Debug Panel - Watches


The Watches debug panel can store several variables and expressions that you want to view over the course of the debugging session. You can set a watch on a variable used in the task or you can enter an expression to create a more complex watch. You can use the Watches debug view to add, remove, or change watches. After each step executes, any variables and expressions listed are re-evaluated and updated with their current values. Watches go beyond the Variable window by providing an intuitive means of testing variable or task states while a task is executing. More on Watches


The Watches window includes the following fields (columns):

Column header Description
Expression The syntax of the watch. This can be simply a variable name or a complex expression.
Value The result of the watch expression. This is updated with each step execution while the task is running.

Shortcut menu

Right-clicking inside the Watches window opens a shortcut menu that contains the following items.

Menu item Description
Change Renames the selected variable or modifies the selected expression.
Remove Removes the selected item. To select multiple items, hold down CTRL during selection.
Remove All Removes all items listed.
Help Opens the help topic regarding this debug tool.