DCS for Windows

NOTE: In versions prior to 2023.1, this product was known as TCS for Windows.

January 2025

Version 5.1.1

January 23, 2025

  • Opening an Appointment/Meeting item in Office 2016 MSI edition no longer raises an exception

  • Policy Alert Description Text can now be manually copied to the clipboard

  • Recipient Alert UI now displays the invalid recipients when Force Remediate was false

October 2024

Version 5.1

October 31, 2024

  • Provide Dynamic Accelerator for SendAnyway button via configuration so a visually-impaired user can use shortcut keys to send an email if a Policy validation has occurred

  • Smart Regex can now detect the Brazilian CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) identification number

  • Updated Add and Manage Favorites UI to read all content correctly using a Screen Reader

  • Fixed the issue to read the detailed description in the Policy Alerts dialog with a Screen Reader

  • Fixed slow refresh issue when a multi-select field contains many items

  • Fixed a TMC/DCS for Outlook failure relating to reading and closing an attached S/MIME message

  • Fixed log4net debug statements outputting to a console application

August 2024

Version 5.0

August 2, 2024

New Features
  • Added a Preview bar on the Classification Selector dialog so you can see a summary of your Classification selections. You can enable or disable this bar using Policy Manager or using registry keys if you are using the DCS Administration Console.

  • Added a Classification Information bar at the bottom of email messages and Microsoft documents and files so users can see a summary of selected Classifications and other schema field values (except for date and time). You can enable or disable this bar using Policy Manager or using registry keys if you are using the DCS Administration Console.

  • NOTE: The Classification Information bar is visible in DCS for Outlook and DCS for Office only.
  • Added support for Date fields in the Classification Selector dialog from a Policy Manager configuration

  • Updated the existing Set Document Server Properties action to allow the user to set managed metadata properties to a document saved in Microsoft SharePoint. This allows users to select values from a predefined term set or enter keywords that are not in the term set. This column type can help control how users add metadata to content and implement business taxonomies. To create a managed metadata column, users can either map it to an existing term set at the site level or the list or library level. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. See Fortra's Data Classification Suite for Windows Policy Authoring Guide for more information on the Set Document Server Properties action.

  • Enhanced the Filter control in the Classification Selector dialog to allow a user to easily find a value from a schema field when the field contains hundreds of values. The new Filter control now includes matching against description and tooltip text.

    NOTE: This is available if you generated your configuration using Policy Manager only.
  • Added support for Subject labeling for all Meeting and Meeting response items

  • Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 and Microsoft SQL Server Express 2022 for the DCS Administration Console

  • Added shortcut keys to perform actions in the Favorites dialog

  • The Favorites dialog is now located under the Settings or Options icon in the Classification Selector dialog

  • When applying a watermark to a document that contained several sections, the watermark image was duplicated for each section.

  • If the HTML definition for a header or footer contained a table with a border, the border was not updated correctly when the label was changed or removed.

  • Conditions that reference a built-in document property, that are assigned to a documents 'OnOpen' event, will no longer cause a 'Save Changes' prompt when the document is closed and no other changes are made to the document.

  • In Microsoft Word, a Task Pane Alert would fail to display when opening a document. This occurred in Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 MSO environments.

  • Corrected the behavior of meeting and appointments so that the "New Message is started" event is processed as expected. A New item is any item which is in a state of composition.

  • When repeatedly replying to the same message thread, the metadata was not always persisted onto the reply.

  • When responding to meeting requests, the response item was submitted with the wrong classification if the user changed the classification of the response.

  • Duplicate copies of the same attachment are no longer generated when using the Classify Attachment feature from within a meeting request.

  • Portion marking now correctly applies the portion mark when there is no message body. The position of the cursor is important when applying a Portion Mark.

  • TCS for Windows 2022.0 and 2023.0 had sizing issues of One-Click buttons in the Classification Selector dialog. The buttons are now sized to the content in DCS for Windows 5.0.

  • Issue related to DPI scaling across multiple monitors with regards to the Classification Selector dialog. Classification dialog did not work with high DPI scaling when using monitors with different DPI and/or resolution which resulted in the UI being displayed off screen.

  • The Classification Selector dialog is now available on the first Resend action.

    NOTE: This fix applies only to resends of messages sent with the fix; resends of old messages will not have the Classification Selector dialog available on the first resend.
  • When using a Right to Left language, the configured font in a visual marking was not retained when working with Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • While Schema Justification is enabled, when applying metadata to multiple files, DCS for Desktop now writes Event 3001 to Audit and Windows Event loggers.

