In versions 2.6.0 and earlier, VCM was called Vityl Capacity Management.

July 2024

NOTE: VCM 2.20 is not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) or CentOS 7/8 as each of these operating environments have reached their end of maintenance support from Red Hat. VCM is available for RHEL 8 and RHEL 9. If you are running VCM on RHEL 7 or CentOS 7/8, we can offer support as you update your Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions.
Version 2.20

July 24, 2024

  • Updated Node.js to version 20.12.1

  • Updated Java to version 17

  • Upgraded .NET to version 8

  • Updated Activemq to version 5.18.4

  • Resolved validation errors when saving CPU definitions

  • Resolved several responsive design issues in VCM UI, such as KPI Schedules and navigation side menu

  • Resolved how Groups menu disappears when changing device mode

  • Resolved padding issue in page banner

  • Resolved how Demand title appears out of the designated position

  • Resolved how title portion moves to next line in Actions column

  • Resolved updating license issue

  • Resolved About menu disappearing when updating from 2.13 to 2.19

  • Resolved VCM security vulnerabilities

April 2024

Version 2.19

April 2, 2024

  • Added a new property, regex-compare, to the Instance Filter Function. This property specifies whether the value should be compared with regex (true) or with a string equals (false).

  • Updated Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.87

February 2024

Version 2.18

February 28, 2024

New Features
  • Supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

  • Updated Apache ActiveMQ to version 5.18.3

  • Updated Apache Spark to version 3.4.1

  • Updated Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.85

  • Updated Nginx to version 1.24

  • Updated Apache Cassandra to version 4.1.3

  • Updated .NET to version 6.0.26

  • Updated Angular to version 15

  • Updated rebranding to Fortra look-and-feel

July 2023

Version 2.17

July 14, 2023

  • Upgraded Nodejs to version 20.3 on RHEL 8

June 2023

Version 2.16

June 15, 2023

  • Upgraded to .NET 6.0.16


    Due to recent security vulnerabilities found in .NET 6.0.16, we recommend upgrading to the version 6.0.18. Please follow steps found here.

  • Upgraded to Duende IdentityServer version 6.2.3

  • Upgraded Node.js to 16.20.0

  • Resolved problem with retentions not working for VCM Collector data

September 2022

Version 2.13.0

September 27, 2022

New Features
  • Added KPI Exclusion Groups so systems can be excluded from KPI reporting.

  • Updated to use log4j2 2.17.2 to resolve outstanding vulnerabilities.

  • Updated Apache Tomcat to version 8.5.81.

  • Changed Chart title in the Results window for Throughput to "Throughput By Workload".

  • Changed default baseline in Capacity Plans from 24 to 48 hours.

  • Updated Automated Analytics to Open JDK Java 1.8.0_332.

  • Updated Confluent-kafka to version 7.2.1.

  • Updated Nginx to version 1.22.

  • Updated Cassandra to version 3.11.13.

  • Updated Activemq to version 5.17.1.

  • Added the ability to discover short host names instead of full DNS name.

  • Resolved Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability.

  • Resolved Weak Password Policy vulnerability.

  • Added strong password enforcement.

  • Resolved Spring4Shell vulnerability.

November 2021

Version 2.12.0

November 16, 2021

New Features
  • Added support for Microsoft Windows Server 2022 for Vityl Collector.

  • Updated Apache Tomcat to version 8.5.70.
  • Added an option to create VMware cluster groups with virtual machines to the "Generate Groups VMware" view.

  • Resolved an issue with PostgreSQL not starting after a system reboot due to an error accessing the lock file.

  • Updated usernames to allow underscore characters.

August 2021

Version 2.11.0

August 17, 2021

  • Added the ability to add a linear-regression to correlation charts.

  • Added dashboards that use the new forecasting and Python machine-learning functions.

  • Added forecasting capability that uses built-in fbprophet forecasting functions.

  • Added dashboards that plot current and historical values against an expected range of values. Used for anomaly detection and prediction.

  • Renamed Dashboards to Automated Analytics.

  • Enhanced system selection in the Performance Monitor UI to better support VCM deployments managing a large number of systems.

  • Added the ability for users to specify a title for Automated Analytics schedule instances.

  • Added Python as a scripting language in Automated Analytics to support new built-in forecasting functions.

  • Added the ability for administrators to enable default access for LDAP and Active Directory users when logging in for the first time.

  • Added accuracy indicators to forecasting function.

  • Added a new user-defined datasource property to ensure unique system names across Amazon CloudWatch datasources.

  • Resolved issues with rendering PDFs from HTML.

  • Resolved issue where the outer join uses values from the left when they do not exist on the right.

April 2021

Version 2.10.0

April 20, 2021

  • Added an exponential smoothing function to enhance forecasting.

