

Enables you to add or edit holidays and custom dates for use in conjunction with the Schedule trigger. This is a convenient way to disable normally scheduled tasks from launching on dates matching your list of holidays or vice versa. This feature supports national holidays for over 100 countries. Along with the predefined holidays, you can create your own custom holiday set for other types of events, such as quarterly deadlines, corporate paydays, or special company dates. Automate Desktop considers holidays as all-day events.

To access Holidays settings, from the Task Administrator, navigate to Options > System Settings > Holidays.

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Property Description
Categories Specifies a category specific holidays fall under. By default, this parameter is populated with a list of countries and their respective national holidays. However, you can add your own custom category and associate dates specific to that category as well. Selecting an item from the list will populate the corresponding holidays and dates for that item under the Days parameter below.
  • Click Add to add a new holiday category.
  • Click Delete to delete an existing holiday category.
  • Click Edit to modify an existing holiday category.
Holiday Name/Day Specifies the holiday name and date corresponding to the item selected under the Categories parameter.
  • Click Add to add a new holiday name and date to the selected category.
  • Click Delete to delete an existing holiday name/date.
  • Click Edit to modify an existing holiday name/date.

Setting holidays

To add a custom holiday

  1. From the Categories parameter, click Add to enter a name for the new category.
  2. Highlight the newly created category, and then from the Holiday Name/Day parameters, click Add.
  3. Enter the desired name and date to use for the new holiday, and then click Update.
  4. Repeat this step to add additional holiday names/dates.
  5. When finished, click Apply to save changes.

To edit an existing holiday

  1. From the Categories parameter, select the name that contains the holiday to edit.
  2. From the Holiday Name/Day parameters, select the desired holiday, and then click Edit .
  3. Make the desired changes to the Name or Date parameters, and then click Update.
  4. When finished, click Apply to save changes.

To delete an existing holiday

  1. From the Categories parameter, select the name that contains the holiday to delete.
  2. From the Holiday Name/Day parameters, highlight the desired holidays, and then click Delete. To highlight multiple holidays, hold down CTRL during selection.
  3. When finished, click Apply to save changes.

To edit/delete a category

NOTE: Deleting a category also deletes all holidays linked to that category.
  1. From the Categories parameter, select the name to edit or delete.
  2. To rename the category, click Edit. To permanently delete the category, click Delete.
  3. When finished, click Apply to save changes.