Default User


Sets the username, password and domain for the default user. The default user is used in places where a username and password may be required (such as when a managed task is set to log on a logged off workstation) but a specified user has not been specified. Using a default user makes your tasks more portable because each Automate Desktop system can set its default Automate Desktop user to an account appropriate for their configuration.  

To access Default User properties, from Task Administrator, navigate to Options > Default Properties > Default User.

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Property Description
Default user name The default username Automate Desktop uses to impersonate. A plain user name such as "sparky" or a user name/domain combination such as "" can be entered . When the latter form is used, the domain field is disabled.
Default password The password to use with the Default user name parameter. This option can be blank if no password is associated with the selected user.
Default domain/machine name The domain or machine name associated with the user. Leave this parameter blank if the user is not a member of a domain or if there is only one workgroup for the machine. This parameter is inactive  if a user name/domain combination is entered in the Default user name parameter.