  • Added server/OSI chargeback and reclamation reporting for cloud and non-cloud system types.

  • Added the ability to browse for a system by group.

  • Updated the PostgreSQL version, which includes the latest security fixes.

  • Refactored the VMware Generate Groups view to use a condition based on the vmware_cluster property rather than a list of host names to prevent the Condition Length <value> longer than Maximum of 1024 error.

January 2021

Version 2.9.1

January 19, 2021

  • Fixed redirect callback errors when logging in as an LDAP user.

Version 2.9.0

January 12, 2021

  • Added the ability to collect and report on metrics for the Azure App Service.

  • Added the ability to collect and report on metrics for Azure SQL databases.

  • Added support for running VCM on Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 systems.

  • Added the ability to collect and report AWS RDS instance metrics.

  • Added support for VMware vSphere 7.0.

  • Added the ability to report AIX process data support in the TeamQuest module.

  • Added the ability to configure more than one Apache Zookeeper server.

  • Added Google Cloud properties that identify the system for creating groups, using in views, and generating Key Performance Indicators.

  • Added Azure properties that identify the system for creating groups, using in views, and generating Key Performance Indicators.

  • Added a dashboard that allows you to see unused systems that are reclamation candidates.

  • Added a dashboard that allows you to create a Chargeback report for accounting purposes.

  • Added NFS request metrics to identify performance problems with NFS file systems. Metrics are only available for NFS version 4.

  • Added the ability to save Efficiency results by group for 1 year so analysts can monitor efficiency fluctuations over time.

  • Added support for custom cloud instances in the VCM Efficiency reporting to help understand cost savings potential using customized standard instance sizing.

  • Added support for scheduling reports to generate CSV output so analysts can automate exporting data into a format that can be automatically imported into a database.

  • Updated the Plans page in the Capacity Plans component to identify the user who initially created the plan.

  • Added NFS I/O metrics to identify performance problems with NFS file systems. Metrics are only available for NFS version 4.

  • Added Kernel Details metric group (Kernel Paging, Kernel Swapping, and Kernel System Calls) to identify performance problems on Linux systems.

  • Added the ability to specify a CPU or Memory threshold to reduce the amount of process data that needs to be processed to manage the scale of data.

  • Added Google Cloud properties to identify the system for creating groups, using in views, and generating Key Performance Indicators.

  • Added the ability to specify a Data Total by Partition threshold to reduce the amount of Disk IO by Partition data that needs to be processed to manage the scale of data.

  • Added the ability to show container names in the Performance Monitor component, when they are available.

  • For new VCM installations, the Disk IO filter list in the default collector configuration includes nvme in the Disk IO filter to support AWS EC2 environments.

  • Added the ability to control how often the same alert is generated by VCM when the threshold conditions are met.

  • Added support for Single Days, Range of Days, and Overlay of Days as calendar selections in VCM Details to allow you to chart multiple days of data in a single chart.

  • Added the ability to specify a Data Total by Disk threshold to reduce the amount of Disk IO by Disk data that needs to be processed to manage the scale of data.

  • Move Workloads event does not populate Workloads to Move when Create a Plan is selected from KPI Health.

  • Corrupted views no longer cause NullPointerExceptions or service crashes.

September 2020

Version 2.8.0

Sept 15, 2020

  • Updated the end user license agreement.

  • Added the Utility view.
  • Added scripts to configure secondary instances of Automated Analytics for alerting

  • Added AWS tags to Amazon AWS CloudWatch properties.

  • Added script to check the Collector stack component status.

  • Updated the Kubernetes module so it can connect to the Kubernetes secure port.
  • Added VMware Guest Efficiency KPI with pricing and cost information to automatically determine if a lower cost instance can be used to save the organization money.

  • Added pricing and cost information to the Amazon AWS EC2 Efficiency KPI to automatically determine if a lower cost instance can be used to save the organization money.

  • Added pricing and cost information to the Google Cloud Efficiency KPI to automatically determine if a lower cost virtual machine can be used to save the organization money.

  • Added non-VMware virtualized and Other Efficiency KPI with pricing and cost information to automatically determine if a lower cost instance can be used to save the organization money.
  • Added pricing and cost information to the Microsoft Azure Efficiency KPI to automatically determine if a lower cost virtual machine can be used to save the organization money.

  • Updated the VCM Metrics API module with new optional functions (getRealUsedMinusBuffersCache and getRealUtilizationMinusBuffersCache) to subtract Memory Cache and Memory Buffers from Real Used and Real Utilization calculations by using the functions in the metric query.

  • Added a vertical slider to menus to allow you to scroll through the menu options.

  • Updated the Data Availability view so the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error does not occur when you add System Metrics level metrics.

  • Improved the response time for large number of disks.

