Sub Definition


[ | Private | Public | Friend ] _
Sub name[([param[, ...]])]
End Sub




User defined subroutine. The subroutine defines a set of statements to be executed when it is called. The values of the calling arglist are assigned to the params. A subroutine does not return a result.


If no access is specified then Public is assumed.

Related Topics

Sub IdentityArray(A()) ' A() is an array of numbers
    For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
        A(I) = I
    Next I
End Sub
Sub CalcArray(A(), B, C) ' A() is an array of numbers
    For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
        A(I) = A(I)*B+C
    Next I
End Sub
Sub ShowArray(A()) ' A() is an array of numbers
    For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
        Debug.Print "("; I; ")="; A(I)
    Next I
End Sub
Sub Main
    Dim X(1 To 4)
    IdentityArray X()   ' X(1)=1, X(2)=2, X(3)=3, X(4)=4
    CalcArray X(), 2, 3 ' X(1)=5, X(2)=7, X(3)=9, X(4)=11
    ShowArray X()       ' print X(1), X(2), X(3), X(4)
End Sub