Profile Language
The best way to create a profile is to modify an existing one. Several example profiles are available on Github:
When you open a profile, here is what you will see:
# this is a comment
set global_option "value";
protocol-transaction {
set local_option "value";
client {
# customize client indicators
server {
# customize server indicators
Comments begin with a # and go until the end of the line. The set statement is a way to assign a value to an option. Profiles use { curly braces } to group statements and information together. Statements always end with a semi-colon.
To help all of this make sense, here’s a partial profile:
http-get { set uri "/foobar"; client {
metadata {
prepend "user="; header "Cookie";
This partial profile defines indicators for an HTTP GET transaction. The first statement, set uri, assigns the URI that the client and server will reference during this transaction. This set statement occurs outside of the client and server code blocks because it applies to both of them.
The client block defines indicators for the client that performs an HTTP GET. The client, in this case, is Cobalt Strike’s Beacon payload.
When Cobalt Strike’s Beacon "phones home" it sends metadata about itself to Cobalt Strike. In this profile, we have to define how this metadata is encoded and sent with our HTTP GET request.
The metadata keyword followed by a group of statements specifies how to transform and embed metadata into our HTTP GET request. The group of statements, following the metadata keyword, is called a data transform.
Step | Action | Data | |
0. | Start | metadata | |
1. | base64 | Base64 Encode | bWV0YWRhdGE= |
2. | prepend "user=" | Prepend String | user=bWV0YWRhdGE= |
3. | header "Cookie" | Store in Transaction |
The first statement in our data transform states that we will base64 encode our metadata [1]. The second statement, prepend, takes our encoded metadata and prepends the string user= to it [2]. Now our transformed metadata is "user=" . base64(metadata). The third statement states we will store our transformed metadata into a client HTTP header called Cookie [3]. That’s it.
Both Beacon and its server consume profiles. Here, we’ve read the profile from the perspective of the Beacon client. The Beacon server will take this same information and interpret it backwards. Let’s say our Cobalt Strike web server receives a GET request to the URI /foobar. Now, it wants to extract metadata from the transaction.
Step | Action | Data | |
0. | Start | ||
1. | header "Cookie" | Recover from Transaction | user=bWV0YWRhdGE= |
2. | prepend "user=" | Remove first 5 characters | bWV0YWRhdGE= |
3. | base64 | Base64 Decode | metadata |
The header statement will tell our server where to recover our transformed metadata from [1]. The HTTP server takes care to parse headers from the HTTP client for us. Next, we need to deal with the prepend statement. To recover transformed data, we interpret prepend as remove the first X characters [2], where X is the length of the original string we prepended. Now, all that’s left is to interpret the last statement, base64. We used a base64 encode function to transform the metadata before. Now, we use a base64 decode to recover the metadata [3].
We will have the original metadata once the profile interpreter finishes executing each of these inverse statements.
Data Transform Language
A data transform is a sequence of statements that transform and transmit data. The data transform statements are:
Statement | Action | Inverse |
append "string" | Append "string" | Remove last LEN("string") characters |
base64 | Base64 Encode | Base64 Decode |
base64url | URL-safe Base64 Encode | URL-safe Base64 Decode |
mask | XOR mask w/ random key | XOR mask w/ same random key |
netbios | NetBIOS Encode ‘a’ | NetBIOS Decode ‘a’ |
netbiosu | NetBIOS Encode ‘A’ | NetBIOS Decode ‘A’ |
prepend "string" | Prepend "string" | Remove first LEN("string") characters |
A data transform is a combination of any number of these statements, in any order. For example, you may choose to netbios encode the data to transmit, prepend some information, and then base64 encode the whole package.
A data transform always ends with a termination statement. You may only use one termination statement in a transform. This statement tells Beacon and its server where in the transaction to store the transformed data.
There are four termination statements.
Statement | What |
header "header" | Store data in an HTTP header |
parameter "key" | Store data in a URI parameter |
Send data as transaction body | |
uri-append | Append to URI |
The header termination statement stores transformed data in an HTTP header. The parameter termination statement stores transformed data in an HTTP parameter. This parameter is always sent as part of URI. The print statement sends transformed data in the body of the transaction.
The print statement is the expected termination statement for the http-get.server.output, http- post.server.output, and http-stager.server.output blocks. You may use the header, parameter, print and uri-append termination statements for the other blocks.
