lang.NullPointerException error appears on Intermapper Remote Access

  • Fixed issues with Layer 2

April 2023

Version 6.6.1

April 27, 2023

  • Added password policy in Server Settings to enforce password minimum and maximum lengths. Refer to the User Guide for more information.

  • Updated libraries to address vulnerabilities on Windows, Linux, and Mac systems

  • You can authenticate LDAP on port 389 with or without SSL and on port 636 which is an encrypted connection by default. See the Intermapper User Guide for more information.

  • Resolved Chart Data Upper and Lower bounds showing incorrect numbers

  • Upgraded OpenJDK to address Java Vulnerabilities: Windows, Linux, and MacOS

  • Resolved notification emails truncating links

  • Resolved Email notifier crashes when list of emails is too long

  • Buffer overrun Assertion in NT\_Services Probe Code \(IM Server\)

  • Resolved SNMP users no longer able to accept dashes \('-'\) for the username

  • Resolved issues with Host Resources Probe

  • Resolved Email notification with Office 365

October 2022

Version: 6.6.0

October 13, 2022

New Features
  • Added support for new platforms: Windows 2022 Server, Ubuntu 21.04, 22.04, MacOS 11.

  • Added new license type 'Subscription'.

  • Updated icons for devices in Intermapper.

  • Added Advanced Network Mapping Capability (Virtual Network Monitoring for AWS).

  • Included SHA-2 in supported SNMPv3 Auth options.

  • Added functionality to control if interface status change would effect device status changing.

  • Added watermark on maps for 'Trial License Only'.

  • Added TLSv1.3 functionality.

  • Added SystemD for management of Intermapper services for Linux, and updated to conform with the Linux File Systems for packaged applications. Refer to the Installation Guide for further details on updating Linux to 6.6.

  • Updated LibPNG related libraries, addressed vulnerability CVE-2019-7317.

  • Resolved Layer-2 scan fails to complete.

  • Resolved IMDC database failure with CheckViolation error.

  • New link alert configuration features work correctly under version skew.

  • Resolved issues with non-default installation locations on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

  • Fixed incorrect disk space check during database migration/upgrade.

  • Fixed port 636 failure caused IM Database to have strings more than 256 chars.

  • Resolved failure in LDAP authentication.

  • Resolved setting a password for Intermapper DataCenter not holding.

  • Resolved TCP dropping and server stuck spinning on ETIMEDOUT.

  • Support SNMP community starting with @.

  • Resolved TLS error on HTTPS probe (Inbuilt Probe).

  • Resolved E-mail notifications not sending using external SMTP server.

  • Resolved comment import no-op for file import with .csv.

  • Resolved error when using import and save custom SSL certificate in the IMDC.

July 2021

Version: 6.5.3

July 15, 2021

  • Upgraded Intermapper Splunk App with Python 3.

  • Enhanced maintenance processing, warning users that they need available disk space to be at least double the size of the database.

  • Improved the database migration process, added a progress bar, and added more informational and error messages.

  • Updated License Key Dialog with new text and links.

  • Updated the Intermapper Migration Guide to reflect the latest updates in migrating from PostgreSQL 8.3 to 10.14.

  • Improved PostgreSQL database upgrades on slow systems.

  • Resolved the issue where the Intermapper Datacenter does not start if the Intermapper Server is installed on a non-C drive.

  • Resolved the failure to apply scaling and display units for Gauge32 in on-demand tables.

  • Resolved the failure when applying a retention policy when deleting old data in IMDC.

  • Resolved daily and weekly maintenance issues related to the Intermapper Datacenter database; significantly reducing time spent on those operations.

  • Resolved the delay in the startup of Intermapper on Microsoft Windows and Linux systems.

  • Resolved the issue where LDAP Authentication does not work.

  • Resolved a fault in the IM server's response to the IE and Edge browsers that was introduced while making the server fully TLS conformant in IM-v6.5.2.

  • Resolved an inconsistency (specific to Linux systems) between the default path for the settings directory using a command to configure the Intermapper server.

April 2021

Version: 6.5.2

April 21, 2021

  • Added the Advanced Audit Log.

  • Added support for MacOS version 10.15.

  • Added the Intermapper Migration Guide to help assist in upgrading Intermapper Database for PostgreSQL version 10.14.

  • Upgraded Python version 2.7 to version 3.8.5 and from 32-bit to 64-bit in IMDC. Probes that use Python 2 need to be converted to Python 3. For more information on converting to Python 3, see the Intermapper Developer Guide.

  • Changed IMRA components to 64-bit. Existing shortcuts need to be re-created or updated.

  • Updated PostgreSQL from version 8.3.8 to version 10.14 and from 32-bit bit to 64-bit. For more information, see the Intermapper Migration Guide.

  • Database import does not restart following nightly maintenance, no error shown.

  • IM Database insertion errors - violates check constraint "event_status_check".

  • No current PostgreSQL database can be used with Intermapper.

  • IMDC startup depends on executable "/tmp" directory which conflicts with some site security policies.

  • SNMPv3 noAuth noPriv fails to send securityName.

  • Acknowledgment not properly reflected in map status icons.

  • Resolve CSV Injection vulnerability in Intermapper.

  • Map export as .svg fails with 50 device license.

  • Execution hangs - SSL errors, datapoints report sync.

  • IMRA 6.5.1 Java exceptions generating error logs.

  • IM Database insertion errors.

  • Layer 2 scans fail to complete (traceback with illegal IP passed).

  • IMDC is not optimized for MacOS.

  • IMDB maintenance task not completing.

  • ForeignKeyViolation in updating on table notifierrule.

  • Fixed IMAuth error with Active Directory.

September 2020

Version: 6.5.1

Sept 17, 2020

  • Updated OpenSSL to version 1.0.2u on MacOS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows systems.

  • Updated for Linux/Mac and Cygwin (Windows) for robustness and error handling.

  • Updated CloneIM.VBS for Windows for robustness and error handling.

  • Addressed the CVE-2016-2107 vulnerability.

  • Links with status Admin down can be acknowledged, not only as a Basic acknowledgement.

  • Added the ability of non-root users to use Java.

  • The Alarm Point controls delay, repeat, and count now work as documented in the Intermapper Developer Guide. The Intermapper Developer Guide was updated to indicate that delay and repeat are in units of seconds, not minutes.

  • Fixed Kali UI client crashes on AIOOBE in Layer-2 Switches.

  • Fixed the map list to represent correct statuses.

  • Fixed down interfaces to be displayed in a down status, rather than in red and with an OK status.

  • Fixed excess Event Log messaging from built-in NetScreen VPN probes.

  • Fixed the issue where databases have frequent ERROR logs after upgrading to version 6.5b1.

  • Fixed the issue where Intermapper crashes with ASSERT if it cannot load file from Icons.

  • Fixed missing IANA-CHARSET-MIB in IM Settings.

  • Fixed the Trial license expired window so it is no longer cropped on SUSE Linux Enterprise systems.

  • Fixed the Intermapper update mechanism so it no longer sends users to an obsolete link.

  • Fixed incorrect dates and times when changing a chart scale.

  • Fixed dropping Ignore settings for interface windows.

  • Fixed the Alarm Point delay, repeat, and count controls.

  • Fixed the group email notifier service so it no longer crashes.

  • Fixed CISCO-VIRTUAL-SWITCH-MIB error at startup.

  • Fixed SSL errors and datapoints report synchronization issues that were causing executions to hang.

  • Fixed the tcpInfo device list sort flags so they no longer create ASSERT errors.

  • Fixed a memory problem which could result in service crashes showing an Unknown Signal -6 error.

  • Fixed insertion errors in multiple database tables that caused IMDC to crash and exit.

May 2020

Version: 6.5

May 28, 2020

  • Updated OUI information on MIC Manufacturers.

  • Added more detailed error reporting during layer 2 scan.

  • Updated server/client to show specific stages and statuses during Layer 2 scan.

  • Updated Layer 2 scan scheduling.

  • Updated Layer 2 panel layout in Server Settings for clarity.

  • Added the ability to export maps into .SVG format for all platforms.

  • Added the ability to to export Visio format on Microsoft Windows.

  • Added the ability to export multiple maps.

  • Converted built-in icons to SVG format.

  • Added the ability to save server badges/background images in SVG and Visio formats.

  • Added an option to calculate map status to not include link status.

