Using Logs


Automate maintains text logs that record various events which can be viewed from the Logs section of Task Administrator. These logs contain a complete set of table formatted reports that display the status and condition of tasks, triggers, system related events and various other operations. You can view statistics, such as whether a task ran successfully or failed, the date/time a task started and ended, which computer ran the task (helpful when deploying tasks to remote agents), when a task was created, deleted or updated, and much more.

Automate's enhanced sorting and filtering capabilities lets you display the list of records in a particular order and view only those records that meet a specific criteria. For precise filtering, an intuitive Filter Editor can be used to define filter criteria using an unlimited number of conditions combined with logical operators. Records can be grouped by one or more columns. When data grouping is applied by multiple columns, data rows are organized into a tree hierarchy. Logged events can be exported to various file types, including TXT, XLSX, CSV, PDF, HTML as well as a variety of image formats. In addition, enhanced print features enable you to generate numerous reports with ease. The System Events log is displayed below.  

NOTE: You can control various logging aspects, including the type of data to log as well as overall size and location from the Log Management settings.

ClosedSorting Events

To sort data against a column or to change a column's sort order, click its header. The column's current sort order is indicated by the sort glyph (a small arrow displayed at the column header's right edge). If the data is sorted in ascending order, the sort glyph represents an up-arrow. When sorted in descending order, the sort glyph is displayed as a down-arrow.

Sorting Rows by a Column's Value

Perform one of the following:

  • Click a column's header holding the SHIFT key down, until an UP or Down arrow icon is displayed within the header (as shown below). The Up and Down arrows indicate ascending and descending sort orders, respectively.

  • Right-click a column's header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the context menu (as shown below).

If sorting isn't applied, clicking the column's header sorts data by its values in ascending order. If sorting is already applied to the column, subsequent clicks reverse the current sort order. A regular click on a column header clears the sort settings on any other columns. To preserve the existing sort settings of other columns, hold the SHIFT key down while clicking. This can be useful when it is needed to sort against multiple columns.

ClosedGrouping Events

The Group panel provides a section directly above the column headers in which a column can be dragged onto in order to group by that column. Numerous columns can be dragged for additional grouping. When a view is grouped by a single column, data rows that have identical values in this column are arranged into groups. Each group is identified by a group row. If the view is grouped by additional columns, data rows within each group are arranged into second level groups based on the values of the new grouping column, etc. Group rows are used to organize data rows into a tree when data grouping is applied.

To Group by a Column

Perform one of the following:

  • Drag a column header from the column header panel to the Group Panel (as shown below).

  • Right-click a column header and select Group By This Column from the context menu (as shown below). To remove grouping, right click the group panel and select Clear Grouping.

Filtering Events

A log table can be filtered in numerous ways, however, filter options may vary depending on the report. The most common filters are shown below. In addition, a Filter drop down is available for column filtering and a Filter Editor is available for those who prefer a more comprehensive filtering.

ClosedFiltering Events

To Filter Events

  1. Click the Columns button located on the Table Bar (as shown below). A list of available columns appear.

  2. Select the columns to include in the report.

  3. De-select the columns to omit from the report.

ClosedFilter by Pre-defined Date Range

To Filter by Pre-defined Date Range

    1. The Pre-defined Date Range drop-down defaults to the value Today which will display events from midnight to the present. Click this to show the list of pre-defined date ranges.

    2. Select the pre-defined date range to use as a filter.

ClosedFilter by Custom Date Range

To Filter by Custom Starting and Ending Date/Time

Perform one of the following:

    • In the Starting field, click the down arrow to display a calendar (as shown below) and select the desired starting date/time.

    1. Double-click a portion of the current date value to highlight it.

    2. Click the up or down arrow to modify the value (illustrated below).

    • Follow the above instructions to modify the Ending date field.

ClosedFilter by Tasks

To Filter by Task or Group of Tasks

    1. The Tasks drop-down defaults to All Tasks which will display all task events. Click this to show the list of managed folders/tasks.

    2. Select a folder to filter only tasks that reside in that folder or select an individual task as a filter.

    NOTE: This filter only applies to Task Events and Audit Events logs.

ClosedFilter by Keyword

To Filter by Keyword by the Way of the Search Panel

    1. Open the search panel by right-clicking any column header and selecting Show search panel from the context menu that appears.

    2. Click inside the search dialog box and type all or part of the keyword you want to search for. The list of events that contain matching text are populated as you type each letter, with matching characters highlighted for ease of detection (as shown below).  

    3. To clear the search, click "X" located on the right side of the search dialog or press ESC.

    4. To hide the search panel, click the Close button located to the right of the search box or right-click any column header and select Hide search panel.

ClosedUsing the Filter Button

To Use the Filter button

  1. Invoke the Filter button by hovering over a column header.

  2. Click the Filter button that comes into view.

  3. Select an option from the drop-down list that appears. For example, to filter only tasks that ended with failure, filter the Result column by Task ended with Failure (as shown below).

ClosedUsing the Filter Editor

The Filter Editor allows users to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions, combined by logical operators. To invoke the Filter Editor, right-click any column header and select Filter Editor. The Filter Editor displays filter criteria as a tree structure, where nodes represent simple filter conditions. If the filter criteria consist of multiple filter conditions, the Filter Editor contains multiple nodes linked by logical operators into groups.

ClosedPrinting & Exporting

The Print/Export button (shown below) allows you to print or export the current table into a number of file types.

Clicking the Print/Export button opens a Print Preview window (as shown below) that shows a document's preview area and provides a toolbar that allows you to navigate through the document, as well as print and export it.

When selecting the Export or Send Via Email option, the report can be exported/sent in a variety of file formats (as shown below).

While a document is being generated, its progress appears in the Status Bar, which is demonstrated in the following image.

ClosedCommands & Operations

Right-clicking a particular column header presents the menu shown below which supplies more filtering options.

The following table describes each menu item:

Menu Item Description
Sort Ascending Sorts the selected column in ascending view.
Sort Descending Sorts the selected column in descending view.
Clear Sorting Clears all sorting and returns all columns to default view (Enabled only when sorting is used).
Group by this column Puts the selected column into a group. Numerous columns can be grouped for added filtering.
Hide group panel Hides a displayed group panel.
Show column chooser Displays a dialog titled Column Chooser allowing you to drag columns into in order further customize the current layout.
Best fit Provides the best fit for the selected column.
Best fit (all columns) Provides the best fit for all columns.
Clear Filter Clears all filters (enabled only when filters are used).
Filter Editor Opens a dialog titled Filter Editor permitting more detailed filtering options. A multitude of conditions are available allowing for practically any type of filter to be included.
Show/hide search panel Displays the search panel allowing more detailed filtering by keyword. To hide a search panel currently on display, select Hide search panel.