  • The One-Click button layout now reflects the layout as defined in the configuration for the Schema Field. This occurred in TCS for Windows 2023.1.

  • Corrected layout of One-Click buttons when they are linked to a conditional parent field when displayed in the Classification Selector dialog. This occurred in TCS for Windows 2023.1.

  • DCS for Outlook no longer causes Microsoft Outlook to opaquely sign messages when Outlook is configured to digitally sign using clear text.

  • When DCS for Office was configured to only show the One-Click ribbon group, the DCS for Windows About Box was unavailable.

  • When selecting multiple files that have not yet been classified, the empty fields show a "Conflicting field values" warning. This occurred on DCS for Desktop.

  • If the Schema Field in a View contained more than one value with the same Display Text, conditionality logic failed which resulted in incorrect metadata being written to the document or email.

  • Accessibility issue occurred in the Classification Selector dialog when selecting values on a One-Click button using the keyboard. This resulted in the focus being on the wrong control.

  • Fixed text wrapping issue when adding Header/Footer to PowerPoint and setting the Slides and Pages option to First slide only.

January 2024

Version 2023.1

January 31, 2024

New Features
  • Titus Classification Suite for Windows has been rebranded to Fortra's Data Classification Suite for Windows. See the below table for new product names

    Previous name New name
    Titus Classification Suite for Windows Administration Console Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Windows Administration Console
    Titus Message Classification (TMC)

    Data Classification for Microsoft Outlook (DCS for Outlook)

    Titus Classification for Desktop (TCD) Data Classification for Desktop (DCS for Desktop)
    Titus Classification for Office (TCO) Data Classification for Microsoft Office (DCS for Office)
    Titus Reporting Collector Data Classification Suite Analytics Collector
    Titus Data Detection Engine

    Data Classification Suite Data Detection Engine (DCS DDE)

    NOTE: Services such as Titus Enterprise Audit Service, Titus Enterprise Client Service, Titus Enterprise Health Monitor Service, Titus Enterprise Management Service, and Titus Enterprise Settings Service will be rebranded in a future release.
  • DCS for Windows now supports the simplified ribbon in Microsoft 365.

    • The simplified ribbon only has a single row, so any row/column settings related to One-Click Classification are ignored.

    • Also, if there are multiple Ribbon groups enabled, or many visible ribbon controls, the Ribbon may not fit and may be converted to a dropdown menu button.

    • Simplified ribbons do not support the "flyout" button in the bottom corner of ribbon groups. There are converted to menu items in the associated dropdown button.

  • The TCOSaveAsPDF custom action now allows you to create PDF bookmarks from a document’s headings or bookmarks.

  • You can only add valid Favorites to the Favorites collection. A dialog appears if the Favorite is invalid. If the saved Favourites are invalid, we recommend deleting the Favourites or the entire usersettings file under %APPDATA%.

    NOTE: If you have saved Favorites from previous releases, validation is not performed.
  • DCS for Windows supports PDFNet version 10 for keywords and custom properties for PDF and PDF/A.

  • DCS for Windows now support UTF-8 so multibyte characters appear correctly in syslog events.

  • In previous releases, the maximum number of schema fields that were allowed for a professional license was 15. This limit has now been removed.

  • Document markings, Advanced header/footer, or HTML header/footer may not be applied as expected while a comment card is selected or highlighted. In these cases, an exception should be written to the DCS for Office log

  • Negative values are not supported in Confidential Document markings action

  • For DCS for Outlook, Classifications in the Ribbon are updated when scrolling through emails

  • In DCS for Outlook, when using the quick access toolbar buttons to go to the next or previous item in the mailbox folder, once you encounter a meeting cancellation or response type message, the buttons are no longer disabled

  • When a new user is added to the Administration Console, any previous users are no longer removed

  • Advanced Header Footer actions are now applied without whitespace, unless specified to do so

August 2023

Version 2023.0 HF1

August 17, 2023

  • If you are upgrading the Titus Administration Console and Titus Classification Suite from Windows from a version prior to 2021.4, uninstall that version, then install 2023.0 HF1. Regarding the Administration Console, you can select an existing database; the database will be migrated as part of the installation. If you are upgrading from version 2021.4 or later, you can do an in-place upgrade (that is, you do not need to uninstall the previous version before installing this version). If you have any questions, contact Support.

  • The WebAppPoolPassword was exposed in plain text in a previous version of TCS. The issue has been addressed in this release; the password is no longer written to the registry.

  • Smart Regex and Categorization dependencies were not loading when installing Titus Classification Suite and the Titus Administration Console

  • The Data Detection Engine functions in this release of Titus Classification Suite for Windows

July 2023

Version 2023.0

July 19, 2023

New Features
  • As HelpSystems is now called Fortra, the TCS UI and Documentation have been rebranded.

