Robot Console

May 2024

Version 7.11

May 22, 2024

New Features
  • Added *SYSBAS and Independent ASP (IASP) monitoring to resource monitoring. This allows the checking of storage usage, and the status of IASPs.

  • Added the ability to use WebSphere MQ resource monitoring when the MQ configuration is in an independent ASP (IASP).

  • Fixed issue with the Connection Properties not updating the Certificate Expiration Date when a new certificate was retrieved.

  • During the product conversion, the process will not stop if there is a failure on an IFS object restore, but instead issue a warning.

  • Fixed issue where not all informational messages were being sent to network host when using OPAL

  • Improved error message during a product update when the license code is invalid.

  • Fixed issue where the installer could fail with an 'invalid command line' error.

  • More time is now allowed for processing of IBM FTP server jobs when initially turning on FTP Log Monitoring. This resolved an issue where FTP servers were occasionally ended but not restarted as part of turning on FTP Log Monitoring.

May 2023

Version 7.10

May 9, 2023

  • Updated product installer.

  • Start with RBTSLEEPER parameter on command RBCAUTOSTR now defaults with option *SAME.

  • Fixed issue with pre-checker running product update

  • Fixed issue with connections.xml periodically getting deleted

  • Fixed issue with log monitor failing with ‘CPF1023 received by procedure 130’.

  • Console-module.jar is now updated in the Robot Network directory based on the Robot Network version.

August 2022

Version 7.09

August 1, 2022

  • USRDFN resource program added to check job resource with actual job statuses. For more information, see RBTCONLIB/RBCUDSRC member (UDR_INSTRU).

  • Updated to log4j 2.17.1 to resolve vulnerabilities.

  • Fixed issue with message reports missing information when copying and pasting.

December 2021

Version 7.08

December 2, 2021

  • Fixed console-module.jar build issue.

November 2021

Version 7.07

November 1, 2021

  • RBCRCDLCK modified and WRNRCDLCK added to be used by OPAL to check what job has a lock on an object.

  • Updated JVM from 8u132 to 8u241.

  • TLSv1.3 now supported.

April 2021

Version 7.06

April 13, 2021

  • RBCRJS records now correctly remain for QUEMINS resource records until they are active or complete.

  • Updated license agreement.

  • Remove Response Required has been added to the GUI on the Delete Message History panel.

  • Required Message Center data areas are created if they do not exist in order to successfully delete messages.

  • Windows GUI enhanced with JRE/JVM that is AdoptOpenJDK.

May 2020

Version 7.05

May 6, 2020

  • Updated installer.
  • The minimum value for Resource Monitor Intervals is now 1 minute.
  • Fixed issue with opal compile error on conversion.

June 2019

Version 7.04
  • Enhanced secure handshake with TLSv1.2.

March 2019

Version 7.03
  • WTR Resource editing on the green screen has been changed to allow *ALL primary resources, properly check for *ANY, and to disallow a generic writer.
  • Fixed an issue with some install and upgrades failing with CPF1059 - Length of value not correct for QALWOBJRST.
  • Fixed an issue with RBCLOGFTP failing to start when integrating with Powertech products.
  • There was an issue with some info messages not displaying on the host when several of them were sent within a very short time period, but this has now been fixed.

November 2018

Version 7.02
  • The max length of the TEXT OPAL variable has been increased to 512 to match the length of the first level message text.
  • OUTQ resources have been corrected to fix potential issues with conversion.
  • OPAL variables TXT2NDLVL and USRTEXT2 variables have been limited to 1000 characters max to fix an issue that occurred within the RBASNDMSG and PAGE operations.
  • The OPAL TEXT variable will include alternate text if it exists for the message set.
  • Locks on files have been released to allow an update if a GUI connection is still active.

  • There was an issue with OPAL errors being reported incorrectly when the message set is sent to the host, but this has now been fixed.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when adding a new resource monitor.

  • Security enhancements have been implemented.

August 2018

Version 7.01
  • The correct user variable is now being used on the Security Log Audit message.
  • Fixed an issue with all centers not being included in the Message Center Summary report when selecting a range.
  • The default severity for immediate messages has been changed from 40 to 80 to match the message queue severity.