  • Added the following probes for CISCO devices:
    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 3850

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 4500-X

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 6500

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 6800

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 9300

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 9500 Non-StackWise

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 9500 StackWise

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst Switch

    • SNMP - Cisco Catalyst 6500 6800 VSS

    • SNMP - Cisco ASR 1000

    • SNMP - Cisco Nexus

  • Fixed: NIC Manufacturer column of the L2 Device List window omits the final "r" in any manufacturer name.

  • Fixed: Layer-2 vlan and port information is coming up as negative values.

  • Fixed: Layer-2 scan fails to complete.
  • Fixed: Assigned Table IDs are not always unique during a Layer 2 Scan.

  • Updated Export Data from single or multiple maps.

  • Flows does not start on Ubuntu 16.

  • Fixed file handle exhaustion that caused server crashes.

  • Separated device and link counts and statuses.

  • Fixed issues with device count and statuses on the map list not match.

  • Server crashes periodically when opening on-demand tables in version 6.4.3.


April 2020

Version: 6.4.3

Apl 14, 2020

  • Changes were made to enhance map loading time at startup with large numbers of maps and charts.

  • The ability to detect corrupted chart files and repair them has been improved significantly.

  • A number of improvements in memory management and CPU usage have been completed. Even with large numbers of maps and charts, memory and CPU usage have been signficantly reduced.

  • When exporting a mix of old and new chart data to Intermapper Database, the export now completes reliably.

  • The WMI Logged-on Users probe now works properly with Windows Server 2012 R2.

December 2019

Version: 6.4.2
  • Link status entries in the Event Log now show the name of the map from which the link status message originated.
  • Intermapper Remote Access Server Settings window now closes when the client is disconnected from the Remote Server pane.
  • In the Map List window, status totals at the top of the window now show correctly.
  • Notes have been added to the SNMPWalk topics in the Developer Guide that you can't use SNMPWalk with a probe group, only with its individual probes.
  • Device status counts in the Map List window (using the gear icon in the upper right corner to turn on status counts) now show correctly.
  • The Linux Readme no longer advises the user to update Java, which is unnecessary since an up-to-date Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed with Intermapper.
  • A number of improvements have made map status indication more reliable.
  • Performance when polling complex maps has been significantly improved.

August 2019

Version 6.4.1

The following issues have been fixed:

  • When using the APC UPS probe, polling the device no longer causes the server to crash.

  • Clicking Next quickly and repeatedly in Edit > Find > Find Devices... no longer causes the Intermapper client to freeze.
Version 6.4
New Features

A number of new features have been added for this release.

New Cisco Probes

Four new Cisco probes have been added, and one has been updated:

  • Catalyst 3850 - monitors from one to an entire stack of Catalyst 3850 switches.
  • Catalyst 4500X - monitors a Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series switch.
  • Catalyst 6500 - monitors a Cisco Catalyst 6500 or 6509-E switch.
  • Catalyst 9300 - monitors from one to an entire stack of Catalyst 9300 switches.
  • Catalyst Switch - updated to monitor from one to an entire stack of Catalyst 2960, 3560, 3750, 3750X, 3850, or Catalyst 9300 switches.
  • The 4500X and 6500 probes do not monitor pairs of Catalyst 4500X or 6500 switches stacked together into a Virtual Switching System (VSS).
  • The Catalyst Switch probe supports the 3850 and 9300 switches, but the Catalyst 3850 and 9300 probes provide additional information about those switches.
  • The 4500X and 6500 probes do not monitor pairs of Catalyst 4500X or 6500 switches stacked together into a Virtual Switching System (VSS).
  • The Catalyst Switch probe supports the 3850 and 9300 switches, but the Catalyst 3850 and 9300 probes provide additional information about those switches.
OpenJDK 11 Java Runtime Environment
  • Intermapper is now built using use OpenJDK 11.
  • All JREs (Java Runtime Environments) shipped with Intermapper now use the OpenJDK 11 JRE.
Advanced Management of Alerts for Interfaces

A number of enhancements have been added to provide advanced management of alerts for interfaces.

  • You can now define separate sets of default notifiers for devices and interfaces in a map. The sets are attached automatically to any new device or link that is added to the map. For existing devices or links, the settings you make here affect all but those devices and links that have been set manually to use another set of notifiers.
  • For existing installations, Set devices to alarm on link down is set by default in the Device Thresholds panel of the Server Settings window.
  • You can now identify down interfaces by adding ifAlias to notifier message fields.
  • New check boxes have been added to Ignore Error/Discards for better clarity. You can now toggle Ignore status for an interface.
  • You can now disable interface notifications.
  • You can now set the delay for all device notifiers in your system at once, or in a single map. You can set the delay for all link notifiers in a map.
  • You can now change device notifiers on all devices in your system at once, rather than having to set them one map at a time. You can change both device and link notifiers in a map.
Intermapper now uses TLSv1.2 (required)

Intermapper and Intermapper Remote Access now require TLSv1.2. For a list of supported ciphers, see:

Chart Data Preserved When Map is Deleted

Chart data is now moved to a Chart Data/Deleted folder when its associated map is deleted. Through this mechanism, you can recover a deleted map and its associated chart data, which, while possible, was considerably less straightforward in previous versions.

  • Admin-level users can now set or change notifier delay options for all devices or links on a server, rather than per-map.
  • Ignore Errors/Discards options have been expanded in the Interfaces window to include Ignore Transmit Errors, Ignore Receive Errors, Ignore Transmit Discards, and Ignore Receive Discards.
  • Interface tables now have three new fields that you can export/import called IgnoreErrors, IgnoreDiscards, and IgnoreUtilization.
  • ifAlias is now available in the Notifier Message window field list.
  • When you delete a map from Server Settings > Enabled Maps, the charts associated with the map get moved to a new Chart Data/Deleted directory.
  • The term severity has been changed to status in the Alert Acknowledgement dialog.
  • 32-bit Windows versions are no longer supported.
  • Alarmpoint notifiers now send alerts even when no device notifier is enabled for the device, but one or more notifier is enabled for interfaces.
  • When running Intermapper Flows for the first time with different versions of Intermaper server and client, Flows now runs properly.
  • You can now edit a device or link acknowledgment comment by reopening the Acknowledge dialog and editing the current comment.

June 2019

Version 6.3.2
  • The self-signed certificate installed with Intermapper now uses no domain name instead of This removes an issue with Intermapper's security score.
  • Device notifiers no longer send an Up notification when the device goes down but comes back up before the expiration of a delay setting.
  • A problem with initialization of the Intermapper Data Center database has been fixed.
  • A problem with slow startup caused by chart data repairs has been fixed.
  • Stopping the Intermapper Reports server no longer results in warning entries in the Intermapper database log.
  • If you shut down the Intermapper server with Intermapper Remote Access client connected with a map open, and that map is subsequently removed, Intermapper now starts cleanly and handles the situation gracefully.

February 2019

Version 6.3.1
Other Fix
  • You can now use a command-line to open Intermapper or Intermapper Remote Access with multiple maps using multiple --map arguments.
  • When using Intermapper Remote Access as a read-only user, you can now access on-demand tables when the SNMP Table viewer probe is used.
  • Notifiers now send OK status correctly.
  • You can now open Intermapper or Intermapper Remote Access from a command line using multiple --map arguments.
  • An issue that prevented the Star arrangement from working on 64-bit Windows systems has been fixed.
  • An issue with large detection maps that prevents Intermapper server from starting up has been fixed.
  • Link notifiers now send OK status properly when the previous status was Critical.
  • Corrected the display of negative 32-bit data values in charts, web server charts, and reports.
  • When unpacking the Red Hat distribution, the ReadMe file is now named correctly.

January 2019

Version 6.3
New Features
Intermapper integration into Insite

Intermapper is now available as module of Insite. For this release, the following new features are available:

  • Add Connection - add a network connection from Insite to one or more Product Name servers.
  • Home - view a list of connected Intermapper servers, with summary info about each connection.
  • Dashboard - Add widgets to view various information about the devices on an Intermapper server, as well as the server itself.
  • Widgets - create widgets to view the Device list, a summary of device status, or widgets that plot device status or server resource statistics over time. Select from a variety of chart styles.
  • If you are denied access to a map for some reason, the error window now shows the map name, not just the map ID.
Other Fix
  • Intermapper now supports Windows Server 2016, Debian 9, and Ubuntu 18.04.
    Note: Debian 9/Ubuntu 18.04 users must manage Intermapper's 32-bit library dependencies a little differently from previous versions. For more information, see the Debuntu ReadMeFirst file available from the download page, and included with the download package.
  • In certain circumstances, UP and DOWN notifications did not match, and Okay notifications did not match corresponding non-Okay notifications. These have been fixed.