  • You can now use a Tab control in the Select dialog to help with more complex Schemas. Only available if TCPG file is configured using Policy Manager.

  • Added a filter control so a user can filter when selecting from a long list of Schema Field values. This will help find the value quickly. Only available if TCPG file is configured using Policy Manager.

  • TCS can now extract plain text from emails and documents faster and includes hidden text, field codes, headers, or footers and within images.

  • TCS requires installation of .NET 4.8. See the Titus Classification Suite for Windows Deployment for more information.

  • You can add background color to Classifications in headers and footers in Microsoft Office. Only available if TCPG file is configured using Policy Manager.

  • You can add borders to headers and footers in Microsoft PowerPoint slides.

  • Made the TCD dialog consistent with other dialogs in TCS. This applies to multi-file results dialog only.

  • Adding/updating visual markings in TCO is now faster.

  • Made updates to TCS to find and fix any vulnerabilities for better security.

  • When selecting a Classification after performing an Undo operation in Microsoft Word, an extra line is added to the document marking

  • Update Microsoft Information Protection to Initialize to use Microsoft Office Identity rather than current user SMTP address

  • Selecting a Classification after performing an Undo operation causes an extra line in document marking

  • Slowness while switching between Excel sheets

  • TMC Body tag does not update

  • ECA Rule property is not being evaluated as expected

  • Excel .xlam files not saving when Titus add-in is enabled and Excel is open

  • TCO - Document Marking action causes Word to crash when document is saved in Web Layout

  • Crashing on Open with Office 2021 systems in a closed Environment

  • String detection in Metadata handlers are case-sensitive, which is causing issues with First Line of Text (FLOT)

April 2023

Version 2022.0 HF3

April 21, 2023

  • Microsoft Outlook fails to launch when not connected to an Exchange server.

  • Updated digital certificates. See the Titus Classification Suite for Windows Deployment Guide.

Version 2022.0 HF2

April 12, 2023

  • TitusCertGenerator.exe has been deprecated. You can no longer generate a signing key pair to sign Configurations published by the Titus Administration Console. For more information, contact Support.

  • Titus Message Classification - Improved performance when reading items in Microsoft Outlook when operating in online mode.

January 2023

Version 2022.0 HF1

January 27, 2023

  • ECA Rule property not being evaluated as expected. If a document contains the Document.TemplateName rule, an exception is thrown by Excel OnChange event.

  • In Display Settings when the text size is increased to more than 100%, the Select Dialog window becomes more difficult to use without resizing it.

  • After upgrading to TCS 2022.0, a noticeable delay occurs when switching between Office application windows.

November 2022

Version 2022.0

November 4, 2022

New Features
  • Titus now works with Microsoft sensitivity labels in Microsoft Office 365. You can map Microsoft sensitivity labels to Titus fields and values, so that Titus users can process documents and emails that contain a Microsoft sensitivity label.

  • You can use Policy Manager to set Schemas and Policies and publish them as a TCPG file to be consumed by TCS for Windows.

  • You now have the option to use the Titus logo (the default), a custom logo, or no logo in the Titus Ribbon and Select dialog.

  • The Titus Dashboard has been deprecated. You can use the Data Classification Reporting Server and the Reporting Collector Intelligence Pack in its place.

    While you can still see the option to enable the Dashboard in the Titus Administration Console (if you have the Dashboard configured), it no longer works.

  • The Reporting Collector Intelligence Pack is a collection of dashboards that allow the data from the Reporting Collector to be displayed. They can either be used as-is or be customized. Intelligence Packs are installed and displayed using the HelpSystems Data Classification Reporting Server and come with pre-defined roles and permissions.

  • You can now revert visual markings in a document by selecting Ctrl + Z once or selecting a single action from the Undo menu.

  • Improvements to Auto-Save functionality have been made to reduce the number of audit log events when documents are saved to a Cloud drive. This applies to Microsoft Office 2016 or later and Microsoft Office 365.

  • You can now apply a classification, using the context-menu, to the following Calendar items:

    • Meeting requests

    • Meeting responses (Accept, Decline, Tentative)

    • Send cancellation

    • Update meeting (standard and recurring)

    NOTE: This feature does not support Microsoft Outlook items that use RTF content.
  • XLAM files are not being saved when Titus add-in is enabled and Microsoft Excel is open

  • Cannot preview Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in File Explorer in Microsoft Office 365.

  • If a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is received as an attachment in an email, the Classification may disappear when trying to save or print the spreadsheet.

