August 2023
Version: R03M63
August 15, 2023
A fix was made to allow EDISTRIB command to complete successfully when using DELETE(*YES).
Esend e-mails fail to send if job CCSID is 297 - version R3M61 only.
August 2021
Version: R03M62
August 23, 2021
ESNDMAIL/ESNDFILE generates MCH6902 'The requested heap space operation is invalid.' messages but does not prevent email from sending.
Unable to export Text data from EXECUTE command to Unicode/UTF-8.
Using ESNDFILE to FTP, FTP is failing but erroneously completed normally because the errors happened before the PUT and after the CLOSE.
EDISTRIB in PDF document stripped out any characters that were underlined.
June 2020
Version: R03M61
June 29, 2020
Using Secure FTP, process at times will refer to an FTP profile that does not exist and an FTP2099 message is sent. It will no longer be sent as a message wait as it previously did prior to 03.59.
Commands ESNDMAIL/ESNDFILE ended with MCH 1210 ‘receiver value too small to hold result’ if a spool file was not found that matched the request because the queue was not being cleared correctly.
July 2019
Version R03M60
- SAVSPLF causes MCH1001 when a user does not have *ALLOBJ.
- Creating a new Esend address book entry results in the error: ‘address longer than 99 characters’.
November 2018
Version R03M59
- Added link to Goanywhere for SFTP with SSH.
- Provided new control to remove command line and/or individual options from WRKSPLFE screen.
- EDISTRIB now supports spooled file numbers greater than 9999.
- Install now sends message when EFWD subsystem is active.
- Signature has unacceptable spacing between lines.
- SAVSPLF generates CPF3C33 during creation of new spooled file.
- ESNDFILE using TYPE(*SPLPC) results in a file with only a control character - no data in the file.
June 2018
Version R03M58
- When the users default (ESNDUSR) for the SIGN keyword is *YES and the users own signature setting (ESNDSGN) is blank, emails sent by that user will include the *SYSTEM default signature.
- CPYSPLFDB does not support *LAST for the SPLNBR parameter even though *last is the default.
- Emailing with EXECUTE without adding TOSTMF corrupts subject in mime note and email does not get sent.
February 2018
Version R03M57
- On Windows 10, prompting the ESNDMAIL, filling in the parameters and pressing F12 to Cancel, will no longer send email.
December 2017
Version R03M56
- ESNDMAIL and ESNDFILE now allow 80 characters for the subject.
- The system user file ESNDPF is now shipped as txt for the default text file extension instead of wri.
October 2017
Version V3R55
- On some systems with DBCS English as Primary language, Sequel generation (EXECUTE command) of PDF documents failed to convert DBCS characters such as Chinese and Japanese correctly. The resulting PDF contained random symbols completely unrelated to the correct pictograph.
- Robot Alert objects were retired from Esend.
- FTP fails when the EFTPSECP record specifies *DFT for the port.
April 2017
Version R03M54
No updates for this version.
October 2016
Version R03M52
- Adjust email header to add appropriate white space like:
- To: "Recipient Name" <recipient email address>
- Execute or ESNDFILE with recipient list longer than 1000 characters fails with EML0069 ‘Recipient is not valid’. Limit increased to 2000 positions.
- The distribution rules (ERPTRULES) will ensure that when the email is the same address, just a different case, the email is sent only once.
April 2016
Version R03M50
- WRKSPLFE should work like WRKSPLF with respect to running option 2 CHGSPLFA and prompting.
- FTP Server entry now allows you to change the sub functions of EPASV and EPORT in FTP.
- Using WRKSPLFE option K for CPYtoOUTQ has improved performance.
- The process for handling reply list entries to messages has been changed to remove the use of RMVRPYLE and ADDRPYLE.
September 2015
Version R03M49
No updates for this version.
May 2015
Version R03M48
The following updates are included in this version:
- Spooled files sent to multiple recipients using a unique distribution rule are not legible.