  • There was an issue with QCPFMSG message IDs being duplicated in RBCMSG which was causing message sets to not be processed, but this has now been fixed.

  • An atypical scenario which had caused an error after converting from Robot Console 6 to Console 7 has been fixed.

  • A new program named 'RBCRARSP' has been created to automate the handling of previous response required messages waiting for resources that have come back on line.

June 2018

Version 7.00
New Features
  • Users can now create a secure connection between the IBM i system and the Robot Console GUI within Connection Properties.
Other Updates
  • RBC296 panel parameters now match RBCDLTHST command parameters.
  • Log Monitors no longer show a failed dump status when ended normally if the Send Robot Console Product Statuses are set to 'Y'.
  • Message center for RBCRSCQ will be installed with RBCRSCQ message center for a new install of Robot Console 7.

  • There was an issue with the 'PROGRAM' OPAL keyword not being populated correctly, but this has now been fixed.

December 2017

Version 6.12
  • *ALL is now a valid Resource Name in the Resource Monitor report selection panel.
  • Converting Console 5 to 6 when IFS has a symbolic link for /Help Systems/installs now works correctly when updating IFS.
  • Added the following commands using qualified Job as a parameter to be used in Robot Console OPAL:
    • DSCJOB
    • DSPJOB

September 2017

Version 6.11
  • The System Identity field has been added to the SNMP traps
  • You can now pull up managers that were created with symbolic links using the MQSeries Manager Selector Prompt

May 2017

Version 6.10
  • When creating a new child resource, we check the parent’s hold status and set the resource to pending if the parent is held
  • The Traffic Manager and Console Status update programs have been revised to only send an info message to Robot Network once
  • You can now use the REPEAT, REPEATJOB, REPEATMSG, and REPEATSET OPAL variables in the same OPAL message sets
  • We increased the size of the Robot Console’s data queues from 25,000 records to 200,000 records

February 2017

Version 6.09
  • Updated the RBCCHKRSC command in the green screen and GUI to correctly populate the command parameters for jobs with a parent

  • Message text for CPA5201, CPI2401, and OPT1410 now cooperates with message data that has trailing blanks and no longer returns with invalid message data lengths

  • Added a call to release profile handles each time user profiles are swapped in RBC7011. This addition allows resource monitor jobs to continue checking resources after checking WebSphere MQ managers, queues, and/or channels

October 2016

Version 6.08
  • The GUI (graphical user interface) MQ channel finder has been updated

  • GUI security setup has been enhanced to match what is available in the IBM i

  • Short names are assigned to message queues and channels when they’re created in the GUI

  • RBC067 has been modified for processing MQ message data

August 2016

Version 6.07
  • We fixed RBCDLTHST so that it no longer hangs when deleting inquiry messages for inactive jobs

  • Message queue monitor jobs now use a secondary language library if one is specified on subsystem RBTSLEEPER

  • We added new journal entry types and message IDs to the security audit logs for IBM 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3

  • We modified resource monitoring message IDs to eliminate duplicate message variable &8

  • Replies to response required messages in the network status center are now answered in Robot Console and Robot Network

  • The value of the RBCMSGTOQD data area is retained when converting from Console 5 to 6

  • We’re now shipping a few sample programs for User Defined Resources with Console 6.07

  • The validity checking process in the Console OPAL GUI has been improved

June 2016

Version 6.06
  • Our license agreement has been updated

  • Robot Console can now be opened in Host Mode from Robot Network
  • The Robot Console conversion process for log monitoring has been modified

  • The Monitor Delay Time during IPL default has been changed to 30 seconds

  • Response required messages in the Network status center now escalate to Robot Alert 2-way devices

  • A message in the message center with an Unconditional Instructions reply of *DFT retains the status of MSGSET

  • Resource monitoring packets are now installed with the same status as the original resource monitor

  • Added the ability to modify the subject of an OPAL Alert message within OPAL when using the Robot Console GUI

  • The security for the Robot Console message center now uses settings from the message center function when displaying message centers