If you use a header, parameter, or uri-append termination statement on http-post.client.output, Beacon will chunk its responses to a reasonable length to fit into this part of the transaction.
These blocks and the data they send are described in a later section.
Beacon’s Profile Language allows you to use "strings" in several places. In general, strings are interpreted as-is. However, there are a few special values that you may use in a string:
Value | Special Value |
"\n" | Newline character |
"\r" | Carriage Return |
"\t" | Tab character |
"\u####" | A unicode character |
"\x##" | A byte (e.g., \x41 = ‘A’) |
"\\" | \ |
Headers and Parameters
Data transforms are an important part of the indicator customization process. They allow you to dress up data that Beacon must send or receive with each transaction. You may add extraneous indicators to each transaction too.
In an HTTP GET or POST request, these extraneous indicators come in the form of headers or parameters. Use the parameter statement within the client block to add an arbitrary parameter to an HTTP GET or POST transaction.
This code will force Beacon to add ?bar=blah to the /foobar URI when it makes a request.
http-get {
client {
parameter "bar" "blah";
Use the header statement within the client or server blocks to add an arbitrary HTTP header to the client’s request or server’s response. This header statement adds an indicator to put network security monitoring teams at ease.
http-get {
server {
header "X-Not-Malware" "I promise!";
The Profile Interpreter will Interpret your header and parameter statements In order. That said, the WinINet or WinHTTP (client) and Cobalt Strike web server have the final say about where in the transaction these indicators will appear.
See HTTP Host Profiles for instructions to include customized headers and parameters for specific host names.
You may configure Beacon’s defaults through the profile file. There are two types of options: global and local options. The global options change a global Beacon setting. Local options are transaction specific. You must set local options in the right context. Use the set statement to set an option.
set "sleeptime" "1000";
Here are a few options:
Option | Context | Default Value | Changes |
data_jitter | 0 | Append random-length string (up to data_jitter value) to http-get and http-post server output. | |
headers_remove | Comma-separated list of HTTP client headers to remove from Beacon C2 | ||
host_stage | true | Host payload for staging over HTTP, HTTPS, or DNS. Required by stagers. | |
jitter | 0 |
Default jitter factor (0-99%) This property cannot be used when the sleep option is included in the profile. |
pipename | msagent_## | Default name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon’s peer-to- peer communication. Each # is replaced with a random hex value. | |
pipename_stager | status_## | Name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon’s named pipe stager. Each # is replaced with a random hex value. | |
sample_name | My Profile | The name of this profile (used in the Indicators of Compromise report) | |
sleep |
Default sleep time defined as either:
seconds jitter (e.g. '20 25') This property cannot be used when the sleeptime and jitter options are included in the profile. |
sleeptime | 60000 |
Default sleep time (in milliseconds). This property cannot be used when the sleep option is included in the profile. |
smb_frame_header | Prepend header to SMB Beacon messages | ||
ssh_banner | Cobalt Strike 4.2 | SSH client banner | |
ssh_pipename | postex_ssh_#### | Name of pipe for SSH sessions. Each # is replaced with a random hex value. | |
steal_token_access_mask | Blank/0 (TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS) |
Sets the default used by steal_token beacon command and bsteal_token beacon aggressor script command for the OpenProcessToken functions "Desired Access". Suggestion: use "11" for "TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_QUERY" |
tasks_max_size | 1048576 | The maximum size (in bytes) of task(s) and proxy data that can be transferred through a communication channel at a check in | |
tasks_proxy_max_size | 921600 | The maximum size (in bytes) of proxy data to transfer via the communication channel at a check in. | |
tasks_dns_proxy_max_size | 71680 | The maximum size (in bytes) of proxy data to transfer via the DNS communication channel at a check in. | |
tcp_frame_header | Prepend header to TCP Beacon messages | ||
tcp_port | 4444 | Default TCP Beacon listen port | |
uri | http-get, http-post |
[required option] | Transaction URI |
uri_x86 | http-stager | x86 payload stage URI | |
uri_x64 | http-stager | x64 payload stage URI | |
useragent | Internet Explorer (Random) | Default User-Agent for HTTP comms. | |
verb | http-get, http-post |
GET, POST | HTTP Verb to use for transaction |
client_max_post_get_packet | http-post | 4096 - 65536 Default: 4096 | Controls the amount of file download data that a beacon can process during one cycle (check-in) when using HTTP Posts with the GET verb. |
client_max_post_get_size | http-post | 96 - 4096 Default: 96 | Controls the size of chunked data (data sent per request) when beacon is posting with a GET verb into an HTTP Header. |
client_max_post_post_size | http-post | 1024 - 524288 Default: 524288 | Chunks HTTP posted data (with the POST verb) into multiple smaller requests. |
With the uri option, you may specify multiple URIs as a space separated string. Cobalt Strike’s web server will bind all of these URIs and it will assign one of these URIs to each Beacon host when the Beacon stage is built.