October 2018

Version 6.2.3
  • A new probe, the Cisco Firepower Threat Defence ASA probe, has been added. It monitors Firepower clusters, with each device appearing on the map.
Other Fix
  • An issue with editing device notifiers for multiple devices in Linux installs has been fixed.
  • The UPS Autodetect probe now loads correctly. Note: This is true for fresh installations only.
  • A note about Layer 2 scan reliability has been added to Mapping with Layer 2 Knowledgebase article .
  • Unchecking the Use Server Defaults for all three types of Interface Thresholds no longer causes the map to appear to be corrupted.
  • An issue that required closing and re-opening a map to continue editing has been fixed.
  • Notifications for a device's UP and OK status are now sent only if a prior DOWN or non-OK notification was sent.
  • Intermapper server no longer requires availability of TLS 1.0 for client connections. Both TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 can now be disabled in the ssl.conf file.
  • Thresholds are now displayed correctly in Japanese-localized installations.

July 2018

Version 6.2.2
  • A check box has been added to the Graphics pane of Intermapper Preferences. It allows the label color, which normally controls the color of the outline for built-in shapes (rectangle, oval, wire, and cloud), to control the color of the shape's text.
  • A new probe has been added. The Cisco Catalyst Switch probe monitors various configurations of fixed, modular, and stacked Cisco Catalyst switches. It has been tested with Catalyst 2960, Catalyst 3560, Catalyst 3750, Catalyst 3750X, and Catalyst 3850 switches.
Other Fix
  • Chart data now displays consistently at the correct start times.
  • When used by many devices, the SNMP Comparison Probe no longer fails intermittently.
  • The descriptions for probes now use a consistent format.
  • Link notifiers now send an "OK" notification whenever one or more non-OK link notifications have been sent. This fixes some circumstances where the "OK" was not sent.
  • Links initially displayed as dotted lines are now updated promptly to their current state.
  • Updated the Command-Line Example topic to use a simpler and more current example.
  • Links are now updated in a timely manner, improving display of traffic animations.
  • A number of fixes have improved stability.
  • A number of improvements increase stability of interactions between Intermapper Server and Intermapper Remote Access while reducing system resource usage.
  • Intermapper no longer creates unnecessary chart files for the Detection Map.
  • Removed some memory leaks that resulted in reduced responsiveness of Intermapper Server over time.
  • Intermapper now correctly identifies the operating system for Windows 8.1, 10, Server 2012 R2, and Server 2016.
  • Documentation for editing and attaching Notifiers has been updated to match the current functionality.
  • Reduced the number of link update checks to improve performance.
  • Documentation now includes information about how to set all controls in a column to the same value using Alt-click (or Ctrl-click). The feature is available in a number of windows, and has been explained in the topic for each.
  • Changes related to Intermapper Data Center have improved stability for Intermapper Server for Windows
NOTE: If you upgraded to 6.2.X and encountered issues, reverted to an earlier version, and now are upgrading to 6.2.2, all chart data from the time you reverted to the earlier build will be missing.
To avoid this issue, see the Knowledgebase article Deleting 6.2.X Chart Data After Downgrade and follow the steps described there before you install 6.2.2. Using these steps, chart data from the time of the initial upgrade is removed, chart data from the time of reverting is retained, and chart data from the time of the new upgrade is available and correct.

March 2018

Version 6.2.1
New Feature
  • A new UPS probe has been added to support the Liebert EXM Power System line. You can find it under Network Devices > UPS.
  • A number of obsolete or redundant libraries have been removed from the Flows server, reducing the chance of encountering compatibility issues during installation.
  • You can now give a device a name when none is provided by DNS or WINS from the Info Window. Choose "Don't change address or name" and enter a name in the Host Name field.
  • A number of changes have been made to chart data handling that enhance data integrity and system reliability when data anomalies are encountered.
Other Fix
  • A link in the Intermapper Remote Access help topic has been fixed, and references to unsupported Windows versions have been removed.
  • A new "Default refresh" dropdown has been added to the Server Settings > Web Server pane. Use it to set the default refresh for Web Server map pages. When using Intermapper Remote Access, version 6.2.1 is required.
  • A number of sections in the 6.2 User Guide PDF were duplicated. The duplicates have been removed.
  • Clarifications have been added to the Flows Window help topic about how to view different sets of data by opening the Flows window in different ways.
  • Fixed a link in the Probe Groups documentation that was pointing to the wrong web page.
  • Performance when processing large maps on busy networks has been improved substantially.
  • The "Also send messages to Syslog server" box in the Server Settings > Log Files now accepts a destination IP address properly on all platforms.
  • The "Log SNMP traps to" dropdown in the Server Settings > SNMP pane, introduced in 6.2, has been removed. SNMP traps are always logged to the event log.
  • The RedHat Readme file has been updated to clarify the need for 32-bit libraries in 64-bit installations, and the preferred techniques for installing 64-bit versions.
  • Two tabs in the Flows Settings window were removed. (About and Registration). Screenshots and documentation have been updated to reflect the change.
  • When importing data into Intermapper Database, a null value in the in the Event ID column no longer causes an exception..
  • After setting a Vantage point, the star badge is now displayed reliably on the selected device or network.

January 2018

Version 6.2
What's New in Intermapper® 6.2?

Intermapper 6.2 includes a number new features and enhancements. Here's a summary...

Data storage and calculation now support full 64-bit values
  • Intermapper can now display and store chart data values up to 64-bit, signed or unsigned.
  • Maximum expressible time is 1/1/3001 at 07:59:59.
  • The Vertical Axis Tab of the Chart Options window now supports display and entry of larger numbers in the Upper and Lower Bounds fields using E-notation.
  • Specify probe variables that can contain up to 64-bit values and use E-notation for values and calculation.
Chart data storage has been restructured
  • Chart data storage has been restructured. Data is now accessible as segments of time rather than file indexes.
  • The new structure permits dynamic purging of chart data.
  • A new limited retention policy has been added. You can now specify how long chart data will be kept.
  • No conversion of existing data is required. Old chart data remains untouched, and new data uses the new structures.
  • As a result of the new data structure, the space required to store chart data has been reduced significantly. Typical storage space reduction is around 40%.

NOTE: Fortra recommends that you back up your chart data before running 6.2. Chart data is located in the Chart Data folder, found in the Intermapper Settings folder.
Enhanced Recovery Strategies

A number of enhancements have been added with the following goals:

  • Provide graceful recovery in unexpected situations
  • Minimize loss of data
  • Provide additional data integrity checking
Other Changes
  • Editing groups with more than 128 users works properly.

October 2017

Version 6.1.6
  • Intermapper and Intermapper RemoteAccess Map List window now show map status correctly.
  • Interface status now updates consistently in the Interface Notifier window.
  • Two new probes have been added to support Cisco projects. You can find them in the Network Devices probe section, and they are named Cisco - ASA Firewall and Cisco - WLC.
  • Dragging a data series to a Chart Graph window in MacOS now works properly.
  • SMS notifiers now work properly in 64-bit versions of Intermapper
  • The first five fields of the Trial License window have been removed to reduce the amount of information you have to enter in order to get a trial license. (You already entered this information before downloading the software.)

July 2017

Version 6.1.5
  • The Device Notifiers window now refreshes correctly.
  • OK status notifications without a prior alert
  • Changes to maps and background images are now reflected in the Splunk app.
  • Background images now appear correctly when you print a map.
  • The Splunk app now displays events counts correctly.
  • Printing of the Summary of Notifcations in the Splunk app has been improved.
  • The Splunk app Devices menu has been removed from the Splunk app. All access to devices is available from the Device List page.
  • When Devices are associated with multiple probes, the Splunk app's Device List page now shows the status of each of the device's probes correctly.
  • Notifications in the Splunk app are now in sync with Intermapper notifications.
  • Intermapper now installs a more secure version of Java 8 Runtime Environment.
  • When starting Intermapper Datacenter on a new installation, the database is created correctly on all platforms.
  • Intermapper Flows server now starts properly after installation on all platforms.
  • The Flows window can now be closed after the Flows server has been stopped.
  • An issue with opening Link Notifiers View on certain maps in Intermapper Remote Access has been fixed.
  • The Splunk app no longer shows devices from the Detection Map.
  • An issue with sorting in the Device Notifiers view has been fixed.
  • Flows window is now disabled when the Flows Server is stopped.
  • Apostrophes in device names are now supported fully.
  • The Device Notifier view now works properly with the Detection Map.
  • To eliminate confusion, the Detection Map is no longer available through the Intermapper Web Server.
  • Probe groups now save changes properly when in Device Notifier view.
  • Delay and Repeat setting in Device Notifiers view are now saved correctly.
  • The specified default map (if it exists) is now displayed correctly in Splunk.

