

Globally dictates the execution speed of all tasks by allowing a delay to be placed during step-by-step execution. Also sets Windows Foreground Timeout behavior which can prevent Automate Desktop from properly focusing windows using the Window - Focus activity.

To access Execution settings, from the Task Administrator, navigate to Options > System Settings > Execution.

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Property Description
Task execution speed Customizes the step-by-step execution speed of running tasks. A delay by the amount specified (in milliseconds) is automatically placed between each step without the need to use a Wait activity. This value is set globally, therefore, all tasks that run on the local system are affected. The default value is a 0 millisecond delay.
Disable Windows Foreground timeout When a program opens several seconds after another, the associated window may steal focus by popping up in front of the currently focused window (in the foreground). The Windows Foreground Timeout feature of Windows operating systems prevents new windows from stealing focus without direct user interaction. Instead, the window blinks in the system tray until it is manually clicked.

Conversely, the Windows Foreground Timeout feature can prevent running tasks from properly focusing the correct window when using the Window - Focus action. Windows Foreground Timeout must be disabled in order to provide Automate Desktop with unobstructed ability to focus any window on the system.