  • In Microsoft PowerPoint, when a classified document is still open, downgrade warnings do not appear when you open another classified document of which you want to change the classification.

  • If you delete custom properties and Titus GUID in a document, they do not get re-added upon saving the document.

  • Classification Dialog appears a second time when sending an email after setting classification the first time.

  • Scroll bar appears for entire Classification dialog instead of only areas where needed, such as sub-classifications.

August 2022

Version 2021.4 HF1

August 31, 2022

  • Entrust S/MIME action does not work properly when opening/sending message previously saved in Drafts

  • Update .config references to allow use of Log4Net 2.0.14 as used by Titus Data Detection Engine 2022.0

April 2022

Version 2021.4

April 2022

New Features
  • Support for Microsoft Outlook 2021 and Microsoft Office 2021 has been added. For Outlook 2021, switch to the classic ribbon view (simplified ribbon view is not supported).

  • The Select dialog has been updated to allow a user to manually enter multiple Classifications, select multiple Classifications, or both. If a Classification, that is also in the list, has been manually entered or deleted, its checkbox is automatically selected or cleared, respectively. See the Titus Administration Console User Guide for more information.

  • Titus Classification Suite now integrates with Harmon.ie (a PulsePoint COM add-in with Microsoft Outlook) to provide a smoother user experience when using both products.

  • Scroll bars are not consistent for multi-select fields in the Select dialog between versions.

December 2021

Version 2021.3

December 2021

New Features
  • Support for Titus Client Extension for Data Detection Engine on-premises - The Data Detection Engine (DDE) is executed by a Titus-defined Policy which returns properties, such as Score and Sensitivity, that can you use to apply to a Custom X-Header or to classify documents and email messages. The Data Detection Engine provides a rating based on the severity of the detected information. It uses artificial intelligence to detect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Personally Identifiable Financial Information (PIFI) and Protected Health Information (PHI) in messages and documents.

  • Removed SQL Express installation option - SQL Express 2019 has a minimum platform version of Windows 10\Win Server 2016. TCS for Windows still supports older server platforms, so the option to install SQL Express as part of TCS Administration Console installation was removed from the product.

  • Improved support for usage of dots (.) and underscores (_) in Dynamic Functions.

  • Titus Classification for Office add-in caused issues when saving text files within a macro.

  • Titus Classification client – Portion Marking dialog is missing text.

  • Titus Classification client – Existing favorites were removed during configuration update if host applications were running

    • Changes made to configuration name, field display names, schema fields or values enabled/disabled, are not dynamically displayed if the application is open when the new configuration is consumed. These changes are displayed when the host application is reloaded.

    • Changes made to fields, values, and conditionality may impact existing Favorites rendering them invalid

  • Titus Classification for Office Add-in would affect the current document returned during macro execution when using application.customizationcontext.

  • Titus Classification for Office – usage parameters when adding Custom properties were affected by a previous fix. The fix was reverted. See details for Custom property usage in the Titus Policy Authoring Guide.

June 2021

Version 2021.2

June 30.2021

  • The improved PDF contents extraction mechanism provides content validation in PDF and XLSX files. This change will not impact any existing functionality in Content Validation Profile and related actions.

  • There are now additional vertical alignment parameters (Top, Middle, and Bottom) in Document Markings for headers and footers. This will not impact any other parameter in Document Markings. Existing document markings can be edited to use this new functionality.

  • Improved method to apply header and footer displays in PowerPoint templates.

  • The Query Windows Task Scheduler has been updated to reduce LSA (LookUpAccount) calls and improve the overall performance of Active Directory queries.

  • The Classify option will not appear if Titus is unable to apply a classification to an Outlook attachment.

  • Updated User settings file extension. The file containing user favorites has been renamed, and Titus Client installer will migrate existing user favorites.

  • Changed folder names and registry keys from "Titus Labs" to "Titus." Existing "Titus Lab" installations will continue to be supported.

  • The TitusBI SQL account will no longer be automatically created by the Titus Reporting Collector, but this account could be manually created.

  • Some audited events were not listed under System Settings - Client Auditing for the Titus Administration Console. Listed events now include AttachmentClassification (2472), AttachmentClassificationFailed (2473), CustomActionApplied (2480), and ExternalProcessingOnOpenFailed (2481).

  • Titus Classification for Desktop Justification Events (Event ID 3001) are now written to audit logs as expected when using the fly-out menu.

  • Titus Classification for Desktop downgrade warnings are now shown only when changing the classification of multi-selected files.

  • An anomaly in the Titus Message Classification - TMC Ribbon properties prevented the classification value being read. Changes made to correctly interpret the classification values within the header.