May 2017

Version 6.1.4
  • [BUG FIX] In Device Notifiers view, the 'Count' column value now updates properly.
  • [BUG FIX] The Device Status icon in List View and Device Notifiers View is now updating properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Controls in Link Notifiers view update properly when the same map is edited by a different client.
  • [BUG FIX] Status is displayed correctly for all maps in Map List.
  • [BUG FIX] When a notifier delay has not been reached, preventing other alerts from being sent, OK notifications are also not sent.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper now sends SMS notifiers properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Device notifier listing in Device Notifiers context menu now displays properly.
  • [BUG FIX] When viewing only certain interfaces on a map, the hidden and shown interfaces now remain selected.
  • [BUG FIX] Intermapper no longer sends false ping probe notifications when running on OS X 10.12.1 Sierra.
  • [FEATURE] A new logging mode, activated through Telnet, has been added to support web security penetration testing. For more information see the Knowledgebase article, “Activating Web Security Logging”.
  • [BUG FIX] Flows processing now supports 32-bit interface IDs. Indexes in the Interfaces window and the Flows window now match.
  • [BUG FIX] When you right-click a link and view the Interface Notifier window, selections are now saved properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Restoring a map from a scheduled backup now works properly.
  • [BUG FIX] A problem with dropped client connections has been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] When target server uses Server Name Indication (SNI), HTTPS Probe now connects properly.
  • [BUG FIX] A problem preventing display of the scroll bar in Link Notifier view has been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] The Detection Map now opens properly after upgrade to 6.1.4
  • [BUG FIX] When attempting to save an Intermapper Flows report to a location for which the user doesn't have access permissions, a more informative error message appears.
  • [BUG FIX] Removed an incorrect error message about hiding of links.
  • [BUG FIX] NPE: com.dartware.util.INDEXABLE_OBJECT$HashSortedList.getInsertPosition
  • [BUG FIX] Viewing a chart from the web UI no longer causes the service to stop.

February 2017

Version 6.1.3
  • [BUG FIX] Java Exception in Interfaces window when selecting interfaces has been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] The Map List displays correctly after map status change.
  • [BUG FIX] The installer background displays correctly in the Mac OSX Sierra installer.
  • [BUG FIX] When editing notifiers in a map, stability has been improved.
  • [BUG FIX] HTTPS probe responsiveness improved.
  • [BUG FIX] When changing a NetFlow port on a Linux machine, Flows server now responds properly.
  • [BUG FIX] The Status window shows properly in Japanese.
  • [BUG FIX] In the Link Notifier table, the 'Count' column now displays properly.
  • [BUG FIX] The 'Count' column dropdown in the Device Notifiers view is now initialized correctly with the current value.
  • [BUG FIX] When the 'Display Unnumbered Links' check box is changed, the Interfaces window now shows links properly.
  • [BUG FIX] When multiple interfaces are selected in the Interfaces window, the space bar toggles check boxes correctly.


November 2016

Version 6.1.2
  • [BUG FIX] An1 issue where incorrect icons appear has been fixed.

Version 6.1.1
  • An issue with Mac OS CPU utilization has been resolved.
  • An issue with false alarm notifications under certain conditions has been resolved.
  • An issue has been resolved when the Flows server encounters more than 256 VLANS.
  • A number of stability enhancements have been added to Autodiscovery.
  • An issue in the Interfaces window where index numbers display incorrectly at certain times has been fixed.
  • Changes in the Map Settings > Default Notifiers view are now saved correctly.
  • The Quick Start section of the User Guide has been updated.

September 2016

Version 6.1
  • [FEATURE] Specify a range of IP addresses to scan, rather than all addresses on a subnet.
  • [FEATURE] Automatic detection of new devices through scheduled auto-discovery, using the Flow server, or both.
  • [FEATURE] Trigger alerts when new devices are discovered.
  • [BUG FIX] Corrected an issue with map status display.
  • [BUG FIX] Ampersands in map and link labels now now appear correctly.
  • [BUG FIX] Tearing off interface status windows is no longer limited to one instance.
  • [BUG FIX] Missing custom icon file no longer causes Intermapper server to crash .
  • [BUG FIX] Hovering the mouse over the InterMapper VLAN pie chart now shows the correct tool tip.
  • [BUG FIX] Double-clicking an icon when a URL is the specified action now works properly.
  • [BUG FIX] When exporting a data file for a set of selected devices, it now exports only selected devices.
  • [BUG FIX] When viewing a sorted list of Interfaces in Interface Notifier view, clicking an interface now selects the correct one.
  • [BUG FIX] Overall bandwidth usage now included in alert emails.
  • [BUG FIX] Choosing Display Unnumbered Interfaces no longer causes a map to close in Intermapper Remote Access
  • [BUG FIX] The settable range for Interface threshold limits for discards has been increased to accommodate high-speed interfaces.

August 2016

Version 6.0.4
  • [BUG FIX] Map status icons now show correct status of devices and links on sub-maps.
  • [BUG FIX] Issue with special characters in map names has been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Problem with tearing off multiple interface status windows been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Problem with missing custom icon files has been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Information is now displayed correctly when you hover the mouse over the pie chart in the Top VLANs tab of the flows window.
  • [BUG FIX] Certain URLs that were not working when set as targets for double-click are now working properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Data file export of selected devices now works properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Right-clicking an interface in a sorted view of the Interface Notifier window now selects the correct interface.
  • [BUG FIX] alerting emails now show overall bandwidth usage correctly.
  • [BUG FIX] Ubuntu 16.04 is now supported.
  • [BUG FIX] Checking the Display Unnumbered Interfaces check box in the Interfaces window now works as expected.

July 2016

Version 6.0.3
  • [BUG FIX] A number of performance issues have been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] When scanning for Layer 2 devices, an exception in certain uncommon cases has been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Vantage Points created from the Device Info window now saved properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Intermapper Remote Access Sound notifiers now work properly on Linux and Windows machines.
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed Mac OS X problem when selecting a Link Notifier
  • [BUG FIX] Problem with Flows window fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Intermapper Remote Access Registration window now displays properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Selection of many interfaces notifiers using Alt-Click improved.
  • [BUG FIX] Notifiers window now works properly when viewing an interface.
  • [BUG FIX] You can now use a % (percent) symbol in a URL when defining a double-click action.
  • [BUG FIX] The Interface Thresholds window now supports Japanese localization.
  • [BUG FIX] A number of unnecessary debug log messages have been removed.
  • [BUG FIX] Layer 2 scanning has been improved.

May 2016

Version 6.0.2
  • [BUG FIX] Dataset View now shows all declared datasets, including those whose autorecord value is set to FALSE.
  • [BUG FIX] Link Interface Error Totals no longer include errors for links that are in Maintenance mode.
  • [DOC FIX] Linux and InterMapper RemoteAccess ReadMes now state that Java 8 is required.
  • [BUG FIX] Printed output from InterMapper Flows reports has been improved significantly.
  • [BUG FIX] Cursor now changes to indicate that Interfaces window is loading interface information.
  • [BUG FIX] Issues with text color have been resolved.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper no longer prompts the user to save device thresholds when the Server Settings window is closed.
  • [BUG FIX] Edit menu options (cut, copy, paste, and delete) are now enabled at appropriate times.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper RemoteAccess no longer disconnects from InterMapper server with "Unescaped ampersand." error.
  • [BUG FIX] Email notifiers triggered by Interface alerts are now sent properly.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper RemoteAccess no longer generates "Application downloaded from the Internet" confirmation message when launched on OS X 10.11.
  • [DOC FIX] Uninstall instructions for InterMapper RemoteAccess now available in OS X and Windows Readme .
  • [DOC FIX] References to Big Brother probes and links to resources have been updated to reflect Big Brother's current status.
  • [BUG FIX] In addition to Oracle Java, InterMapper RemoteAccess now supports OpenJDK on Linux machines.
  • [BUG FIX] NIC manufacturer now reported correctly in Layer 2 window on Windows machines.
  • [BUG FIX] An issue preventing resizing of The Flows window on Mac OS has been resolved.
  • [DOC FIX] Instructions for configuring Debian systems to install InterMapper via apt-get are now available in the InterMapper ReadMe file.
  • [BUG FIX] Welcome page now displays correctly when language is set to Japanese.