June 2020

Version 2.7.0

June 4, 2020

  • Changed product name from Vityl Capacity Management to VCM.

  • Added support for Microsoft Azure modeling.

  • Added support for Kubernetes DaemonSet for Collector.

  • Added Plan status.

  • Improved KPIs.

  • Updated Plans and KPIs to use historical growth.

  • Added and updated Dashboards.

  • Added the capability to perform compound alerting.

  • Added support for LDAP authentication.

  • Added count based license auditing.

  • Added the Google Cloud Monitoring module.

  • Added collector container for Linux system.

  • Added the Other record to workloads.

  • Removed reductions.

  • Removed Compound and Dual Severity Alert Views and Schedules from alerts views and schedules.

  • Updated Basic Alert Views to optionally include separate warning and critical conditions.

  • Combined the Compound and Dual Severity Views into a new Advanced Alert View, where each metric can optionally include separate warning and critical conditions.

  • Updated Collectors to ignore empty files and files called mscreate.dir so the Error: Plugin definition error: File is empty error is no longer displayed when an empty file is added to Vityl/collector/plugin/definitions.d.

  • Updated the CPU Ready and CPU Wait charts to indicate if the data is displayed in seconds or as a percentage.

January 2020

Version 2.6.0

January 28, 2020

  • Added the Dashboards component.
  • Added alerting.

  • Added the ability to create a capacity plan from the Demand Calendar.
  • Added a growth calculator to Capacity Plans.
  • Added the ability to select a baseline for all systems in a group to Capacity Plans.
  • Added single value charts to Capacity Plans.
  • Added the ability to save a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) selection.
  • Added the ability to control when data is streamed.
  • Added support for Kubernetes pods.

October 2019

Version 2.5.0
  • Removed support of systems running vityl-collectors version 2.2 or lower for Vityl Capacity Management version 2.5. Collectors should be upgraded to version 2.3 or higher.

  • Added %cpu by process metric to the Processes table.
  • Added Amazon AWS system properties to the Collector and Performance Monitor components.

  • Added system attributes to the Key Performance Indicators and Capacity Plans components.
  • Changed Performance Monitor to obtain collector metrics from Analytics Service.
  • Added a new attribute to automatically refresh charts.
  • Added the ability for administrators to control user access to functions.
  • Added support for the Prometheus module.
  • Added support for named workloads and full command process reductions.
  • Added the ability to create groups based on VMware clusters.
  • Added the ability to create groups based on Kubernetes clusters.
  • Added the ability to turn buffering on or off in the Collector component.
  • Added the ability to select a buffer size in the Collector component.

  • Updated collectors to send buffered data after a network outage.

  • Added the ability to summarize process data for a time range into a specified interval size.

  • Added the ability to export Process and Collector tables to CSV.

  • Added the ability to upgrade multiple Analytics Service deployments to a new version.

  • Added a Microsoft Azure instance type to the Collector component.

  • Added the ability to display hi-resolution data to the Performance Monitor component.

  • (CAS-0010163689) Updated Top N All graphing in Performance Monitor to display data.

July 2019

Version 2.4.0
  • Added KPI Efficiency results to Key Performance Indicators.

  • Added support for charting data from the Azure module in the Performance Monitor Overview and Performance Monitor Details user interfaces.

  • Added a Demand Calendar to Capacity Plans user interface to track information needed for planning purposes.

  • Added the ability to select as workload set in Capacity Plans when multiple workload sets are available.

  • Added support for configuring process data reductions in the Collector user interface.

  • Added support for IBM AIX systems to Performance Monitor Overview.

  • Added support for Oracle Solaris systems to Performance Monitor Overview.

  • Added support for the Linux ppc64 collector.

  • Added a menu to Performance Monitor Overview, Performance Monitor Details, and Capacity Plans charts to allow you to do the following:

    • Print chart

    • Download PNG image

    • Download JPEG image

    • Download SVG vector image

    • Download CSV

    • Download XLS

  • Upgraded node.js version.

  • Added workload metrics to the TeamQuest module.

  • Added the ability to automatically create workloads by process data.

  • Added the data availability metric by TeamQuest system for each point size.

  • Added the data availability metric by vSphere instance for each point size.

  • Added the data availability metric by EC2 instance for each point size.

  • Added heatmap charts to the Containers charts in Performance Monitor.

  • Added TopN selection to Container reports.

  • Added the ability to report virtual systems as a host and a guest.

  • Updated point size selection across modules to make them consistent between the modules.

  • Updated the collector configuration settings to include the process data full command string.

  • Updated the collectors to obtain workload data configuration settings from Apache ZooKeeper.

  • Added a collector configuration setting to Apache ZooKeeper to enable or disable process data full command collection.

  • Added the ability to configure the storage of process workload data in the Collector user interface.

