SNMP Trap Trigger


Launches a task when a SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) trap is received. A trap is a message sent by an agent to a management system indicating that an event has occurred on the host running the agent. This trigger accepts filters which can be specified to monitor for specific traps.

IMPORTANT: Use of the SNMP trigger requires a fundamental comprehension of SNMP, its required protocol data units (PDU) and other related terms, such as NMS or MIB.

Practical usage

Used to integrate tasks with other network systems management software.

Related Topics  



Property Type Description
Agent IP address Options Indicates the type of SNMP trap the trigger should react to. The available options are:
  • Any (default) - The task will run when an SNMP trap is received from any host with no IP address restrictions.
  • Specific - The trigger will only react to SNMP traps received from a host within a specified IP address range. Enter the starting and ending IP addresses (within the range of acceptable IP addresses) in the IP Range Start  and IP Range End parameters.
IP range start Number The starting IP address within the range of acceptable IP addresses. The trigger will act on SNMP traps received from IP addresses that fall between the IP Range Start and IP Range End values. This parameter is active only if the Agent IP address parameter is set to a specific host.
IP range end


The ending IP address within the range of acceptable IP addresses. The trigger will act on SNMP traps received from IP addresses that fall between the IP Range Start and IP Range End values. This parameter is active only if the Agent IP address parameter is set to a specific host.
Community Options Indicates which SNMP trap the trigger should react to in relation to the community it originated from. The available options are:
  • Any (default) - The trigger will react to SNMP traps received from any host with no community restrictions.
  • Specific - The trigger will only react to SNMP traps received from a host within the specified community.
Specific Community Text The specific community that the trap must originate from in order to trigger the task. This parameter is active only if the Community parameter is set to Specific.
Enterprise OID Options Indicates which SNMP trap the trigger should react to in relation to the enterprise OID it originated from. The available options are:
  • Any (default) - The trigger will react to SNMP traps received from any enterprise OID with no enterprise OID restrictions.
  • Specific - The trigger will react to SNMP traps received from a host within the specified enterprise OID.
Specific enterprise OID Text The enterprise OID that the trap must originate from in order to trigger the task. To display the value, click the Translate button. This parameter is active only if the Enterprise OID parameter is set to Specific.
Trap generic type Options Denotes selection of a specific trap intended for a generic type to filter. The available options are:
  • Any  (default) - Any type of event.
  • Cold start - Reinitialization of the agent with alteration of configuration.
  • Warm start - Reinstallation of the agent without alteration of configuration.
  • Link down - Failure in one of the communication links.
  • Link up - Restoration of one of the communication links.
  • Authentication failure - Reception of a protocol message not properly authenticated.
  • EGP neighbor loss - Loss of an EGP peer relationship of the EGP protocol.
  • Enterprise specific - An enterprise-specific event.
Trap type code Options Indicates which SNMP trap the trigger should react to in relation to the code it originated from. The available options are:
  • Any -The trigger will listen to traps sent with any code.
  • Specific - The trigger will only listen for traps sent with the code specified in the Trap specific type code parameter.
Trap specific type code Text The trap code that the trap must originate from in order to trigger the task. This parameter is active only if the Trap type code parameter is set to Specific.
Use string notation for OID Text If enabled, specifies that string notation is used for object identifiers (enabled by default).
Use string notation for timetick values Yes/No If selected, specifies that string notation is used for timetick values (selected by default).


Property Type Description
Accept authenticated traps from these users Text Specifies the users in which to accept authenticated traps. Click the Click here to add new item link to add a new item. The available values are:
  • User - Enter the username
  • Auth. Type - Enter the authentication type. The available options are:
    • Any (default)
    • MD5
    • SHA
    • SHA2
  • Auth. Password - Enter the password
  • Encryption - Enter the encryption type. The available options are:
    • No encryption (default)
    • DES
    • AES
    • 3DES
    • AES192
    • AES256
  • Private Password - Enter the private password related to the encryption type.
Accept unauthenticated Version 3 traps Yes/No If selected, unauthenticated version 3 traps will be accepted (disabled by default).


Property Type Description
Enable trigger Yes/No If selected, specifies that the trigger is operational and will react to any trigger events that occur. If disabled, specifies that the trigger is inactive and will not react to any trigger events (selected by default).
Trigger after the condition has been met Number If enabled, specifies how many times the monitored event must be met before the task is started (enabled by default).

Additional notes


When this trigger is activated, it automatically passes the AMTrigger object to the task. AMTrigger is a standard Automate Desktop dataset and can be used much like the datasets created by the Database - SQL query activity and Email action. The fields of AMTrigger can be used within a task to determine specific values, such as whether or not the task was started by a trigger, which trigger started the task, when the trigger was activated and other properties. AMTrigger populates a unique set of field–value pairs for each Automate Desktop trigger. The following table lists the ones specific to this trigger. For more details about a specific AMTrigger field–value pair, click the associated link.

Name Data Type Return Value
AMTrigger.BindingVarNumber Number Returns the total number of variables that were sent with the SNMP trap.
AMTrigger.Community String Returns the community specified in the SNMP trap when the task was triggered.
AMTrigger.GenericType String Returns the generic type for the SNMP trap when the task was triggered.
AMTrigger.Host String Returns the host specified in the SNMP trap when the task was triggered.
AMTrigger.SpecificType String Returns the specific type for the SNMP trap that triggered the task.
AMTrigger.TimeStamp String Returns the timestamp specified in the SNMP trap when the task was triggered.
AMTrigger.VarName[i] String Returns the associated variable name that was sent with the SNMP trap. Use AMTrigger.BindingVarNumber to find the total number of available variables. To use this property, simply append the number to the end if the property name - it is not an array. (Example %AMTrigger.VarName2%)
AMTrigger.VarSyntax[i] String Returns the associated variable syntax (such as integer) that was sent with the SNMP trap. Use AMTrigger.BindingVarNumber to find the total number of available variables. To use this property, simply append the number to the end if the property name - it is not an array. (Example: %AMTrigger.VarSyntax2%)
AMTrigger.VarValue[i] String Returns the associated variable value that was sent with the SNMP trap. Use AMTrigger.BindingVarNumber to find the total number of available variables. To use this property, simply append the number to the end if the property name - it is not an array. (Example: %AMTrigger.VarValue2%)
NOTE: A full list of AMTrigger objects exclusive to each trigger can be viewed from the Expression Builder by expanding Objects > Triggers and selecting the desired trigger.