April 2016

Version 6.0.1
  • [BUG FIX] Can't select member probe from probe group in either Notifier view or List view - NPE
  • [BUG FIX] Removed intermittent service exit issue.
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed problem with map imports.
  • [BUG FIX] While in List view or Notifier view, you can now select a member probe from probe group.
  • [DOC FIX] Flows Window topic now runs Print and Save commands from File menu, instead of using buttons .

February 2016

Version 5.9.3
  • [BUG FIX] Flows is not sending the correct build number to the about box.
  • [BUG FIX] Negative chart data shows huge positive number in the reports
  • [BUG FIX] User Guide > Reference > Files and Folders OS list outdated (Windows versions)
  • [BUG FIX] Add supported file types for Background Images in the user guide.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper FAQs has a broken Link
  • [BUG FIX] User rename fails in data file import
  • [BUG FIX] False firewall error messages from IM on Windows 2012 Server in Event Log
  • [BUG FIX] MS14-066 (KB2992611) LDAP Authentication in IM Auth failing since patch released by Microsoft

January 2016

Version 5.9.2
  • [BUG FIX] A directory traversal vulnerability in IMDC web server has been eliminated. This addresses CVE-2003-0474, CVE-2000-0505, CVE-2003-0676.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper Flows now support s templateID 265 for Cisco ASA NSEL.
  • [BUG FIX] SQL command line probe now works properly.
  • [BUG FIX] Popup menus now appear correctly in the Map List window when viewing in fullscreen mode in Mac OSX.
  • [BUG FIX] Zoom and Polling Interval Menus now appear correctly in the Map window when viewing in fullscreen mode in Mac OSX.
  • [DOC FIX] HTTP API documentation now notes that Admin access is required for use
  • [BUG FIX] Documentation Mentions Triggers with respect to AutoMate
  • [DOC FIX] Descriptions in Powershell probes updated in probes and User Guide.
  • [BUG FIX] Japanese localization issues in the Preferences window have been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Japanese localization issues in menus have been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] Non-fatal error in InterMapper RemoteAccess installer on Linux has been fixed.
  • [DOC FIX] Note added that Acknowledgment from the command-line using curl gives returns HTML page code.
  • [BUG FIX] Leading zeroes in MAC addresses are now displayed.
  • [BUG FIX] MAC address in on-demand tables now display correctly in Windows.
  • [BUG FIX] HTTP Proxy probe now works correctly.
  • [DOC FIX] System Requirements now specifies the InterMapper products to which software requirements apply.

December 2015

Version 5.9.1
  • [BUG FIX] Canopy SM Builtin probe reports now reports accurate temperature
  • [BUG FIX] SNMPWalk now shows Counter64 datatype correctly
  • [BUG FIX] Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly links on chart page now work correctly
  • [BUG FIX] Device table Resolve field now accepts "address" or "addr" in data import
  • [BUG FIX] IMRA licenses now work correctly if wireless connections are disabled or MAC address changes
  • [BUG FIX]Added example for import of Probe Groups
  • [BUG FIX] IM Service starts properly after upgrade on Windows
  • [BUG FIX] SNMP Reply strings no longer quoted or escaped
Version 5.9

Version 5.9 contains bug fixes and enhancements:

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added support for PowerShell notifiers and probes on Windows machines
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added the ability to execute tasks in AutoMate using a new notifier
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added a selection of new and updated device icons
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added support for Windows 10
  • [BUG FIX] 10Gb interfaces link speed now displays correctly in Interfaces window on 64-bit Linux
  • [BUG FIX] Kerberos authentication was failing with error: Unable to parse keytab file
  • [BUG FIX] Default value of 0.0 in ipAddressTable caused incorrect mapping
  • [BUG FIX] intermapperd crash when connection broken at end of line input (difficult to reproduce)
  • [DOC FIX - USER GUIDE] Interfaces Window - link status "X" icons now documented correctly.
  • [BUG FIX] MAC address displays hex bytes correctly in SNMPWalk and table viewer probe
  • [BUG FIX] Passing ${param:SNMP_Variable} in notifiers now works correctly
  • [BUG FIX] Status Windows now update properly after closing and re-opening map window
  • [BUG FIX - USER GUIDE] No longer gives the impression that notifier, notifierrules, map, and retention policy attributes can be imported.
  • [BUG FIX] Status Window can now be sized horizontally
  • [BUG FIX] Slideshow feature no longer skips a map 3 or more maps open
  • [BUG FIX] SMS alert no longer delayed when SMS modem does support AT+CPIN command
  • [BUG FIX] Debug log file size now increases much less rapidly.
  • [BUG FIX] Java no longer throws exception at java.util.Vector.elementAt(
  • [BUG FIX] Formatting in web pages/~GuestImages/footer.html has been fixed
  • [BUG FIX - USER/DEV GUIDE] Data sources for dynamic device labels clarified
  • [BUG FIX] WMI Services probe now supports localized characters
  • [DOC FIX - USER GUIDE] Document the ability to copy subnet ovals to other places on the map and move links
  • [BUG FIX] When upgrading to MacOS 10.10, InterMapper now starts properly. (A fresh installation of InterMapper is required.)
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper no longer crashes on 64-bit Windows systems when monitoring large maps
  • [DOC FIX - USER GUIDE] Clarified the description of the device label <MACaddress> for devices with multiple interfaces
  • [BUG FIX] SNMPwalk no longer stops unexpectedly when receiving packets greater than 2048 bytes.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] New group directive allows assignment of devices to a probe group when importing data
  • [ENHANCEMENT] New icons available for devices and networks
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Create CSR dialog now supports SHA2 encryption at 256 or 512 bits.
  • [MSG CLARIFICATION] Message explains a map's polling is disabled if licensed count is exceeded because of a license change.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Reset All button in Map Settings-->Default notifiers applies default notifier settings to all devices on map.
  • [BUG FIX] Chart legend title can now be changed when a dataset does not have a defined name.
  • [BUG FIX] Double-click settings on a map now work the same in a web server view of the map
  • [BUG FIX] Cisco ASA flows data no longer labeled NSEL, and can be filtered on. (Exporter must be refreshed. See this KnowledgeBase entry for more information.)

January 2015

Version 5.8.2
  • [BUG FIX] Vantage Point documentation has been clarified to explain unwanted alerts and how to avoid them.
  • [BUG FIX] Web links on Demo Main Map have been fixed.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] A number of improvements made to the licensing mechanism provide a more streamlined licensing experience.
  • [LATERAL] Solaris packages are now named "HLPSInterMapper".
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Certain debug log messages are now suppressed so that one message appears each hour, reducing the size of the debug log.
  • [BUG FIX] Certain TCP probe commands no longer cause the InterMapper server to crash.
  • [BUG FIX] APC UPS no longer reports runtime with the words "seconds seconds".
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper WebServer pages load reliably after refresh.
  • [BUG FIX] Status Windows no longer appear to freeze.
  • [BUG FIX] Copying a probe group from one map to another no longer adds an extra blank device.
  • [BUG FIX] Corrupted maps are less likely to prevent InteMapper startup.
  • [BUG FIX] You can now enter a negative upper limit in Chart Options.
  • [BUG FIX] A number obsolete links and email addresses have been fixed.
  • [BUG FIX] SNMPWALK output window is now reliably displayed on a single-monitor Mac configuration.
  • [BUG FIX] Polling Loop Frequency on Mac Mavericks OS is now the same as other platforms.
  • [BUG FIX] Addressed vulnerabilities in OpenSSL libraries to CVE-2014-0224, CVE-2014-0221, CVE-2014-0195, CVE-2014-0198, CVE-2010-5298, CVE-2014-3470, CVE-2014-0076.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper DataCenter log files are now written to InterMapper Settings\InterMapper Logs.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper Flows now parses Netflow V10 IPFIX packets.
  • [BUG FIX] When installing InterMapper on Windows Server 2003, the default location for InterMapper Settings is now Application Data instead of Program Files.
  • [BUG FIX] Upgrading from 5.8 no longer installs to the Program Files folder when the previous installation was in a different location on Windows Server 2003.
  • [BUG FIX] Running InterMapper Remote Access from a command line now functions normally.
  • [BUG FIX] Mac OS 10.9.5 no longer displays warnings about invalid code signing during installation or operation.
  • [ENHANCEMENT] The 2.1GB limit on InterMapper log file size has been removed.
  • [BUG FIX] When upgrading InterMapper on Window Server 2003, the Settings folder now maintains the correct location.
  • [BUG FIX] License keys issued for computers using wireless adapters now work reliably.
  • [BUG FIX] On Mac OS, InterMapper Preferences> Menu Bar Icon panel > Show status in menu bar check box is enabled.
  • [BUG FIX] Stackwalks in 64-bit Windows installations are no longer empty.
  • [BUG FIX] Installing InterMapper on Windows in a non-default location no longer creates an InterMapper folder on C:\.ProgramData.
  • [FEATURE] You can now specify a non-default storage location for Client Debug Log files.
  • [FEATURE] 12197 Add command line flag to do simple chart data purge
  • [FEATURE] Format > Arrange > Grid... command allows sorting horizontally and vertically.
  • [FEATURE] 10654 Condition string for alarmpoints information missing
  • [BUG FIX] 12948 Upon Upgrading to MacOSX 10.10, IMDC will not connect to the database
  • [BUG FIX] 12628 Launching InterMapper Flows from InterMapper RemoteAccess now supported in Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite).
  • [BUG FIX] 12648 When upgrading to OS 10.10, the operating system no longer steals the InterMapper user's UID.

