Environment Variables


Windows Environment variables are strings that contain information about various system components as well as certain basic system information (for example, drive, path and file name). They control the behavior of the system and various programs. Environment variables are very convenient in scripts where certain standard directories and parameters need to be referenced but where the actual locations or names can vary from computer to computer.

Automate Desktop encompasses a number of activities aimed to automate the creation, manipulation and management of environment variables in a Windows-based operating system without the use of scripts or the command line. Activities include the ability to get, set, list and delete environment variables as well as append data to an existing environment variable.

IMPORTANT: Basic knowledge about Windows system and user level environment variables and their functionality are required in order to properly use these activities.

Available activities

Click the appropriate link for more details regarding each activity:

Activity Description
Environment Variables - Append Appends text to a system or user-level environment variable and populate an Automate Desktop variable with the resulting value.
Environment Variables - Get Retrieves the value of a system-level or user-level environment variable and places it into an Automate Desktop variable.
Environment Variables - List Populates a dataset with the names and values of a specified type of environment variable.
Environment Variables - Remove Removes a system or user-level environment variable.
Environment Variables - Set Sets the value of a system-level or user-level environment variable, and optionally creates the variable if it does not exist.