

Automate Desktop includes numerous interactive-related activities that can impersonate object selection or any form of desktop interaction that one would normally perform manually. The Interactivity - Move mouse to object activity simulates moving the cursor to a specific object or control in a window. The Interactivity - Focus item activity simulates using the tab or arrow keys on a keyboard to focus on a specific object or control in a window. The Press activity simulates moving the cursor to an object and clicking that object all within one step. Such activities communicate with the target control natively, therefore, the window where the control resides is not required to be in the foreground for the event to occur. Other activities such as Interactivity - Get text and Interactivity - Set text allows you to easily extract text from and input text to a specific window on your desktop. Use these activities combined with the Input activities to automate simple to complex GUI-related operations.

Available activities

Click the associated link for more details regarding each activity:

Activity Description
Interactivity - Check Checks a checkbox or toggles a radio control on a window.
Interactivity - Focus item Focuses on an object or control on a window or desktop such as a button, tab, text-box, link, or column header.
Interactivity - Get items Retrieves one or more items from a list, a tree, or a combo box in a window and populates a variable with the caption text of each item. Optionally, populates a dataset with additional information regarding retrieved items.
Interactivity - Get selected list item Retrieves the currently selected items of a list box or a list view.
Interactivity - Get selected tree item Retrieves the currently selected item or items of a tree control.
Interactivity - Get text Extracts the text contents of a control on a window and populates a variable with the results.
Interactivity - Move mouse to object Moves the mouse cursor to the center of an object or control on a window or desktop such as a button, page tab, text box, link, or column header.
Interactivity - Press Presses a button, page tab, link, or column header on a window.
Interactivity - Select item Selects an item from a list, tree, or a combo box on a window.
Interactivity - Select list item Selects one or more items in a list box or a list view.
Interactivity - Select tree item Selects an item in a tree control or tree view.
Interactivity - Set text Sets the text of a control on a window.