  • When using copy/paste to modify an Application Log Monitor filter, Robot Console trims any extra spaces at the end of the filter name

April 2016

Version 6.05
  • We added a new expected status, NOTLCKW, to the JOB resource monitor. Use this expected status to be notified when a job is in lock wait status

  • The resource monitors FTP, HTTP, SERVER, and TCPIP have been updated

  • We’ve enhanced the *UBIN message variables. You can now convert them into OPAL variables

  • The lock on the RBCRSD file in the job QSQSRVR has been removed

January 2016

Version 6.04
  • The RBCCHKRSC command now sends a completion message if FRCMSG is *YES

  • Made updates to the Resource Monitor message variables

  • Escalated and cross-system redirected messages now run during an OPAL second set

  • The OPAL RESPOND inquiry message statuses no longer require a response

  • Reintroduced OPAL keywords to resource monitor messages

  • Recompiled OPAL message sets for RBCDF level checks

  • Duplicate WMQ Queue and Channel resource names are now allowed if the WMQ manager and expected status combination doesn’t already exist

  • Job resources were enhanced so that you no longer receive notifications after a failed job has ended

September 2015

Version 6.03
  • The licensing API has been enhanced so that it can correctly identify partition numbers greater than 255
  • The TCP/IP Port (PORT) resource monitor type has two improvements:
    • You can now specify whether the port is LOCAL (on the IBM i you’re connected to) or REMOTE (on another system, such as an IBM i, Windows, or UNIX/Linux system)
    • The list of expected statuses has changed. Previously, only OPEN and USED were available. Now, you can use: ACTIVE (replaces USED), CLOSED, ESTABLISH, IDLEMINS, INACTIVE (replaces OPEN), LISTEN, and WAIT. Note: If any of your OPAL code uses either OPEN or USED, you will have to update the OPAL and recompile
  • A new parameter, Send Robot Console Product Statuses, has been added to the System Defaults page. It allows you to prevent normal stop and start messages for the product from being sent to Robot Network when Robot Console is stopped or started in a controlled manner
  • The registration process has been modified to prevent duplicates from being registered
  • Certain record locks on RBCRH have been eliminated to prevent errors from occurring
  • WebSphere MQ monitoring (channel, manager, and queue) has been updated so that statuses are returned without error
  • The SNMP trap message length was increased from 256 characters to 1024 characters
  • The Message Center in Robot Console Explorer (the GUI) has been enhanced to more efficiently display messages. It will therefore use a lower percentage of CPU
  • When in Host mode, having a Status Center open that refreshes automatically will no longer generate a large number of QSQSRVR jobs

April 2015

Version 6.02
  • Enhanced resource checking so that you no longer receive an “Error MCH2804 – Tried to go larger than storage limit for object” when running JOB CPU
  • The system name is now included in the message text sent to Robot ALERT

March 2015

Version 6.01
  • If you already use the message sets and/or message tables RBCFAIL and RBCPASS, those objects will not be overwritten when you convert to Robot Console 6
  • The warning message SQL0012 has been resolved and is no longer written to the QSQSRVR job log when collecting Robot Console product metrics
  • JOBQ type resources with an expected status depth now show their actual depth in message ID JBQ0003
  • The RBCMANAGER job will no longer receive an I/O error CPF5032 detected in file RBCRH when a message is replied to automatically with the message default or the system reply list

