Welcome to Automate Desktop

What is Automate Desktop?

Automate Desktop is a powerful yet easy to use automation software platform that primarily focuses on supplying a complete, all-in-one system for the development, deployment, management and automation of simple to elaborate business and IT processes. It provides all the necessary tools to transform and combine on-premise servers, cloud resources, and end-point devices. Its intuitive, drag-and-drop based graphical interface replaces the traditional model of legacy batch files or scripts and provides businesses of all sizes with a true rapid-development platform for streamlining business operations that requires no programming knowledge to use and maintain. Automate Desktop raises the bar when it comes to functionality, ease of use and cost efficiency as compared to other systems that are either complicated to use, very expensive, or both. It is the only product of its kind that offers the power and robustness typically found in large enterprise systems along with the simplicity found in smaller systems with much less functionality.

Automate Desktop's basic building blocks are called actions & activities, which are plain-English, drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank objects developers use to construct a series of steps which collectively make up the task. Actions and activities range from running a program, opening a web page, sending keystrokes to an application, executing a database query, uploading or downloading  and much more! Decision making, looping and other powerful flow control actions as well as support for variables, constants and expressions are all built-in to Automate Desktop's powerful yet easy to use AML (Automation Markup Language) framework. In addition, an assortment of triggers allow tasks to start on a time based schedule or as a result of a variety of system events or conditions that occur.

Benefits of automation

Automate Desktop reduces costs and hassles associated with developing and maintaining code, scripts, and batch files. It dramatically increases transaction speeds and consistent and repeatable performance of business processes. More importantly, it eliminates time-consuming, labor-intensive, repetitive IT tasks, enabling employees to focus on activities where human interaction and thought add the most value.

Additionally, Automate Desktop improves collaboration between business users who benefit from automated processes and IT professionals responsible for delivering automation and supplies organizations with greater control of their networks and operations by centralizing the management of the automation network. In short, Automate Desktop can accelerate information flows, centralize resources and allow business processes to be performed faster and more accurately resulting in lower cost and increased business capability.

Lower total cost of ownership

Automate Desktop is the leading platform for business process automation because it goes far beyond the simple linking together of pre-existing batch files, scripts, and custom applications. Automate Desktop tasks are developed rapidly and maintained easily, resulting in a lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) than traditional automation methods. Automate Desktop provides cost savings at each phase of the automation project life cycle:

  • Develop - Drag-and-drop task building enables tasks to be constructed rapidly. No programming code or writing batch files.
  • Deploy - Tasks can either be deployed in-place with Automate Desktop's powerful event-based triggers or they can be deployed across the enterprise to other Automate Desktop installations called Runtimes with only a few clicks.
  • Manage - Automate Desktop tasks are displayed in plain-English sentences such as "Run the following application" and "Restart the Service", thus eliminating the problem of code abandonment.

Replace code-intensive processes

Automate Desktop is the superior replacement for scripts, batch files, macros, or any other code intensive process. It's easy drag and drop interface allows rapid construction and automation of virtually any task that can be accomplished in Windows.

Who uses Automate Desktop?

Approximately 85% of the Automate Desktop user base is comprised of IT professionals such as Network Administrators, Managers of Information Systems and System Integrators. The remaining 15% is comprised of Software/Web Development professionals, Testing/Quality Assurance Professionals, Data Entry personnel, and of course Home Users. Automate Desktop, while very powerful, is easy enough for anyone to use. Most of the Fortune 1000 has Automate Desktop on one or more workstations and/or servers. See our customer list for a list of well known companies that use Automate Desktop.

What can Automate Desktop do for me?

With Automate Desktop, IT Professionals can construct tasks that automate a wide variety of network and computing operations, such as: