SQL Connections


Allows creation of user-defined SQL connection strings that can be linked to Automate Desktop activities requiring a SQL connection. Using this setting can save time when creating SQL connections during task construction.

To access SQL Connections settings, from the Task Administrator, navigate to Options > System Settings > SQL Connections.

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Property Description
Name The name for the SQL connection. This is how the SQL connection is referenced in the properties of an activity.
Value Specifies the type of value to enter as the SQL connection. The available options are:
  • Datalink - Opens a Datalink Properties window to assist in building a connection string. Click Build Connection to open a standard Data Link Properties Wizard which assists in building a new connection string.

  • Manual -  Specifies manual entry of a connection string in the provided text box.

Store as plain text If enabled (default), the connection string will be stored in plain text (as opposed to encrypted) in AML view as well as the registry. If disabled, the connection string will be encrypted in both AML view and in the registry as a form of security.
Comment A description for the SQL connection. Entering a comment is optional and has no bearing on the SQL connection itself.
Enabled Indicates whether the specified SQL connection string is enabled or disabled. If enabled (default), specifies that the SQL connection can be associated to activities that require a SQL connection. If disabled, it will not appear on the list of available SQL connections, thus, activities will not be able to link to it.

Managing SQL connections

To add a new SQL connection

  1. Select New.

  2. In the Name box, enter the desired name for the SQL connection. This is how the SQL connection is referenced in Automate Desktop activities.

  3. In the Value parameter, select Datalink or Manual, based on the type of value you want to enter. If Datalink is selected, select Build Connection to open a standard Data Link Properties Wizard which assists in building a new connection string. If Manual is selected, manually enter a valid connection string in the provided text box. The connection string will be encrypted unless the option Store as plain text is enabled.

  4. In the Comment box, enter an optional description for the SQL connection.

  5. Select Apply to save changes.

To modify an existing SQL connection

  1. Select the desired SQL connection from the list of user-defined SQL connections, and then click Modify.
  2. Make the desired modifications to the pre-existing settings. Additionally, you can disable the connection string by disabling Enable (this option is enabled by default).
  3. When finished, click Apply.

To remove an existing SQL connection

Select the SQL connection from the list of user defined SQL connections, and then click Remove.