Printing or Sending Task Steps


You can print the steps of a task  as a means to save a hard-copy version. Printed data can be in AML mode  or Visual (plain text) mode. Automate Desktop determines which mode to print by  matching the format visible in the Steps panel at the time the task prints.

To print a task

  1. From Task Builder, select File > Print.
  2. Enter the desired print specifications (described in the table below).

  3. Click the Print button to complete the operation.

Print properties

The following table describes available print properties found in Task Builder:

Property Description
Paper Size The size of paper to use. The available options are:
  • A4 - A paper size that measures 210 × 297 millimeters or 8.27 × 11.69 inches.
  • Letter (default) - A paper size that is used for a wide range of documents, including magazines, catalogs, letters and forms. A Letter size page measures 215.9 × 279.4 millimeters or 8.50 × 11.00 inches.
  • Legal - A paper size that is mainly used in the USA and Canada for a wide range of documents, including letters and forms. A Legal size page measures 216 × 356 millimeters or 8.5 × 14.00 inches.
  • Custom - Sets a new custom paper size with the dimensions specified.
Orientation The direction in which the document is printed. The available options are:
  • Portrait (default) - Printing is in a vertical direction (typically the default orientation).
  • Landscape - Printing is in a horizontal direction.
Margins The top, bottom, left, and right margins to set. The default value is 1.00".
Include Task Name If enabled (default), the name of the task is included in the printed document. If disabled, the task name is omitted.
Include Function Name If enabled (default), function names are included in the printed document. If disabled, function names are omitted.
Include Page Number If enabled (default), page numbers are included in the printed document (ideal for keeping track of long tasks that may span multiple pages when printed). If disabled, page numbers are omitted.
Include Empty Functions If enabled, empty functions are included in the printed document. If disabled (default), empty functions are omitted.