  • Titus Classification for Desktop change made to the adapters writing metadata to PDF files to ensure the associated ADS file is preserved.

  • Titus Message Classification change made to determine if an alert should be displayed when classifying an email attachment. Previously, a policy alert was shown twice when changing the classification of an attachment.

  • Titus Message Classification displayed an error message calling out an invalid file name when applying body tags to an email message. The message's temporary file path contained a space causing the error message.

  • Titus Classification for Office was adding a blank line at the top of the header when executing a header/footer action. A previous fix was reverted. Line break elements (such as <p> and <div>) may still result in extra lines when added manually to the header/footer actions.

  • Titus Classification for Office change made to better determine how and when document markings are applied to prevent duplicates.

  • The TITUSBI account will no longer be automatically created when installing Titus Reporting Collector. Note: If the TITUSBI account was created by previous installations, it will not be removed and should be manually deleted prior to installation or upgrade.

April 2021

Version 2021.1

April 2021

  • The Reason field of the Set Classification and Set Message Classification actions now provides ability to add rich text within the dialog shown to users when a Set Classification action is executed.

  • In Metadata Handers in Application Settings,, the default value for Version 3 Metadata has been changed from Off to Read and write, and the Version 3 Property Name has been set to Titus.

  • This Custom Action allows Administrators to prevent the viewing of restricted documents when screen sharing software is in use

  • Titus Administration Console allows use of round brackets in schema fields. These are restricted characters.

  • Titus Client Service would execute code to evaluate custom functions while these were not in use by the customer’s configuration.

  • Monitor Scaling affects clients using Titus 2020.1 SP1. Ensure you have the latest updates of your version of Microsoft Office.

  • Titus Message Classification – a Bookmark not defined error would occasionally be shown when applying Body tags in messages.

  • Titus Classification for Office – in Custom Properties of an Office document, Titus GUID property is set while the product is disabled.

  • Titus Classification for Office would intermittently cause labels to print incorrectly.

  • Titus Classification for Office removed a pre-existing text box when adding document footer.

  • Titus Classification Client threw an error when loading custom functions.

  • Titus Classification Client – Fields shown/hidden by conditions are not displayed as expected.

  • Titus Classification Client – the SaveAsPDF custom action writes keywords when saving a new PDF. This could result in duplicated keywords.

  • Titus Classification Client – the 1-Click display layout is not respected in the Titus Select Dialog.

  • Titus Classification for Office prompts for classification when closing Excel without document changes.

  • Message formatting changes caused email classifications to not be displayed in Titus Message Classification when messages were generated from Titus Message Classification for MAC.

  • Saving a PowerPoint presentation in the Picture Presentation format would fail when Titus Classification for Office was installed.

  • Type-in Text fields would not expand to accommodate multiple lines of text in the Titus Select Dialog.

  • Schema fields were not displayed as expected when selecting multiple files to classify with Titus Classification for Desktop.

  • Visual Markings were not maintained when meetings items were forwarded using Titus Message Classification.

  • Classification values were not maintained when classifying attachments in Titus Message Classification.

  • Justification was triggering inconsistently for certain schema fields.

  • Titus Classification for Office – Titus GUID property was being set while the product was disabled.

  • Portion Marking Dialog was not displaying expected portion mark fields in Titus Classification for Office.

  • The Classification Dialog was not correctly displaying very long value lists in multi-select fields.

  • Multi-line First Line of Text (FLOT) values were not correctly read by Titus Message Classification.

  • Titus Message Classification would not classify files attached to a message.

  • Titus Reporting installer would fail when attempting to add system machine name to the reporting database.

November 2020

Version 2020.0 SP1 HF6

November 2020

  • REFIX (from solution provided in HF5) When upgrading from 4.6 and using MS Office 2016 the error message “Error! Bookmark not defined” was seen on bookmarks that were established when running 4.6.

Version 2020.0 SP1 HF5

November 2020

  • After 2020.0 SP1 HF4, there was a clash with an addin that validates that 3rd party macros are authorized to run in the environment.

  • When upgrading from 4.6 and using MS Office 2016 the error message “Error! Bookmark not defined” was seen on bookmarks that were established when running 4.6.

October 2020

Version 2021.0

October 2020

New Features
  • The product now supports retrieving RMS templates from Azure. The AD RMS SDK 2.1 version 1.0.4114.0 is required. The templates can be applied using a Policy and Action.

  • Overlay icons in File Explorer have new branding. The icons can be updated through the Titus Administration Console. To remove icon caches, go to https://neosmart.net/wiki/clear-icons-cache.