September 2014

Version 5.8.1
  • [BUG] In Chart options, a negative value entered in the Lower Bounds box of the Vertical Axis tab is allowed and values are displayed correctly.

  • [FEATURE] On new Windows installations, you can now specify a different location for InterMapper Settings.
  • [BUG FIX] Clicking the Check Now button to check for available updates now behaves the same as clicking Automatically Check for Updates.
  • [BUG FIX] Installations to a non-default location now find previous InterMapper Settings.
  • [BUG FIX] Detection of a computer's hardware ID no longer returns an empty value on certain platforms.
  • [BUG FIX] Miscellaneous fixes to registration issues in InterMapper RemoteAccess for OSX.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper Flows now retains the correct location of InterMapper Settings when not installed in the default location.
  • [BUG FIX] When monitoring the same device in multiple maps, all maps now report the same state of the device. Previously, some maps reported "No SNMPv[X] Response".
  • [BUG FIX] Message that an update is available has been improved and clarified.
  • [BUG FIX] When upgrading to a new version, a grace period is now always available, giving you time to get a new license key.

August 2014

Version 5.8

Version 5.8 included a number of enhancements and fixes. Here's a summary:

  • [FEATURE] Support for Native 64-bit Operation of InterMapper Server
  • [FEATURE] Support for New Platforms: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8/8.1, Linux: Red Hat 7, Solaris 11 (SPARC or x86)
  • [FEATURE] Java JRE 1.7 Run-Time - All versions of InterMapper now require Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE is installed automatically with Windows and Mac versions. All other platforms must download and install the current JRE.
  • [FEATURE] Display of "Running Ants" Off by Default - To reduce resource load when nearing operating limits, running ants do not appear on links by default.
  • [FEATURE] Changes to License Key and Trial License Mechanisms - The process for requesting a trial license and for registering InterMapper has been streamlined, and the format of the license key has been redesigned. All trial license requests and new registrations require a license key in the new format.
  • [FEATURE] Schedule Automatic Map Backups - A new Map Backup panel in the Server Settings window lets you schedule automatic backups of all your maps.
  • [FEATURE] New Look for Built-in Web Pages - The InterMapper web server pages have been redesigned to enhance usability on mobile devices.
  • [FEATURE] InterMapper DataCenter now runs with fewer than 25 devices - In previous versions, you could not run InterMapper DataCenter if your licensed device count was less than 25.
  • [FEATURE] Mac OS X applications and installers are signed - Applications are now signed with a VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing certificate. The installer is signed with an Apple Developer ID Installer certificate.
  • [FEATURE] Automatic Crash Reports - crash reports are no longer automatically sent to HelpSystems by default. You can turn this feature on from the E-Mail pane of the Server Settings window.
  • [FEATURE] Community String available to command line probes - Command line probes can now access a device's community string as set with the Set Info > Set Community... command. For more information, see the Developer Guide.
  • [BUG FIX] Unicode characters in device names now display properly on maps.
  • [BUG FIX] An OK icon now displays in a Splunk map.
  • [BUG FIX] The Flows windows now refreshed when the license changes.
  • [BUG FIX] Online help for InterMapper RemoteAccess is now accessible on Mac and for InterMapper on Solaris.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper RemoteAccess on Linux no longer displays a help error when launching.
  • [BUG FIX] A number of corrections and improvements have been made to the documentation of specific probes, both in the probe descriptions and in the User Guide.
  • [BUG FIX] When the same device in appears in multiple maps, SNMP errors are no longer reported under high packet loss conditions.
  • [BUG FIX] Online help links now work reliably in InterNet Explorer 10.0.
  • [BUG FIX] When restarting the Flows server, polling now takes place every 100 milliseconds, instead of every 100 microseconds, freeing up machine resources during startup.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper RemoteAccess running on Mac, connected to an InterMapper server running on Mac no longer crashes after a period of inactivity.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper RemoteAccess can now connect to an InterMapper server running on the same machine using the localhost ( address.
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper no longer crashes while running certain TCP-script probes.
  • [BUG FIX] Developer Guide documentation for the strftime() function has been clarified, now including all available format codes.
  • [BUG FIX] Version information now available in file properties for Windows versions.
  • [BUG FIX] Strftime() no longer causes an InterMapper Server restart when running on Windows machines.
  • [BUG FIX]The installation guide for the Splunk app is now available in the User Guide.
  • [BUG FIX] The Automatic Update Dialog box displays completely on Debian 6.
  • [BUG FIX] When installed in location other than the default on Windows systems, InterMapper now updates the logfile path in flows.conf properly.

July 2013

Version 5.7b1
  • [FEATURE] Link with LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch to allow 4GB address space on 64-bit Windows systems.
  • [BUG FIX] Log file names are no longer truncated at 31 characters. (109644)
  • [BUG FIX] Changed the eval expiration message so that it does not have the number of days (which was wrong) in the first sentence. (BZ 7369)
  • [BUG FIX] InterMapper EVAL licenses with a name field having less than 4 characters now generate a valid Flows EVAL. (BZ 7694)
  • [BUG FIX] A clearer error message is displayed if the Flows server is not running when you try to 'Show in Flows Window'. (BZ 7239)
  • [BUG FIX] Prevent an ASSERTION during chart data export following a change of probe. (96802)

June 2013

Version 5.6.9
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed charting of the NTP stratum for real. The first fix for RT 119010 did not address the real source of the problem. (RT 119010, RT 119871)
  • [DEBUG] Added debug log output that will help us track down a rare problem that occurs during server shutdown. (#103933)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a regression that prevented charting the NTP Stratum. Also show the _NTPStratum probe variable in Dataset view. (RT 119010)
  • [LATERAL] Make the following built-in probe variables: _Availability, _PacketLoss, _ShortTermPacketLoss, _ResponseTime, _MinResponseTime, _MaxResponseTime, and _NTPStratum available to device labels via the ${param:_Availability} etc. macro. (side benefit of working on RT 119010)
  • [LATERAL] You can get host resources and blitz mail probe variables for labels using the ${param:xxx} method. (Cleanup and refactor code after work for RT 119010.)
  • [LATERAL] Implement JavaSctipt access to the built-in probe variables. (more code cleanup after RT 119010)

April 2013

Version 5.6.8
  • [LATERAL] Include as a built-in probe the Layer 2 export probe for use with the Splunk app.
  • [BUG FIX] During map loading, if graphID and map filename don't agree, don't ASSERT, but if filename looks valid, extract the map name, otherwise return 'IMPOSSIBLE_MAP_NAME'. (118491)

March 2013

Version 5.6.7
  • [BUG FIX] Intercept client updates on a connection which in the process of sending a device list for a map. Print stackwalk to Debug log to identify the source of the update. (117951, 117952)
  • [BUG FIX] When saving a map, do not save devices which do not have an associated vertex, unless it is a member probe. (117708)
  • [BUG FIX] During an on-demand, switches, or multi-column snmp table walk, if the response does not contain all the requested variables, we no longer get an ASSERT, but a message in the debug log. (117862)

