User Defined Reflective DLL Loader

Cobalt Strike 4.4 added support for using customized reflective loaders for beacon payloads. The User Defined Reflective Loader (UDRL) Kit is the source code for the UDRL example. Go to Help -> Arsenal and download the UDRL Kit. Your licence key is required.


The reflective loader's executable code is the extracted .text section from a user provided compiled object file. The extracted executable code must be less than 100KB.


The following Aggressor script hooks are provided to allow implementation of User Defined Reflective Loaders:

Function Description
BEACON_RDLL_GENERATE Hook used to implement basic Reflective Loader replacement.
BEACON_RDLL_SIZE This hook is called when preparing beacons and allows the user to configure more than 5 KB space for their reflective loader (up to 100KB). This hook can also be used to remove the entire space for the reflective loader.
BEACON_RDLL_GENERATE_LOCAL Hook used to implement advanced Reflective Loader replacement. Additional arguments provided include Beacon ID, GetModuleHandleA address, and GetProcAddress address.

The following Aggressor script functions are provided to extract the Reflective Loader executable code (.text section) from a compiled object file and insert the executable code into the beacon payload:

Function Description
extract_reflective_loader Extracts the Reflective Loader executable code from a byte array containing a compiled object file.
setup_reflective_loader Inserts the Reflective Loader executable code into the beacon payload.

The following Aggressor script functions are provided to modify the beacon payload using information from the Malleable C2 profile:

Function Description
setup_strings Apply the strings defined in the Malleable C2 profile to the beacon payload.
setup_transformations Apply the transformation rules defined in the Malleable C2 profile to the beacon payload.

The following Aggressor script function is provided to obtain information about the beacon payload to assist with custom modifications to the payload:

Function Description
pedump Loads a map of information about the beacon payload. This map information is similar to the output of the "peclone" command with the "dump" argument.

The following Aggressor script functions are provided to perform custom modifications to the beacon payload:


Depending on the custom modifications made (obfuscation, mask, etc...), the reflective loader may have to reverse those modifications when loading.

Function Description
pe_insert_rich_header Insert rich header data into Beacon DLL Content. If there is existing rich header information, it will be replaced.
pe_mask Mask data in the Beacon DLL Content based on position and length.
pe_mask_section Mask data in the Beacon DLL Content based on position and length.
pe_mask_string Mask a string in the Beacon DLL Content based on position.
pe_patch_code Patch code in the Beacon DLL Content based on find/replace in '.text' section'.
pe_remove_rich_header Remove the rich header from Beacon DLL Content.
pe_set_compile_time_with_long Set the compile time in the Beacon DLL Content.
pe_set_compile_time_with_string Set the compile time in the Beacon DLL Content.
pe_set_export_name Set the export name in the Beacon DLL Content.
pe_set_long Places a long value at a specified location.
pe_set_short Places a short value at a specified location.
pe_set_string Places a string value at a specified location.
pe_set_stringz Places a string value at a specified location and adds a zero terminator.
pe_set_value_at Sets a long value based on the location resolved by a name from the PE Map (see pedump).
pe_stomp Set a string to null characters. Start at a specified location and sets all characters to null until a null string terminator is reached.
pe_update_checksum Update the checksum in the Beacon DLL Content.

Using User Defined Reflective DLL Loaders

Create/Compile your Reflective Loaders

The User Defined Reflective Loader (UDRL) Kit is the source code for the UDRL example. Go to Help -> Arsenal and download the UDRL Kit (your license key is required).

The following is the Cobalt Strike process for prepping beacons:

  • The BEACON_RDLL_SIZE hook is called when preparing beacons.
    • This gives the user a chance to indicate that more than 5 KB space will be required for their reflective loader.
    • Users can use beacons with space reserved for a reflective loader up to 100 KB.
    • When overriding available reflective loader space in the beacons, the beacons will be much larger. In fact, they will be too large for standard artifacts provided by Cobalt Strike. Users will need to update their process to use customized artifacts with larger reserved space for the larger beacons.

    • This can be used to remove the reflective loader space from the Beacon DLL.