Even though the useragent option exists; you may use the header statement to override this option.
Additional Considerations for the 'task_' Settings
The tasks_max_size, tasks_proxy_max_size,and tasks_dns_proxy_max_size work together to create a data buffer to be transferred to beacon when a check in occurs. When the beacon checks in it requests a list of tasks and proxy data that is ready to be transferred to this beacon and its children. The data buffer starts to fill with task(s) followed by proxy data for the parent beacon. Then it continues this pattern for each child beacon until no more tasks or proxy data is available or the tasks_max_size setting will be exceeded by the next task or proxy data.
The tasks_max_size controls the maximum size in bytes a data buffer filled with tasks and proxy data can be to transfer it to beacon through DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, and Peer-to-Peer communication channels. Most of the time the defaults are fine, however there are occasions when a custom task will exceed the maximum size and cannot be sent. For example, you use the execute-assembly with an executable larger than 1MB in size and the following message is displayed in the team server and beacon consoles.
[TeamServer Console]
Dropping task for 40147050! Task size of 1389584 bytes is over the max task size limit of 1048576 bytes.
[Beacon Console]
Task size of 1389584 bytes is over the max task size limit of 1048576 bytes.
Increasing the tasks_max_size setting will allow this custom task to be sent. However, it will require restarting the team server and generating new beacons as the tasks_max_size is patched into the configuration settings when a beacon is generated and cannot be modified. This setting also affects how much heap memory beacon allocates to process tasks.
Best Practices:
- Determine the largest task size that will be sent to a beacon. This can be done through testing and looking for the message above or investigating your custom objects (executables, dlls, etc) that are used in your engagements. Once this is determined add some extra space to the value. Using the information from the above example use 1572864 (1.5 MB) as the tasks_max_size. The reason to have extra space is because a smaller task may follow the larger task to read the response.
- When the tasks_max_size value is determined update the task_max_size setting in your profile and start the team server and generate your beacon artifacts to deploy on your target systems.
- If your infrastructure requires beacons generated from other team servers to connect with each other through Peer-to-Peer communication channels, then this setting should be updated on all team servers. Otherwise, a beacon will ignore a request when it exceeds its configured size.
- If you are using an ExternaC2 listener an update would be required to support tasks_max_size larger than the default size of 1MB.
When executing a large task avoid queueing it with other tasks, especially if this is being executed on a beacon using peer-to-peer communication channels (SMB and TCP) as it could be delayed for several check ins depending on the number of already queued tasks and proxy data to send. The reason is when a task is added it has a size of X bytes which reduces the total available space available for adding additional tasks. In addition, proxying data through a beacon will also reduce the amount of available space for sending a large task. When a task is delayed the following message is displayed in the team server and beacon consoles.
[Team Server Console]
Chunking tasks for 123! Unable to add task of 787984 bytes as it is over the available size of 260486 bytes. 2 task(s) on hold until next checkin.
[Beacon Console]
Unable to add task of 787984 bytes as it is over the available size of 260486 bytes. 2 task(s) on hold until next checkin.
The tasks_dns_proxy_max_size (DNS channel) and tasks_proxy_max_size (Other channels) controls the size of proxy data in bytes to be sent to beacon. Both settings need to be less than the tasks_max_size setting. It is recommended not to modify these settings as the default sizes are fine. How these settings work is when it is time to add proxy data to the data buffer for a parent beacon it uses the channels proxy_max_size setting minus the current task length, which can be either a positive or negative value. If it is a positive value, then the proxy data will be added up to that value. if it is a negative value the proxy data is skipped for this check in. For a child beacon the proxy_max_size is temporarily reduced based on the available data buffer space left from processing the parent and prior children.