1-Data Set Fixes
In most cases fixes to data sets affect uncommon scenarios. Therefore, unless you have experienced the described problem, there is usually no need to take any action. If unsure, you can force a rebuild of all data set load programs by using the BLDDTASET command. Then rebuild all extract programs using the BLDEXTPGM command.
2-Extract Program Fixes
In most cases fixes to extract programs affect uncommon scenarios. Therefore, unless you have experienced the described problem, there is usually no need to take any action. If unsure, you can force a rebuild of all extract by using the BLDEXTPGM command. If rebuilding both data sets
When applying patch 8.3.04 or later, and the current patch level is 8.3.03 or earlier all extracts will be rebuilt automatically (by submitted job BLDEXTPGM). No separate action is needed except where data sets are also required to be rebuilt (see note 1).and extract programs, always rebuild data sets first.
3-Upgrade Fixes
Upgrade fixes generally involve changes to the R82RDNINS library. If this occurs when applying a patch to an environment, the existing upgrade library will be patched, and this will correct future upgrades to Release 8.3, PROVIDING the existing upgrade library is used. If the existing upgrade library is replaced by the one on the install media when starting the upgrade, the corrections will be lost. The installation screen will normally default the ‘Replace existing library’ parameter to ‘N’ and this should not be changed.
4-Menu Changes
A new version of the SDW Menu will be installed by the patch PROVIDING there are no locks on the menu object. Apply the patch using option 7 from the WRKRDNENV panel instead of using Menu 102 from the menu, and ensure all users are signed off the environment.
If there are locks on the menu, the patch will complete normally but the menu will not be replaced.
5-CDC Server Fixes
In most cases fixes to CDC servers affect uncommon scenarios. Therefore, unless you have experienced the described problem, there is usually no need to take any action. If unsure, you can force a rebuild of all CDC servers via menu 51.
6-LCT Fixes
In most cases fixes to Local Cache Tables affect uncommon scenarios. Therefore, unless you have experienced the described problem, there is usually no need to take any action. Refresh the LCT table definition to correct the issue if necessary.