February 2013

Version 5.6.6
  • [BUG FIX] Change formatting code to accomodate WMI field size change. (116988)
  • [BUG FIX] Don't allow the server to crash if there is a BER decoding problem. Put a message in the debug log, but keep going. (114341)
  • [BUG FIX] Work with XStrings, not Pascal strings, when processing thresholds. Gets threshold processing working when using JavaScript device variables. (116792)
  • [BUG FIX] Intercept client updates on a connection which in the process of sending a device list. Print stackwalk to Debug log to identify the source of the update. (115840 and many others)
  • [BUG FIX] Allow comment lines in the dataset section of a probe that begin with '#' or '-'. (116575)
  • [BUG FIX] Handles a previously unseen activation error. Also, when unexpected errors occur during activation, give the user the opportunity to do manual activation. (115708)
  • [BUG FIX] Added special logic to correctly request 64 bit counters for Cisco devices when the IFINDEX-BUG flag is set in a probe header. This allows SNMP traffic to be monitored for the Nexus 5000 with a Fiber Extender (FEX). (115886)
  • [LATERAL] Added a new custom-snmp probe called 'SNMP - Cisco N5000 with FEX Traffic' that takes advantage of the special logic mentioned above. (115886)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed serial number choosing such that an activated FULL s/n is chosen over a valid TEST one. Also added debug log output to understand how a s/n is chosen. (115200)

December 2012

Version 5.6.4b1
  • [BUG FIX] Add MikroTik enterprise number to the list of devices which exhibit the ifIndex bug. (113498)
  • [BUG FIX] Prevent interference of map status updates with the device list being sent to the client. (115060, et al)

October 2012

Version 5.6.2b1
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug which coulld corrupt large transfers from InterMapper server to Remote Access. (112108, 111852)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a Windows 7 incompatibility in the WMI Network Utilization probe. (112176)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed an assertion that could occur during autodiscovery while walking the ARPTable if it encoundered a non-IPv4 net. (112135)
  • [BUG FIX] A member probe device label which includes the comment is now updated in a device list view when the comment changes. (112115)
  • [BUG FIX] White space is no longer removed from the Text Substring before matching in the DNS Text Record probe. (112458)

September 2012

Version 5.6.1b2
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug which prevented changing of a member probe's label. (111644)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed logic that caused an unnecessary space character at the end of legends in the dataset view and while exporting datasets. Also, the correct forms of interface dataset legend is shown in the dataset view.
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a problem with computing short-term packet loss that was introduced in 5.6. (111230 and those it refers to)
  • [BUG FIX] Mass deletion of devices including probe groups from the device list no longer leaves spurious devices in the list. (110716)
  • [BUG FIX] Modified datasets section to interpolate parameters for Tag, Units, and Legend. (110178)

August 2012

Version 5.6
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a regression from 5.5.x where endpoints were not getting connected when invoking "Change Now" to apply switches connection information to a map. (110970)
  • [BUG FIX] On Mac OS X, increase maximum open files to 4096. (110802)
  • [FEATURE] Updated demo maps and backgrounds.
  • [BUG FIX] A probe group which is empty or has only demo or map status probes is not counted against the license device maximum.
  • [BUG FIX] Changed the type of variables ciscoMemoryPoolFree1 and ciscoMemoryPoolFree2 from INTEGER to DEFAULT in the com.dartware.snmp.cisconewmib probe. (108975)
  • [FEATURE] Modified 48 of the standard builtin probes to take advantage of the new dataset section in probes.
  • [BUG FIX] The units information is now displayed consistently between the dataset view and Reports. (110940)
  • [BUG FIX] Keep open device or network info windows updated when the shape is changed via the Format menu item. (110561)
  • [LATERAL] Update MIBs installed with InterMapper Server. (110086)
  • [BUG FIX] When updating a device, don't include the interfaces for a member probe unless it is the governor. (110615)
  • [BUG FIX] No longer creates an "*** Illegal Data ***" dataset when a chart showing a router's dataset has a link's dataset dragged into it. (110200)
  • [BUG FIX] The Chart Data setting is now respected by inherited data rentention policies. (110006)
  • [BUG FIX] Many issues related to displaying the list of datasets in the dataset view have been resolved. (86074, 90792, 109284, 109612, 109810)
  • [BUG FIX] Probe groups without a governor have one selected when members are added or removed. (110530)
  • [BUG FIX] Dataset view list is now correct when you change a device from one SNMP probe to another SNMP probe. (109612)
  • [BUG FIX] Poll interval is no longer reset when probe type is changed. (109690)
  • [BUG FIX] If an SNMP router to pick as governor, look for any router with real links followed by anything else with a link. (110141)
  • [BUG FIX] Log file names are no longer truncated at 31 characters. (109644)
  • [FEATURE] Auto-discovery creates a probe group when an additional probe is added. (108112)
  • [LATERAL] Log file names can now be 63 characters in length (excluding the date and extension). (54009)
  • [BUG FIX] Changes to probe groups are now properly updated on the client. (109120)
  • [FEATURE] In the Probes pane of a device's Info window, if another probe is added, a probe group is created on the fly.
  • [FEATURE] Probes can now have a datasets section, which replaces the autorecord section, and gives probe writers the ability to declare datasets with a units field, and whether autorecord is enabled or not. (106705, and its children)
  • [FEATURE] Auto-discovery can additionally discover HTTP servers. (108112)
  • [FEATURE] Auto-discovery now traverses the ARP table, along with the ipRouteTable (which it has always traversed), to find addresses to feed the network scanning phase. (106844)
  • [FEATURE] InterMapper Server support for a user-friendly means of identifying a dataset in the InterMapper Database. (106215, 106705)
  • [FEATURE] Support for <datasets> syntax, which supercedes the old <autorecord> syntax. (106215, 106705)
  • [FEATURE] EnterpriseID, EntMfgName, EntModelName and EntSerialNum are now available when editing a device label. (106845)
  • [FEATURE] SysName, SysDescr, MACAddress, EnterpriseID, EntMfgName, EntModelName and EntSerialNum are available when editing a notifier message. (106845)
  • [FEATURE] EntMfgName, EntModelName and EntSerialNum are displayed in the status window for an SNMP probe. (106845)
  • [FEATURE] SysName, SysDescr, SysContact, SysLocation, EnterpriseID, EntMfgName, EntModelName and EntSerialNum from an SNMP member probe are assigned to the probe group as well. (106841)

June 2012

Version 5.5.6
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug that resulted in most retention policies having all zero rules for a short period of time.
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed additional issues related to retention policies on upgrade.
  • [LATERAL] Increased the shutdown timeout on Linux platforms.
  • [BUG FIX] Corrected problem in the WMI Network Utilization when specifying ALL as the Index parameter. (108887)
  • [BUG FIX] Autorecord variables on maps being upgraded from version 5.4.x or earlier will be set to the "Inherit" retention policy, rather than the "Autorecord" policy, for better compatibility with 5.4.x behavior. (109093)
  • [LATERAL] EVAL licenses are no longer limited to maps less than thirty days old. (106378)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed crash when setting map thresholds back to server thresholds when a probe group on the map includes a custom SNMP probe in a non-okay state. (93780, 106282)
  • [BUG FIX] Link status window now completely translated for non-English versions. (107618)
  • [BUG FIX] Minor change to the way we log reverts to prevent a crash when a non-admin user does the revert. (107967)

March 2012

Version 5.5.5
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed map-list-related updates to properly handle usernames containing "'". (106471)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug when reading from a modem which affected modem page and SMS notifiers. (105858 and others)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a memory access error while importing data files with an 'import directive' header.
  • [FEATURE] Added two new built-in functions available for SNMP probe calculations, etc. They are strfind and strifind, which do case-sensitive substring search and case-insensitive substring search respectively. (96712)
  • [BUG FIX] Changed package dependencies for 64-bit versions of Debian/Ubuntu. (99109, 100254, 104960, 105207, 105374)
  • [FEATURE] Put an entry in the event log whenever a map-start-edit, map-end-edit, or map-revert occurs. (95929)

February 2012

Version 5.5.4
  • [BUG FIX] No changes since 5.5.4b2.
  • [BUG FIX] Built-in probes now include an HTTPS version of the Follow Redirect probe. (103907)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug introduced in 5.5.3b2 where the server crashed when initializing a device having a command-line probe. (104088)

January 2012

Version 5.5.3
  • [BUG FIX] Added support for Barracuda firmware 5.1 (103954).
  • [BUG FIX] Avoid and log infrequent crash when notifying clients of an impending shutdown. (103933)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a case where certain combinations of dataset retention policies would incorrectly not be exported to the database.
  • [FEATURE] When a device variable that is marked as autorecord is a chartable, use the chartable formatting information to format the data that goes to the dataset. (RT 100432 and 96987)
  • [BUG FIX] Group notifiers that use JavaScript and/or the 4 new variables ( Smart Name; Short, Smart Name; DNS Name; Short DNS Name ) now work properly. (bug found while working on 102495)
  • [BUG FIX] Pass xml headers through the web server unchanged; fixes Google Earth exports. (101838, 102545)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug in the IPMI Probe that caused "Too many stackwalks" in the debug log. (102447)

