

The Clipboard is like a scratch pad available to Windows and all running applications. It allows pieces of information to be temporarily stored and then retrieved later by another application. Because all applications have access to the clipboard, data can be easily transferred between applications or within an application.

Automate Desktop's Clipboard action contains various activities that allow you automate all Windows clipboard operations. Along with the basic Cut, Copy, Paste and Clear clipboard activities, this action also comprises a Get Clipboard activity, which retrieves the current contents of the clipboard as text and places it in a variable, and a Set Clipboard activity, which allows you to set the clipboard to the text specified.

Available activities

Click the appropriate link for more details regarding a specific activity:

Activity Description
Clipboard - Clear Clears the current contents of the clipboard.
Clipboard - Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Clipboard - Cut Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.
Clipboard - Get Retrieves the current contents of the clipboard as text and places it in an Automate Desktop variable.
Clipboard - Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the currently focused window.
Clipboard - Set Sets the clipboard to the text specified.