  • The Titus product logo was updated.

  • The file containing user favorites has been relocated, thus enabling users in remote areas to maintain their favorites across sessions. The location is now C:\Users\<UserID>\AppData\Roaming\Titus\UserSettings.json.encrypted.

  • Logging is now enabled by pressing Alt + L on the About dialog.

  • A minimum of .NET Framework version 4.7.2 is now required. A minimum of .NET Core 3.1 is required for the Titus Administration Console.

  • Using Australian Email Protective Marking, non-Titus Subject Label were not removed by Titus Message Classification.

  • Advanced Header Footer and Document Marking actions were not applied as expected in Titus Classification for Office.

  • Adding section breaks impacted headers and footers when using "Different First Page" option in Titus Classification for Office.

  • Titus Classification for Office – Sporadic Vera Integration Errors have been reported.

  • In Titus Classification for Office, a document Classification was lost when the document’s custom property contained a dot(.)

  • Incorrect Tool Tip text was shown when hovering over the Help Icon in Titus Classification for Office.

  • Outlook 2016 Pro Plus- Calendar not showing details of meeting invite.

  • A code change made to address another issue in Titus Classification for Office impacted saving an Excel spreadsheet with macros.

  • The Quick Print feature in Microsoft PowerPoint was unavailable while Titus Classification for Office was installed.

  • In Outlook 2016, the calendar does not show details of meeting invites.

  • Titus Classification for Office prevented Excel from closing when saving file as .CSV.

  • Titus Message Classification would sometimes prompt user to classify Outlook Tasks when not required.

  • Errors were displayed when Titus Message Classification would attempt to open certain messages to apply a body tag.

  • Monitor Scaling affects Titus 2020.1 SP1. This issue was found in Microsoft Office 2013 (build 15.0.5267.1000).

  • A 3rd party Add-in conflicted with Titus Classification for Office Add-in.

  • Email body tags were periodically not applied and a “Bookmark not defined” error would generate in Titus Message Classification.

  • One-click button alignment in the Ribbon does not render as expected in Titus Classification for Office.

  • Memory usage of the Titus service was high in remote access environments.

  • Titus Classification for Desktop did not recognize certain date formats on non-English operating systems.

August 2020

Version 2020.0 SP1 HF4

August 2020

  • Changes previously made to TCO to improve behaviour with regards to flow in Excel and canceling the Select Dialog causing all Excel open files to be closed was recently found to affect Customer’s Macros and VB Scripts that performed operations on Excel files.

July 2020

Version 2020.0 SP1 HF3

July 2020

  • If a user, who used a targeted configuration, reconnected to a VPN/AD and downloaded a new TCPG that had been updated, the configuration would not be loaded.

  • When a user that is part of Group Targeted configuration and has disconnected from the VPN/AD, if the Titus Client Service is restarted, either manually or by a reboot of the users machine, then the user reverts to the Default configuration and no longer uses the assigned the assigned Group Targeted configuration.

  • Closing a new Excel file without making any changes prompts with a save dialog.

Version 2019.1 SP1 HF5
  • If a user, who used a targeted configuration, reconnected to a VPN/AD and downloaded a new TCPG that had been updated, the configuration would not be loaded.

  • When a user that is part of Group Targeted configuration and has disconnected from the VPN/AD, if the Titus Client Service is restarted, either manually or by a reboot of the users machine, then the user reverts to the Default configuration and no longer uses the assigned the assigned Group Targeted configuration.

  • Patrol doesn't assign metadata when field values are marked as Selected ONLY if rule condition is File.Metadata.Classification=’’”

June 2020

Version 2020.1 SP1

June 2020

  • Only the message sender can see body tags that Titus Message Classification added to Microsoft Outlook meetings.

  • When a new Configuration was assigned, Titus Policies were being applied only when Microsoft Outlook restarted.

  • When using Group targeting, a Configuration may not have been assigned correctly when a user is disconnected from their virtual private network (VPN).

  • The Favorites icon was still displayed in the Titus Select Dialog even when it was disabled in the Configuration.

  • Long or multi-line Field and Value tooltips were not displayed correctly in the Titus Select dialog.

  • When closing an unmodified Microsoft Excel file, Titus Classification for Office would prompt users to classify the file.

April 2020

Version 2020.0 SP1 HF2

April 2020

  • If the ‘Suggested’ field in a schema value to ‘No’ then Patrol will not detect an unclassified file if the rule in the policy uses “” as the condition when checking File.Metadata.Classification.

Version 2020.1

April 2020

New Features
  • Titus Classification for Desktop allows a user to apply Titus metadata to a file which could automatically trigger VERA protection to secure files.

