Automate Desktop Event Monitor


The Automate Desktop Event Monitor (AMEM.exe) is a process that runs in the background, displays itself in the system tray and has several purposes in the Automate Desktop eco-system. Its primary role is to provide an entry to the desktop of a logged on user in order to run tasks that simulate desktop interaction (for example, Window action used to interact with a specific window or Keyboard action used to simulate typing with the keyboard). It is also used to detect interactive triggering events for Automate Desktop triggers that require an interactive session (for example, Window, Keyboard and Idle triggers). During a Remote Desktop session, the presence of the Event Monitor is used by Automate Desktop to determine whether or not a workstation is logged on or locked.

The Event Monitor andAutomate Desktop Task Service are two of several individual components within Automate Desktop. The Automate Desktop Task Service is responsible for starting the Event Monitor. When a task is set to run interactively, the Task Service attempts to contact the Event Monitor by way of TCP/IP (whether remotely or on the same machine). Typically, the presence of the Event Monitor can be revealed by looking for the Automate Desktop icon in the system tray (near the clock). However, it is possible to not see the icon while the Event Monitor is running if it has been turned off by way of the Event Monitor User settings.  

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