  • Beacons are patched with required settings as payload data.
    • The following are patched into Beacons for UDRL:
      • Listener Settings
      • Some Malleable C2 Settings.

        Using sleepmask and userwx requires a reflective loader capable of creating memory for the .text executable code with RWX permissions, or the beacon will crash when masking/unmasking write protected memory. The default reflective loaders normally handle this.

        Using sleepmask and obfuscate requires a reflective loader capable of removing the 1st 4K block (Header) of the DLL as the header will not be masked.

    • The following is NOT patched into Beacons for UDRL:
      • PE Modifications
  • BEACON_RDLL_GENERATE is normally called. BEACON_RDLL_GENERATE_LOCAL hook is called when:
    • The following determines which is called:
      • Malleable C2 has ".stage.smartinject" set on.
    • Use extract_reflective_loader function to extract the reflective loader.
    • Use setup_reflective_loader function to patch the extracted reflective loader into the reflective loader space in the Beacons.
      • If the loader is too big for the selected beacon, you will see a message like this:
        • Reflective DLL Content length (123456) exceeds available space (5120).
      • Use "BEACON_RDLL_SIZE" to use a beacons with larger Reflective Loaders.
    • There are additional functions available to help inspect and make modifications to the Beacons based on the Reflective Loaders capabilities. For example:
      • Provide obfuscation
      • Patch in addresses for smart inject support
  • Beacons are patched into artifacts.
    • Beacons that have been built with the larger reflective loader space (per "BEACON_RDLL_SIZE" above) will need to be loaded into customized artifacts with space to hold large beacons.
    • Go to Help -> Arsenal from a licensed Cobalt Strike to download the Artifact Kit.
    • See the "stagesize" references in these artifact kit files provided by Cobalt Strike:
      • See "stagesize" references in artifact build script.

      • See "stagesize" references in ‘script.example’

Beacon User Data

Beacon User Data (BUD) is a C-structure that allows Reflective Loaders to pass additional data to Beacons. You can download the beacon.h file. In addition, the udrl-vs kit in the Arsenal Kit includes an example BUD loader.

Passing Beacon User Data

The BUD is passed as a pointer to the Beacon by calling Beacon's DllMain function with a custom reasoning known as DLL_BEACON_USER_DATA (0x0d). The BUD must be given to Beacon before the standard DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH reason is invoked.

Beacon copies necessary values from the BUD during the DLL_USER_DATA call, and therefore it is not required to keep the BUD structure in memory after the call.

Version Number

The first value contained within the BUD structure is the version number. This version number is essential in ensuring backward compatibility between different versions of Beacons and Reflective Loaders since it allows newer Beacons to handle and utilize the older BUD structure without crashing.

The version number uses the following format: 0xMMmmPP, where:

  • MM = Cobalt Strike’s major version number
  • mm = Cobalt Strike’s minor version number
  • PP = Cobalt Strike’s patch version number

For example, 0x040900 translates to version CS 4.9.

System Calls

Beacon User Data allows a Reflective Loader to resolve and pass system call information to Beacon, which overtakes Beacon's default system call resolver. See System Calls to learn more.

Beacon User Data has an SYSCALL_API_ENTRY structure for each supported System Call, and the SYSCALL_API structure holds these entries. The entry contains the following values

  • jmpAddr: The address of the correct System Call instruction depending on system architecture:
    • x64: the syscall instruction
    • WOW64 (32-bit on x64): FastSysCall in WOW64
    • Native x86: KiFastSystemCall
  • sysnum: The System Call number
  • fnAddr: The address of the corresponding Nt* function

The jmpAddr and sysnum values are required for indirect System Calls, and fnAddr is required for direct System Calls. If the value is zero, Beacon falls back to the corresponding WinAPI call.

The user-defined System Call information is skipped if the syscalls fields in the USER_DATA structure points to NULL.

Custom Data

Beacon User Data allows a Reflective Loader to pass a small (32 bytes) data buffer to Beacon. Beacon Object Files (BOFs) can retrieve a pointer to this data with the BeaconGetCustomUserData function.


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