  • Improvements were made for accessibility, usability, user experience, and to handle display scale factor changes dynamically.

  • Titus has ensured the color icons and Field Values in the Ribbon and the Select dialog align properly.

  • Configuration files did not download to client systems when using HTTPS if only Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 was enabled. If TLS 1.0 or 1.1 was enabled, configuration files downloaded as expected.

  • When replying to emails received with a First Line of Text (FLOT), only one condition value was shown when there were multiple. During FLOT parsing, multiple values were being selected for classification.A trusted label icon appeared on some emails even though the Trusted Labels functionality was not enabled in the configuration.

  • Rich text formatting in Policy Alerts were not showing with the proper format.

  • Non-Titus watermarks were removed when Titus metadata and markings were updated on Microsoft Word documents that were already classified.

  • The FLOT parser was only considering first line from patterns when finding a match.

  • Australian Email Protective Marking Standard parser evaluated namespace from Sender’s email instead of gov.au namespace.

  • If a user activated the "TITUS Software License Agreement", the focus was not in the scrollable area of the text window.

  • When trying to open http://www.titus.com link from the About dialog box using a keyboard, users had to go through several keystrokes to activate the link.

  • Ribbon Help/Select text was not shown when opening classified messages.

  • Schema Downgrade rules could be bypassed by canceling the Select dialog.

  • Long (multi-line) schema field name text was truncated in the Select dialog.

  • Drop-down fields containing numerous (100+) values sometimes displayed with blank entries in the Select dialog.

March 2020

Version 2020.0 SP1 HF1

March 2020

  • With the deprecation of TLS 1.0 and 1.1, should you disabled these in your network, therefore only using TLS 1.2, and you are using the Titus Registry key CONFIGFILEURI to locate a centrally housed TCPG, it can take upwards from fifteen minutes to locate and download the TCPG file.

December 2019

Version 2019.1 SP1 HF4
  • When PDFs are password-protected using Word (export as PDF), the PDF Embedded adapter corrupts the file when writing metadata.

December 2019

Version 2020.0 HF2
  • When PDFs are password-protected using Word (export as PDF), the PDF Embedded adapter corrupts the file when writing metadata.

Version 2020.0 HF1
  • TCO: When using automated classification, a warning would not trigger unless meta had changed in the document.

Version 2019.1 SP1 HF3
  • If the UseStartupThread registry key was not available or corrupted, then this would cause outlook to crash.

September 2019

Version 2020.0
New Features
  • Titus has added support for the Titus Accelerator for Privacy to the Titus Administration Console and Titus Classification Suite.

  • Titus has added a Custom Action to the Titus Classification for Office that saves a Microsoft Office document as a PDF, then applies Titus metadata as PDF keywords and custom properties. This metadata can be read by Titus Classification for Desktop.

  • The PDF Properties Adapter has been replaced by the PDF Custom Properties Adapter and the PDF Keywords Adapter.

  • Titus can now read the value of a named property in an email message. Property types include MAPI properties, user properties, and X-Headers.

  • Titus Message Classification now retrieves the list of new recipients from Microsoft Outlook if a message is a reply or forward.

  • The Message.Attachment.isPasswordProtected property always returns False for password-protected ZIP files.

  • Duplicate markings are applied on documents that have been previously classified by Titus Classification for Microsoft Office 3.5.

  • The Force on Save setting is not respected for meeting invites.

  • The Remediate All operation is failing when attempting to remove recipients removed in a previous Policy Action.

  • When closing an Outlook task, email confirmation causes Outlook to crash.

  • Titus is unable to update SharePoint columns when the corresponding property name is longer than 40 characters.

  • The TITUSGUID property is being written to document properties when Titus is disabled.

  • Outlook crashes when launched in Personal Information Manager (PIM) mode.

  • Duplicated copies of saved messages are not re-evaluated when they are sent.

  • The Titus Client Service cannot be stopped from the Services console if duplicate content validation profiles are found in the Configuration.

  • Justification is only triggered for the first Field in a Set Classification Action when multiple fields have justification configured.

  • Third-party add-ins interfere with Titus Message Classification startup. The Titus Classification ribbon does not appear.

  • Microsoft Outlook flickers and loses focus when the Titus About dialog is closed in Office 365.

  • When a user from a different domain installs the Titus Reporting Collector, the Titus Reporting Collector machine cannot be added to the remote SQL server and the installation fails.

  • Filenames in double byte languages do not appear in the reporting database.

  • Alerts set to Warn or Log Only do not log the file being addressed or its path (event numbers 2120 and 2121).