February 2015

Version 6.00
New Features
  • Application log monitoring allows you to monitor the application log files in the IFS for informational messages, event messages, and errors. You’re then notified when the event it’s monitoring for is found.
    • Application log monitors are defined using the Robot Console Explorer (GUI).
    • A virtual message queue (with the same name as the application log monitor) and a message queue monitor job are automatically created.
    • Messages on the virtual message queues are displayed in the RBCALMQ message center.
    • OPAL variables were created: STRING01 through STRING18 (up to 128 characters, for strings from the log), LOGDATA (up to 256 characters, for the entire event message from the log), and FILTERNAME (for the name of the application log monitor filter that triggered the message to be sent).
    • Start or stop application log monitoring from the GUI, or by running the RBCSTRAMON or RBCENDAMON commands on the IBM i.
    • Export application log monitors to XML.
    • The Application Log Monitoring Setup report is new under System Setup Reports.
  • The Robot Console Explorer (GUI) was has been updated with a new look and additional functionality.
    • All new icons were used.
    • Added View Disk Status and View System Status to the Explorer toolbar and the system right-click menu.
    • When you’re defining a message center on a standalone system, you can now create a new Robot ALERT device or broadcast list, or edit an existing one, if necessary.
    • You’re notified when your system password has expired and can change it from Robot Console Explorer without going to the IBM i.
    • You can select multiple objects in many of the lists in many of the Explorer windows. This allows you to perform actions, such as deleting, exporting to XML, and holding/releasing monitors on several objects at once.
    • A new preference on the General tab of the Preferences window allows you to indicate that the Robot Console Message Notifier window should open when you connect to a system and stay open until you either close the window or you disconnect from the system.
    • Another new preference on the General tab of the Preferences window allows you to identify a specific message center to open automatically whenever you connect to a system.
    • When in Host mode, you can view the Packet Distribution History window by right-clicking the host system and selecting Distribution History. You no longer have to open Robot Network to view this.
    • You can now print the details for message sets, message groups, and message tables by selecting one or more of them in the List view and clicking Print. The print job is sent to the output queue.
    • The font size in the GUI is now controlled by your Windows OS settings. So, if you’ve set Windows to use a larger or smaller font, the same will be used in the Robot Console GUI.
    • Robot Console Explorer has been updated to Java 1.8.
    • The product help is now web-based.
  • Resource monitoring has been updated with new features and other improvements.
    • A single resource can now be monitored for more than one expected status.
    • The resource monitor commands (RBCHLDRSC, RBCRLSRSC, and RBCCHKRSC) have been updated to add a parameter for expected status (EXPSTS). The parameter is optional for RBCHLDRSC and RBCRLSRSC, but it’s required for RBCCHKRSC.
    • The first-level and second-level message text for resource monitors has been updated so it’s more readable. Note: Message IDs CPU0001 and CPU0002 were removed from the RBCRSCF message file and are no longer available.
    • The job name monitor (JOB) has two new expected statuses that you can select. Use RUNPTY to be notified when the job run priority is below a threshold you set. Use THREAD to be notified when the thread count is below a threshold you set. Additionally, the MSGW expected status now checks for jobs that are not waiting for a reply, so you’ll be notified when jobs are waiting for a reply.
    • The job queue monitor (JOBQ) has two additional expected statuses that you can select: RLSSBS and HLDSBS. The RLSSBS expected status is when a job queue is associated with an active subsystem and the job queue is in a released status. The HLDSBS expected status is when the job queue is not associated with an active subsystem.
    • New resource monitor type: Data Queue (DTAQ). This allows you to monitor the number of entries in a data queue.
    • New resource monitor type: WebSphere MQ Channel (WMQCHN). This allows you to monitor the number of messages in a channel and the status of the channel.
    • New resource monitor type: Writer (WTR). This allows you to check the status of a writer. Note: A primary resource of OUTQ is required.
    • Changes were made to make it easier to start using resource monitoring without having to do a lot of additional setup.
      • All messages that previously went to the virtual message queue RBCRSCQ are now being redirected to the QSYSOPR message queue. You can view them on the QSYSOPR message center.
      • Two new resource monitor message sets (and message tables) are now created when you install Robot Console: RBCFAIL (for failure messages, released by default) and RBCPASS (for non-failure messages, held by default). These message sets replace the ones that were previously created for each of the different types of resource monitors. However, if you’ve been using the previously created message sets, you can continue to do so after you convert.
    • The RBCCHKRSC command was modified to use the default value of *ALL for the JOBTYPE parameter and to *FIRST for the new Expected Status EXPSTS parameter.
    • The setting “Use Resource Message Set” (previously known as OPAL Recovery) has been removed from the Resource Monitors tab of the Systems Defaults window and the Additional Options tab of the Resource Monitor Properties window. However, if you’ve been using this setting, you can continue to do so after you convert.
  • Other, miscellaneous changes.
    • The “Active” status for message sets and message groups has been changed to “Released” to more accurately reflect what the status means.
    • You can set the System Defaults (under System Tools) so that Robot Console will write the second-level text to its files, such as history records. You can also choose to include job information and second-level text in the email messages from Robot ALERT.
  • The exit point program RBC532 was removed. The exit program RBC533 will now handle both single-threaded and multi-threaded jobs.
  • The QTEMP objects from the Console menu are now created with the current user as the owner. Also, all objects have been updated so they don’t have *PUBLIC *CHANGE authority by default.
  • All the OPAL keywords are now in the Product Master.
  • When defining a message set, on the Unconditional Instructions tab, the setting to ‘Remove the message from the Message Center after it has been replied to’ is only available if Automatic Message Reply is set to something other than ‘None’.
  • The Consolidated Most Common Messages report was updated to correctly identify the message sets handling messages in different libraries on a node.
  • On the IBM i, if you use F10 to page through the panels when creating a message set, the Disallowed Replies panel will bring up the correct list when you ADD a reply to the panel.
  • When creating a message set on the IBM i, you can now use the log monitor message types Log Info (LI) and Log Inquiry (LQ) in your OPAL code.
  • When working on the IBM i, the finder on the following panels will now display the results properly, even if there are more than 1000 profiles listed:
    • RBC229 - Interactive Message Queue Entry (User)
    • RBC235 - Message Center Entry (User to Notify)
    • RBC237 - Notify List Enter (User to Notify)
    • RBC275 - OPAL code for Set (Prompt on NOTIFY operation)
  • When viewing the Robot Console Product License window in the Explorer, the correct ASP Group will be displayed.
  • The process by which a “Reply Error” is sent back to Robot Network if an error is encountered on the Send Reply has been enhanced.

