Task Service Preferences


Sets specific properties related to the Automate Desktop Task Service, including default HTTP and TCP/IP ports, as well as the default managed task location.

To access Task Service preferences, from the Task Administrator, navigate to Options> System Settings > Task Service.

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Property Description
Automate Desktop Task Service HTTP Port The default HTTP port to use for the Automate Desktop Task Service (for actions that require HTTP communication). The default value is 11011.
Automate Desktop Task Service TCP/IP Port The default TCP/IP port to use for the Automate Desktop Task Service. The default value is 11010.
Default Managed Task location When a new managed task is created, Automate Desktop automatically generates an associated task file containing the task's properties and steps and then stores it in the default managed task location. This location can vary depending on the operating system, however, by default, tasks are stored into a location accessible by all users on the system. See Managed vs. Unmanaged Tasks for more details. To select a different location, click the folder icon and browse to the desired location or manually enter the path to the new location in the provided text box.
NOTE: When specifying a network location as the default managed task location, it is critical to refrain from using mapped drive letters. Always specify when using UNC (Universal Naming Convention) paths. For example, X:\pathname\ should be \\servername\pathname\. This is because mapped drives are available only when a user is logged on and not available when the workstation is in a logged off state or under LocalSystem services.