Version 2019.1 SP1 HF2
  • The "reason text" preamble in the classification dialog is not displayed.

  • If a user selects a classification in the select dialog that is different to a Policy-suggested classification, when the user attempts to save the document, the classification dialog is displayed repeatedly.

  • When closing an Outlook task, email confirmation causes Outlook to crash.

August 2019

Version 2019.1 SP1 HF1
  • Occasionally, when creating a meeting invite, multiple body tags are added to the meeting invite.

July 2019

Version 2019.1 SP1
  • Language support for French and Spanish was added to the Machine Learning Categorization component.

  • The PDF Embedded adapter was updated to add support for PDF/A documents.

  • A new dynamic function was added to perform content validation using an improved regular expression engine.

  • Improvements have been made to the way pre-existing Microsoft Word Header and Footer page settings (Different First, Different Odd & Even) are handled when using the Apply Advanced Header/Footer and Apply Document Markings Actions. No changes were made to the way Header and Footer page settings are handled in Microsoft Excel.

  • Changes to custom resources were not always being published in updated TCPG files.

  • Within Outlook, it was possible to get an “out of memory error” when the application was being used for a long time with a Configuration that used a large Schema (100 Values or more).

  • Body tag parsing was not working for multi-select Fields. Only the first Field Value would be detected.

  • Alert Actions using the Log Only option were not recorded when used in conjunction with Set Classification or Set Message Classification actions that used the Suggest=True option.

  • The version number of the product was longer than the column would allow in the Collector table of the database.

  • Handling of email addresses assumed a consistent format.

  • The audit collector was not properly handling 0-byte files, resulting in exceptions..

  • During periods of low activity, the audit collector was reducing the number of active threads. However, threads were not being added when activity increased.

  • File system errors occurring when too many messages were being stored to the persistent cache on the audit collector.

May 2019

Version 2019.1 HF2
  • Could not install reporting collector where the user account is on different domain to the domain location of the Reporting Collector.

April 2019

Version 2019.1 HF1
  • Product Codes in McAfee ePO server logs display an old version.

March 2019

Version 2019.1
  • Another extensibility point has been added to the TITUS policy engine, allowing customers, partners and TITUS Professional Services to build custom modules to perform actions not available in the TITUS Administration Console.

  • A new action and a context menu item have been added to TITUS Message Classification, allowing metadata to be applied to files attached to an email.

  • A new event has been added to TITUS Message Classification, allowing policies to be applied when an email is opened.

  • The autocomplete feature in web browsers was causing some security concerns.

  • The AD cache for a user's group membership was being improperly updated when the IsMember property was not being returned.

  • Within Outlook, the compose window would flicker while it was opening.

  • Obligation audit events for TITUS Classification for Office did not always contain the filename.

  • The [Message.OriginalMetadata] properties are always blank for Appointment Responses.

  • Performance issues with the multi-file write functionality of TITUS Classification for Desktop, were causing inconsistent behaviors.

  • Help link was not working even when configured.

  • Using some font style text formatting, such as bold, in the description of an Alert, would not be respected.

  • When clicking the Check Policy button, the TITUS Classification for Office add-ins would never return the "Check Policy Complete" dialog.

  • Metadata change obligation messages in the Select Dialog did not pass color contrast requirements according to WCAG under some high contrast themes.

  • Duplicate markings were occasionally applied to meeting items.

  • Outlook was occasionally crashing when opening a meeting invite.

  • "Error! Cannot Open File", or translated text, appears instead of desired Email body tag text in some circumstances.

  • When using VBA scripts to classify emails, visual markings were not being applied.

  • When using configurations using a 9-digit TFN content profile library, you were unable to import TCF files.

  • When importing configurations, occasionally a second configuration titled "Exported" also appears in the configuration list.

  • Message properties were not always returning correct values when forwarding Meeting items.

  • Using the USETCPSERVICEBINDING option during installation would result in incorrect settings and add-ins would not be able to connect to the services.

  • Performance issues were being encountered when using TITUS Classification for Desktop.

  • Copying HTML formatted text into the detailed description of fields and values resulted in HTML content within the displayed text.

  • Administrators were unable to delete Rules which had Dynamic Properties configured.

  • Alerts were only returning the first value of a multi-select field with multiple values selected when using the [Message.Attachment.Metadata] property.

  • The TITUS Classification for Office add-in was enabled when running Word in embedded mode.

  • Using color text formatting in the description of an alert would not be respected.

  • When replying/forwarding a message that included recipients with an apostrophe in their email address, the HasNewRecipient property was always true.

  • Using font size text formatting in the description of an alert would not be respected.

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