  • Added support for applying a configuration to more than 10 collectors in the Collector user interface.

  • Changed the User field name to Login for the Workload Group By in the Collector user interface.

  • Updated the Overview and Details Processes tables to show if the process data full command name is available.

  • Moved User and Command columns in the process tables in the Performance Monitor Overview and Details user interfaces.

  • Added service names to the Linux Process Data and Windows Process Data tables.

  • Updated Capacity Plans to show modified-by and modified-date fields in the Plans list.

  • Added search and filter capabilities to the Plans list in Capacity Plans.

  • Added search, filter, and paging capabilities to the Health KPI page in Key Performance Indicators.

  • (CAS- 0010147120) Added "Invalid username or password" log message to the /var/log/messages directory for tracking invalid login attempts.

  • (CAS-0010144710) Updated Performance Monitor to no longer display a spinning icon when you select a plugin system when requesting metric details.

March 2019

Version 2.3.0
  • Added support for charting data from the Amazon CloudWatch module in the Performance Monitor Overview and Performance Monitor Details user interfaces.
  • Added support for charting data from the VCM vSphere module in the Performance Monitor Overview and Performance Monitor Details user interfaces.
  • Added support for charting data from the TeamQuest module for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and VMware vSphere systems in the Performance Monitor Overview and Performance Monitor Details user interfaces.
  • Added connected workflows to allow you to navigate from the KPI Health of a system to the Performance Monitor Overview or Details user interfaces.
  • Added the ability to open a newly-created plan from the Performance Monitor Details user interface.
  • Added System Overlay to the Performance Monitor Details user interface to allow you to chart data from multiple systems together.
  • Added the ability to select multiple collectors from the Controllers list in the Collectors user interface.
  • Added the ability to automatically synchronize interval and group changes across multiple instances of Analytics Service.
  • (CAS-0010131093) Updated Capacity Plans timelines to allow you to select the previous year as the baseline.
  • (CAS-0010127169) Updated Capacity Plans so running a growth plan with an undefined profile does not generate vityl-plans-api errors such as "An item with the same key has already been added."

December 2018

Version 2.2.0
New Features
  • Updated the monitor mode to view data at the rate it is collected.
  • Added predefined time periods to the Overview interface.
  • Added system type to search results.
  • Added the ability to navigate to the Overview and Details interfaces from search results.
  • Added a Docker information table.
  • Added Container ID to Linux process data.
  • Added User names to Linux process data.
  • Updated the equipment assignment workflow to be seamless.
  • Added Split Workload event to Capacity Plans.
  • Added the Analytics Service module for the Microsoft Windows collector.

Other Updates
  • (CAS-0010121257) - Changed the Move Workload event to move workloads with CPU values of 0 before moving other workloads.
  • (CAS- 0010118810) - Updated new plans with multiple systems to no longer falsely identify a system as critical.

September 2018

Version 2.1.0
New Features
  • Added Key Performance Indicators to provide system health and risk statuses.

  • Added the capability to clone an existing plan.

  • Added notes to Capacity Plans to provide information on where to look for incomplete data.

  • Integrated collector data with Capacity Plans and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

  • Added the ability to perform multiple day comparisons of a single selected metric in Performance Monitor Details to look for patterns and changes in behavior.

  • Added support for the Performance Monitor collector to Microsoft Windows systems.

July 2018

Version 2.0.0
New Features
  • Added support for creating plans for Linux and Microsoft Windows systems from Amazon CloudWatch.

  • Added support for creating plans for Amazon EC2 instances.

  • Added support for selecting a group of systems in a plan.

  • Added new wizard for creating a plan for upgrading or replacing the current platform.

  • Added capability to override workload and virtual machine attributes.

Other Updates
  • (CAS-0010084618) Updated documentation for connecting to SSL ports using Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux).

April 2018

Version 1.1.1
New Features
  • Added support for VMware systems with the following functionality:

    • Added a new directed workflow to predict the effect of adding more virtual machines to a VMware ESX host.
    • Added new Expert mode events to predict the impact of the following:

      • Adding a new virtual machine
      • Making a copy of an existing virtual machine
      • Moving a virtual machine from one host system to another host system
      • Changing virtual machine settings
  • Added capability to include descriptive information about the plan you are creating.

  • Added the Transaction Per Second chart to the Results page to show predicted transaction rate by workload or virtual machine.

January, 2018

Version 1.0.0

Capacity Plans has been released. Capacity Plans allows you to create plans to manage your system capacity.

Key Features
  • Create what-if scenarios to view results of increased demand of your applications.
  • Create plans to predict future behavior of your systems to ensure you have enough resources to provide satisfactory service to your users.
  • Identify the severity and urgency of risks.
  • Provide advice to describe where bottlenecks exist that negatively impact performance.

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