December 2011

Version 5.5.2
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a server crash when a notification that uses JavaScript produces an email subject that is the empty string. (102495)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed ASSERT when snmpwalk is invoked via server command. (102498)
  • [BUG FIX] Passwords greater than fifteen chanracters no longer fail when external authentication is enabled. (102187)
  • [BUG FIX] Daylight savings time no longer causes an off-by-one error in date calculations. (100024)
  • [BUG FIX] Corrected display of inherited retention policies for datasets that had never had a retention policy other than 'None'.
  • [BUG FIX] In an SNMP probe, the get-next operator '+' now works properly for traversing siblings. (102180)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed a bug which caused an ASSERT failure when TCP scripts executed negative offsets in "else goto" constructs. (102054)
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed 'Set Link Speed' hyperlinks in interface Status Windows. (102161)
  • [BUG FIX] Removed random variables left behind in the dataset view when unchecking some devices. (102192, 102199)

November 2011

Version 5.5
  • [BUG FIX] Fix check for editing retention policies (101131)
  • [BUG FIX] Don't allow built-in retention policies 'None', 'Forever', or '24 Hours' to be edited.
  • [BUG FIX] Fix a segfault when deleting a device that happens to be selected in the chartables window.
  • [BUG FIX] Entering a Not for Resale license no longer cause an exception in and disconnect of the InterMapper client. (101046)
  • [BUG FIX] RemoteAccess logins and logouts are now logging to the Event Log again. Also, they can be rerouted to a custom log or "none". (95951)
  • [BUG FIX] When multiple maps have the same name and path, but different graph IDs, all but the first one read in will have .1, .2 etc. appended to the name. This fixes a bug that occurred under certain conditions that crashed the server on startup. (98052)
  • [BUG FIX] Nulls are stripped off the end of ifDesc. (101059)
  • [FEATURE] Notifiers now allow the following 4 new variables: "Smart Name", "Short, Smart Name", "DNS Name", "Short DNS Name". (95943)
  • [FEATURE] Support for "Status Window" menu in Chart View. (100885)
  • [LATERAL] Make some dataset view entries consistent with other customer-facing names. See notes in 100553.
  • [BUG FIX] Retention policies with "\" in the name could corrupt status window display. (100758)
  • [BUG FIX] The switches extension now exits properly when InterMapper server is stopped. (100920)
  • [LATERAL] Remove non-user-serviceable retention policy ID from status window. (100548)
  • [BUG FIX] Make more effort to add devices entered as hostnames (rather than FQDNs) as "Resolve Name to Update Address". (100099)
  • [LATERAL] HTML comments are no longer stripped out of the <tool:...> section of a probe. (99251)
  • [LATERAL] If DNS probe returns with truncated bit set, status is set as warning in the absence of other errors. (94784)
  • [BUG FIX] Adding probes directly to a probe group no longer risks mistakenly enforcing the device limit. (90904)
  • [FEATURE] Implement 'Reprobe Selection' from global device list. (97161)
  • [LATERAL] In SNMP OID high, low, range, and comparison probes, cast OID to be chartable. (99753)
  • [BUG FIX] Correctly reads SNMP variables that are of type DOUBLE. (100000)
  • [BUG FIX] Remove improper message when entering NFR license and trigger update of license list in Server Settings. (99986)
  • [BUG FIX] Fix an ASSERT failure when setting probe from one type with a "fake" link to another type with a "fake" link. (100030)
  • [FEATURE] Notifiers now allow the following 4 new variables: "Smart Name", "Short, Smart Name", "DNS Name", "Short DNS Name". (95943)
  • [FEATURE] Support for "Status Window" menu in Chart View. (100885)
  • [LATERAL] Make some dataset view entries consistent with other customer-facing names. See notes in 100553.
  • [BUG FIX] Retention policies with "\" in the name could corrupt status window display. (100758)
  • [BUG FIX] The switches extension now exits properly when InterMapper server is stopped. (100920)
  • [LATERAL] Remove non-user-serviceable retention policy ID from status window. (100548)
  • [BUG FIX] Make more effort to add devices entered as hostnames (rather than FQDNs) as "Resolve Name to Update Address". (100099)
  • [LATERAL] HTML comments are no longer stripped out of the <tool:...> section of a probe. (99251)
  • [LATERAL] If DNS probe returns with truncated bit set, status is set as warning in the absence of other errors. (94784)
  • [BUG FIX] Adding probes directly to a probe group no longer risks mistakenly enforcing the device limit. (90904)
  • [FEATURE] Implement 'Reprobe Selection' from global device list. (97161)
  • [LATERAL] In SNMP OID high, low, range, and comparison probes, cast OID to be chartable. (99753)
  • [BUG FIX] Correctly reads SNMP variables that are of type DOUBLE. (100000)
  • [BUG FIX] Remove improper message when entering NFR license and trigger update of license list in Server Settings. (99986)
  • [BUG FIX] Fix an ASSERT failure when setting probe from one type with a "fake" link to another type with a "fake" link. (100030)
  • [BUG FIX] Make more effort to add devices entered as hostnames (rather than FQDNs) as "Resolve Name to Update Address". (100099)
  • [LATERAL] HTML comments are no longer stripped out of the <tool:...> section of a probe. (99251)
  • [LATERAL] If DNS probe returns with truncated bit set, status is set as warning in the absence of other errors. (94784)
  • [BUG FIX] Adding probes directly to a probe group no longer risks mistakenly enforcing the device limit. (90904)
  • [FEATURE] Notifiers and labels may now display both device and interface information using JavaScript. (97039,98579,98634)
  • [FILE FORMAT] The file format has changed. Make a backup of your map files before using this version.
  • [FEATURE] Edit > Find > Find Devices... now locates a device by device ID. (94626)
  • [FEATURE] A map's chart list view now updates when datasets are added, removed, or renamed.
  • [FEATURE] Implements putting IM Settings folder in ProgramData instead of the install folder. Also, relocating IM Settings now works using --settings command line arg. (94150)
  • [FEATURE] Added a new chartables view with the ability to modify data retention policies of datasets.
  • [FEATURE] Data retention policies are now controlled from the InterMapper Server Settings window.
  • [BUG FIX] Require signed serial numbers for OS X. Fix misleading error message. (99352)
  • [BUG FIX] Fix a case where a license message showed "0" for the device limit instead of translating it to "Unlimited". (99926)
  • [BUG FIX] When installing with IM Settings folder in ProgramData, copies to the proper location. (99894)
  • [LATERAL] Datasets marked as 'autorecord' now have an eponymous data retention policy by default.
  • [FEATURE] Server supports automatic updating of disk usage in dataset view for InterMapper disk.
  • [LATERAL] Include DOWN service name in NT Services probe logging to Event Log. (98674)
  • [FEATURE] Server supports disk usage in dataset view for InterMapper disk.
  • [FEATURE] New charts are now named with the legend of the first dataset in them, rather than "Untitled 1".
  • [BUG FIX] Make "behavior" handling more flexible. (97829)
  • [BUG FIX] Fix "behavior" handling for multiple vertices. (97829)
  • [LATERAL] Enable localization of remaining registration and serial number messages.
  • [LATERAL] Clarify some registration and serial number messages.
  • [FEATURE] Device labels can now be up to 64K bytes in length.
  • The map file version number has been bumped to 95. This is to support JavaScript in labels.
  • [FEATURE] Added Layer 2 access (FullLayer2Access) for non-admin users.
  • [FEATURE] Added Layer 2 blacklist and support for layer2.ignore attribute.
  • [BUG FIX] Avoid most spurious CRC errors in NRPE probes. (97555)
  • [FEATURE] Accommodates registering serial numbers with missing prefixes and licenses with missing hyphens.
  • [FEATURE] Device labels can now be generated with JavaScript, which has access to 69 device attributes, as well as probe parameters and variables.
  • [FEATURE] Extensions may be pre-fetched from the server by setting the 'prefetch' atttribute. (84837)
  • [BUG FIX] Puts a message in debug log if CPU utilization from Host Resources probe is outside of 0 - 100 range and sets it to zero. (97398)
  • [BUG FIX] Detects some edge cases of invalid serial number status and reports a correct summary. (97530)