November 2014

Version 5.32
  • The GUI now keeps the user authority when displaying security settings
  • Updated so that profile handles in Websphere MQ Manager and Queue Resource Monitoring are released
  • Fixed errors in the process of downloading software updates in the GUI host mode
  • Improved security going into the Control, System Setup and Message Set menus

September 2014

Version 5.31
  • Updated the license agreement
  • Replies are now processed upon startup if the reply happened when Robot Console was inactive
  • A “Reply Error” is now sent back to Robot Network if an error is encountered on the Send Reply
  • Authority errors on QUSRMVEP and QUSADDEP are no longer encountered when executing STRCONSOLE
  • Changing a JOB type resource no longer receives an error when prompting (F4)
  • Updated the Robot Console status processing so it uses database indexes more efficiently

June 2014

Version 5.30
  • Modify RBCCHKRSC cmd to use defaults on new parms
  • Modify RBCNOTIFY - don't redirect answered msgs
  • RBC532 & RBC533 not adding RBTSYSLIB to libl
  • Clean up old or orphaned response required msg's
  • Consolidated reports are calling report programs from product master lib, not product library
  • Correct spelling of Notify on the Resource Monitor Properties panel

April 2014

Version 5.29
  • *ALL job now available for job resource monitor
  • New expected statuses for jobs: Message wait (MSGW) and Run Priority
  • Option added for continuous notification of unexpected status

December 2013

Version 5.28
  • OPAL keywords for msgid JOB0001 in RBCRSCF
  • IASP device resource monitor can return wrong status
  • Cross System Replies sometimes fail when nodes have different CCSIDs and/or Date formats fixed

July 2013

Version 5.25
  • IASP installation enabled for HA
  • Add an option to allow failed OPAL compiles to be regenerated
  • Change Emergency Suppression to only suppress the offending message
  • Allow Console to handle a message from missing IASP, *MSGF, *MSGF library, or MSG ID

June 2013

Version 5.24
  • Change network distribution lists to Node Groups
  • Message Set security violation using Set details
  • Replying in the Status Center do not get back to the node - Decimal Data error
  • Deleting messages using GUI, does not delete from green screen without exiting message center
  • RLSJOBQ is being treated as the RLSJOB command when prompting/entering commands in OPAL

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